March 27, 2024

From Victim to Victor: A Miraculous Journey of Resilience and Transformation

From Victim to Victor: A Miraculous Journey of Resilience and Transformation

In this episode, Dawn speaks to Christopher Rausch on the importance of self-love, taking responsibility, and making conscious choices in life. Christopher shares his inspiring journey from a challenging upbringing to becoming a successful coach and speaker. He emphasizes the power of having a strong "why" to drive personal growth and change. Their conversation delves into forgiveness, self-care, and the impact of taking imperfect action to create positive transformations. 


  • Self-love is the foundation for personal growth and success. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and self-love in order to make positive changes in life.

  • It is important to take action, even if it is not perfect. Progress comes from taking steps forward, even if they are small or imperfect.

  • Forgiveness and gratitude are powerful tools for personal growth. Forgiving oneself and others, and finding gratitude in challenging experiences, can lead to healing and growth.

  • Having open and honest conversations, setting boundaries, and proactively addressing issues in relationships can lead to positive changes and growth.

  • Investing in personal development, such as coaching, masterminds, or self-improvement resources, can lead to significant growth and positive changes in life.


"You can come back from anything and I've come back from a lot."

"When you stay comfortable, you don't grow. You don't grow, you stay stagnant."

"Real love is knowing the core of a person and loving them anyway."

"If you're looking to be upset, if you're looking to be frustrated, if you're looking to be angry, if you're looking for all that sh*t, you're gonna find it."


Dawn Rishárd, M.A. with 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire. I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages as I did. As an Intuitive Healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges. I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love.