July 31, 2024

# 97 Escape the Matrix: The Path to Prosperity, Personal Autonomy, and No Taxes

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In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the world of personal sovereignty and financial autonomy with Brandon Joe Williams, an author, negotiable instruments attorney, and foreign national of The Amnesty Coalition. Brandon challenges conventional understandings of law and government, offering insights into wealth creation, debt discharge, and the intricate mechanisms of personal freedom. Throughout the episode, we explore mind-bending concepts about the United States as a corporation, the hidden implications of birth certificates, and the real meaning of citizenship. Prepare to have your mind expanded and your paradigms shifted as Brandon reveals strategies for escaping the matrix of unnecessary taxes and restrictive laws.

Timeline Highlights

  • [00:00] - Explosive Start: Questioning taxpayer identity.
  • [01:00] - Unveiling the Matrix: U.S. as a corporation.
  • [03:00] - Brandon’s Journey: From attorney to renegade.
  • [05:00] - Going Public: Launching a groundbreaking website.
  • [10:00] - Naturalization Revelation: The power of naturalization.
  • [20:00] - Decoding Legal Jargon: Hidden truths in U.S. Code.
  • [30:00] - Power of Words: Mastering legal definitions.
  • [45:00] - Citizens vs. Nationals: The crucial difference.
  • [55:00] - Becoming a Vapor: Becoming untouchable by legal systems.

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.699
Oh my Lord.

00:00:01.719 --> 00:00:05.700
I am doing screaming, doing backflips.

00:00:05.730 --> 00:00:05.900

00:00:06.762 --> 00:00:11.259
Who in the freak are you calling a taxpayer, bro?

00:00:11.740 --> 00:00:15.460
Because if they say taxpayer and you don't rebut it, that's also a little bit dangerous.

00:00:15.589 --> 00:00:16.870
Excuse me, Mr.

00:00:16.870 --> 00:00:19.429
Person who is subject to internal revenue tax.

00:00:19.608 --> 00:00:23.408
And you go, yes, do you see what would you like to say they're a good friend?

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And they go, so you do admit it.

00:00:26.411 --> 00:00:27.931
It's way beyond jurisdiction.

00:00:28.012 --> 00:00:29.931
I mean, you are literally a vapor.

00:00:29.961 --> 00:00:32.465
How can you imprison a vapor?

00:00:33.104 --> 00:00:33.255

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So I feel like we scrambled everybody's brains All right.

00:00:39.274 --> 00:00:41.374
Welcome to the New Age Human Podcast today.

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We're talking with Brandon, Joe Williams, who is an author, negotiable instruments, attorney and foreign national of The Amnesty Coalition.

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Brandon empowers individuals to question conventional understanding of law, and he provides insights on wealth creation, debt discharge, and personal sovereignty.

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Now, as a disclosure, this is not legal advice and expect more explicit language in this episode.

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You have been warned.

00:01:08.243 --> 00:01:10.164
Brief overview of what we're talking about.

00:01:10.424 --> 00:01:16.774
The United States of America is a corporation and we have been employees ever since that corporation was created.

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We will touch on this in the episode, so don't worry.

00:01:19.724 --> 00:01:22.274
And yes, your birth certificate is part of this.

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since the restructuring of our country after the civil war, this system of control has been in place, largely unnoticed by the public until recently, if this sounds insane.

00:01:33.463 --> 00:01:34.384
I'm right there with you.

00:01:34.444 --> 00:01:47.224
This episode is to help demystify these claims and give you a head start into accessing true freedom and escaping the matrix of unnecessary taxes, laws, and increasing attack on our personal prosperity.

00:01:47.603 --> 00:01:55.603
For those who prefer a visual aid, we recommend watching the video version of this episode, which is available on both the website and on YouTube.

00:01:56.135 --> 00:02:02.566
The video includes visual references that can help clarify some of the more complex concepts that we're discussing.

00:02:02.796 --> 00:02:07.896
But don't worry, the audio version will provide you with all the valuable information that you need.

00:02:08.186 --> 00:02:13.306
So, with that said, buckle your seatbelts, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye.

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Let's get to the show.

00:02:17.747 --> 00:02:22.578
All right, Brandon, Joe Williams, welcome to the show.

00:02:22.578 --> 00:02:23.177
How's it going, man?

00:02:23.818 --> 00:02:24.568

00:02:24.568 --> 00:02:25.418
How are you doing?

00:02:25.957 --> 00:02:27.048
I'm doing pretty good.

00:02:27.388 --> 00:02:29.397
It's hot over here in Connecticut.

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I know you're in Cali.

00:02:30.747 --> 00:02:32.957
I don't know if it's, is it really hot over there right now?

00:02:33.117 --> 00:02:33.578
Oh yeah.

00:02:33.598 --> 00:02:36.467
It's a dry heat, so it's not too bad, but it's definitely hot.

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It's probably 95 or something.

00:02:38.407 --> 00:02:51.483
I think the last time I was in California, I was in San Francisco where it's just The elevation gets nuts and people were telling me sometimes it, the temperature changes like 10, 20 degrees, depending on where you are at a given time.

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I'm not sure if you go out that way, but I thought that was interesting.

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I've crazy enough living in LA for a total of 15 years or something like that.

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I've never been to San Francisco, which I know is, is batshit crazy.

00:03:03.163 --> 00:03:06.342
I was broke most of the time I've been living out here.

00:03:06.342 --> 00:03:10.663
So, uh, but anyways, I will definitely be going to San Fran at some point in time.

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Well, I mean, I grew up.

00:03:13.237 --> 00:03:17.298
In new york and connecticut and I still haven't visited the statue of liberty.

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So there's that All right.

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So today for everybody that's listening, we're going to be going into some very interesting subject matter.

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It's going to blow your brain Brandon has a very interesting background Where you've been diving into a lot of law and a lot of it has been freeing ourselves from the matrix So to speak And so a lot of us listening are used to thinking outside the box when it comes to like metaphysics and stuff, but, um, this is actually very grounding of a subject, but then at the same time, it's very out of the box and it's kind of hard to describe where it would sit, you know, like it's grounding, but at the same time, I'm like, someone would tell me.

00:03:58.771 --> 00:03:59.322
You're crazy.

00:03:59.322 --> 00:04:01.382
I'm like, no, this, this is actually real.

00:04:01.442 --> 00:04:08.162
I mean, uh, in the beginning of this whole deal, how, uh, what was it like when you started to try to share this?

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I didn't, uh, I was, I was, uh, mouse church mouse quiet about it for about six months.

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And then, uh, by the time I was ready to share it, uh, is when I launched the website.

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So when I launched the website, that was when I started sharing the information.

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I mean, prior to that point, nuts, there was very little sharing that was attempted.

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That's interesting because I know people that fall into this information.

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We're going to get into it and they start telling people and you did the exact opposite, but.

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On top of that, you just went hardcore into educating the masses, which is very interesting.

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You went from zero to a hundred real quick.

00:04:53.591 --> 00:05:09.072
By the time I was ready to start talking about it, Oh yeah, I mean it was, It was, the course was launched, Or I'm sorry, not the course, the website, Which was only text based at that time, we didn't have any branding, We didn't have the logo, we didn't have the, Uh, it was just branded Joe Williams.

00:05:09.541 --> 00:05:10.391
One stupid fuck.

00:05:10.391 --> 00:05:12.031
com, but there was no logo.

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There was no pickles.

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There was no, none of that.

00:05:15.072 --> 00:05:23.901
Um, in the free contract killer course, you can actually see that original version of the website when I'm reading it in the course, that's actually the original version.

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Um, and then for that was March 14th of 2022.

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And then for, uh, three months, I did nothing but expand and rewrite and correct the website over and over again, like every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.

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And then in, in, in June, May, June, and then very, very early July, July 2nd of 2022.

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So may and June, I was shooting all the video for, uh, the free contract killer course, and then July 2nd, 2022 is when I launched the free contract killer course.

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And then by August I start, I hired a publicist and I was getting on podcasts.

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And by the end of 2022, I was doing five or six shows a week, all around two, three hours each.

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And that continued from about.

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October or November of 2022, all the way until maybe two or three months ago, I started to cut down on five or six shows a week because, um, all the litigation stuff that I'm currently involved in is very taxing and it just kind of was becoming a bit.

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Too much for me.

00:06:42.942 --> 00:06:48.281
Um, so I backed off on the shows in order to focus more on the litigation.

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And then now the litigation sort of cooling down, but I'm building 12 or 13 new cases that'll be, uh, filed within the next probably 60, 70 days.

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So that's the kind of like the timeline.

00:07:01.002 --> 00:07:05.971
And then by the time I started doing lots of shows and the contract, of course, was out by about August, September.

00:07:07.081 --> 00:07:12.002
Of 2022, that's when we started to see some serious uptick.

00:07:12.021 --> 00:07:18.312
So if you look at my graph all the way from the beginning, it was like 300 people a month for coming to the website for the first three months.

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So it's just like way down at the bottom and then the free course.

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And then we have this huge upshift and then I start going on all the podcasts and then we have a huge upshift and then it just literally just goes up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, all the way through to 2024.

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And then by 2024, we've been right around 80, 000 a month to the website every single month.

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Uh, like clockwork.

00:07:42.807 --> 00:07:43.976
That's a lot of eyeballs, man.

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So let's, let's go into, um, I think everybody would appreciate learning about how you found out about changing your status and how you felt about that.

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Because once you learn about this, there's a lot of confusion, doubt, and excitement all in one bubble.

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00:08:04.562 --> 00:08:06.901
Um, so I'm actually curious, like how that happened for you.

00:08:06.901 --> 00:08:08.081
I have an idea.

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I remember listening to one or two of the other podcasts, but, uh, I would love the audience to get a feel for your experience.

00:08:16.372 --> 00:08:30.201
Yeah, I had a landscaping company that I've had for a while now, and I just, uh, I just walked away from it recently, actually, about a week, a week, 10 days ago, I stepped, stepped down as a trustee, um, just due to way too much going on right now.

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Um, and, um, When I first took over that company, it was very, very stressed.

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It was in all sorts of disarray and it was, it was actually a structure as a corporation.

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And, um, so the employment development department, which is the, the payroll mafia of California.

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Decided they wanted to trespass onto one of my, uh, job sites that was actually at a client's home.

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So they were actually trespassing on their property and, and, and also sort of, uh, illegally interrogating my staff.

00:09:05.307 --> 00:09:18.517
Uh, I don't call my, the people who work inside the trust, uh, employees, cause that's actually a very, uh, strange term when you actually go down the rabbit hole, I actually call them performers, sort of like what you would call like a entertainer.

00:09:19.397 --> 00:09:22.086
And, uh, I just, they're just people who perform.

00:09:22.126 --> 00:09:23.537
That's the definition of a performer.

00:09:24.267 --> 00:09:29.346
Um, so if anyone asks, do you have any employees and what employees and I, Oh, I don't have any employees.

00:09:29.547 --> 00:09:30.057

00:09:30.537 --> 00:09:31.307
You can go away now.

00:09:31.866 --> 00:09:32.667
I have performers.

00:09:33.017 --> 00:09:34.287
Oh, you mean like entertainers?

00:09:34.287 --> 00:09:34.746
I mean, nope.

00:09:35.057 --> 00:09:36.746
People who perform on behalf of my trust.

00:09:37.152 --> 00:09:37.432
That's it.

00:09:38.432 --> 00:09:39.381
Very simple, right?

00:09:40.412 --> 00:09:42.312
So not trustees either.

00:09:42.951 --> 00:09:44.331
So they say are they trustees?

00:09:44.361 --> 00:09:46.792
No, and then by that point they're so confused.

00:09:46.792 --> 00:09:48.282
They usually just go away, which is fantastic.

00:09:49.121 --> 00:10:07.251
But um, the the The employment development department decided they wanted to send me a very large bill that they manufactured and pulled straight out of their asshole and That is where this story began because I had a very close friend of mine.

00:10:07.251 --> 00:10:17.927
I still he still works there and he And, uh, another friend of mine, another friend of mine, three really close friends working for this trust, uh, landscaping and,

00:10:17.927 --> 00:10:25.876
uh, right there real quick, I'm actually noticing that you already had a good handle on verbiage and words before you getting into this.

00:10:26.326 --> 00:10:37.736
Cause I'm thinking you had changed your status before what you were doing, what you were doing at that point, because you, you're, you're like, oh, um, I didn't have employees that had performers.

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So you were already working with, no, I didn't

00:10:39.917 --> 00:10:41.136
rename that until later.

00:10:42.476 --> 00:10:42.976
All this

00:10:42.976 --> 00:10:44.086
happened around that time.

00:10:44.096 --> 00:10:47.917
I was like, going to different accountants and lawyers, and they were telling me to just make a payment plan.

00:10:47.917 --> 00:10:50.697
And I was telling them, like, fuck you, why would I make a payment plan, it doesn't make any sense.

00:10:51.456 --> 00:10:54.006
And that's when I figured out about trusts versus corporations.

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And then I opened a trust.

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And then I got the EIN number for the trust.

00:10:59.057 --> 00:11:00.076
And then I opened the bank accounts.

00:11:00.076 --> 00:11:06.136
And then I moved all the cash and all the credit card transactions and everything into the trust.

00:11:06.876 --> 00:11:09.027
And then I told the EDD to go fuck themselves.

00:11:09.277 --> 00:11:12.437
Um, and they sent me a couple of threatening letters.

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I sent them a couple of threatening letters and then they just went away.

00:11:15.096 --> 00:11:21.576
Um, but, but I didn't really Even after that experience didn't really totally know everything.

00:11:21.586 --> 00:11:24.496
I didn't know a lot of things.

00:11:24.777 --> 00:11:38.366
I just knew that now I had a trust A non statutory trust which means a trust that isn't open to the governmental Umbrella I didn't go to the government to register.

00:11:38.496 --> 00:11:43.076
I didn't get it from the government It's uh, it was open between myself and some friends.

00:11:43.086 --> 00:12:00.356
So, um Yeah, it's a interesting situation because when you get the trust all set up, that was my first experience, then these government agencies, such as the IRS or anybody else, they can't, they can't touch it, they can't get into it, they can't even see it anymore.

00:12:00.576 --> 00:12:02.726
It becomes invisible to the radars entirely.

00:12:02.726 --> 00:12:04.106

00:12:04.486 --> 00:12:04.506

00:12:04.876 --> 00:12:08.067
So when I found out about this and I did this, I was like, wow, this is pretty interesting.

00:12:08.067 --> 00:12:15.206
And then by the time I had completed that, and I had already transferred everything into a non statutory private irrevocable trust, and I started to learn how that works.

00:12:15.216 --> 00:12:19.086
And I opened up the accounts and moved all the credit card processing over and did all the good stuff.

00:12:20.267 --> 00:12:27.596
Uh, at that point I had opened up or at least viewed a lot of other doorways that were very, very fascinating.

00:12:27.797 --> 00:12:35.506
And I wanted to continue to go down these various rabbit holes and various research, uh, lines.

00:12:36.037 --> 00:12:42.726
And, uh, that is essentially where all of this started and what it became to what it is today.

00:12:42.726 --> 00:12:46.157
And that research has continued every single day.

00:12:46.236 --> 00:12:50.527
Um, and I left my day job last year in October.

00:12:51.267 --> 00:12:52.057
Or September.

00:12:52.956 --> 00:13:00.917
And then I left the landscaping company as a trustee about maybe 10 weeks, 10 days, 14 days ago.

00:13:00.917 --> 00:13:20.336
So slowly, but surely, uh, my life has become more and more and more centric to, uh, focusing completely and entirely on the subject and, and anything else that has anything else to do with literally anything else, uh, has been slowly removed from my life.

00:13:20.537 --> 00:13:21.297
Piece by piece.

00:13:21.317 --> 00:13:36.687
And now we're at a point now where, uh, this is pretty much all day, every day, everything, and, and anyone or anything that comes in between me and, and making that happen, uh, is, is typically removed from my life.

00:13:37.626 --> 00:13:38.427
Well, that's sweet.

00:13:41.287 --> 00:13:54.397
Um, when you, I know you've been on a lot of shows since you started this progress, this process of just sharing how to, what true freedom is.

00:13:55.481 --> 00:14:09.581
When you go to start to describe, I want to start diving into like, what is it that you did and what is it that you're helping people with, which is essentially changing your status from a U.

00:14:09.581 --> 00:14:09.701

00:14:09.701 --> 00:14:13.282
citizen to an American state national.

00:14:13.981 --> 00:14:23.042
And for the audience, how would you best describe what that is and what that means to them?

00:14:24.522 --> 00:14:25.942
I'll tell you what I've been doing.

00:14:26.501 --> 00:14:44.706
I've been starting from The Civil War and then going from there because I feel like some, an event that someone kind of has an idea of what happened, giving some clarity to what happened and then how that trickles down now helps people.

00:14:44.716 --> 00:14:46.256
But I'm actually curious.

00:14:46.366 --> 00:14:47.177
How do you do it?

00:14:47.326 --> 00:14:49.576
Assuming that anybody listening has no idea what we're talking about.

00:14:51.106 --> 00:14:53.197
Well, I have a presentation I usually do on these shows.

00:14:53.197 --> 00:14:54.626
I can do the whole presentation if you want.

00:14:54.956 --> 00:14:55.356

00:14:55.376 --> 00:14:56.626
How long would that be?

00:14:57.307 --> 00:14:58.606
45 minutes to an hour or something like that.

00:14:59.081 --> 00:14:59.511
Let's go.

00:15:01.591 --> 00:15:02.912

00:15:03.201 --> 00:15:04.621
Let's do, let's make some magic happen.

00:15:05.312 --> 00:15:06.971
So you, you you're able to have access.

00:15:07.022 --> 00:15:07.532

00:15:07.532 --> 00:15:08.032
Okay, cool.

00:15:10.111 --> 00:15:12.522
So I've done this a million times.

00:15:12.522 --> 00:15:14.221
It's changed a little bit here and there.

00:15:14.371 --> 00:15:27.206
There's been a couple of huge breakthroughs that have really changed a lot, but, uh, this, this presentation I'm going to give here is the same one, uh, I've done, you know, many, many times, especially for the past several months, but, uh, the way it works is pretty straightforward.

00:15:28.506 --> 00:15:35.897
When you go online, you type in, uh, these, these string of numbers, and then this thing here in the middle, and then this weird symbol, and then this string of numbers.

00:15:36.716 --> 00:15:42.177
What you're looking at is, you're looking at the, for example, the United States Code, uh, this is the Cornell Law School, right?

00:15:42.216 --> 00:15:45.907
All I did was just type that into the internet, by the way, 28 USC 3002.

00:15:45.907 --> 00:15:48.096
I didn't type in the little section symbol, as you can see.

00:15:48.897 --> 00:15:49.187
Got it.

00:15:49.751 --> 00:15:55.022
Uh, the first number, the 28 that you saw there, uh, represents the title.

00:15:55.172 --> 00:16:01.552
So you'll see here title, uh, basically the, the major, major sections of the United States code, right?

00:16:01.552 --> 00:16:04.981
Title, it goes up to currently title 54.

00:16:06.022 --> 00:16:08.611
And each one has different aspects.

