COVID 19 has now changed the way some of us work now for a couple of weeks. While the shock hasn't worn off and the loss of life will never stop being a shock for us. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are suffering. The sad reality is that businesses will now start to focusing on how to continue to do what they were created for - exist to create wealth. They create wealth through their employees and suppliers and that is where you come in.
Whether you like it or not, things will never be quite the same again. Malcolm Gladwell in his book the tipping point talks about a point when things that have been a while coming finally reach that point of mass adoption. The fact is online ordering has always been there. Meetings online have always been there. Working from home has always been there. Running a complete organisation online profitably has always been there. The difference is that businesses now know that it can be done at scale with the whole company.
A digital and technological driven economy and company also means a more efficient company where there is no where to hide and you have to add value.
Knowledge is power. I have done the research and I'm going to be sharing with you what the businesses will be focusing on so you have the inside scoop and are ready.
I spoke a lot about expectations in my very first podcast and never has it been so true. In these times when businesses are keeping an eye on costs, this is not a time to be wasting time on the wrong thing. This is the time to get it right.
Here is my tip to you in any web conference call or engagement with suppliers or customers or colleagues
- Be clear on what you want to say. Practice it in your head. There is no benefit of body language for someone to read. People will switch off if you don’t have anything of value to say. Keep it short and sweet.
- At the end of every meeting or phone call - play back what you have been asked to do OR what you are asking them to do. Make sure you are clear you understand and they are agree. Feel free to email them or talk to them privately to confirm
- Role and responsibility - these are fluid times. If you need to have a chat with your boss to confirm what is their highest priority then do it. This is a time to maintain closeness not to be distant
- Transparency - Make sure you find a way to let everyone know what you are working on. Let everyone know how you are progressing. Let everyone know your challenges and risks. This is not a time to hide but a time to risk and shine.
- Your Voice - You have to learn to speak with authority on the call. You have to project your voice. You have to know what you are saying.
- Flexibility - You have to learn how to do what needs to be done to get the job done. These are times which demand flexibility
- Collaboration - Learn how to work collaboratively with others using technology. Whatever tool your organisation uses, find a way to make the best of it. This isn't a time to be negative. It’s a time to be productive and positive.
- Caring - In all of this, some of the basics will be lost. Learn to chat with people just like you would in the office. Water cooler chat. At the very least it reminds people you exist, it builds good will and you can provide emotional support to each other. We are still a community even if we are online.