Oct. 6, 2022

How to change the way you think about limits

How to change the way you think about limits

When you Change the way you look at things. The Things you look at begin to change.-- Wayne Dyer No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought, you give power to the thought.-- mooji As always if we...

When you Change the way you look at things. The Things you look at begin to change.-- Wayne Dyer

No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought, you give power to the thought.-- mooji

As always if we want more in any area, it’s not about doing more

it’s about being more


The thoughts you think are true and keep thinking become your beliefs

and your beliefs

drive your actions

your repeated actions build your habits

your habits are the building blocks of your life


Anytime you’re struggling in a given area it is probably because your life is being run by old, outdated beliefs

In this episode we are going to learn how to uncover the beliefs that may be holding you back from what you want and how to let go and release these unhealthy beliefs.