00:16:08.611 --> 00:16:14.001
Like one of the major ones that we get into a lot, obviously, is title eight, which is about aliens and nationality.

00:16:14.511 --> 00:16:19.251
Uh, banking is a title 12, which is a good one for a lot of the things that we do.

00:16:19.831 --> 00:16:24.121
We get into title 42 quite a bit, which is the public health and welfare.

00:16:24.542 --> 00:16:30.361
And, uh, also the whole driving versus traveling and all that good stuff and license plates and driver's license.

00:16:30.361 --> 00:16:32.052
We get into title 49.

00:16:32.537 --> 00:16:41.027
Which is transportation quite a bit, but title 28 is the one we're going to be looking at now, which is judiciary and judicial procedure.

00:16:41.677 --> 00:16:44.687
And so the way you read this is this first number is a title.

00:16:45.001 --> 00:16:48.272
And then you have the body of law, which is the United States code.

00:16:48.761 --> 00:16:50.312
This is a section symbol.

00:16:50.761 --> 00:16:53.292
And then we have it's section 3002.

00:16:54.481 --> 00:16:57.532
We're going to go down to subsection 15.

00:16:58.142 --> 00:17:03.412
United States means a federal corporation, right?

00:17:03.412 --> 00:17:08.662
So you have, you have a lot of people talking about, Oh, is the United States a corporation and blah, blah, blah.

00:17:08.721 --> 00:17:12.192
It is a corporation, but it's a type of corporation called a federal corporation.

00:17:12.201 --> 00:17:12.922
Ironically enough.

00:17:13.727 --> 00:17:21.037
The word federal is also capitalized, which does have significance, but we're probably not going to get into that right now, or, or maybe we will later on the show.

00:17:22.146 --> 00:17:26.277
The next thing I usually show people, which is probably the most important thing you'll ever learn in law.

00:17:26.287 --> 00:17:28.027
Honestly, it's one of the most important things.

00:17:28.076 --> 00:17:33.227
Um, there's probably two areas in all of law that are the most important areas.

00:17:33.886 --> 00:17:41.017
Both of them we will cover, but this is definitely, uh, one of those two, um, title 26 is the internal revenue code, the tax code.

00:17:41.916 --> 00:17:49.896
Title 26 of the United States Code, section 7701, subsection A1, is the definition of the word person.

00:17:50.676 --> 00:17:52.656
There's two things, like I said, in all of law.

00:17:52.656 --> 00:17:56.487
This is one of the two most important things you'll ever learn in all of law.

00:17:58.186 --> 00:18:05.957
The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, a state, partnership, association, company, or corporation.

00:18:06.997 --> 00:18:18.567
So if you take this definition and you combine it here with this idea, United States is a person and you will see that in criminal cases where you have United States versus John Doe.

00:18:18.886 --> 00:18:23.707
If you look in the jurisdiction and venue section of the criminal lawsuit, it'll say something like.

00:18:24.116 --> 00:18:28.446
United States is a person as per blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

00:18:28.446 --> 00:18:29.557
They're pretty clear about that.

00:18:30.076 --> 00:18:32.747
This is not some secret information or something like that.

00:18:33.247 --> 00:18:36.926
So United States is a corporation and it is a person.

00:18:38.017 --> 00:18:46.467
And, uh, the first thing we need to figure out is, uh, where is that person called United States?

00:18:46.771 --> 00:18:47.602

00:18:48.902 --> 00:18:53.781
We're going to go to a different body of law in order to figure that out called the Uniform Commercial Code.

00:18:54.422 --> 00:18:57.281
Now this one is the same shit, but it runs a little differently.

00:18:57.281 --> 00:19:01.761
So this first number is called article, and then this is the section number.

00:19:01.902 --> 00:19:15.567
So the way you would read this is Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, 307, or you can say, you know, from commercial code, article nine, section 307, whatever, right.

00:19:16.446 --> 00:19:28.477
And we're going to go down to subsection H and a subsection H states the location of the person called the United States location of United States.

00:19:28.477 --> 00:19:33.196
The United States is located in the district of Columbia.

00:19:33.866 --> 00:19:35.267
Now you ask yourself where.

00:19:35.612 --> 00:19:38.092
How large, what size?

00:19:38.442 --> 00:19:53.602
So essentially the district of Columbia is a country and there's a state inside that country called United States, which is no different than California or in the European Union, France, just cause it's called United States.

00:19:53.642 --> 00:19:56.971
That's just, that's all just deceiving terminology.

00:19:56.991 --> 00:20:02.902
You could, you could say it, it could be called, uh, you know, you could take this guy's name, Ms.

00:20:02.981 --> 00:20:04.402
Riani and just call it, you know.

00:20:04.402 --> 00:20:04.467

00:20:04.777 --> 00:20:05.757

00:20:06.277 --> 00:20:11.696
So, so Mezrianneville is a state inside of District of Columbia.

00:20:11.707 --> 00:20:12.696
You can say the same thing.

00:20:12.696 --> 00:20:18.287
United States is a state inside of the District of Columbia.

00:20:18.287 --> 00:20:21.307
Now, the problem is we don't know where in the District of Columbia.

00:20:21.346 --> 00:20:24.196
We don't know what size, what shape, what coordinates.

00:20:25.112 --> 00:20:39.642
We don't know where I've never seen any information that clarifies inside of the district of Columbia, where or how large or what size this state or person called the United States is inside of it.

00:20:40.842 --> 00:20:54.926
So even if you were born in Washington, DC, if someone said you were born in the United States, well, that would be up for debate, uh, because the thing is, is that the person who said that would be the one who'd be burdened with the idea of of proving it.

00:20:54.926 --> 00:21:07.336
And I'll tell you right now, if I've never found proof as to the location and size of the state called United States, I'll bet a lot of fucking money that no one else is going to be able to find it either.

00:21:07.547 --> 00:21:11.297
I may find it one day, but man, I've looked, I can't find it anywhere.

00:21:11.336 --> 00:21:29.162
And, and frankly, I'm, I'm of the, I'm of the, the, the opinion at this point that there is no physical delineated, uh, coordinates, meaning And we're going to go over this in the next section of this presentation, meaning there is no physical location of United States.

00:21:29.582 --> 00:21:30.761
It's never been published.

00:21:30.761 --> 00:21:31.632
It's never been clarified.

00:21:32.031 --> 00:21:33.582
That's what I think, but I could be wrong.

00:21:33.991 --> 00:21:34.652
I could be wrong.

00:21:34.872 --> 00:21:36.612
And it's in a filing cabinet somewhere.

00:21:36.612 --> 00:21:44.451
So we don't know, but it's interesting how like you have the, the capital letter state, but that's just paperwork.

00:21:44.451 --> 00:21:49.551
It's not a physical location, which is even hard for many to even digest.

00:21:50.852 --> 00:21:52.112
Yeah, we'll get into that later.

00:21:52.122 --> 00:21:53.991
The two different versions of each state.

00:21:54.021 --> 00:21:55.001
We'll get into that later, right?

00:21:55.001 --> 00:21:59.209
So, so the next thing is 42 USC 9102 subsection 18.

00:21:59.209 --> 00:22:11.576
Now, one of the things that people have asked me many times on, on, on shows that are live and stuff like that as they go, well, Brandon, if a corporation is a person, Then can a corporation be a United States citizen?

00:22:12.096 --> 00:22:21.616
And you go online, you start typing this stuff in, and there's a lot of websites that are like, well, and they try to beat around the bush because, uh, they don't want to get people getting weird and asking too many questions.

00:22:22.497 --> 00:22:24.646
The answer to that question is yes, resoundingly.

00:22:24.757 --> 00:22:36.596
And you can see that in, um, 42 18, and then subsection C of subsection 18, uh, United States citizen means.

00:22:36.626 --> 00:22:38.017
And then if we go to C.

00:22:38.672 --> 00:22:46.392
Any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity organized or existing under the laws of the United States.

00:22:47.362 --> 00:22:47.942
Mm hmm.

00:22:48.501 --> 00:22:48.991
There it is.

00:22:49.521 --> 00:22:54.951
So, so, any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity is a person.

00:22:55.487 --> 00:23:10.856
And those per sons, if they are organized or existing under the laws of the United States, those per sons as completely separate per sons from you are in themselves independently considered United States citizens.

00:23:11.551 --> 00:23:30.561
So your businesses, your S corps, your C corps, your LLCs, your partnerships, your associations, and your statutory trusts are all individually and independently from you and one another, all independently and individually United States citizens.

00:23:32.862 --> 00:23:37.781
Now we start getting into you as an subsection A of 42 U.

00:23:37.781 --> 00:23:37.882

00:23:37.882 --> 00:23:38.051

00:23:38.051 --> 00:23:52.826
9102, And this one says, uh, United States citizen means, A, any individual who is a citizen of the United States by law, birth, or naturalization.

00:23:53.106 --> 00:23:54.416
Law means contract.

00:23:55.076 --> 00:23:57.636
Birth, as far as I'm concerned, is up for a lot of debate.

00:23:58.436 --> 00:24:03.896
Uh, naturalization, in my opinion, you could just take out these words, pretty much.

00:24:04.761 --> 00:24:13.461
Uh, not quite, but pretty much and, and just have this one word and it would actually make a lot more sense and it would be a lot more workable and it'd be a lot less confusing.

00:24:14.041 --> 00:24:17.592
Do you ever go into when someone gets born, right?

00:24:17.662 --> 00:24:25.132
And you go to the doctor, the doctors is docking the birth, the vessel and all that, or is that just completely unnecessary?

00:24:25.132 --> 00:24:30.612
Cause I feel like people, that's just a lot of wordplay that could be true, but you're just going down an unnecessary rabbit hole.

00:24:31.156 --> 00:24:34.047
It doesn't, it, it's not, it doesn't, who cares?

00:24:34.186 --> 00:24:39.727
It doesn't, I don't, I'm not here to talk about shit and, and, and jerk myself off.

00:24:39.757 --> 00:24:41.567
I'm here to actually get some things done.

00:24:41.596 --> 00:24:42.106
You know what I mean?

00:24:42.106 --> 00:24:42.416

00:24:42.777 --> 00:24:44.356
I don't see the value in that information.

00:24:45.237 --> 00:24:46.576
Uh, it may or may not be true.

00:24:46.606 --> 00:24:47.446
I just don't care.

00:24:47.487 --> 00:24:54.656
And, and I think that Jordan Maxwell and one of these guys cared very much and they were trying to share information that they thought was going to be helpful.

00:24:54.656 --> 00:24:57.287
I'm not degrading anything that Jordan Maxwell has done.

00:24:57.287 --> 00:25:06.957
It's a, he's an excellent man with an excellent, uh, uh, teaching style and he has excellent information and he's a very grandfatherly and an excellent person and I love him to death, but I just don't see the point in it.

00:25:06.967 --> 00:25:07.916
I don't see the value in it.

00:25:07.916 --> 00:25:14.922
And I don't see how, uh, I can take that information and put it to the ground, put the rubber to the ground with that necessarily.

00:25:15.592 --> 00:25:16.221
No, I get it.

00:25:17.592 --> 00:25:21.912
So, uh, so naturalization, that's, that's where we're at.

00:25:22.092 --> 00:25:24.642
So, so, so what do we have so far on a recap?

00:25:24.672 --> 00:25:26.801
We've got United States as a person.

00:25:26.862 --> 00:25:29.291
It's, uh, uh, located in the District of Columbia.

00:25:29.291 --> 00:25:38.942
We don't know where, uh, a United States citizen becomes, you know, a citizen of this unknown state called the United States through.

00:25:39.467 --> 00:25:42.356
What Brandon Joe Williams considers naturalization.

00:25:42.537 --> 00:25:42.896

00:25:42.896 --> 00:25:46.916
Now the next question obviously is, well, what the hell is naturalization?

00:25:47.446 --> 00:25:49.287
Um, and nobody knows.

00:25:49.866 --> 00:25:54.656
I've never had anyone ever, including when I do live speeches in front of an audience.

00:25:55.231 --> 00:26:01.241
Give me any definition that comes even remotely close to what the definition of naturalization is.

00:26:02.281 --> 00:26:13.132
Definition of naturalization comes from title 8, section 1, 1, uh, title 8 of the United States Code, section 1, 1, 0, 1, subsection A, 23.

00:26:13.642 --> 00:26:15.152
And here is the definition right here.

00:26:16.767 --> 00:26:21.126
And this is so, so like I said, there's two of the most powerful things you'll ever learn in law.

00:26:21.217 --> 00:26:25.696
Uh, number one is the definition of the word person and number two.

00:26:25.777 --> 00:26:47.346
Uh, and actually I would, I would go so far as to say is, is, is I'm not even sure this might be actually even more important than the definition of the word person, uh, but definitely of the two most important pieces of information you'll ever learn naturalization is definitely the number one or number two spot, uh, the term naturalization means the conferring of nationality.

00:26:47.791 --> 00:26:57.721
Of a state upon a person after birth by any means whatsoever.

00:26:59.122 --> 00:27:10.622
And we're going to break down every single word inside this definition, because this one single definition, uh, can, can radically change your life.

00:27:10.711 --> 00:27:15.832
Uh, more than anything you've ever experienced in your entire life has ever changed your life.

00:27:15.862 --> 00:27:18.461
And, and this one definition can change the life.

00:27:18.987 --> 00:27:28.166
Of everyone around you and everyone you talk to more dramatically than almost anything that anyone has ever experienced in their entire life.

00:27:28.507 --> 00:27:29.146

00:27:29.156 --> 00:27:35.537
I would like to add that there's a lot of people out there that take words for granted, have no idea what they mean.

00:27:36.067 --> 00:27:47.876
And it's very interesting how your background in research with words has played a key role in your ability to break this stuff down.

00:27:48.836 --> 00:27:51.166
Like you just said, is very important with these words.

00:27:51.757 --> 00:27:59.336
And when I have a conversation with people about this, we just toss around words all the time.

00:27:59.936 --> 00:28:04.436
And then when you try to go and find the definition, it's like, where do you go?

00:28:04.997 --> 00:28:16.767
And your source of definitions, it would have to be, because we're speaking legalese, it would have to be within the confines of the definitions within that language.

00:28:17.656 --> 00:28:19.136
And where do you usually go?

00:28:19.156 --> 00:28:22.396
Or what's your most up to date, like, source?

00:28:24.567 --> 00:28:25.507
I go everywhere.

00:28:26.967 --> 00:28:31.217
I mean, that's, that's where all the fun happens, that's where all the excitement is, you know, I don't know.

00:28:31.586 --> 00:28:33.186
Um, I go all over the place.

00:28:33.186 --> 00:28:38.636
I go wherever I need to go to, uh, to get that, get that poppin I mean, whatever.

00:28:38.636 --> 00:28:40.446
I mean, that's, that's the whole, that's the fun of it.

00:28:40.487 --> 00:28:47.727
That's the, you know, that's the, uh, the, the Easter egg hunt.

00:28:47.777 --> 00:28:48.267
You know what I mean?

00:28:48.567 --> 00:28:48.946
Mm, mm.

00:28:49.886 --> 00:28:50.257

00:28:50.416 --> 00:28:58.307
Well, I mean, do you ever run into a situation where, like, the definitions are, like, slightly skewed and you just have to, like, decide which one?

00:28:58.686 --> 00:29:02.987
Or is it more of like finding the source material?

00:29:03.287 --> 00:29:06.366
Because you're doing an Easter egg hunt, but how do you know which one's the right one?

00:29:07.416 --> 00:29:27.781
Well, you have to keep looking, and sometimes you gotta look inside of court cases, and you gotta keep looking, you gotta keep searching, you gotta look in normal dictionaries, and legal dictionaries, and multiple legal dictionaries, and there's certain words, like the word citizen, I've never really completely, fully nailed down that word, even though I've, I've tried for, on, on Godly amount of hours.

00:29:27.781 --> 00:29:35.701
I definitely, um, got a pretty good handle of it, but I don't feel like I've completed my research into the term citizen.

00:29:36.102 --> 00:29:40.511
Um, and I've worked on trying to complete that research.

00:29:40.551 --> 00:29:45.082
I re enter the fray on trying to figure out the word citizen all the time.

00:29:45.741 --> 00:29:49.251
And, and I may move the ball down the field a few yards here and there.

00:29:49.922 --> 00:29:54.551
Um, I feel like 75 yard line when it comes to the word citizen.

00:29:54.801 --> 00:29:56.642
Um, and I, I got probably.

00:29:58.247 --> 00:30:02.376
You know, probably 70 hours clocked in just on that one word.

00:30:02.757 --> 00:30:16.477
Um, so, you know, it just depends on, uh, what you're looking at and what word you're looking at, the word, the words we're going to look at right now, nation and state and body politic, those took me quite a long time to figure out.

00:30:17.192 --> 00:30:34.922
Um, but yeah, it's just, it's all part of just piecing it all together in a way that makes sense and you just get all the pieces that you need and you might only get a few pieces now and then you get a few pieces later, like the word citizen, uh, I may be working on the word citizen for years without it being a completed project.

00:30:34.922 --> 00:30:35.332
I don't know.

00:30:35.801 --> 00:30:36.041

00:30:36.112 --> 00:30:42.842
It sounds like there's a, there's a lot of context and, um, the core cases that you're talking about.

00:30:43.051 --> 00:30:43.902
Um, I agree.

00:30:43.902 --> 00:30:47.652
And those would be really good place, a good source for it just because it's proven.

00:30:49.067 --> 00:30:50.676
But um, I'll let you continue.

00:30:50.727 --> 00:30:51.596
Just very curious.

00:30:51.596 --> 00:30:52.027
Yeah, Black

00:30:52.027 --> 00:30:58.767
Slaw Dictionary is just a bunch of, uh, typically, not always, but it's a lot of quotes from old court cases.

00:30:58.916 --> 00:31:04.406
So really, really, Black Slaw Dictionary is just a bunch of, and that's why I laugh so hard when people are like, Oh, Black Slaw Dictionary, blah, blah, blah.

00:31:05.086 --> 00:31:06.207
Sovereign Citizen, blah, blah, blah.

00:31:06.207 --> 00:31:09.842
I always laugh because if you go on the, um, County recorder.

00:31:09.882 --> 00:31:15.041
If you go on any, that's the use they use, they use black's law and black's law is literally just case law.

00:31:15.082 --> 00:31:16.051
A lot of it, not all of it.

00:31:16.051 --> 00:31:22.852
But so by saying black's law is a bunch of Huey, you're, you're, you're saying that the whole court system is a bunch of Huey, which I mean, whatever.

00:31:22.882 --> 00:31:28.701
Some people are saying that, but I don't, that's not, that's not the public I work for and work with.

00:31:28.932 --> 00:31:35.001
And I actually find all this information and a lot of the legal information to be extremely spiritual and philosophical.

00:31:35.001 --> 00:31:36.701
So I'm not in that boat, but anyways, um,

00:31:36.872 --> 00:31:39.781
I definitely want to go into Philosophical and spiritual part.

00:31:39.781 --> 00:31:40.392
If we have time.

00:31:40.902 --> 00:31:41.511
Oh yeah, definitely.

