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I might be acting insane, but my gut has been telling me that I need to make a change, and it's going to be hard.
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It's going to be hard for me to do this, but you know, when your body just screams that you need to do something, you just can't ignore your instincts or saying I need to do this.
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That's what's happening right now.
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So for people that are on the wait list for the tiny marketing club, I'm going to give you a free accelerator that's all summer long.
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So this is what we're going to do the Lean Marketing Strategy, which is my six-step flywheel that we talked about in an episode.
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Let's see 77.
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It's also a part of the masterclass that is available on the Tiny Marketing Club page, which is just sarahnoelblockcom slash club.
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So you know about the lean marketing strategy and my flywheel.
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Well, this summer I'm going to take you through that process in an async way.
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So I've been thinking about this over and over and over again.
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We're busy in the summer, but we also have that space for deep work and at the same time, we need it to be able to fit into a more flex schedule Like.
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I'll give you an example of my life.
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I don't know where I will be living from week to week.
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I travel a lot in the summer.
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My kids have summer camps and they're in multiple summer camps so their start times and end times are always different.
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But I also have a little more space.
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There's a little slowness in the summer that allows me to do deep work.
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So this summer only I can't promise you I will ever offer this again but this summer only I am going to offer you this deep work summer camp where we will build out your lean marketing strategy together as a group.
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It's going to be an audio training.
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Each step in the six-step process will be an audio training.
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We'll have a workbook and you're going to have Voxer one-to-one access to me for the entirety of it.
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And then we'll do with the tiny marketing club.
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We have the bi-weekly or sorry, bi-monthly hot seats, so we'll keep those.
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So if you have hot seat questions as you're going through it, that might make more sense to talk through with the group.
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We'll be able to do that in the hot seats.
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But I'm crazy because I'm launching this alongside the Tiny Marketing Club.
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But I just in my gut feel that you need this.
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You at least need it available to you If you're starting the Tiny Marketing Club and you don't have your strategy set already.
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You need a foundation.
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You can't just jump in willy-nilly.
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You need that foundation.
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So in my masterclasses, the Lean Marketing Strategy masterclasses, which I have available to you, that you can just join for free once a month.
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You can understand what the Lean Marketing Strategy is from that.
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And then I have the strategic spark workshops, which are available quarterly and those are $250 to join those.
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But then we build out as a group what your lean marketing strategy looks like for you personally, looking at your specific dream client, etc.
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And then you get feedback directly from me.
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So it's really hands-on and personalized.
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But right, there is where you get cut off and that doesn't make any sense to me.
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It doesn't make any sense to me because you might also need to launch those things.
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You might need to launch your content platform, you might need to do a little bit deeper work on your dream client that you can't get in a 90-minute workshop.
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So I'm doing this, so I'm doing this audio experience with some live elements tied in there, because this is the best time to do your deep work is in the summer, but you need flexibility to make it work with the life that you live in the summer.
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So I'm excited to offer this to you.
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It's only going to be available to people who are on the waitlist.
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You get access to it.
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It will be part of, like, the pre-sale bonus.
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Okay, so let's reiterate what this will look like.
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It is a six-week container and it will be audio trainings, so you'll get a private podcast feed for each of those six elements.
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It'll be your dream client, your main channel, your core content, your lead generators remember one passive, one active your gateway offer.
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So those are the six elements that we will dive into during this accelerator and you'll have each of those pieces launched in two-week sprints.
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So audio trainings will have a workbook to go with that.
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You'll have Voxer access to me so you could ask questions on the go as you're working on it, and we'll have twice a month, hot seats so you can hop in there, ask your pressing questions.
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And, of course, if you're on this, you're also in the tiny marketing club, because it is an element of it, and there you'll have, you know, 24-7 access to the community of other people who are going through this process with you.
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So that's what it'll look like.
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I realize it's insane to launch those at the same time, but I just feel instinctively like you need this and that this piece would be missing if I didn't do it at the same time.
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So it's happening.
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It's happening in the summer, when you have the space to do deeper work, but you need it flexible.
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So I'm making it very flexible for you, where you could do it anywhere.
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You could do it out in the woods, if you want, you could do it on a plane.
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I want you to be able to do it anyway.
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I just want you to do it, if you know what I mean, because you got to launch these things in order to maintain them and for them to work.
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So, yeah, I'm a little crazy, but that's what I'm doing.
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It's only going to be available to pre sale, which opens tomorrow.
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So get on the list and if you're on the waitlist, you will get the pre-sale emails and you'll get that secret pricing.
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You'll get access to this bonus, lean launch accelerator and all of the other 7,000 and something dollars in bonuses that I'm giving away for founders, like founding members of the Tiny Marketing Club.
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So please get on that list and I will see you tomorrow with actually the first episode of the Uncut Summer series, which is going to make you laugh.
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So I will see you then.