Aug. 14, 2024

Navigating Responsibility and Agency in Relationships

Navigating Responsibility and Agency in Relationships

In this episode, Dawn speaks to Robin Smith on the topics of love, relationships, and communication techniques. Robin, an expert trauma and relationship coach, shares insights on creating conscious connections and transforming relationships. Their conversation delves into the importance of taking responsibility, using "I" statements, and understanding one's emotions and body sensations. Robin emphasizes the significance of self-awareness, humility, and effective communication in fostering healthy relationships.


  • Humility is essential in taking responsibility for our actions and reactions in relationships. It allows for self-reflection and growth.

  • Communicate effectively by using "I" statements to express feelings and thoughts without blaming or accusing the other person.

  • Recognize and validate your own feelings and bodily sensations as they are your own experience and are unarguable.

  • Take ownership of your interpretations and reactions, rather than placing blame on others. This empowers you to make conscious choices in your responses.

  • Develop self-awareness of your triggers, patterns, and emotional responses to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.


"I was a born entrepreneur. I would sell stuff to my neighbors and make money and buy stuff for myself as a kid."

"Traditional yogis are vegetarian. They practice non-violence toward other beings, But the yogic lifestyle is really one of honoring life and, and valuing life force energy. The prana is the life force."

"Our triggers don't disappear, but they're not as strong or intense for us. So, maybe we're more choiceful about how we respond to them, but something happens and emotions come, you know, you don't get to choose what emotion comes out."

"Don't you tell me what I'm feeling or not feeling in my body. This is what's true. It's unarguable. This is my emotion. And those are unarguable. Now, if somebody starts arguing with your emotions and your body sensations, then again, that's like they're not allowing you to have your own experience, like you said."


Dawn Rishárd, M.A. with 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire. I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages as I did. As an Intuitive Healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges. I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love.