00:31:42.172 --> 00:31:42.352

00:31:42.412 --> 00:31:47.781
So, uh, going back to eight USD one one zero one subsection eight 23 definition of naturalization.

00:31:47.781 --> 00:31:50.872
We have here the conferring of nationality of a state.

00:31:51.541 --> 00:31:54.592
Most people think that when they see the word state, they got that all figured out.

00:31:54.632 --> 00:31:55.461
Well, you don't.

00:31:55.721 --> 00:32:06.862
Um, so the word state, uh, the definition of the word state and its largest sense, a state is a body politic or society of men, which is not a very good definition.

00:32:07.442 --> 00:32:13.602
Uh, body politic as a state or nation or public association, which is also not a very good definition.

00:32:14.231 --> 00:32:14.971

00:32:15.307 --> 00:32:28.247
We have an association or company of persons generally unincorporated United together by mutual consent in order to deliberate determine and act jointly for some common purpose In a wider sense the community or public the people in general.

00:32:28.247 --> 00:32:37.017
It's a better definition, but not really all that great And then I finally found this, the definition of the word nation coming from a court case.

00:32:37.037 --> 00:32:39.737
And this is when things started to really make sense.

00:32:40.416 --> 00:32:46.267
Definition of nation, which also means body politic or state or society.

00:32:46.267 --> 00:32:47.386
They all mean the same thing.

00:32:47.386 --> 00:33:01.047
So we're going to be reading the definition for all of the above an independent body politic, a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strengths.

00:33:01.717 --> 00:33:07.076
But every combination of men who govern themselves independently of all others will not be considered a nation.

00:33:07.457 --> 00:33:11.317
A body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves are not a nation.

00:33:11.777 --> 00:33:15.247
To constitute a nation, another ingredient is required.

00:33:15.277 --> 00:33:18.676
The body that's formed must respect other nations in general.

00:33:18.951 --> 00:33:20.771
And each of their members in particular.

00:33:21.382 --> 00:33:23.541
Such a society has her affairs and her interests.

00:33:23.551 --> 00:33:34.902
She deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself and is susceptible of obligations and rights.

00:33:35.281 --> 00:33:35.981
And what does that mean?

00:33:38.027 --> 00:33:42.386
It's the same thing as the human body, uh, is composed of cells.

00:33:42.457 --> 00:33:46.856
So all the cells come together and they form this single unit called the body.

00:33:47.576 --> 00:33:53.807
And it's a single form, but it's made up of whatever billions and billions or whatever of cells, right?

00:33:53.817 --> 00:34:13.291
It's the same idea right now, the rule on an international law for a nation to be considered a nation is the nation has to have good internal tranquility and it has to share external help And not be something like a bunch of pirates that go around and just rape and pillage and take and destroy the lifestyle and the standard of living for others.

00:34:13.362 --> 00:34:22.422
Uh, anyone going around and, and the mafia or pillaging and raping or damaging the, the standard of life for another, uh, does not have.

00:34:22.626 --> 00:34:26.856
the ability to legally classify themselves as a nation.

00:34:27.666 --> 00:34:32.226
The idea that a nation is a territory or a location is entirely false.

00:34:32.626 --> 00:34:40.717
And territory or location has absolutely nothing to do with the idea or definition of a nation or a state.

00:34:41.347 --> 00:34:41.777

00:34:43.777 --> 00:34:51.077
So it's the most important word in here to really make sure you understand, cause most people see the word state and they just think, Oh, one of the 50 states.

00:34:51.157 --> 00:34:51.686
And that's.

00:34:52.472 --> 00:34:55.771
Not even remotely close to anything.

00:34:55.842 --> 00:34:59.461
Um, if you go to the foreign affairs manual, eight fam 505.

00:34:59.461 --> 00:35:03.041
2, which we can get into in more depth a little later.

00:35:03.652 --> 00:35:08.161
If you go down to, this is involving passport endorsements, which we can get into later.

00:35:09.097 --> 00:35:16.086
If you go down to passport endorsement code number 11, which is a diplomatic code for, uh, ambassadors at large.

00:35:16.547 --> 00:35:22.987
If you look at the example that they give you here, ambassador at large for global women's issues.

00:35:23.336 --> 00:35:27.067
It gives you more of an idea of what a nation actually is.

00:35:27.077 --> 00:35:36.456
Global women's issues is a nation and you can be an ambassador at large for that name.

00:35:36.677 --> 00:35:42.416
Shun that nation does not have territory or location.

00:35:45.106 --> 00:35:45.666

00:35:46.577 --> 00:35:54.367
So going back to, um, eight USC one one zero one subsection a 23 definition of naturalization.

00:35:55.231 --> 00:36:03.632
Uh, by plugging in the word nation rather than the word state, uh, it makes a lot more sense and starts to clear up what they're actually saying here.

00:36:03.692 --> 00:36:04.092

00:36:04.791 --> 00:36:10.192
Then if we continue on, we see here that there's a blue, uh, clickable definition for the word person.

00:36:10.202 --> 00:36:12.882
Person is always going to be something fucking crazy.

00:36:13.461 --> 00:36:16.251
Uh, I don't care what area of law you're reading.

00:36:16.541 --> 00:36:22.101
Whenever you see the word person there, there, there's got to be 480, 000 alarm bells going off.

00:36:22.121 --> 00:36:23.922
Cause you're, you gotta dive into.

00:36:24.382 --> 00:36:27.751
Every area of law has a different definition of the word person.

00:36:27.902 --> 00:36:28.731

00:36:29.181 --> 00:36:35.952
Person is the, the most chaotic, confusing and complicated thing basically ever.

00:36:36.532 --> 00:36:36.922

00:36:37.592 --> 00:36:44.362
So we're going to click on this, uh, and we're going to see what does title eight say is the definition of the word person.

00:36:46.012 --> 00:36:50.021
The term person means an individual or an organization.

00:36:51.742 --> 00:36:52.521

00:36:53.036 --> 00:36:59.746
So if we go down, um, there's also a special definition for the word organization.

00:37:00.617 --> 00:37:02.436
So we're going to find that real quick.

00:37:04.206 --> 00:37:19.907
Um, the term organization means, but is not limited to, uh, an organization, corporation, company, partnership, association, trust, foundation, or fund, and includes a group of persons.

00:37:20.237 --> 00:37:28.447
Whether or not incorporated permanently or temporarily associated together with joint action on any subject or subjects.

00:37:29.097 --> 00:37:35.847
And what's funny is this, this, this definition basically means almost exactly the same definition as the word nation.

00:37:36.606 --> 00:37:36.936

00:37:37.106 --> 00:37:39.936
So an organization is a nation typically, right?

00:37:39.936 --> 00:37:40.856
It's all the same thing.

00:37:41.137 --> 00:37:41.416

00:37:42.016 --> 00:37:43.947
So if we go back to.

00:37:44.467 --> 00:37:47.027
Um, that definition, right.

00:37:47.237 --> 00:37:59.737
And, and, and the smart people in the audience are, the next question is, okay, well, what's the definition of individual, uh, that, that's a tough, that's, that's another one that I have never completed my research on.

00:37:59.746 --> 00:38:01.007
That is a tough one.

00:38:01.007 --> 00:38:06.166
I've spent, I don't know how many hours trying to figure out the definition of the word individual.

00:38:06.746 --> 00:38:11.257
Uh, it is an extremely deep rabbit hole.

00:38:11.286 --> 00:38:12.817
Very, very complex.

00:38:13.411 --> 00:38:15.481
I'm not entirely sure, to be honest with you.

00:38:15.532 --> 00:38:21.552
Uh, there are a lot of people who believes that the word individual only includes legal fictions.

00:38:22.041 --> 00:38:31.061
And there are others who believe that the definition of the word individual includes men and women that are, that are inside of an actual physical human body.

00:38:31.672 --> 00:38:36.422
Uh, I'm not too sure if it's one or the other, I'm not entirely positive.

00:38:37.192 --> 00:38:40.362
Uh, but anyways, the, the word person, right?

00:38:41.126 --> 00:38:48.786
So for the, for the purposes of this, I'll assume that the word person includes you as a, as a living man, but you know, I'm not so sure that's even real.

00:38:49.391 --> 00:38:54.192
So if we were to replace the word person here, uh, with the definition.

00:38:54.251 --> 00:39:12.922
So if I were to say, instead of person, if I were to say an individual or an organization, and if I were to replace the word state with the word nation, now you're going to start seeing that this is the one of the most, if not literally the single most powerful thing you could ever learn in all of law.

00:39:12.942 --> 00:39:16.541
And it will change your life to such a dramatic degree.

00:39:16.981 --> 00:39:22.501
That, uh, this one definition alone could literally cure chronic illness.

00:39:22.541 --> 00:39:24.911
In my opinion, that's how powerful this definition is.

00:39:24.981 --> 00:39:29.512
Uh, if someone's sick because they're very overwhelmed by their life.

00:39:30.192 --> 00:39:51.251
Uh, this definition, uh, basically eviscerates almost all overwhelming aspects, uh, all financials, all, uh, taxation, uh, citizenship, nationality, uh, everything, uh, this, this is the, you can completely control, uh, legal situations.

00:39:51.251 --> 00:39:57.791
You can get involved in litigation and just absolutely obliterate corporations, companies, trusts, uh, the IRS.

00:39:59.067 --> 00:40:01.806
doesn't stand a chance when you understand this definition.

00:40:01.806 --> 00:40:07.016
The EDD, Employment and Development Department, does not stand a chance when you understand this definition.

00:40:07.027 --> 00:40:12.427
The DMV, Department of Motor Vehicles, does not stand a chance when you understand this definition.

00:40:12.427 --> 00:40:16.137
Police don't stand a chance when you understand this definition.

00:40:16.407 --> 00:40:23.317
This is, this, this will make a superhero out of an individual almost instantaneously.

00:40:23.347 --> 00:40:27.527
Just this one definition, if you really, really understand.

00:40:28.202 --> 00:40:28.942
What it means.

00:40:28.981 --> 00:40:36.311
And when I started to try to understand what it means, I spent about 60 days just walking around and like a complete daze.

00:40:36.311 --> 00:40:37.831
I didn't really study much else.

00:40:38.351 --> 00:40:41.922
I was focused in on this one definition for probably about 60 days.

00:40:41.922 --> 00:40:48.972
And I used to just walk for miles and miles a day in this, like, this just can't be, this just can't be this powerful.

00:40:48.972 --> 00:40:52.402
It just can't be this powerful kind of a mentality.

00:40:52.402 --> 00:40:58.621
And then finally, after about 60 days of chewing on it, when I finally realized, holy shit, this is, this is really what it is.

00:40:59.007 --> 00:41:13.297
Everything changed and everything has continued to change ever since and I have become a completely untouchable God in almost every area of my life, almost exclusively from this one definition of this one word and the word

00:41:13.317 --> 00:41:13.936

00:41:14.106 --> 00:41:14.976

00:41:15.086 --> 00:41:15.907

00:41:16.376 --> 00:41:23.916
Um, I'm having thoughts pop in and out when you were saying a lot of that because whether you're talking to a cop.

00:41:24.391 --> 00:41:25.452
Or someone else.

00:41:25.552 --> 00:41:33.481
Some have told me, well, what happens if they don't know what you're talking about and who's going to enforce it?

00:41:33.521 --> 00:41:35.751
If no one knows what's going on.

00:41:36.472 --> 00:41:40.052
It doesn't matter when you get into the courtroom anyways, just, let's just read this.

00:41:40.072 --> 00:41:40.271

00:41:40.271 --> 00:41:40.501

00:41:40.692 --> 00:41:41.442
Let's read this.

00:41:41.442 --> 00:41:53.041
Now we're going to replace the word state with the word nation, and we're going to replace the word person with the definition straight from the definition, word for word, an individual or an organization.

00:41:54.382 --> 00:42:08.317
The term naturalization means the conferring of nationality of a nation upon an individual or an organization after birth by any individual.

00:42:08.606 --> 00:42:11.317
means whatsoever.

00:42:12.577 --> 00:42:13.586
So now what does that mean?

00:42:15.266 --> 00:42:18.027
The IRS has two different classifications.

00:42:18.106 --> 00:42:24.726
They have a resident alien and a non resident alien, a resident alien lives in, or, or as a citizen of.

00:42:25.222 --> 00:42:26.922
United States.

00:42:28.331 --> 00:42:33.742
How do you become a resident of United States?

00:42:33.742 --> 00:42:51.702
If United States is a person and a corporation that is a state inside of a country called district of Columbia, and no one knows, I don't think where the actual location, size, shape, or coordinates of this state called United States is.

00:42:52.061 --> 00:42:53.262
How do you get there?

00:42:54.572 --> 00:43:06.552
Remember from 42 USC, 9102, you get there by three ways by law, by birth or by naturalization, Brandon, Joe Williams believes that it's pretty much only this one way.

00:43:06.661 --> 00:43:09.652
And these two don't really make a lot of sense when you start to really dig into it, right?

00:43:10.806 --> 00:43:23.347
So if that's true, if my theory is true, then this is the only way you can become a resident alien to the person or nation called United States.

00:43:23.887 --> 00:43:38.427
So if you were to plug that into this definition, the way you would read it is the term naturalization means the conferring of nationality of the nation called United States, which is a person.

00:43:39.012 --> 00:43:43.811
Located God knows where inside of a foreign country called District of Columbia.

00:43:45.242 --> 00:43:48.782
After birth, by any means whatsoever.

00:43:51.481 --> 00:44:03.731
And as far as I'm concerned, that's the only way you can actually become a citizen or resident alien of the nation, or per son, called United States.

00:44:04.302 --> 00:44:04.802

00:44:05.072 --> 00:44:08.541
Make you jump through all these hoops when So the thing is, is that

00:44:09.472 --> 00:44:15.137
Yeah, so the thing is, is that basically, is that basically These places don't have a physical location.

00:44:15.146 --> 00:44:20.166
And the way that you get there is by simply saying that you are there.

00:44:20.516 --> 00:44:25.777
So when you tell the IRS, I am not a resident, I am a non resident alien.

00:44:25.777 --> 00:44:41.152
And I actually live in, I'm actually, uh, Uh, confer the nationality of South Africa upon myself and my businesses and my trusts and my estates and my partnerships and my associations and my companies after birth by any means whatsoever.

00:44:41.152 --> 00:44:57.271
What's happening is when you do that, when you say that you instantaneously all of your corporations, companies, trust, partnerships, associations, companies, and corporations, including yourself, all instantaneously move and are physically and legally located in South Africa.

00:44:59.447 --> 00:45:02.177
Now the same thing on the side of the row of the police officer.

00:45:02.827 --> 00:45:14.556
Uh, you don't hand them a driver's license because the driver's license states that you are, you've stated under penalty of perjury, that you are a resident of whatever state the driver's license was issued in.

00:45:14.766 --> 00:45:16.496
So you would never give them a driver's license.

00:45:16.496 --> 00:45:19.226
You'd give them something like a passport, which does not do that.

00:45:19.297 --> 00:45:21.606
Passport is not a naturalization document.

00:45:22.396 --> 00:45:24.766
And they say, where do you live or where do you work?

00:45:25.047 --> 00:45:27.536
I, I am not a resident of state of California.

00:45:27.887 --> 00:45:30.007
I do not domicile in state of California.

00:45:30.382 --> 00:45:32.572
I'm just driving through the state of California.

00:45:32.612 --> 00:45:33.351
I have no residence.

00:45:33.652 --> 00:45:34.202
Oh, okay.

00:45:34.202 --> 00:45:34.672
What are you?

00:45:34.681 --> 00:45:35.572
What are you a resident of?

00:45:35.581 --> 00:45:37.192
I'm a resident of Antarctica.

00:45:37.411 --> 00:45:39.001
I'm a resident of France.

00:45:39.202 --> 00:45:41.731
I'm a resident of, uh, New Zealand.

00:45:41.791 --> 00:45:45.492
Now what happens is when the, when those words come out of your mouth.

00:45:46.032 --> 00:45:48.422
I am a, I live in New Zealand.

00:45:48.871 --> 00:45:57.061
What's happening is in that moment, you are actively legally naturalizing into New Zealand.

00:45:58.021 --> 00:45:58.512

00:45:59.242 --> 00:46:09.282
You are conferring with the police officer live on the side of the road and his body cam footage becomes proof of naturalization.

00:46:10.981 --> 00:46:13.072
So what I would do is I would file a FOIA request.

00:46:13.527 --> 00:46:15.606
To get copies of that video.

00:46:15.867 --> 00:46:26.157
And I would say on the body cam footage of the police officer is evidence that I have naturalized into New Zealand live during the traffic stop.

00:46:30.056 --> 00:46:33.597
If you are not a resident of any of the 50 states.

00:46:34.117 --> 00:46:41.717
Then you are not contracted into, in California, what is called the California Vehicle Code.

00:46:42.277 --> 00:46:55.936
If you are not contracted into the California Vehicle Code, the police officer does not have the right to, to draw up a micro lawsuit for breach of contract called a citation or ticket.

00:46:57.206 --> 00:47:00.856
This is after, you, you do this after you change your status.

00:47:01.226 --> 00:47:08.266
You can do the, the, the idea of changing status for most people that don't understand is very, very, uh, uh, static.

00:47:09.117 --> 00:47:12.007
And the more and more I've studied this, it's actually very, very fluid.

00:47:12.586 --> 00:47:15.097
You can naturalize right away.

00:47:15.177 --> 00:47:20.317
You can naturalize 500 million times per hour.

00:47:23.226 --> 00:47:24.766
I can naturalize you.

00:47:24.976 --> 00:47:26.907
I could naturalize your companies.

00:47:27.297 --> 00:47:35.407
I could say, I could find out your company is called, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, happy, happy cash incorporated.

00:47:35.936 --> 00:47:43.827
And I can say, uh, I hereby confer the nationality of France on happy cash incorporated right now after birth.

00:47:44.117 --> 00:47:45.597
By any means whatsoever.

00:47:45.597 --> 00:47:48.047
Happy cash incorporated is a per son.

00:47:48.947 --> 00:48:02.416
So unless you actively fight against and negate that idea of me attempting to naturalize your corporation, your corporation is now legally, physically located in France,

00:48:02.827 --> 00:48:03.896
even though you have nothing

00:48:03.896 --> 00:48:04.507
to do with it.

00:48:04.507 --> 00:48:05.637
It doesn't matter.

00:48:07.567 --> 00:48:16.606
Does it say conferring of nationality of a state upon yourself and Organizations that you own or control or are trustee of.

00:48:17.697 --> 00:48:18.007

00:48:18.016 --> 00:48:19.097
it doesn't say that.

00:48:21.077 --> 00:48:23.896
So the government can confer nationality upon you.

00:48:23.896 --> 00:48:27.916
They can say that you were in city of Glendale.

00:48:28.766 --> 00:48:33.606
And if you don't rebut that assumption, they just naturalized you into city of Glendale.

00:48:34.077 --> 00:48:37.407
They can say that you are in state of California.

00:48:38.117 --> 00:48:40.547
If you don't, I would jump all over them.

00:48:40.556 --> 00:48:41.976
Whoa, objection.

