July 2, 2021

Munching on MacNuggets 2

Munching on MacNuggets 2

The Guyz pull back the curtain this week once again on some of their favorite recent Mystic MacNuggets. They encourage everyone to engage with them and share how you might have resonated with the meme. It's a great collaborative effort between them, and always a lot of fun to get a peek at the process! Here's a link to the Mystic MacNuggets talked about in this episode: https://950f91e8-6ae8-4f59-adf1-fa77ffc88a35.usrfiles.com/ugd/950f91_feb25c5697294990b18c32b9f1842e8f.pdf (https://950f91e8-6ae8-4f59-adf1-fa77ffc88a35.usrfiles.com/ugd/950f91_feb25c5697294990b18c32b9f1842e8f.pdf)