Aug. 28, 2024

Reparenting the Soul and Nurturing the Inner Muse

Reparenting the Soul and Nurturing the Inner Muse

Toay, Dawn discusses the theme of love, relationships, and self-discovery with Dr. Gary Wohlman. Dr. Gary shares his own journey of transformation and self-empowerment, highlighting the importance of embracing one's own creativity and inner strength. Through anecdotes from his life, including multiple marriages and experiences with personal growth, Dr. Gary emphasizes the significance of being one's own beloved and finding fulfilment from within. 


  • Dr. Gary Wohlman emphasizes the importance of being your own best partner and finding fulfilment within oneself before seeking it externally.

  • Taking small steps towards change and growth can build confidence and lead to bigger transformations over time.

  • Dr. Gary's experiences show that leaping into the unknown can bring about new opportunities and growth, even if initial attempts may not succeed.

  • Reparenting oneself and becoming one's own beloved can lead to a deeper sense of self-acceptance and fulfilment.

  • By committing to rituals of emotion through creativity, one can find a sense of love, lover, and beloved within themselves, leading to a fulfilling and self-sustaining journey.


"My improvisational skills as the jester switched and transformed to helping people who are stuck, whether they're stuck in personal relationships, stuck in a job, stuck in a box, to come out of the box and to free them to be fully expressive through my improvisational skills."

"My mom and dad wanted to protect me from having an insecure career. They wanted me to have an intellectually professional career where I'd run a company or anything, be a doctor or lawyer, whatever. And then when I came out as a court jester, they basically said, we sent you to the best camps, the best schools, what did we do wrong?"

"This is the kind of teacher I want to work with. Someone who is willing to share their pain, not just their joy, not just Moses with the sacred tablets coming down from the mountain saying, this is your commandments."

"I'm at a stage that I'm really appreciating being my own best partner, as I never was able to before, because I was always hungry for this muse, that woman, to replace a certain feeling of emptiness inside."


Dawn Rishárd, M.A. with 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire. I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages as I did. As an Intuitive Healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges. I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love.