00:48:43.132 --> 00:48:44.271
Trying to naturalize me.

00:48:44.271 --> 00:48:45.302
I see what you're trying to do.

00:48:45.552 --> 00:48:47.092
Ain't going to happen there, bucko.

00:48:47.351 --> 00:48:54.802
I do not, I am not a resident, nor do I live in state of California, which is a business located on Dun and Bradstreet.

00:48:54.811 --> 00:48:55.771
It's listed as a business.

00:48:56.351 --> 00:49:09.032
I am not a member of a citizen of, I am not a resident of state of California, city of Glendale County of Los Angeles, or any of these other things that are whatsoever.

00:49:09.032 --> 00:49:10.561
And they go, Oh yeah, you are blah, blah, blah.

00:49:10.561 --> 00:49:11.681
And then you say, Oh, I see.

00:49:11.911 --> 00:49:22.081
So what you're attempting to do is you're attempting to, to force me through into, uh, involuntary servitude, uh, violating the 13th amendment.

00:49:22.081 --> 00:49:30.362
And you're also violating article 15, subsection two of the UN declaration of human rights, which is an international human rights violation.

00:49:30.371 --> 00:49:32.242
Do I have that correct?

00:49:34.391 --> 00:49:37.802
And they get very nervous, very nervous.

00:49:38.402 --> 00:49:41.411
Would you like me to report your activities to Interpol?

00:49:42.717 --> 00:49:45.887
They get very nervous, very nervous.

00:49:46.556 --> 00:49:49.257
The thing is, is that it's all voluntary.

00:49:49.266 --> 00:49:50.907
It's all contractual.

00:49:51.387 --> 00:50:00.757
You live in city of Glendale or county of Los Angeles or state of California only and exclusively through agreement.

00:50:00.757 --> 00:50:11.867
When you start to study how residency, residency laws work, for example, in the state of California in the state of California, residency is established through three different means.

00:50:12.161 --> 00:50:16.461
One, a driver's license to voter registration.

00:50:16.831 --> 00:50:19.681
Three, the paying of state taxes.

00:50:21.251 --> 00:50:27.032
If you don't have a driver's license, you don't have voter registration and you don't pay state tax.

00:50:27.101 --> 00:50:42.981
The only possible way they can establish residency is by attempting to naturalize you, meaning attempting to confer nationality of State of California upon you after birth by any means whatsoever, and then you not rebutting it.

00:50:43.811 --> 00:50:53.222
If you rebut it, and you don't have paid state taxes, or a driver's license, or voter registration, there's absolutely fucking nothing they can do.

00:50:53.262 --> 00:50:54.942
They cannot establish residency.

00:50:56.146 --> 00:51:04.016
If they can't establish residency, they cannot contractually connect you into what is called the California Vehicle Code.

00:51:04.387 --> 00:51:14.126
If they can't contractually connect you into what is called the California Vehicle Code, they physically cannot write a citation or ticket on anything you do.

00:51:15.617 --> 00:51:18.077
Well, that's if they know what they're doing.

00:51:18.577 --> 00:51:23.036
No, because if you go into a court of law and you fight this, you will win and you can countersue.

00:51:23.331 --> 00:51:27.092
And you can take the officer's badge and you can go after the police station.

00:51:27.101 --> 00:51:28.661
You can go after the training Academy.

00:51:29.202 --> 00:51:30.572
You can go after everybody.

00:51:32.711 --> 00:51:40.762
And then the, my, my thought with that is I can see people saying, well, do I really have to do all that?

00:51:42.331 --> 00:51:48.481
Like, is there, um, like when you step into this world, you have no choice, but to learn legalese yet.

00:51:48.512 --> 00:51:50.472
Because if you want to exercise your.

00:51:51.532 --> 00:52:03.802
Your god given rights and freedoms You're gonna need to defend them and do you feel like people in the beginning right now are going to need to constantly take people to court and Then that will slowly.

00:52:04.101 --> 00:52:04.811
Well, here's the issue.

00:52:04.811 --> 00:52:05.782
There's two different.

00:52:05.981 --> 00:52:11.811
There's two different versions of each state So when people say how many states are there in the in the United States?

00:52:11.811 --> 00:52:22.347
Let me ask you how many states are there in the United States 50 that is entirely incorrect There is 101 states in the United States.

00:52:22.407 --> 00:52:23.097
Do you know what they are?

00:52:23.427 --> 00:52:24.146

00:52:24.146 --> 00:52:24.956
Enlighten us.

00:52:25.586 --> 00:52:30.657
So there's two versions of every single state, and then the last one, the 101, is the District of Columbia.

00:52:32.157 --> 00:52:39.827
So the, the, the two versions of each state, one is not incorporated and has its own constitution.

00:52:39.836 --> 00:52:53.126
For example, the constitution of the pre 14th amendment version of California was written and published in 1848 and still exists and is still fully functional to this day.

00:52:53.367 --> 00:52:54.436
That's the one that I live under.

00:52:55.896 --> 00:53:05.746
There's a secondary, uh, constitution that was created for the incorporated version of state of California, which is an entirely separate nation.

00:53:06.117 --> 00:53:16.887
That particular incorporated, uh, constitution was created in 1879 and then was later repealed and I believe 1960.

00:53:19.266 --> 00:53:21.516
So you have two different nations.

00:53:21.597 --> 00:53:24.007
One has an active.

00:53:24.376 --> 00:53:27.927
Constitution and the other one technically does not.

00:53:28.927 --> 00:53:54.297
And you have to realize that when you are naturalizing or conferring the nationality of a nation upon yourself as an individual, quote unquote, or one of your persons, such as a state, a trust, a partnership, an association, a company, a corporation, uh, you, you have to be very, very careful because which of those two states or nations are you naturalizing into.

00:53:54.356 --> 00:53:55.036

00:53:57.416 --> 00:54:21.637
99 or maybe even a probably a hundred percent Of every single person that's naturalizing all the time without knowing it is actually naturalizing into the incorporated version of state of California and the incorporated version of state of California does not have a constitution and the incorporated version of state of California.

00:54:21.646 --> 00:54:32.206
If, if the, if the United States as a, as a, as a nation, uh, is a federal corporation located in the district of Columbia, where do you think?

00:54:32.532 --> 00:54:38.791
The, the, the corporation called the state of California is located same spot.

00:54:39.001 --> 00:54:40.311
It's in the district of Columbia.

00:54:41.382 --> 00:54:50.782
So when you naturalize into the unincorporated version of California, you have the, uh, United States constitution.

00:54:50.981 --> 00:54:52.492
Uh, so the second amendment is yours.

00:54:52.501 --> 00:54:54.331
First amendment, fifth amendment, ninth amendment.

00:54:54.751 --> 00:54:59.652
All these things are yours, and then you also have the original, uh, 1848 constitution.

00:54:59.672 --> 00:55:01.692
It's also yours, and everything is active.

00:55:01.952 --> 00:55:06.492
And actually, even to this day, even in the court system, they actually follow this information.

00:55:07.351 --> 00:55:08.831
Now, if you are a U.

00:55:08.942 --> 00:55:09.311

00:55:09.391 --> 00:55:36.251
citizen, or a resident alien, or if you have naturalized into the corporation called State of California, which is done through a driver's license, or through voter registration, registering for voter registration, Uh, then, then you don't live in California, you live in a foreign nation called the state of California, which is a sub state of the country called the District of Columbia, that particular state.

00:55:36.686 --> 00:55:54.237
State of California doesn't have a constitution and the U S constitution, the first amendment, second amendment, fifth amendment, ninth amendment does not apply in a foreign incorporated country called district of Columbia, which is not actually legally a part of the United States of America.

00:55:56.407 --> 00:55:57.367
Makes sense.

00:55:59.677 --> 00:56:08.646
So when you naturalize all the time, you don't realize it, but what's happening is, is you are naturalizing into the district of Columbia.

00:56:08.646 --> 00:56:08.661

00:56:09.331 --> 00:56:10.311
All the time.

00:56:10.621 --> 00:56:16.041
Every time you say you're a U S citizen, you are naturalizing into the district of Columbia.

00:56:16.442 --> 00:56:25.882
Every single time you pay taxes, federal or state, you are locking in the idea that you are naturalizing into the district of Columbia.

00:56:26.222 --> 00:56:35.382
Whenever you get a driver's license or renew a driver's license or present a driver's license, you are naturalizing into the district of Columbia.

00:56:35.391 --> 00:56:38.521
Every time you vote or register to vote or adjust.

00:56:38.737 --> 00:56:43.536
Or change without, without eliminating your voter registration.

00:56:43.726 --> 00:56:48.036
You are naturalizing into the district of Columbia.

00:56:49.137 --> 00:56:50.677
There's only one right.

00:56:50.706 --> 00:56:52.677
And this comes from the Supreme court directly.

00:56:52.677 --> 00:56:53.396
It's on my website.

00:56:53.726 --> 00:57:01.746
There's only one right that a U S citizen or individual that is naturalized into the district of Columbia has only one.

00:57:01.786 --> 00:57:02.697
Do you know what that right is?

00:57:04.206 --> 00:57:04.717
Go for it.

00:57:05.007 --> 00:57:07.746
To residents inside of the district of Columbia.

00:57:09.626 --> 00:57:12.036
That is the only right that a U S citizen has.

00:57:13.081 --> 00:57:16.632
To residents inside of the District of Columbia.

00:57:16.641 --> 00:57:19.702
So the Constitution has nothing to do with that has absolutely nothing

00:57:19.702 --> 00:57:25.831
to do with you You don't have a Constitution You don't have a state Constitution and you don't have a federal Constitution if you're a US citizen

00:57:26.391 --> 00:57:32.336
which makes sense because there's a lot of times you Have these conversations Political conversations.

00:57:32.336 --> 00:57:35.277
You're like, they're not listening to what we're asking.

00:57:35.766 --> 00:57:42.737
And it comes down to, they're not, they don't need to, because you have no rights because you're a U S citizen.

00:57:42.737 --> 00:57:42.887

00:57:43.117 --> 00:57:45.637
that's why they can't tell you you're a U S citizen.

00:57:45.637 --> 00:57:47.967
They have to ask you, and then you have to tell them,

00:57:49.197 --> 00:57:49.567
got it.

00:57:50.947 --> 00:57:53.536
Naturalization, power, naturalization.

00:57:53.657 --> 00:57:54.246
That's correct.

00:57:54.407 --> 00:57:55.137

00:57:57.427 --> 00:58:06.177
So when you start to really, really understand the definition of the word naturalization, and then obviously the definition of the word person as well, uh, just that alone.

00:58:06.547 --> 00:58:12.827
Can, can begin to everything in your life, you become a vapor.

00:58:13.186 --> 00:58:15.007
I mean, there's no way to pin you down.

00:58:15.056 --> 00:58:20.306
And if they can't pin you down, they can't, they can't contractually obligate you into any body of law.

00:58:21.097 --> 00:58:27.976
I could live in, in Africa and then five seconds later, I'm gone and I'm in the other side of the earth.

00:58:28.356 --> 00:58:34.597
And then it starts to get even more crazy because the definition of the word state or nation, uh, You could just make one up.

00:58:34.606 --> 00:58:46.347
Like for example, I've made up my own called the nation of the Amnesty coalition, so I'll bounce in and out of the 50 established states, and then I'll bounce out the second I need to, I'm gone.

00:58:46.347 --> 00:58:46.876
I disappear.

00:58:46.876 --> 00:58:47.606
I vanish.

00:58:47.617 --> 00:58:49.567
And now I'm in the nation of the Amnesty coalition

00:58:50.547 --> 00:58:51.137
on paper

00:58:51.507 --> 00:58:52.077
on paper.

00:58:53.146 --> 00:58:56.277
And I could do that thousands of times a day.

00:58:57.882 --> 00:59:01.802
And why, can you give an example of why you would do that?

00:59:01.802 --> 00:59:04.532
Because it sounds like that's a, you can't get

00:59:04.632 --> 00:59:05.362

00:59:05.371 --> 00:59:07.211
You can't, you can't get tickets.

00:59:07.211 --> 00:59:08.202
You can't nothing.

00:59:08.211 --> 00:59:08.842
There's nothing.

00:59:08.851 --> 00:59:10.291
There's absolutely nothing that can happen to you.

00:59:10.302 --> 00:59:11.711
You, you are literally a vapor.

00:59:13.641 --> 00:59:15.072
You're outside of the jurisdiction.

00:59:15.072 --> 00:59:18.012
Once you jump inside of your own nation.

00:59:18.512 --> 00:59:20.371
Well, it's way beyond jurisdiction.

00:59:20.442 --> 00:59:22.371
I mean, you are literally a vapor.

00:59:22.402 --> 00:59:25.851
How can you, how can you imprison a vapor?

00:59:26.461 --> 00:59:27.012
Think about that.

00:59:27.492 --> 00:59:27.891
You can't,

00:59:28.202 --> 00:59:29.072
you can't imprison a vapor.

00:59:32.012 --> 00:59:32.871
I can see you in the court.

00:59:33.072 --> 00:59:34.882
How can you imprison a vapor?

00:59:35.211 --> 00:59:35.481

00:59:35.492 --> 00:59:37.632
Just like, what's he like?

00:59:37.632 --> 00:59:38.351
You can't see.

00:59:39.541 --> 00:59:39.722

00:59:39.722 --> 00:59:44.382
There's no way that you can do anything to somebody who understands the definition of the word naturalization.

00:59:44.391 --> 00:59:45.291
It's physically impossible.

00:59:46.291 --> 00:59:46.572

00:59:47.541 --> 00:59:49.242
That's like you're smoking gun nationalization.

00:59:49.242 --> 00:59:52.442
That's naturalization.

00:59:52.442 --> 00:59:52.811

00:59:52.822 --> 00:59:52.842

00:59:54.362 --> 00:59:56.092
So, so with that said.

00:59:57.391 --> 01:00:01.581
We start getting into the definition of what everybody's talking about.

01:00:02.041 --> 01:00:04.541
And this is, that was all kind of like the preamble, right?

01:00:04.831 --> 01:00:05.161

01:00:05.431 --> 01:00:07.262
Now we start getting into this whole thing.

01:00:07.262 --> 01:00:09.851
People are talking about the national state, national, all this stuff.

01:00:09.891 --> 01:00:10.242

01:00:10.262 --> 01:00:12.492
Now, yeah.

01:00:12.492 --> 01:00:16.172
So we start getting into eight USC one one zero one subsection a 22.

01:00:16.181 --> 01:00:18.262
This is all this little area right here.

01:00:18.351 --> 01:00:22.652
21, 22, and 23 of eight USC one one zero one subsection a.

01:00:22.652 --> 01:00:22.711

01:00:23.282 --> 01:00:27.612
Is just the craziest and most powerful thing ever.

01:00:28.601 --> 01:00:30.101
Uh, so what do we have here?

01:00:30.132 --> 01:00:36.871
21 says the term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.

01:00:37.552 --> 01:00:40.311
Same thing, uh, we're gonna go here and click on permanent.

01:00:40.762 --> 01:00:42.751
Uh, this word doesn't mean anything, you're gonna laugh.

01:00:42.822 --> 01:00:46.121
Uh, the term permanent means a relationship of continuing or lasting nature.

01:00:46.507 --> 01:00:54.637
As distinguished from temporary, but a relationship may be permanent, even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance, either of the United States or of the individual in accordance with law.

01:00:54.657 --> 01:00:55.916
So we just remove this word.

01:00:55.916 --> 01:00:56.597
It's just a joke.

01:00:56.597 --> 01:00:57.416
It's an oxymoron.

01:00:57.427 --> 01:00:58.447
It doesn't, it doesn't have any meaning.

01:00:58.996 --> 01:00:59.806
It's to scare you.

01:01:00.356 --> 01:01:01.047
It's to scare you.

01:01:01.047 --> 01:01:08.637
So, so, so we replace state with nation, we remove the word permanent, and we replace person with an individual or an organization.

01:01:08.646 --> 01:01:09.597
We reread this.

01:01:10.246 --> 01:01:12.527
Also notice the word national is not capitalized.

01:01:12.746 --> 01:01:13.746
Very interesting, right?

01:01:14.336 --> 01:01:22.757
The term national means an individual or an organization owing allegiance to a nation.

01:01:24.262 --> 01:01:25.262
Now here's the next question.

01:01:26.472 --> 01:01:36.811
Does a person have to reside inside of or live inside of a physical location in order to pledge allegiance to that place or location?

01:01:37.231 --> 01:01:37.771

01:01:38.081 --> 01:01:38.822
The answer is no.

01:01:39.581 --> 01:01:48.702
So the nationality has nothing to do with physical location, whereas citizenship does typically, right?

01:01:49.452 --> 01:01:54.351
So a national is a individual or an organization that owes allegiance to a nation.

01:01:55.452 --> 01:01:59.981
So for example, your work, you are actually legally a national of your job.

01:02:02.251 --> 01:02:07.762
You are a national of your family, typically, if you have a decent relationship with your family.

01:02:08.342 --> 01:02:20.461
Uh, you are a national, uh, let's say you're a part of like a lion's club or, or a public speaking or a chess club or an online call of duty clan, something like that.

01:02:21.342 --> 01:02:27.461
You would be a national of that particular online call of duty clan.

01:02:28.032 --> 01:02:29.981
Okay, legally, I'm not kidding.

01:02:32.342 --> 01:02:36.902
So if you become a, if you, if, if you moving on to the next part here.

01:02:37.331 --> 01:02:53.331
If you, if you happen to be an individual or an organization, or, or if you are going to do this on behalf of an, another individual or organization, which you can do it on literally anybody you could, you could, you could naturalize the CEO of Starbucks right now, if you want it to.

01:02:54.012 --> 01:03:04.842
If the CEO of Starbucks does not rebut your attempt to naturalize him, then he is legally naturalized wherever it is that you say he's, you could move the CEO of Starbucks into France.

01:03:05.211 --> 01:03:15.561
Legally, if you sued Starbucks and you put a, a, a, a statement of naturalization in the lawsuit and it, and it did not, it did not get rebutted.

01:03:16.266 --> 01:03:30.507
If they did not respond in opposition to that statement, then legally within the confines of that lawsuit, the CEO of Starbucks would be physically and legally, uh, a, uh, uh, a resident of the country called France.

01:03:33.277 --> 01:03:39.967
Now in, in, in, uh, eight U ussc 1 10, 1 subsection A 22, we start getting into what everyone's talking about.

01:03:40.567 --> 01:03:43.746
Now, if an individual or an organization.

01:03:44.331 --> 01:03:52.331
States or, or, or pledges, allegiance to the nation called United States.

01:03:53.592 --> 01:03:59.702
They become a national of the United States.

01:04:01.242 --> 01:04:03.911
Eight ussc 1, 1, 0, 1 Subsection A, 22.

01:04:04.922 --> 01:04:09.632
Now, national of the United States means two things, one of two things.

01:04:10.041 --> 01:04:16.106
A, a citizen of the United States, which basically means employee, an employee of the United States.

01:04:16.856 --> 01:04:27.356
Or B, a person who, though not an employee of the United States, owes allegiance to the United States.

01:04:28.746 --> 01:04:30.777
So we have, we have a few terms here.

