
Dec. 21, 2022

Spark Your Leadership Side With Scott Donnell

Show Notes: - Where Scott grew up - What his childhood looked like - What his dream was, and if he was able to make it come true - His inspiration - The achievements he’s most proud of Connect with Scott Donnell: Website : ht...
Dec. 16, 2022

Keep Thriving Until You Succeed With Andrew McConnell

Show Notes: - Everything Andrew accomplished through the years - What it was like going to Harvard and if that’s what he really wanted - How he was able to refocus his vision despite all the distractions - Stoicism, and how a...
Dec. 14, 2022

Experience Rapid Growth With Chris Ross

Show Notes: - What the difference is between truth and illusion - Importance of asking questions - Where he grew up - Things he learned/experienced in the past - What made him the person he is today Connect with Chris Ross: W...
Dec. 9, 2022

Do What You Have To Do And Be Awesome With Erik "Mr. Awesome" Swanson

Show Notes: - What awesomeness means to Erik - His passion and what motivates him - The life he had before he started his career path - Who pushed and inspired him to be a better person - How he finds awesomeness in people Co...
Dec. 7, 2022

Get Empowered and Start Leveling Up With Tom Matzen

Show Notes: - What Tom has gone through in the past - His inspiration to get better at what he does - How he made everything possible despite his setbacks - His goal of empower entrepreneurs - Why you should invest in yoursel...
Dec. 2, 2022

Having an Unending Curiosity Leads to Success with Martha Krejci

Show Notes: - Starting work in the digital world - Balancing work and being with your family - Venturing early in SEO and commerce - Not using a “safety net” - Teaching and training people to build their personal brand Connec...
Nov. 30, 2022

Working Toward Great Results Through Consistency and Ingenuity with Devin Johnson

Show Notes: - Raising capital in Tech - Consistency in entrepreneurship - Results trump all - Devin’s childhood and his entrepreneurial journey - The concept behind Kennected Connect with Devin Johson: Website : http://www.de...
Nov. 25, 2022

Redefining Your Brand by Rising Above The Noise with David Brier

Show Notes: - David’s childhood and growing up around a mix of different cultures - His definition of creativity & his creative process - His branding process for clients - Establishing a point of difference in value and resu...
Nov. 23, 2022

Anchoring Yourself to a Soul-Centered Life Through Life Purpose and Evolution with Luke Iorio

Show Notes: - Luke’s anchoring soul-centered journey - Living from the core out - Finding inner balance and peace - Life purpose & evolution - Helping others get in touch with spirituality through their own experience - His t...
Nov. 18, 2022

Building Better Habits By Reframing Our Minds and Regulating Our Emotions with Dr. Jon Finn

Show Notes: - Habits as automatic or semi-automatic behavior - Verbal Persuasion and Behavioral Science - Dr. Jon’s cataclysmic moments that led him to study people’s habits - Practicing emotional regulation to predict your r...
Nov. 16, 2022

Building Meaningful Communities Through App Development with Cody Harvey

Show Notes: - Cody’s career journey and surrounding himself with the right people - Emphasizing relationship capital - His memorable and meaningful mentor story - Who adds value to you and who you can add value back to - 3 ty...
Nov. 11, 2022

Building Value in Businesses by Innovating Remote Work with Rob Rawson

Show Notes: - Rob exploring his entrepreneurial streak during his medical profession - How he got into tech and software - His key to success in being a good affiliate marketer - Venturing into creating assets and building va...
Nov. 9, 2022

Passionately Pursuing The Solopreneur Life By Redefining The Future with Connor O’Hara

Show Notes: - Connor’s childhood in Charleston, North Carolina, and working from a young age - Starting different businesses and exploring jobs - The party life and networking in bars - Venturing into solopreneurship - From b...
Nov. 4, 2022

Making A Comeback And Achieving Success By Consistently Showing Up with Kristina Krykhtin

Show Notes: - Kristina’s childhood in Belarus and her family’s move to America - Her cataclysmic moments and how she applies the lessons she has learned - Building her marriage as well as a business with her ex-husband - Refl...
Nov. 2, 2022

Finding Passion and Purpose by Learning Through Failures and Being “Care-frontational” with Chris Ryan

Show Notes: - Everyone has to find their calling and purpose - Creating opportunities and value for those who need it - The greatest learnings come from failures - Gratitude during great times and rough times - Building relat...
Oct. 28, 2022

Making An Impact By Serving Others In Meaningful and Creative Ways with Evan Carmichael

Show Notes: - Evan’s decision to be an entrepreneur at 19 - Doing something meaningful and important to serve others - His speaking journey and transition to venture capital business - Evan’s thoughts on consistency - Focusin...
Oct. 26, 2022

Empowering Women's Financial Stability Through Relentless Forward Motion with Laura Hearn

Show Notes: - How Laura’s business startup came about - Being a badass woman and supporting other women for a greater purpose - Building each other up and being surrounded by greatness - Her childhood and her immigrant upbrin...
Oct. 21, 2022

Unleashing Your Humble Alpha Through Strategy Development and Relationship-Building with Steven Kuhn

Show Notes: - The responsibility that resides within - Releasing expectations of a specific outcome - Steven’s upbringing and finding his confidence - His life mission of creating value to elevate others to a higher frequency...
Oct. 19, 2022

Finding Your Purpose and Tapping The Genius Within with Mike Zeller

Show Notes: - Mike’s obsession with tapping other people’s genius - His life's purpose for pursuing his quest - The lessons he learned from his businesses - Mike’s zone of genius - The concept of his book “The Genius Within” ...
Oct. 14, 2022

Overcoming Adversity and Building A Successful Life with Marisa Padilla

Show Notes: - Marisa’s magic when it comes to selling real estate - Her go-to tactic to get out of a sales slump - How communication equals success - Her catalytic life moments and how Marisa saw the light in the dark - Accou...
Oct. 12, 2022

Achieving Financial Freedom and Building Wealth with Mike Bishop

Show Notes: - How Mike got interested in financial freedom - Blending his passions in real estate and personal financing & investing - His thought process for real estate investing and syndication - Building credibility throu...
Oct. 7, 2022

Elevating Brands Through A Collaborative Community With Corinna Bellizzi and Julie Lokun

Show Notes: - How Julie and Corinna met and started their business - Podcasting as a collaborative and community-oriented effort - Their National Security Adviser connection - Catalytic moments that led to their breakthroughs...
Oct. 5, 2022

Creating Massive Changes Through Persuasive Communication with Connor Boyack

Show Notes: - Connor’s skills set in persuasive communication - How the Libertas Institute helps create change - His mission of liberating people - His writing process and how he became a prolific writer - The concept behind ...
Sept. 30, 2022

Having a Solutions-Based Mindset in the World of Business with Tony Gaines

Show Notes: - How Tony started in business - Having a “don’t bring me the problem, bring me the solution” mindset - His perception of money when it comes to business - The reasons why he leaves companies - How he handles and ...