Dec. 1, 2020

Acceptance without Understanding - with Cynthia Fortlage (2 #57)

Acceptance without Understanding - with Cynthia Fortlage (2 #57)

Do you accept yourself or others without always understanding? Meet Cynthia Fortlage, a 30 year Technology Executive and finalist for CIO of the Year (2019) by Women in IT awards, who had an identity crisis a few years ago. She questioned all of her ideas, expectations, and beliefs about who she was in the world. Cynthia used her leadership skills to redefine herself emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, while also navigating her family relationships and friendships. Cynthia gives us the secret of how to live with an open mind as well as heart, and to appreciate the diversity of this modern world.

You can find Cynthia on IG, Twitter, YouTube. LInkedIn, Facebook - free 30 minute consultation for moving forward with your professional life

To create more Real Love in your life, contact me Dawn Richard, on FB/IG/LinkedIn as The Awakening With Dawn.



Dawn Rishárd, M.A.

With 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire.  


I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages, like I did. As an Intuitive healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges.  I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love.

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