01:04:31.327 --> 01:04:35.766
If you go to, uh, 22 CFR 51.

01:04:35.766 --> 01:04:40.121
2, you'll start to see that the passport, Is issued.

01:04:40.141 --> 01:04:44.492
And then what's funny is you go to the passport office and they think that passports are only issued to us citizens.

01:04:44.652 --> 01:04:45.961

01:04:46.802 --> 01:04:47.572
Totally false.

01:04:47.842 --> 01:04:49.382
That must be a fun conversation.

01:04:49.902 --> 01:04:50.911
They're there.

01:04:50.911 --> 01:04:55.101
They're very, very, uh, confused and upset by, by, by all of us.

01:04:55.152 --> 01:04:55.512

01:04:56.032 --> 01:05:00.711
A passport may be issued only to a U S national.

01:05:00.791 --> 01:05:09.742
Now, as far as I can tell the term U S national and national of the United States is referring to the same thing.

01:05:10.987 --> 01:05:19.817
So you can say the term U S national means blah, and you can say the term national of the United States means blah.

01:05:19.827 --> 01:05:22.407
And you'll see that the word national is not capitalized.

01:05:23.067 --> 01:05:27.447
The word United is capitalized, and the word States is capitalized.

01:05:28.637 --> 01:05:29.106

01:05:30.027 --> 01:05:36.797
Now, what, so, so, so, but then you go on the, the, uh, let's see here.

01:05:36.797 --> 01:05:43.336
So, so we, we've already seen that 22 So, a passport may be issued only to a U.

01:05:43.336 --> 01:05:43.476

01:05:43.476 --> 01:05:44.396
national or.

01:05:44.996 --> 01:05:46.887
National of the United States.

01:05:46.896 --> 01:05:52.527
And you can see that echoed and even more clearly, this really rips the skull off of passport people.

01:05:52.527 --> 01:05:53.677
It's so fucking funny.

01:05:54.226 --> 01:05:59.186
You could, you could get someone to emotionally melt down right there in the fucking office, you shown this one.

01:05:59.246 --> 01:06:14.527
22 USC 2 1 2 no passport shall be, uh, uh, granted or issued to, or verified for any other persons than those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not to the United States, right?

01:06:15.177 --> 01:06:20.007
And that this is another way of saying the exact same thing as what they're saying here.

01:06:21.317 --> 01:06:29.516
Uh, the term national of the United States means a citizen of the United States or be a person who though not a citizen of the United States, I was permanent allegiance to the United States.

01:06:30.197 --> 01:06:32.882
Back over to 22, uh, USC two two.

01:06:33.197 --> 01:06:37.427
No passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other per sons.

01:06:37.637 --> 01:06:42.677
Then those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not to the United States.

01:06:43.126 --> 01:06:50.456
And then going back to 22 CFR 51 point 0.2, a passport may be issued only to a US National.

01:06:50.577 --> 01:06:53.996
So those three sections all come together to show you.

01:06:54.581 --> 01:06:55.811
That that's how this works

01:06:57.601 --> 01:06:57.842

01:06:57.842 --> 01:07:10.961
So having a passport and unknowingly calling yourself a U S citizen, because you have a passport and because they can only be issued to American nationals.

01:07:11.992 --> 01:07:12.802
You know, it's not

01:07:12.802 --> 01:07:15.882
really a, the terminology is very critical, right?

01:07:15.882 --> 01:07:21.032
So an American national is, is a bit of a confusing, it's confusing, right?

01:07:21.521 --> 01:07:24.342
You have, you have the term U S national.

01:07:25.342 --> 01:07:31.161
You could be, I am a national of the amnesty coalition, the nation of the amnesty coalition.

01:07:31.791 --> 01:07:40.731
I am a national of the, uh, the micronation called slow Jamistan, which is on the screen right now.

01:07:40.731 --> 01:07:41.992
I'm actually a member of parliament.

01:07:42.001 --> 01:07:44.802
If you scroll down, you will see me right here.

01:07:47.376 --> 01:07:49.467
So, so the thing is, is the pickle.

01:07:49.467 --> 01:07:49.956
There you go.

01:07:50.157 --> 01:07:59.936
I am a national, which means somebody who has, who has pledged allegiance to a nation of three different nations.

01:08:00.577 --> 01:08:05.327
One is the nation of the amnesty coalition, which is this website here, the amnesty coalition.

01:08:05.436 --> 01:08:05.797

01:08:07.217 --> 01:08:09.387
Um, you can see here, here's me.

01:08:09.456 --> 01:08:11.726
Um, and I tell you right here.

01:08:12.251 --> 01:08:20.702
While I am an ambassador at large wanting to help all nations of the world, I have specifically pledged qualified allegiance to three different nations, making me a tri national.

01:08:21.332 --> 01:08:26.442
I am a non citizen national and proud ambassador of all three of these incredible nations.

01:08:26.452 --> 01:08:28.082
One, the Amnesty Coalition.

01:08:28.192 --> 01:08:30.341
Two, the Republic of Slojamistan.

01:08:30.381 --> 01:08:32.122
Three, the United States of America.

01:08:32.662 --> 01:08:38.822
In terms of my relationship with the United States of America, I am a non citizen national as defined in 8 U.

01:08:38.822 --> 01:08:38.942

01:08:38.942 --> 01:08:39.181

01:08:39.192 --> 01:08:41.942
1101, subsection A, 22B.

01:08:43.506 --> 01:08:44.476
So where is that?

01:08:45.337 --> 01:08:45.846
8 U.

01:08:45.846 --> 01:08:45.987

01:08:45.997 --> 01:08:46.447

01:08:46.577 --> 01:08:50.886
subsection A 22 B.

01:08:51.256 --> 01:08:57.016
A person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

01:08:59.447 --> 01:09:00.697
And you'll see that.

01:09:00.697 --> 01:09:01.957
So, so a U.

01:09:02.067 --> 01:09:02.646

01:09:02.907 --> 01:09:05.957
national could be A or B.

01:09:07.046 --> 01:09:15.867
A or B, a national of the United States could be a or B.

01:09:16.287 --> 01:09:30.997
But if you look at the I nine employment eligibility verification form from the U S CIS, they have a different terminology, which is my favorite, a non citizen national of the United States.

01:09:31.657 --> 01:09:33.707
Now this terminology right here.

01:09:34.112 --> 01:09:44.141
Is referring to only and exclusively subsection B, a non citizen national of the United States.

01:09:45.171 --> 01:09:48.662
So when you say, I am a national of, of what?

01:09:49.072 --> 01:09:51.692
I am a national of the United States.

01:09:51.742 --> 01:09:52.381

01:09:52.761 --> 01:09:55.782
Does that mean you're a citizen or, or a non citizen national?

01:09:56.521 --> 01:10:00.072
If you say, I am a U S national.

01:10:00.412 --> 01:10:01.051

01:10:01.271 --> 01:10:02.771
Does that mean you're a citizen?

01:10:03.106 --> 01:10:05.237
Or does that mean that you're a non citizen national?

01:10:05.617 --> 01:10:12.127
When you say I am a non citizen national, then you say, okay, of what?

01:10:12.886 --> 01:10:17.367
A non citizen national of the United States.

01:10:17.766 --> 01:10:18.226

01:10:19.176 --> 01:10:19.577
Got it.

01:10:20.466 --> 01:10:34.617
A non citizen national of France, a non citizen national of the nation of the Amnesty Coalition, a non citizen national of New Zealand, a non citizen national of Australia, a non you see what I mean?

01:10:35.377 --> 01:10:41.846
A non citizen national of Canada, somebody who's not a citizen, but has pledged allegiance to Canada.

01:10:42.176 --> 01:10:44.516
So non citizen meaning

01:10:44.556 --> 01:10:45.487

01:10:48.516 --> 01:10:50.216
Non citizen means non employee.

01:10:50.777 --> 01:10:51.127

01:10:51.317 --> 01:10:51.667

01:10:52.577 --> 01:10:58.686
A non employee, uh, allegiance giver of the United States.

01:11:00.756 --> 01:11:04.856
A non employee allegiance giver of France.

01:11:04.856 --> 01:11:10.327
Non A non employee allegiance giver of Antarctica.

01:11:12.167 --> 01:11:15.466
Now, keep in mind, all of the 50 States are all independent nations as well.

01:11:15.466 --> 01:11:20.447
If you go back in history, uh, Alaska as a nation, California is a nation.

01:11:20.667 --> 01:11:21.966
New Mexico is a nation.

01:11:22.417 --> 01:11:26.247
The same way that the European union is a whole bunch of nations.

01:11:26.407 --> 01:11:28.966
And then they have one super nation called the European union.

01:11:29.487 --> 01:11:30.686
America is the same thing.

01:11:31.226 --> 01:11:33.856
The problem is, is that that's only on the unincorporated side.

01:11:34.902 --> 01:11:38.981
On the incorporated side, they're pretty much all just one big incorporated nation.

01:11:39.851 --> 01:12:03.351
Uh, that's why the federal courts are typically higher on the spectrum than the state courts, but in the unincorporated world, the original pre 1871 world, uh, California is a nation and that nation's, uh, constitution comes from 1848 and that 1848 constitution is still completely active, even in On 4 13 p.

01:12:03.351 --> 01:12:03.671

01:12:03.702 --> 01:12:08.221
Pacific Standard Time on July 21st of 2024.

01:12:10.082 --> 01:12:10.462
Got it.

01:12:14.231 --> 01:12:15.801
Are we at the end of the presentation?

01:12:16.412 --> 01:12:16.782

01:12:19.141 --> 01:12:24.131
So, so what happens is now we start getting into proof on this.

01:12:24.181 --> 01:12:26.042
People are like, oh, this is all bullshit and blah, blah, blah.

01:12:26.042 --> 01:12:26.311

01:12:26.311 --> 01:12:26.412

01:12:26.412 --> 01:12:27.112
Where's the proof?

01:12:27.112 --> 01:12:27.792
Show me

01:12:27.971 --> 01:12:28.542
the money.

01:12:28.721 --> 01:12:29.351

01:12:29.952 --> 01:12:31.372
We've got two spots, eight U.

01:12:31.372 --> 01:12:31.481

01:12:31.492 --> 01:12:31.662

01:12:31.662 --> 01:12:32.841
1401 and 18 U.

01:12:32.841 --> 01:12:32.931

01:12:32.931 --> 01:12:33.091

01:12:33.091 --> 01:12:33.822

01:12:34.271 --> 01:12:35.421
So we'll start with 18 U.

01:12:35.421 --> 01:12:35.492

01:12:35.502 --> 01:12:35.692

01:12:35.692 --> 01:12:39.792
1401 nationals and citizens of the United States.

01:12:39.801 --> 01:12:49.122
It doesn't say the United States because the United States is a person, nationals and citizens of person called United States at birth.

01:12:49.601 --> 01:12:55.572
Okay, the following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.

01:12:56.742 --> 01:12:57.091
Eight U.

01:12:57.091 --> 01:12:57.192

01:12:57.192 --> 01:12:57.421

01:12:57.421 --> 01:12:57.912

01:12:59.277 --> 01:13:07.676
Unless otherwise specified in blah, the following shall be nationals, but not citizens of the United States at birth.

01:13:08.146 --> 01:13:09.537
Let's go one step farther.

01:13:10.266 --> 01:13:13.296
Take a look at what is the name of title eight.

01:13:13.766 --> 01:13:16.686
People think that it's citizenship and nationality.

01:13:17.127 --> 01:13:19.886
The word citizenship is nowhere to be found.

01:13:20.277 --> 01:13:21.237
Click on title eight.

01:13:22.356 --> 01:13:23.077
You don't see it.

01:13:24.707 --> 01:13:25.846
Where is citizenship?

01:13:30.346 --> 01:13:30.957
It's not there.

01:13:31.287 --> 01:13:31.806
It's not there.

01:13:32.917 --> 01:13:35.827
It's two completely different subjects.

01:13:36.667 --> 01:13:40.207
Citizenship is governmental employment.

01:13:41.556 --> 01:13:53.037
Nationality is the conferring of allegiance, pledging allegiance makes you a national working as an employee makes you a citizen.

01:13:54.136 --> 01:13:54.527

01:13:56.162 --> 01:13:56.391
A U.

01:13:56.391 --> 01:13:56.492

01:13:56.492 --> 01:14:02.712
citizen is an employee of the corporation, the federal corporation located in the District of Columbia.

01:14:03.351 --> 01:14:18.032
A non citizen national of the United States is somebody who is not an employee of the corporation called United States, but has pledged allegiance to the corporation called United States or United States of America.

01:14:18.061 --> 01:14:20.832
And you say to yourself, well, I don't want to pledge allegiance to the United States.

01:14:20.841 --> 01:14:21.282

01:14:22.287 --> 01:14:26.436
The way that we do it is we write our own custom Pledge of Allegiance.

01:14:26.886 --> 01:14:29.667
And what's funny is they never have a problem with it.

01:14:29.976 --> 01:14:31.327
Never once have we ever had an issue.

01:14:32.296 --> 01:14:37.027
You can write your own custom Pledge of Allegiance, and they will accept it.

01:14:37.186 --> 01:14:39.096
I'm not even sure they read the goddamn thing, to be honest with you.

01:14:39.657 --> 01:14:43.877
Because they just accept you could put on there, fuck you, and send a dick pic in and they'll accept it.

01:14:43.917 --> 01:14:44.587
I'm serious.

01:14:44.596 --> 01:14:44.976
It's crazy.

01:14:44.976 --> 01:14:45.167
And on

01:14:45.167 --> 01:14:47.896
that sheet, that pledge is basically what you're pledging.

01:14:48.402 --> 01:14:50.051
Specifically, you're pledging

01:14:50.051 --> 01:14:50.521

01:14:50.532 --> 01:14:52.372
So what is, what is your allegiance?

01:14:52.381 --> 01:14:57.921
What are you, what, what it's like the pledge of allegiance that we read in high school, but you can write your own pledge of allegiance.

01:15:00.511 --> 01:15:08.141
If the corporation called the United States accepts your pledge of allegiance, you, you are a non citizen national of the United States.

01:15:08.152 --> 01:15:08.902

01:15:09.511 --> 01:15:10.931
You are eligible for a passport.

01:15:12.242 --> 01:15:16.002
Even if you just moved in last week, you could live, you

01:15:16.002 --> 01:15:17.652
could live in a cave in Antarctica.

01:15:17.671 --> 01:15:18.322
It makes no difference.

01:15:18.341 --> 01:15:19.271
You can still do the process.

01:15:20.481 --> 01:15:22.521
Without the paperwork, without all that stuff.

01:15:23.202 --> 01:15:32.902
Now, if you think you're going to live in a cave in Antarctica and you're going to go and get the department of state to issue you a passport as a non citizen national without having to litigate, that's not going to happen.

01:15:32.902 --> 01:15:36.902
But if you're willing to, to litigate and bang down their door, they have to issue you a passport.

01:15:36.952 --> 01:15:44.862
They don't have a choice and we can start getting into 22 CFR 51.

01:15:44.862 --> 01:15:46.742

01:15:46.942 --> 01:15:49.381
We start getting into types of passports.

01:15:50.641 --> 01:15:53.452
We have a regular passport, which, oh my gosh, shockingly.

01:15:53.721 --> 01:15:56.971
Regular passport is issued to a national of the United States.

01:15:57.032 --> 01:15:57.542
Oh my god.

01:15:58.042 --> 01:15:59.492
The word citizen is nowhere to be found.

01:15:59.492 --> 01:16:00.601
How, how fascinating.

01:16:01.822 --> 01:16:07.346
Um A service passport, official passport, or a diplomatic passport.

01:16:07.487 --> 01:16:08.667
Those are the four types.

01:16:09.046 --> 01:16:11.146
And then we have the passport card.

01:16:11.596 --> 01:16:22.167
Uh, if you look at the DS 11 passport application form, uh, you'll start to see something now all of a sudden, now that we've been covering all this, that may kind of catch your eye a little bit.

01:16:22.186 --> 01:16:24.197
Something that you may have never noticed previously.

01:16:24.976 --> 01:16:30.896
Uh, on the upper right hand side of the first page of the area that you are clearly supposed to fill out.

01:16:30.926 --> 01:16:37.737
There are areas that are very, very clearly in gigantic blue lines and, and a whole different thing.

01:16:37.737 --> 01:16:40.817
And it's not in this kind of tan, orangey color area.

01:16:40.817 --> 01:16:44.396
We have a section on the first page and the second page, which is very clear.

01:16:45.051 --> 01:16:46.761
That you are not to write in these areas.

01:16:46.792 --> 01:16:50.351
The, the orange yellow areas are very, very clear.

01:16:50.362 --> 01:16:54.131
These are the areas that you are the one who is supposed to fill out.

01:16:54.981 --> 01:16:59.171
On the upper right hand side of the form, we have four boxes.

01:16:59.242 --> 01:17:00.351
Ironically, what do we have?

01:17:00.362 --> 01:17:03.002
We have four types of passport.

01:17:03.622 --> 01:17:07.561
D diplomatic, O official, S service.

01:17:07.612 --> 01:17:09.372
NFR is no fee regular.

01:17:10.021 --> 01:17:13.771
If we go to eight foreign affairs manual 505.

01:17:13.822 --> 01:17:21.721
2, and we start looking at the passport endorsement page again, so we were looking at earlier and we scroll down, we will see that same information.

01:17:21.801 --> 01:17:22.351

01:17:22.351 --> 01:17:25.202
There's a few subcategories duplicated here.

01:17:25.231 --> 01:17:30.891
D means diplomatic, O means official, N or NFR means no fee regular.

01:17:31.402 --> 01:17:33.112
And then we have S means service.

01:17:34.761 --> 01:17:42.521
Now, below that on the DS11, we have E N D period space pound space line.

01:17:43.702 --> 01:17:50.112
E N D means E N D O R S E M E N T endorsements.

01:17:51.492 --> 01:18:03.841
They're asking you of all these different special cool codes, like for example, ambassador at large, or the bear is a United States national and not a United States citizen, which is Oh nine.

01:18:05.242 --> 01:18:11.091
They're asking you what kind of endorsement codes would you like to have?

01:18:12.652 --> 01:18:13.952
They're not supposed to fill this out.

01:18:13.971 --> 01:18:14.412
You are.

01:18:16.942 --> 01:18:19.131
They're asking you, do you want a passport book?

01:18:19.712 --> 01:18:21.112
Do you want a passport card?

01:18:21.752 --> 01:18:22.712
Or do you want both?

01:18:23.627 --> 01:18:27.426
And then if you do want the book, do you want a regular book or a large book?

01:18:27.476 --> 01:18:30.997
And then they're asking you, do you want a diplomatic official service?

01:18:31.037 --> 01:18:31.976
No fee regular.

01:18:31.997 --> 01:18:34.136
And then what kind of endorsement code would you like?

01:18:34.987 --> 01:18:36.506
And I don't know what the hell this is.

01:18:36.546 --> 01:18:38.106
E X P for all I know.

01:18:38.117 --> 01:18:41.256
They're asking you, when would you like this passport to expire?

01:18:41.256 --> 01:18:44.037
I honestly have no fucking clue what that one is.

