In this episode Mac and Stu shake their head a bit at how we all have adventures in missing the point. It’s the old “forest for the trees syndrome”. Often, we don’t even realize it until the adventure takes us to a place we never intended. The first step is to realize you are missing the point. The current environment is ripe for just such excursions. Words of wisdom: Don’t be deceived by things that are “possible” but not very probable. Focus on the “root”(elevating your consciousness) and not on the “fruit” (outcomes). Strike a balance between being and doing. Bring discernment into the decision-making process. Here’s a link if you want to investigate the source of the (Megachurch Pastor Article) discussion. Mac and Stu would love to hear from you on how you are going rogue. The Mystic MacNugget: “Step Aside For What’s Inside” -Sayed Sharukh Tickling your fancy on some upcoming episodes: “My toe shoes have more friends than I do!” Life is not a zero-sum game Student loan forgiveness-blessing, curse, or…?