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It’s like Therapy…
Sarah always has such great topics to discuss and I love how dives right in. I love the podcast she did with Jamie about Step Moms. I felt like I was able to get some great tips and I felt heard when so often I feel misunderstood or lonely. Authenticity is what makes this podcast so good. Thank you Sarah!

Why does she talk over all her guests? Why does she talk about herself instead of showing interest in her guests? She really thinks she’s the most interesting person in the world. Meanwhile she’s very annoying and quite boring. No thanks.

Can we leave negative stars?
Girly you did not lose 10k followers bc you opened up about mental health. You lost those followers because people are starting to see right through you. You’re trying to monetize and use mental health for content and people are over it.

Love the pod!
I love the content and your guests. I look forward to Mondays every week. One quick note: I’d love to hear guests talk without interruption. I’m a little distracted as you’re agreeing with them as they’re talking. In normal conversation, that’s totally natural! However, on this type of media those disruptions take you out of the moment.

Honest. Relatable. Life Giving.
I’m so thankful for finally taking the plunge into this podcast as it has been such a fulfilling experience. Sarah is so honest and relatable and her guests are wonderful.

Built In Best Friend
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this podcast! Listening to Sarah and wide variety of friends makes me feel like I’m sitting down with my best friends catching up on life. With me being a single, child free woman in her mid 30s Sarah still makes me feel included in all of the weekly topics. I can say whole heartedly this podcast has changed my life for the better. Thank you for everything you do ❤️

A podcast that truly validates you
I continue to stay a huge fan of this podcast because it is so relatable. Sarah has a range of topics that I always relate to. Through her expert interviewing skills, reflection, and her selection of guests, I feel so validated and heard. You can tell this podcast is a passion for Sarah and her words come from the heart! Also please please please- I would love more episodes with neighbor Becci! You two complement each other so well snd are fun to listen to! Thank you so much Sarah for providing this space for us to learn, grow,and be validated! I love all the guests that have been coming on to the podcast!💛

Pretty good
I like Sarah and the content and guests. I get so frustrated listening to this podcast because there are so many ads, and just when I’m getting back into the conversation after it was cut off for an ad, another ad begins. I really want to be supportive, and I know ads support the podcast, however, it takes a lot of patience to listen to an episode. The content is great, and this pod would be my go to if it wasn’t for all the ad interruptions. Updated to add that I tried this podcast again because I was interested in the topic for this week. Sarah should leave room for her guests to talk. She’s often speaking so much and for so long that’s is hardly a conversation, just more of the guest waiting for her to stop talking so they can get a word in. I would have loved to hear more about what Irene Fehr had to say, but most of the episode was Sarah talking about her relationship and her experience, and not enough of what people came for, which is to hear from Irene.

Perfectly imperfect
I love Sarah, she doesn’t pretend. We’re all out here just trying to figure it out and she’s created a safe space for all of us to feel like we’re all in this together & no one is better than the next. I also love lemme 🤍

Katie Maloney
Just listened to your podcast with Katie and I’m wondering why nobody has ever asked her if she regrets IGNORING every red flag that was waving in her face before marrying Tom. He put her last before she gave him an ultimatum to marry her and cheated on her at least twice that she actually found out about. It’s hard to feel bad for someone when she divorced the SAME man that she married. Also if you don’t want to be scrutinized by the public then don’t be a reality TV star. That comes with the ridiculous large paychecks that she doesn’t mind cashing. Also hard to feel sorry for a known mean girl and bully that is crying about being bullied. Takes one to know one.

Love it
I tend to not like most podcasts because I find the voice of the person annoying, or topics get dull. Sarah has such a lovely voice and just shines so bright through her Instagram and podcast. I love how real and honest she is while maintaining a level of positivity without vearing into toxic positivity.

Crime junkies :(
So Britt actually did have a major medical event and has been MIA from the podcast for weeks should probably do some research before making fun of her. :(

I love this podcast. Sarah’s voice is a delight, her guests are inspiring, and I feel like I’m just hanging out with a friend when I’m listening.

I am forever honored to be a listener of this podcast! I feel like Sarah and guests are right in the room with me!

Genuine Conversations in Every Episode
Sarah does an amazing job with every episode. Her interviews and conversations are so genuine and down to Earth. My favorite ones are with her closest friends and family. Every episode will leave a warm, supportive feeling in you.

Messy ad breaks
I wish I could listen to this podcast more since I’m a huge fan of Sarah and her message, but the ad breaks are so horribly cut in. I don’t know who is doing the editing but it’s awful. They come in at random, mid sentence, at the tail end of a thought - it is so disjointed and annoying that I’ve stopped listening. It makes for such a poor listening experience sadly.

These conversations are everything. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

I found a safe space in Sarah and the Papaya Podcast. 🖤
I have struggled with disordered eating and body dysmorphia my whole life. I first found Sarah on IG and which led me to this podcast. Each episode is such a breath of fresh air and makes me feel like I’m not alone. Love this show so much! 🖤 -Sheena

The one where I review the podcast (finally!)
I am currently binging this PodCast and I gotta say that Sarah is entertaining, thoughtful, and fun to listen to! Her guests are not run of the mill PodCast guests which is a breath of fresh air. Thanks Sarah Nicole/Birds Papaya!!

Awesome podcast!
Sarah, host of the Papaya podcast, highlights all aspects of wellness, health and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!

Nothing Papaya
I wanted papaya information and all I got was lady crap. No fun

I started listening to this podcast about a week and a half ago. I have listen to this podcast while I’m driving home, cooking, cleaning, working, pretty much whenever I’m not around other people. This podcast has taught me about issues that have never been on my radar. This podcast has made me feel like a whole different person. It has opened my eyes to the view myself in a positive light. For so long I have hated what I have looked like in the mirror and I can say with this podcast it has been a force to help me change that. I have never felt more empowered. I definitely recommend this podcast to everyone and anyone willing to listen!

This was the most enjoyable podcast so far. I love both of you and enjoyed you together even more.

Too many ads/sponsors
I like the content. But there’s just way too many “let’s take a quick break” and here’s an ad for this and then another.

Great guest variety; Sarah is fun and down to earth
I love a podcast that constantly throws interesting guests at its listeners rather than harping on the same topics over and over again. Along with holding my interest, Sarah is down to earth as an interviewer. It comes through that she's easy to talk to and that she's genuinely interested in what her guests have to say.

Shane was so condescending I couldn’t help but cringe when he would correct you.

So bummed with Shane.
Love following you on Instagram and just started listening to your podcast. I’ve seen Shane a few different times in your story - BUT listening to how he spoke to you on the podcast was NOT okay. Very condescending and correcting you every chance he could. This might just be your marriage dynamic, but it is NOT okay. It certainly explains a lot about your insecurities.

Love episode with Shane! His voice is the best!
Loved episode with Shane! He has the best voice!

If I could give 100 stars I would
This podcast is an absolute standout! I am 23 year old figuring out her life, never been pregnant, not a mom, but relate to every single episode and IG post. So thankful for Sarah and her tireless efforts to help women, men, everyone feel understood. I’ve learned about a ton of topics from a ton of guests, but I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is how to change my language in conversation to be more inclusive, sensitive, and understanding. KEEP DOING YOU! All the love to you and your family!

Shane is a gem!
Gosh we need more Shane!!