01:18:44.662 --> 01:18:55.101
Uh, to this day, I have no idea, but I would assume, uh, you know, as shocking as everything is, I would assume that they're asking you when you'd like your passport to expire.

01:18:55.141 --> 01:18:57.301
I really don't know what else to say about that.

01:18:57.992 --> 01:18:59.981
Uh, anyways, so.

01:19:00.587 --> 01:19:03.926
This is your window shopping, 8FAM505.

01:19:03.976 --> 01:19:09.957
2 where you can go window shopping and you can figure out what kind of passport do you want and what type of endorsement would you like.

01:19:12.487 --> 01:19:18.077
And they're gonna tell you, oh, blah, blah, blah, use only when authorized by CAPPTSA.

01:19:18.367 --> 01:19:32.337
I've never seen any information anywhere and it's literally right in there and it asks you which one you want and I guarantee you if you do some light litigation, which I have never done or seen anyone else do, there's no way they can stop you from getting whatever you want.

01:19:32.337 --> 01:19:32.372

01:19:32.372 --> 01:19:35.407
2 Now they are going to stop you if you're not willing to litigate.

01:19:35.617 --> 01:19:36.527
Don't say no.

01:19:36.527 --> 01:19:39.087
And that can only be done by CAPPT, whatever.

01:19:39.087 --> 01:19:42.957
I've tried emailing CAPPT, whatever the fuck, they never respond to anything.

01:19:42.957 --> 01:19:44.067
I'm not even sure they're real.

01:19:44.117 --> 01:19:45.006
I don't even know what it is.

01:19:46.377 --> 01:20:00.027
So if you'd like a diplomatic passport or an official passport or a service passport or if you'd like special endorsements and you're willing to do a bit of litigation, I am, I am of a pretty strong theoretical opinion that you can get literally anything you want issued to you.

01:20:00.506 --> 01:20:09.886
And what's more crazy is that every single person can get, uh, one type of all four passports.

01:20:09.987 --> 01:20:13.356
So for example, I live most of my life out of private irrevocable trusts.

01:20:13.356 --> 01:20:14.197
I have four or five of them.

01:20:15.072 --> 01:20:22.112
I could get four different types of passport for every single one of my trusts.

01:20:24.506 --> 01:20:31.527
So I can go in here and say name, and I can say name of my trust, Brandon Joe Williams Trust.

01:20:32.787 --> 01:20:41.266
Uh, you know, last name would be Trust, uh, or you could say Williams Trust.

01:20:44.016 --> 01:20:51.787
Uh, and then you would say Brandon Joe Williams Trust.

01:20:52.447 --> 01:21:02.537
And they go, oh, we don't, we don't give passports to, to, uh, to, um, uh, trusts or corporations.

01:21:02.577 --> 01:21:03.587
And you just laugh.

01:21:04.221 --> 01:21:15.181
Literally like spitting, laughing so hard right in the face because that is falsely untrue in all these areas, including 22 U.

01:21:15.181 --> 01:21:15.271

01:21:15.282 --> 01:21:15.452

01:21:15.452 --> 01:21:16.171

01:21:16.652 --> 01:21:21.412
No passport shall be verified or issued to any other per sons.

01:21:22.037 --> 01:21:29.686
The title eight definition of the word per son or per sons is an individual or an organization.

01:21:30.016 --> 01:21:33.606
The definition of organization could be incorporated or unincorporated.

01:21:33.976 --> 01:21:35.667
You don't even need a corporated corporation.

01:21:35.667 --> 01:21:47.587
It could just be you and your buddies and you have a clan on, on call of duty and it could be called, uh, you know, uh, killer clan, uh, best killer clan.

01:21:47.926 --> 01:21:48.867
And it can be best.

01:21:50.936 --> 01:22:03.117
Killer client trust or, or whatever, or, or organization.

01:22:03.707 --> 01:22:08.747
'cause the def, the definition of the word organization means it could be incorporated or unincorporated.

01:22:08.777 --> 01:22:26.002
If you go back to, uh, eight USC 1, 1, 0, 1, uh, subsection A, uh, a 28.

01:22:27.511 --> 01:22:31.912
The term organization means, but is not limited to an organization corporation.

01:22:32.152 --> 01:22:49.721
Now check this out means, but is not limited to, you could fight that in court to not limited to, so they're saying even beyond all this, which is super ultra vague because it even says here, whether or not incorporated.

01:22:51.106 --> 01:22:55.756
So whether or not incorporated, plus this isn't even the limiting definition.

01:22:56.936 --> 01:22:57.917
So what does that mean?

01:22:57.926 --> 01:23:01.417
It means everything is an organization.

01:23:03.567 --> 01:23:07.476
So who qualifies for a passport?

01:23:08.947 --> 01:23:12.407
Anything qualifies for a passport.

01:23:12.676 --> 01:23:45.971
And the only reason to get a passport is identification and being able to I guess identification at this point and then based off of the type of passport, it's just different types of things you can do because you're saying there's like four or five of types of passports and I'm Guessing based off of your contract killer course you're referencing 3 star 4 star and 5 star that's pretty much the diplomat in the service and I think the other one is officer, right?

01:23:47.756 --> 01:23:51.837
Yeah, you have the diplomatic, you have the service, you have the officer, and then you have the, uh, the regular.

01:23:52.827 --> 01:23:54.777
Regular is the one that almost everybody has.

01:23:54.777 --> 01:23:57.976
A regular passport is issued to a national of the United States.

01:23:59.037 --> 01:23:59.497
Got it.

01:24:00.596 --> 01:24:15.891
So, technically, you wouldn't have to get another passport when you start Working your life as a non citizen national of the United States, because now you're going to have more freedoms if you do that.

01:24:15.931 --> 01:24:16.271

01:24:17.011 --> 01:24:28.881
Well, you could leave all your own shit alone and you can go out and litigate against the Department of State and you can confer the nationality of United States upon a person.

01:24:28.992 --> 01:24:31.072
Let's say you own the Los Angeles Lakers.

01:24:32.011 --> 01:24:33.492
You can confer.

01:24:35.082 --> 01:24:41.131
allegiance to the United States on behalf of the organization called Los Angeles Lakers.

01:24:41.152 --> 01:24:52.141
And you can attach that certificate of naturalization to a DS 11 form and you can fill it out like this, Los Angeles Lakers organization.

01:24:53.421 --> 01:24:56.091
Now I've never, ever, ever seen anyone do this.

01:24:56.702 --> 01:25:01.452
I'm not sure if it's ever happened, but I'm telling you they will deny it.

01:25:01.521 --> 01:25:02.971
I'm telling you if you litigate.

01:25:03.381 --> 01:25:04.561
They don't have a choice.

01:25:04.752 --> 01:25:14.622
They will have to issue a passport and it'll have your picture on it as the agent on behalf of the person called Los Angeles Lakers organization.

01:25:15.082 --> 01:25:19.381
And the name on the passport will say Los Angeles Lakers organization.

01:25:20.992 --> 01:25:22.912
And where it says social security number.

01:25:23.457 --> 01:25:29.087
You're going to go to the IRS and you're going to get an EIN number for Los Angeles Lakers organization.

01:25:29.377 --> 01:25:31.396
And you're going to type that EIN number.

01:25:31.407 --> 01:25:37.407
The EIN number is nine digits, same as a social security number, into this section of the form.

01:25:40.067 --> 01:25:44.777
The social security number of Los Angeles Lakers organization will be the EIN number.

01:25:46.707 --> 01:25:57.497
Because yeah, I'm trying not to get lost here, but I feel like when I asked that we went into Somewhere's where now it's beyond me Yeah, but I have a gist of what you're saying.

01:25:57.506 --> 01:25:59.417
You legit just an organization

01:25:59.417 --> 01:26:00.027
is a person

01:26:00.146 --> 01:26:00.926
that a person

01:26:01.907 --> 01:26:03.067
Passports are issued to

01:26:03.096 --> 01:26:03.676

01:26:04.186 --> 01:26:04.777
It's that simple.

01:26:04.787 --> 01:26:07.997
But why would I want the Lakers organization to have a passport?

01:26:08.016 --> 01:26:08.926
What's the benefit of that?

01:26:09.146 --> 01:26:09.747
Why not?

01:26:09.907 --> 01:26:10.176
I don't know.

01:26:12.737 --> 01:26:33.521
I Don't know why not You could get clever and you could put on here, um, uh, international, uh, uh, uh, diplomatic, uh, association organization.

01:26:33.622 --> 01:26:36.532
Imagine having a passport that said that and had your picture on it.

01:26:40.591 --> 01:26:43.702
If you open up a trust, well, actually, it doesn't even need to be a trust.

01:26:43.712 --> 01:26:51.731
It could be, you know, Uh, unincorporated, it could be even above and beyond the definition found in, uh, at USC one one zero one subsection eight 28.

01:26:51.851 --> 01:26:52.671
It could be anything.

01:26:52.801 --> 01:26:56.412
You could just make this up and say, Oh, me and my friends, you know, we're online.

01:26:56.412 --> 01:27:03.171
We have a, a forum on Reddit and we talk about what it means to be a diplomat in various countries of the world.

01:27:03.421 --> 01:27:03.801
Okay, boom.

01:27:04.021 --> 01:27:09.112
You have an organization as per title eight definition, that organization is entitled to a passport.

01:27:11.171 --> 01:27:11.731
That's crazy.

01:27:11.731 --> 01:27:13.671

01:27:15.737 --> 01:27:17.037
I'm I'm ready to go next.

01:27:17.117 --> 01:27:17.917
What's after this?

01:27:18.886 --> 01:27:22.006
I'm like, all right, I don't even know what to do next after that.

01:27:22.287 --> 01:27:30.167
So, so usually this is the part of the presentation when I get into, uh, taxes, which is very simple now, now we've figured all that out.

01:27:30.237 --> 01:27:31.567
Taxes is such a fucking joke.

01:27:32.396 --> 01:27:35.002
Uh, 26 CFR 1.

01:27:35.002 --> 01:27:38.726
871 dash one classification and manner of taxing alien individuals.

01:27:38.756 --> 01:27:44.646
Now, by the way, the word alien means foreigner, and they always use the word alien, even when they use the word resident.

01:27:45.917 --> 01:27:46.997
Which is kind of confusing.

01:27:47.497 --> 01:27:52.846
So what the term resident alien means is foreigner who is staying here temporarily.

01:27:54.207 --> 01:27:54.766
Makes sense.

01:27:54.867 --> 01:28:03.627
And the reason why you start going far enough down this rabbit hole and, and, and there's on paper, no one lives in the district of Columbia.

01:28:03.627 --> 01:28:05.117
They only work there.

01:28:06.056 --> 01:28:09.029
And that's why it's resident alien.

01:28:09.029 --> 01:28:14.327
You can't, you can't physically live in Washington, DC.

01:28:15.386 --> 01:28:16.837
You can only work there.

01:28:16.846 --> 01:28:31.216
And, and you're, you're, if you, if you, let's say you have a home in Washington, DC, the way that works is it's sort of like, um, it's like a temporary home that you have just for like visiting or just for like business purposes.

01:28:31.226 --> 01:28:34.167
Like you don't, it's not really like a home in law.

01:28:35.527 --> 01:28:41.027
That's why it's resident alien temporary visitor who is a foreigner.

01:28:41.207 --> 01:28:43.247
That's how you would say this term in English.

01:28:43.782 --> 01:28:44.192

01:28:44.971 --> 01:28:51.502
For purposes of the income tax, alien or foreign individuals, because everyone is a foreign individual.

01:28:52.221 --> 01:28:54.622
They don't say alien and domestic.

01:28:54.622 --> 01:28:56.502
They don't say alien and non alien.

01:28:56.971 --> 01:28:57.721
They say alien.

01:28:58.131 --> 01:28:59.761
Everyone is an alien, you see.

01:29:00.731 --> 01:29:11.292
For purposes of the income tax, alien individuals, which is everyone, are divided generally into two classes, namely resident aliens and non resident aliens.

01:29:11.301 --> 01:29:11.362
Thank you.

01:29:12.351 --> 01:29:24.822
So taking that same terminology, we have somebody who is, who is temporarily, uh, here or joining us in this, uh, state called the United States, which no one can define where it's at, but they are foreigners.

01:29:24.971 --> 01:29:26.561
So they're going to be here just for a little while.

01:29:26.561 --> 01:29:27.042
They're going to leave.

01:29:27.061 --> 01:29:31.122
They, they are not living here or permanent, permanent domicile here or anything.

01:29:31.731 --> 01:29:32.761
That's option one.

01:29:33.431 --> 01:29:36.702
Option two is, uh, foreigners who aren't here.

01:29:37.362 --> 01:29:40.322
That's literally all not resident alien is a foreigner.

01:29:40.322 --> 01:29:41.112
Who's not here.

01:29:42.692 --> 01:29:43.122
That's it.

01:29:43.731 --> 01:29:46.782
It's a foreigner who's here or a foreigner who's not here.

01:29:47.612 --> 01:29:48.811
How do you get there?

01:29:51.101 --> 01:29:51.662
Testing you.

01:29:53.072 --> 01:29:54.801
How do you get where?

01:29:54.832 --> 01:29:55.832
I mean, it's hard to get

01:29:55.862 --> 01:29:56.492

01:29:57.551 --> 01:29:59.921
You, you nationalize,

01:30:00.152 --> 01:30:01.311
naturalize, naturalize,

01:30:01.372 --> 01:30:03.212

01:30:03.221 --> 01:30:04.171
It's the only way you can get there.

01:30:04.202 --> 01:30:05.271
You can't get there any other way.

01:30:05.811 --> 01:30:13.231
If I drive through Washington DC and I zigzag up and down the entire Washington DC.

01:30:14.247 --> 01:30:20.157
How would you know that you were ever in the sub state of Washington, DC called United States?

01:30:20.527 --> 01:30:26.117
If you don't know where it is, you don't know what shape it is, and you don't know how large it is or the coordinates of it.

01:30:26.296 --> 01:30:29.726
How would you know you were ever at any point in time?

01:30:29.737 --> 01:30:30.306
How would you know?

01:30:30.317 --> 01:30:34.167
Let's say you drove through Washington, DC all day.

01:30:34.667 --> 01:30:46.516
Every day up and down and zigzagged and you had a, a motorcycle or a dirt bike, and you can go all through the parks and you can go all through the roads and you could, and the, and the capitol building was just whatever.

01:30:46.516 --> 01:30:52.671
And you're, you're on the motor, you're on the dirt bike, and you're, and you're going through the, the capitol, uh, you're tearing up the yard and you.

01:30:53.042 --> 01:31:06.891
for for two 48 hours straight and you zigzag and there's a map on Google Maps and it's just got lines and dots and it's just the whole thing is like just filled with all the the the motion and traveling and all.

01:31:07.221 --> 01:31:08.601
How would you know?

01:31:09.292 --> 01:31:19.992
If at any point in time you were in, traveling through, or contacted the sub state of the country of the District of Columbia called United States.

01:31:22.431 --> 01:31:23.261
You wouldn't know.

01:31:23.261 --> 01:31:27.171
You would have to say you were because it's not a physical spot.

01:31:27.221 --> 01:31:28.612
There's no other way you can get there.

01:31:29.402 --> 01:31:31.242
The only way you can get there is naturalization.

01:31:32.521 --> 01:31:35.921
You can't get there in the physical world.

01:31:35.942 --> 01:31:39.962
It is physically impossible to contact.

01:31:41.346 --> 01:31:43.726
It cannot be physically contacted.

01:31:45.856 --> 01:32:08.827
So that being said, a resident alien and a non resident alien, in my mind, are I understand that as, let's say I have family outside of, now it's like I got to watch how I'm saying things, but for the purposes of someone who doesn't understand what's going on, they have a family that lives, you know, out of the country, out of the physical country.

01:32:08.867 --> 01:32:13.466
Then they're visiting the physical country and they're visiting, let's say, California.

01:32:14.046 --> 01:32:21.386
That person didn't, wait, wait, didn't nationalize themselves, right?

01:32:21.396 --> 01:32:23.506
Not, they did not naturalize themselves.

01:32:23.726 --> 01:32:24.987
So therefore they are.

01:32:25.306 --> 01:32:38.506
A non resident alien and myself who has naturalized myself unknowingly am in a resident alien, and that's why you have the green cards for the residency and all that.

01:32:38.627 --> 01:32:39.106
You've got it.

01:32:40.527 --> 01:32:42.176
Non citizen nationals don't have green cards.

01:32:44.636 --> 01:32:45.117

01:32:47.006 --> 01:32:57.577
So, so resident alien individuals are in general taxable the same as citizens, which means employees of the United States, which means a corporation located, God knows where.

01:32:57.577 --> 01:32:57.617

01:32:58.556 --> 01:33:20.627
So if I reread that, resident alien individuals are in general taxable, the same as employees of the federal corporation, that is a resident alien is taxable on income derived from all sources, including sources without, which means outside of the federal corporation.

01:33:21.796 --> 01:33:23.237
Now the word income is hilarious too.

01:33:23.247 --> 01:33:24.247
You, it can't be defined.

01:33:24.417 --> 01:33:26.407
So, so I'm not going to get into that.

01:33:26.457 --> 01:33:27.606
I'm not going to get into that now.

01:33:27.606 --> 01:33:29.186
That's a whole nother rabbit hole.

01:33:29.716 --> 01:33:32.777
The word income is completely undefinable.

01:33:32.966 --> 01:33:39.587
And if I click on it, you'll even see whenever you start to see shit like this, where it goes on and on and on and on and on, and it makes no sense.

01:33:39.912 --> 01:33:45.202
You got to realize you're, you're, you're, you're starting to nail, you're starting to pound up against something that they don't know.

01:33:45.202 --> 01:33:46.872
And they're trying to smoke screen it out.

01:33:47.572 --> 01:33:49.521
And then if you go back, you'll see another one here.

01:33:49.521 --> 01:33:52.372
If we click on non resident alien, this one's going to make you laugh.

01:33:52.652 --> 01:33:55.881
Look at the definition of the term non resident alien.

01:33:55.891 --> 01:34:00.061
I was on the fucking floor when I first saw this, sorry.

01:34:00.202 --> 01:34:00.622
Wait, hold on.

01:34:01.721 --> 01:34:02.702
Wait, did they change it?

01:34:02.752 --> 01:34:03.322
Oh my God.

01:34:03.332 --> 01:34:04.152
They changed it.

01:34:04.162 --> 01:34:04.981
Holy shit.

01:34:05.712 --> 01:34:06.162
Hold on.

01:34:06.171 --> 01:34:06.601
Hold on.

01:34:06.612 --> 01:34:07.011

01:34:08.372 --> 01:34:09.351
Oh, no.

01:34:09.462 --> 01:34:10.082
There we go.

01:34:10.412 --> 01:34:10.761

01:34:12.381 --> 01:34:13.292
The screen's small.

01:34:13.481 --> 01:34:14.332

01:34:14.381 --> 01:34:15.341
Non resident alien?

01:34:15.652 --> 01:34:17.452
It says definition letter J.

01:34:17.492 --> 01:34:18.572
Non resident alien.

01:34:18.601 --> 01:34:19.421
That's the definition.

01:34:19.502 --> 01:34:21.082
That is ridiculous.

01:34:21.091 --> 01:34:22.261
But this one's a little different.

01:34:22.322 --> 01:34:24.452
It is what it

01:34:24.452 --> 01:34:26.021

01:34:26.021 --> 01:34:27.591

01:34:28.872 --> 01:34:29.962
Yeah, see how confusing that is?

01:34:30.122 --> 01:34:37.487
So, so when you start seeing shit like this Ooh, boy! But now what's funny is you can take this.

01:34:37.516 --> 01:34:38.657
Let's say the IRS sues you.

01:34:38.657 --> 01:34:39.766
That it's very easy to handle.

01:34:39.766 --> 01:34:45.896
You'll, you'll, anyone who winds up in a court, when you start to understand how all this stuff works, you fuck something up really bad.

01:34:46.146 --> 01:34:52.157
I mean, when you understand how this stuff works, you will never see the inside.

01:34:52.186 --> 01:34:56.726
I mean, you've got to really fuck things up to get in the inside of a course or a courtroom,

01:34:56.837 --> 01:34:57.237

01:34:57.237 --> 01:35:01.766
There's no, nothing to pretty much worry about if you don't do anything crazy.

01:35:02.481 --> 01:35:29.872
Well, doing people think that everything I do is crazy, but, but, but the thing is, is that everything I do is actually, I've never, I am probably the, the most legal individual walking the earth in relationship to the United States legal system, like literally, uh, there's probably not a single person walking the that is even close to, uh, as, as, as, as well.

01:35:30.832 --> 01:35:51.082
Uh, uh, coordinated as well, uh, integrated into the legal system in the, in the, the, the highest caliber of, of, of legality and, and, um, then, then, then me literally, I mean, I'm, I'm people laugh and they say I'm a rebel when I'm actually the ultimate conformer,

01:35:52.952 --> 01:35:57.766
the irony, because you know, A lot more of what's actually going on.

01:35:57.817 --> 01:36:01.726
And so you, you're like, I'm actually playing by the rules better than most.

01:36:02.247 --> 01:36:05.037
I played by the I I'm like, uh, I'm like a nerd.

01:36:05.046 --> 01:36:10.896
I'm like reading the entire rule book over and over and over and looking at the definition of every single word

01:36:10.896 --> 01:36:11.657
bleed level.

01:36:11.756 --> 01:36:12.306

01:36:13.896 --> 01:36:17.487
So going down, this is the part that usually irritates people.

01:36:17.487 --> 01:36:20.207
And this is what everyone in America has done.

01:36:20.886 --> 01:36:21.237

01:36:22.606 --> 01:36:23.157

01:36:23.957 --> 01:36:32.886
Non resident alien individuals, and the word individual, like I said, is, is, is, this is the definition of individuals.

01:36:33.277 --> 01:36:34.056

01:36:34.521 --> 01:36:58.351
An individual is not a QBU, which me and my buddy Joe Lustig, we did a show once and we were looking this up and we were laughing so hard, we were in tears, we couldn't even, we couldn't even finish the show, we were laughing so hard, we couldn't even find the definition of Q, literally, what you're looking at is, is, you're looking at, we don't want to define this, because if we define this, we're fucked.

01:36:58.712 --> 01:37:00.351
That's what you're looking at, right?

01:37:01.242 --> 01:37:07.902
So, so, so, so knowing that the word individuals is extremely up in the air, people think that means.

01:37:08.481 --> 01:37:12.051
Men and women walk around in, in flesh bodies in the physical world.

01:37:12.141 --> 01:37:13.551
Seems like a filler word.

01:37:13.702 --> 01:37:14.481
Just a filler.

01:37:14.511 --> 01:37:14.572

01:37:14.577 --> 01:37:16.492
It's, it's, you'd be surprised, you'd be surprised.

01:37:16.497 --> 01:37:17.692
You start going down this rabbit hole.

01:37:18.181 --> 01:37:22.082
So, however, non-resident alien individuals.

01:37:22.082 --> 01:37:25.681
So, so what is this definition of non-resident alien individuals?

01:37:26.242 --> 01:37:35.131
If I had to say it would be, it'd be foreign nations or, or god knows what that, that are not.

01:37:35.947 --> 01:37:39.417
naturalized into the federal corporation called the United States.

01:37:40.256 --> 01:37:46.806
As others may elect to be treated as a U.

01:37:46.856 --> 01:37:47.247

01:37:47.247 --> 01:37:54.377
residence for purposes of determining their income tax liability.

01:37:55.917 --> 01:38:02.037
Now, as far as I'm concerned, this is the tax code version of naturalization.

01:38:02.077 --> 01:38:06.167
Again, naturalization is the craziest shit.

01:38:06.226 --> 01:38:35.127
What they're saying here is that people who are not inside of this unlocatable corporate zone called the United States, which is located in the District of Columbia, may confer the nationality of This unlocatable location inside of the corporation called District of Columbia upon an individual, which is undefinable, or an organization such as an estate, a trust, a company, corporation, partnership, or association.

01:38:35.726 --> 01:38:44.947
And if they do that, they're essentially electing that per son, whether it be in a state, a trust, a corporation, or an individual, which is undefinable.

01:38:45.917 --> 01:38:54.516
To be a resident of this unlocatable nation called the United States for the purpose of determining their income tax liability.

01:38:54.516 --> 01:39:03.457
So, so, so taking all of that, which I know is a little bit confusing, uh, uh, and simplifying it down to Beavis and Butthead second grade, you volunteered.

01:39:05.417 --> 01:39:05.997
You volunteered.

01:39:06.587 --> 01:39:07.027
Makes sense.

01:39:07.377 --> 01:39:12.006
You volunteered by saying that you're there or saying that you, you want to do it or by filing a tax return.

01:39:12.226 --> 01:39:12.587
You volunteered.

01:39:12.587 --> 01:39:12.777
So if you don't

01:39:12.777 --> 01:39:14.707
want to pay taxes, you un volunteer.

01:39:15.106 --> 01:39:16.657
And how do you un volunteer?

01:39:16.716 --> 01:39:20.527
And, and I have documents, and I have, I have a very simple rule.

01:39:20.896 --> 01:39:22.386
Don't send in things you don't understand.

01:39:23.277 --> 01:39:26.506
Sending in things you don't understand is extremely, extremely stupid.

01:39:26.867 --> 01:39:28.046
Very, very stupid.

01:39:28.096 --> 01:39:29.747
All these documents are all free.

01:39:30.587 --> 01:39:32.976
Resources and documents at TheMSDCoalition.

01:39:33.006 --> 01:39:33.237

01:39:33.237 --> 01:39:34.067
You're gonna scroll down.

01:39:34.867 --> 01:39:43.466
Revocation of election to be treated as a resident alien for the purpose of determining your income tax liability.

01:39:44.617 --> 01:39:45.756
This is an affidavit.

01:39:47.266 --> 01:39:52.877
You are going to read this affidavit, and you're going to clear up all of the words of the affidavit.

01:39:52.877 --> 01:39:57.707
It's not terribly difficult to understand, especially if you've watched the show and understand everything in the show.

01:39:58.146 --> 01:40:00.337
There are some financial information here.

01:40:00.337 --> 01:40:03.966
You're gonna need to go to some of my other shows and start looking at some of my financial information.

01:40:05.006 --> 01:40:07.796
You're going to read through this nationality clarification.

01:40:07.966 --> 01:40:08.466
Here we go.

01:40:08.497 --> 01:40:14.497
Naturalization right here, eight USC one one zero one subsection, eight 23 states.

01:40:14.497 --> 01:40:33.176
The term naturalization means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth by any mean whatsoever through the tremendous power of naturalization, I hereby confer the nationality of the state of the nation of the amnesty coalition on my ends legis, which means creature of the law called Brandon Joe Williams in all caps.

01:40:33.841 --> 01:40:39.521
Uh, when you were born, there was a corporate, uh, fiction that was created of your name in all capital letters.

01:40:39.521 --> 01:40:44.881
If you look on your bills and all your mail, it has that name on it, which is a business or a, or a franchise name.

01:40:45.301 --> 01:40:47.881
It's not actually referring to you specifically.

01:40:47.881 --> 01:40:52.431
Again, the word person includes estates, partnerships, companies, corporations, et cetera.

01:40:52.771 --> 01:40:57.671
So you got to ask yourself, is this thing, which is a person, no one will deny that.

01:40:58.221 --> 01:41:01.292
If it's a person, it's one of many, many different things.

01:41:01.301 --> 01:41:02.771
So you got to think, what is it?

01:41:02.921 --> 01:41:05.811
And if they say individual, you say, what's the definition of individual?

01:41:06.082 --> 01:41:10.101
You're really going to blow out their tires because they don't know the definition of the word individual.

01:41:10.101 --> 01:41:11.181
I don't think anyone does.

01:41:12.122 --> 01:41:16.731
So Brandon, Joe Williams in all caps is not referring to you.

01:41:17.452 --> 01:41:24.612
It's a franchise or I call it the ends legis ends legis just means creature of the law I don't know what kind your honor.

01:41:24.942 --> 01:41:26.421
Is it a corporation as an estate?

01:41:26.462 --> 01:41:34.731
I don't know, but I know it's a creature of the law It's an ends legis that I know that I can tell you with full certainty what it is.

01:41:34.942 --> 01:41:39.561
You say it's a corporation Sometimes sometimes I'll say it's a corporation, but then I think in the back of my head.

01:41:39.561 --> 01:41:40.011
Well, mr.

01:41:40.011 --> 01:41:42.091
Williams Can you prove that it's a corporation?

01:41:42.152 --> 01:41:45.391
Not necessarily Can I prove it's an ends legis?

01:41:45.462 --> 01:41:46.011
That's easy.

01:41:46.171 --> 01:41:47.181
Of course, that's easy.

01:41:48.742 --> 01:41:52.851
In California, uh, we pay tax to the franchise tax board.

01:41:53.131 --> 01:41:56.402
If you look up the definition of the word franchise, it literally means business.

01:41:58.002 --> 01:42:05.676
So when you pay state tax in California, and your name is on there, Brandon Joe Williams, you can just use their own terminology against them.

01:42:05.676 --> 01:42:06.271
That's a business.

01:42:09.277 --> 01:42:10.737
It's very easy in California.

01:42:10.737 --> 01:42:15.796
That's why I like California because that franchise tax board makes things really, really simple to explain.

01:42:16.447 --> 01:42:20.377
Oh, so you're saying that, uh, um, uh, my name isn't a franchise.

01:42:20.447 --> 01:42:21.216
Oh, well, Mr.

01:42:21.216 --> 01:42:21.466

01:42:21.506 --> 01:42:23.277
Oh, in that case, I don't have a state tax liability.

01:42:23.277 --> 01:42:23.737

01:42:23.737 --> 01:42:24.077
Thank you.

01:42:24.186 --> 01:42:24.537
Thank you.

01:42:24.537 --> 01:42:25.296
Uh, thank you, your honor.

01:42:25.296 --> 01:42:26.037
Oh, I wasn't saying that.

01:42:26.037 --> 01:42:29.266
Oh, you see very, very easy.

01:42:29.317 --> 01:42:30.396
Very, very easy.

01:42:30.396 --> 01:42:30.697

01:42:31.386 --> 01:42:32.886
So here we have a little tax treaty.

01:42:32.966 --> 01:42:33.787
Very, very simple.

01:42:35.021 --> 01:42:44.292
Uh, I attest that, uh, my ends legis has been previously, uh, born after the Department of Health and Human Services processed my certificate of live birth.

01:42:45.261 --> 01:42:48.212
Uh, um, we have some naturalization stuff.

01:42:48.212 --> 01:42:52.051
We have, uh, talking about, uh, national but not citizen after birth.

01:42:53.442 --> 01:42:56.692
Um, and then this is, we're not going to get into this, this is financial.

01:42:57.037 --> 01:43:06.386
Uh, but you can see it's a very short document, uh, opening statements, closing statements, uh, some financial information, and then you have the naturalization and nationality clarification.

01:43:07.127 --> 01:43:16.707
Uh, they, they, they process this document every single time it has been sent in.

01:43:16.997 --> 01:43:20.497
Hundreds of thousands of these have been sent in.

01:43:21.356 --> 01:43:24.867
They don't call you, they don't send you anything, nothing.

01:43:25.926 --> 01:43:27.417
They send you a series of three letters.

01:43:28.067 --> 01:43:33.417
The first letter says we've received your, uh, and they don't even talk about what it is.

01:43:33.466 --> 01:43:34.237
They're very vague.

01:43:34.527 --> 01:43:36.027
We've received your whatever.

01:43:36.697 --> 01:43:38.747
It's going to have some random year on it.

01:43:38.756 --> 01:43:40.317
Sometimes it's the year you were born.

01:43:40.327 --> 01:43:44.396
Sometimes it'll say like the year you were born all the way up through whatever year you put on here.

01:43:44.817 --> 01:43:49.176
The years are just totally random, whatever they want to put on there, whatever their understanding of this is.

01:43:50.087 --> 01:43:55.261
And the document says something along the lines of, you know, We're working on getting back to you on this.

01:43:55.322 --> 01:43:56.841
Uh, there's nothing else you need to do.

01:43:56.862 --> 01:43:58.212
They'll say that right on the document.

01:43:58.832 --> 01:44:03.452
Then, uh, they'll say they need, you know, a 30 or 60, they'll say they need like 30 days, something like that.

01:44:04.391 --> 01:44:06.421
Then in 30 days, you'll receive a second letter.

01:44:06.631 --> 01:44:09.542
The second letter will say, um, uh, we're still working on it.

01:44:09.862 --> 01:44:11.332
There's still nothing you need to do.

01:44:11.832 --> 01:44:15.171
Uh, but we need an additional 60 or 90 days.

01:44:16.077 --> 01:44:19.796
And then after an additional 60 to 90 days, they're going to send you a third letter.

01:44:19.796 --> 01:44:20.646
It's going to be the same thing.

01:44:20.646 --> 01:44:22.707
We're still working on what you sent us.

01:44:23.506 --> 01:44:30.186
You just nothing you need to do, but we have absolutely no idea when we're going to be done and, and we'll let you know we're done.

01:44:30.226 --> 01:44:32.117
And then you'll never hear from them again.

01:44:33.277 --> 01:44:34.407
In this process.

01:44:35.027 --> 01:44:43.617
Um, as more people become aware of this and process it, uh, I'm sure it's going to slow down as far as like your confirmation and everything like, yeah, we received it.

01:44:43.636 --> 01:44:44.987
Or can you go by the first,

01:44:45.247 --> 01:44:57.317
it doesn't matter what all you do is when you send it in, you send it certified mail and you make them sign for the parcel when they, when then, and then you'll get, you'll get the green card back and you'll also get the online notification.

01:44:57.742 --> 01:45:03.442
Stating that it was delivered and it'll tell you even on the online thing, it'll say delivered to a person at a front desk, blah, blah, blah, blah.

01:45:03.442 --> 01:45:07.551
But the little green card, it's called a 3811, a PS 3811.

01:45:08.332 --> 01:45:09.372
You can check on there.

01:45:09.421 --> 01:45:21.032
Um, I'll show you, uh, it's probably better just to show you, uh, PS 3811, uh, images.

01:45:21.867 --> 01:45:24.327
So this is what they look like a PS 38, 11.

01:45:24.506 --> 01:45:28.777
Um, and it's funny cause I go in there and I'm like, I need some PS 30 to 11s.

01:45:28.777 --> 01:45:30.037
And they go, what, what are you talking about?

01:45:30.037 --> 01:45:31.567
And they've been working there for 30 years.

01:45:31.577 --> 01:45:32.046
It's kind of funny.

01:45:33.106 --> 01:45:34.877
Uh, this is what it looks like.

01:45:34.966 --> 01:45:35.367

01:45:35.726 --> 01:45:36.676
And, uh, they're free.

01:45:36.766 --> 01:45:44.167
You can pick them up for free and they go with the P S 3, 800, I believe.

01:45:46.827 --> 01:45:47.306

01:45:48.171 --> 01:45:49.992
This is the P P S 3, 800.

01:45:50.072 --> 01:45:50.511

01:45:51.032 --> 01:45:53.771
So you can see here, this is how they come together.

01:45:53.832 --> 01:45:54.212

01:45:55.731 --> 01:45:59.481
And, uh, this, the P S 3, 800 is this one here.

01:45:59.771 --> 01:46:01.952
This one here has the number on it.

01:46:01.962 --> 01:46:06.782
You're going to take that number and you're going to stick it on the document.

01:46:08.212 --> 01:46:16.152
So at the top of the document, it'll say, um, certified male number, and you're going to stick, you're going to stick that.

01:46:17.596 --> 01:46:23.127
Uh, this number, uh, this number here on the certified meal, you're going to get two of these.

01:46:23.136 --> 01:46:23.787
These are free.

01:46:23.787 --> 01:46:24.077
The P.

01:46:24.077 --> 01:46:24.106

01:46:24.396 --> 01:46:26.686
I, you know, everyone doing all the shit that I do.

01:46:26.686 --> 01:46:29.867
They have huge stacks of these and these at home, right?

01:46:30.327 --> 01:46:33.697
And this number is going to go with the one document.

01:46:34.796 --> 01:46:38.367
One document goes to the local IRS servicing center, local to your area.

01:46:38.646 --> 01:46:41.027
And then the other one goes to the IRS commissioner.

01:46:41.136 --> 01:46:41.407

01:46:41.426 --> 01:46:48.856
So you're going to have two different parcels, two different certified mail numbers, two different PS 30, a hundreds, two different PS 38, 11th.

01:46:48.917 --> 01:46:49.186

01:46:50.127 --> 01:47:00.796
You're going to take this number right here and you're going to stick, uh, one of these on the one, and then that number goes in the document and then one of these on the other one, and then this number goes on the document as well.

01:47:00.886 --> 01:47:01.157

01:47:01.737 --> 01:47:04.296
And then this one is going to say, who is it going to?

01:47:04.662 --> 01:47:09.492
You're going to write, uh, IRS service center, and then you're going to write your local IRS service center.

01:47:09.782 --> 01:47:10.561
Blah, blah, blah, blah.

01:47:10.561 --> 01:47:14.131
And then you have the various services that are available down here.

01:47:14.152 --> 01:47:16.841
And you just fill in or checkmark the boxes that you want.

01:47:17.532 --> 01:47:20.242
You're going to do adult signature, which is right here.

01:47:20.891 --> 01:47:24.221
You're going to do certified male, uh, registered trademark.

01:47:24.372 --> 01:47:26.591
I think is the, you're going to check on that one.

01:47:26.952 --> 01:47:30.712
And then you're going to check signature confirmation trademark.

01:47:30.862 --> 01:47:32.061
You're going to check that box.

01:47:32.561 --> 01:47:35.042
Then you're going to flip, flip over the 38, uh, 11.

01:47:35.907 --> 01:47:38.386
And on the backside, it's going to look like this.

01:47:38.756 --> 01:47:44.417
And then you're going to type in, you're going to write in with a pen, your sender information, Brandon, Joe Williams, P.

01:47:44.417 --> 01:47:44.497

01:47:44.497 --> 01:47:48.567
Box 1962, Glendale, California, 9 1 2 0 9.

01:47:48.646 --> 01:47:51.426
And then this gets attached to the parcel.

01:47:51.777 --> 01:47:59.527
They physically with a pen or stamp sign here, uh, name here and then date here.

01:47:59.756 --> 01:48:03.457
And then the, the post office guy will tear this green.

01:48:04.506 --> 01:48:20.096
Uh, uh, thing off of the parcel itself and then send it back to the address on the backside of the green card and you will actually physically get the 3811 back at the location that you put on the back of the 3011.

01:48:21.497 --> 01:48:32.426
And that is your evidence that the Internal Revenue Service has signed for the revocation of election to be treated as a US resident for the purposes of determining your income tax liability.

01:48:33.056 --> 01:48:33.577
And that one's

01:48:33.606 --> 01:48:33.966

01:48:33.976 --> 01:48:34.037
Thank you.

01:48:34.721 --> 01:48:36.372
That's a hot topic for a lot of people.

01:48:36.702 --> 01:48:37.122

01:48:38.337 --> 01:48:47.277
So, so how hard is it to, to get out of taxation just as easy as it was to get into it, volunteering or naturalizing or electing.

01:48:47.306 --> 01:48:48.157
It's all the same word.

01:48:48.787 --> 01:48:51.926
Volunteer is how you say it in a social atmosphere.

01:48:51.926 --> 01:48:52.997
It's not a legal term.

01:48:53.546 --> 01:48:57.077
Uh, uh, the legal term from title eight would be naturalization.

01:48:57.662 --> 01:49:09.322
And then the legal term from title 26, which is the tax code would be an election or to elect kind of all means the same thing, volunteer, elect, volunteer naturalization.

01:49:09.811 --> 01:49:12.561
And, uh, you can see that here.

01:49:12.931 --> 01:49:14.122
I'll show one more thing.

01:49:14.622 --> 01:49:20.859
You can also see that here at a 26 CFR 6 0 1.

01:49:20.859 --> 01:49:41.146
6 0 2 subsection a, uh, the last sentence Tax system is based on voluntary compliance and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed if you go to This is where all of the yeah,

01:49:41.216 --> 01:49:42.306
that's crazy.

01:49:42.407 --> 01:49:45.806
That's crazy because there's a lot of fear behind it Oh, well, check this out.

01:49:45.806 --> 01:49:46.252
Check this

01:49:46.252 --> 01:49:59.317
out This is what this is what everyone's gonna send you all your naysayers and all your pussy ass family that that suck dick They're going to, they're going to send you this page, they're going to, they're going to, they're going to go online and they're going to start looking things up.

01:49:59.596 --> 01:50:03.277
And this is what they're going to send you the truth about frivolous tax arguments.

01:50:03.567 --> 01:50:07.327
And it goes through and it talks about a lot of the stuff that I've been talking about on the show.

01:50:07.747 --> 01:50:13.306
Not all of it, by the way, a good chunk of it, maybe half or so of what I've talked about on the show.

01:50:13.306 --> 01:50:14.127
They'll talk about here.

01:50:14.627 --> 01:50:15.747
Now here's the kicker.

01:50:15.867 --> 01:50:18.176
Cause I was trying to figure out what, what am I missing here?

01:50:18.197 --> 01:50:18.886
I'm missing something.

01:50:19.037 --> 01:50:19.317

01:50:19.667 --> 01:50:20.247
Check this out.

01:50:21.636 --> 01:50:23.016
Tax payer.

01:50:23.016 --> 01:50:23.957

01:50:24.891 --> 01:50:26.912
56 times it's used.

01:50:28.412 --> 01:50:34.542
They never refer to you in any other way besides the word taxpayer, including all of the letters they send you.

01:50:35.212 --> 01:50:38.221
And I started thinking, what the fuck is a taxpayer?

01:50:40.021 --> 01:50:46.032
26 a 14 has the definition of taxpayer.

01:50:46.032 --> 01:50:52.332
And it blows this entire subject up instantly clarifies everything.

01:50:53.231 --> 01:51:01.721
The term taxpayer means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.

01:51:04.442 --> 01:51:09.792
If you're not naturalized, you aren't subject to any internal revenue tax.

01:51:10.072 --> 01:51:11.282
You aren't there.

01:51:12.332 --> 01:51:14.402
You're a non resident alien.

01:51:15.671 --> 01:51:24.681
That's a trick of words that they are, are literally selling you, trying to disprove someone who's understanding the words.

01:51:24.681 --> 01:51:27.532
It's like a, it's like a double standard at that point.

01:51:27.851 --> 01:51:52.947
So if you were to read this in, in normal English, now everything starts to make sense people or, or companies or, or legal fictions that are subject to Internal revenue tax who rely on frivolous arguments to avoid filing returns may be subject to additional, uh, an addition to tax under this statement.

01:51:53.686 --> 01:51:56.016
This statement isn't is completely true.

01:51:56.016 --> 01:51:59.737
They aren't lying for failing to file a return.

01:52:00.356 --> 01:52:11.737
Additionally, people are individuals who are subject to internal revenue tax who rely on frivolous arguments to avoid paying tax may be subject to additions to tax.

01:52:12.466 --> 01:52:13.646
For failing to pay taxes.

01:52:14.256 --> 01:52:17.317
This sentence is completely true.

01:52:18.497 --> 01:52:19.056
Here we go again.

01:52:20.176 --> 01:52:32.016
Individuals who are subject to, uh, uh, internal revenue tax filing returns with frivolous positions may be subject to the accuracy related penalty under section six, six, six, two.

01:52:32.841 --> 01:52:35.122
Which is completely true.

01:52:35.152 --> 01:52:35.962
Do you see?

01:52:36.051 --> 01:52:37.252
Yeah, because they're using my words.

01:52:37.252 --> 01:52:37.761

01:52:38.122 --> 01:52:43.072
everything they are saying here is completely true.

01:52:43.221 --> 01:52:45.261
They are not lying to you.

01:52:47.332 --> 01:52:53.002
A taxpayer instituted a, a taxpayer's position, a taxpayer, unreasonably.

01:52:53.301 --> 01:52:56.332
That's all they, they don't, they don't call you anything else.

01:52:56.421 --> 01:52:57.502
It's just, yeah, that's it.

01:52:57.502 --> 01:53:00.551
As long as they, uh, that's, that's slick, huh?

01:53:01.862 --> 01:53:02.431
That's awesome.

01:53:03.976 --> 01:53:07.436
You just, just that one word just made it all fall apart.

01:53:08.117 --> 01:53:09.516
So they say the word taxpayer.

01:53:09.556 --> 01:53:11.256
Oh my Lord.

01:53:11.277 --> 01:53:15.256
I am doing screaming, doing backflips.

01:53:15.287 --> 01:53:15.457

01:53:18.867 --> 01:53:23.136
Who in the fuck are you calling a taxpayer, bro?

01:53:23.617 --> 01:53:27.337
Because if they say taxpayer and you don't rebut it, that's also a little bit dangerous.

01:53:28.497 --> 01:53:31.516
They're saying, excuse me, Mr.

01:53:31.516 --> 01:53:34.077
Person who is subject to internal revenue tax.

01:53:34.652 --> 01:53:40.681
And you go, yes, do you see what would you like to say they're a good friend?

01:53:40.712 --> 01:53:43.622
And they go, so you do admit it.

01:53:43.981 --> 01:53:44.221
You see,

01:53:44.221 --> 01:53:47.061
all right.

01:53:47.061 --> 01:53:54.152
So I feel like we scrambled everybody's brains and, um, they're going to have to go back and relisten.

01:53:54.872 --> 01:54:02.261
Um, I'm down to go into the philosophical part because I've had conversations with people around this who have an idea.

01:54:03.242 --> 01:54:05.002
And, uh, and.

01:54:05.466 --> 01:54:21.417
If you could clarify, because you said like at one point you're like, I'm the, it all comes down to the Bible and the trustee and the people of the land being the trustees and God being, um, the person who issued the trust, right?

01:54:21.466 --> 01:54:22.936
Like, how does that break down?

01:54:22.936 --> 01:54:26.766
Like, what, what is your philosophical perspective of what's going on?

01:54:27.337 --> 01:54:31.426
Everything as a nation, even, even state of California, there's two nations there.

01:54:31.426 --> 01:54:32.886
There's one that's unincorporated.

01:54:33.266 --> 01:54:34.917
That's located where people think it's located.

01:54:35.396 --> 01:54:38.396
And it has a constitution from, uh, 1848.

01:54:38.896 --> 01:54:42.886
And it also has the federal constitution, which is also two federal constitutions.

01:54:42.896 --> 01:54:49.556
There's one federal constitution for the unincorporated independent nation states, and then there's also one for all the corporated states, right?

01:54:50.567 --> 01:54:53.987
So there's two different federal, two different state for each state.

01:54:53.987 --> 01:54:57.027
And then the district of Columbia has one, which is kind of interesting.

01:54:57.027 --> 01:54:57.327

01:54:57.337 --> 01:55:01.237
is the one that everybody knows of, or sees that's on like that scroll.

01:55:02.532 --> 01:55:09.112
That's, uh, uh, well, if you look at the original, original, original, original on the scroll, that's the, that's the unincorporated.

01:55:09.591 --> 01:55:12.942
The corporation of the United States didn't exist until 1871.

01:55:13.582 --> 01:55:15.971
So pre 1871, there was only one country.

01:55:16.462 --> 01:55:19.091
After 1871, there's been two countries ever since.

01:55:19.131 --> 01:55:24.072
The 14th Amendment is what created the second country called United States.

01:55:24.806 --> 01:55:33.516
The corporation and the district of Columbia, the district of Columbia and the, the co corporation called the United States were both born in 1871.

01:55:34.907 --> 01:55:42.707
They were born from the 14th amendment and they were clarified in the slaughter house cases, which is a series of Supreme court cases in 1871.

01:55:43.256 --> 01:55:44.867
So it all happened in 1871.

01:55:45.016 --> 01:55:45.436
All of it.

01:55:46.207 --> 01:55:46.596

01:55:46.777 --> 01:55:47.296

01:55:47.817 --> 01:55:55.837
And well, I want to finish what I was, um, alluding to before the whole trust situation, right?

01:55:55.846 --> 01:55:57.567
You as a people.

01:55:57.622 --> 01:56:07.881
Like I'm trying to watch my words, but us living people were given a trust and then that got all jacked up.

01:56:07.891 --> 01:56:13.771
But it seems like the whole commercial law, the whole system is, is written based off of that.

01:56:13.771 --> 01:56:17.271
Like that's the grounding point, so to speak.

01:56:17.641 --> 01:56:18.402
Or am I false?

01:56:19.032 --> 01:56:23.072
Yeah, we have, we have two different worlds that are intermeshed together.

01:56:23.652 --> 01:56:28.561
One is the, the United States of America, which, which, uh, is still here.

01:56:28.601 --> 01:56:31.082
It's still the same thing as it was in 1776.

01:56:31.792 --> 01:56:35.322
And then we have a secondary incorporated overlay.

01:56:36.271 --> 01:56:40.662
Uh, corporate version of another country.

01:56:41.002 --> 01:56:51.231
The complicated part about the way this works is the, the, the unincorporated United States of America has physical locations and it operates on, um, on, on coordinates and stuff like that.

01:56:51.492 --> 01:56:55.731
Whereas the, the incorporated version does not have that.

01:56:56.511 --> 01:57:06.851
It's all just whatever and that's why residency in state of California can only be established through naturalization because there is no physical boundaries or physical location.

01:57:06.862 --> 01:57:18.481
The reason why that is because if there was physical boundaries or location, how would you locate something that doesn't have a physical body such as an estate, a partnership, a corporation, a company, etc.

01:57:20.471 --> 01:57:23.702
You have to use references because it's not a physical body.

01:57:24.212 --> 01:57:50.032
So the only way that they could do it when they started getting into redefining the definition of the word person, which occurred during that same time period of the reconstruction of the, after the civil war, the only way that they could create an entirely new country that was based upon legal fictions, rather than by, uh, uh, uh, meat, body, and physical location is by making everything, uh, only locatable through a declaration rather than a physical location.

01:57:52.322 --> 01:57:52.712

01:57:52.712 --> 01:57:53.122

01:57:53.122 --> 01:57:53.561

01:57:54.417 --> 01:57:56.016
I'm saying correct, like, yeah, yeah, you're right.

01:57:56.796 --> 01:57:56.976

01:57:57.006 --> 01:58:08.907
As I'm, I'm saying that because I understand vaguely, but it's essentially ever since the civil war, this, all this BS started happening and people didn't know about it.

01:58:08.966 --> 01:58:23.117
And it sounds like people got grandfathered in because now you're going to have people that unknowingly accepted themselves as being part of the corporation, and it was probably sold to them because, Oh, this is to your benefit, right?

01:58:23.601 --> 01:58:24.872
Because well, they made a legal

01:58:24.902 --> 01:58:58.037
fiction of your name and all capital letters and they made a legal fiction of state of California And they made a legal fiction of County of Los Angeles and they made a legal fiction of City of Los Angeles All of those are per sons that are all listed on Dun and Bradstreet, which is a business directory So they created this entire false world That are all legal fictions that are all located in the district of Columbia, but it has the same names of everything that you think you see.

01:58:58.037 --> 01:59:02.457
So city of Los Angeles, you see that on a sign and you go, Oh, I know where that's at.

01:59:03.077 --> 01:59:06.466
You don't know where that's at County of Los Angeles.

01:59:06.476 --> 01:59:07.567
You say, Oh, I know where that's at.

01:59:08.072 --> 01:59:09.152
You don't know where that's at.

01:59:09.162 --> 01:59:12.252
And the only way you can get there is by saying that you're there.

01:59:12.292 --> 01:59:14.332
There's no other way to physically get there.

01:59:14.881 --> 01:59:33.542
I could, I could touch and move my physical body through every millimeter of space on this entire planet, all the way from below the water in the sea, all the way up to the sky and spend all my days for the rest of my life.

01:59:34.152 --> 01:59:36.862
Physically moving through all of these areas.

01:59:36.862 --> 01:59:42.681
And if I don't say it with my mouth or write it with a pen, I was never in any of these places.

01:59:44.712 --> 01:59:48.921
You as the living person, as you, as a living body.

01:59:52.292 --> 02:00:00.341
You said if I, I could, but I can travel the whole world right now in the legal world by saying, I confer the nationality of state of California upon myself.

02:00:00.341 --> 02:00:01.442
After, but I mean, that's whatever.

02:00:01.662 --> 02:00:07.721
Now I confer the state of, of, of New Mexico upon myself after birth by any means whatsoever.

02:00:07.752 --> 02:00:08.671
Now I'm in New Mexico.

02:00:09.731 --> 02:00:13.402
Now I confer the nationality of the state of Texas upon myself after birth payment whatsoever.

02:00:13.402 --> 02:00:14.341
Now, I'm in Texas.

02:00:14.942 --> 02:00:18.511
I can travel the whole world right now, right here on this chair, in the legal world.

02:00:18.511 --> 02:00:19.492
Just by stating that.

02:00:19.502 --> 02:00:20.692
Just by stating that, yes.

02:00:21.141 --> 02:00:21.341

02:00:21.572 --> 02:00:21.881

02:00:23.032 --> 02:00:24.671
Alright, well, insane.

02:00:27.082 --> 02:00:28.542
Cause I'm like, I don't even want it.

02:00:28.542 --> 02:00:32.921
Like I have to process the other things to be able to process how to take advantage of that.

02:00:33.242 --> 02:00:36.212
Uh, I mean, you sound like you're Neo right now.

02:00:36.212 --> 02:00:43.181
You know how he unplugs himself and then he goes back in and he just said, he's like, no, and then the bullets stop.

02:00:43.561 --> 02:00:43.702

02:00:43.782 --> 02:00:48.582
Or, and he's literally getting up and flying around with no limitations.

02:00:48.622 --> 02:00:52.942
And I told my wife this and she said, so what's the benefit?

02:00:54.447 --> 02:01:24.537
And it's as if it's not obvious um, if someone is trying to digest this and you're saying I definitely want to get back to how you Tried to find the source of this and I think you said you found it in the bible I want to get there but but first because this came up to mind now The benefit what are some like obvious benefits that you can tell a person to to that is Like what are the benefits that you can tell a person when you're like you should do this?

02:01:25.551 --> 02:01:27.051
outside of, well, you're free.

02:01:27.122 --> 02:01:28.341
I thought I was already free.

02:01:28.391 --> 02:01:35.752
And then without having to digest, just explain them, everything was like, Hey, you know what, if you want to know how it works, watch this.

02:01:35.801 --> 02:01:37.311
But for now, these are the benefits.

02:01:37.931 --> 02:01:40.771
I don't have a federal income tax liability.

02:01:40.771 --> 02:01:42.362
I don't have a state tax liability.

02:01:42.362 --> 02:01:43.992
I don't have a sales tax liability.

02:01:44.511 --> 02:01:47.091
Uh, Los Angeles has a city tax.

02:01:47.341 --> 02:01:48.992
I don't have a city tax liability.

02:01:49.402 --> 02:01:52.792
Uh, I am not contracted into the California Vehicle Code.

02:01:52.811 --> 02:01:54.551
Uh, I cannot be given citations.

02:01:54.591 --> 02:01:55.801
I cannot be given tickets.

02:01:56.282 --> 02:01:59.002
Uh, Um, Uh, I have infinite money.

02:01:59.021 --> 02:02:00.082
That's a whole other subject.

02:02:00.091 --> 02:02:04.112
So, I can create money, uh, out of thin air as much as I want, anytime I want.

02:02:04.742 --> 02:02:06.942
Uh, which we're not going to get into, it's going to take another hour.

02:02:07.572 --> 02:02:09.412
Uh, but I have a lot of free information about that.

02:02:09.421 --> 02:02:14.021
That's, uh, where a lot of my research is currently, and all, all of my litigation is involving that subject.

02:02:14.021 --> 02:02:17.752
I don't do any litigation yet involving nationality and citizenship.

02:02:17.761 --> 02:02:22.091
All my litigation is all involving financials and, and uh, the financial system.

02:02:22.442 --> 02:02:23.141
The banking.

02:02:23.971 --> 02:02:27.771
And um Yeah, uh, diplomatic immunity.

02:02:27.811 --> 02:02:29.042
Uh, you can start your own nation.

02:02:29.042 --> 02:02:30.032
I've started my own nation.

02:02:30.072 --> 02:02:31.131
It's a totally legal.

02:02:31.601 --> 02:02:37.521
Uh, if you look at, uh, there's another one that's pretty shocking for people, uh, 18 U.

02:02:37.521 --> 02:02:37.612

02:02:37.612 --> 02:02:37.811

02:02:37.822 --> 02:02:41.292
11, uh, how do you create your own foreign government?

02:02:41.301 --> 02:02:42.181
It's very, very easy.

02:02:42.202 --> 02:02:44.992
You can create your own foreign government right now in five minutes.

02:02:45.851 --> 02:02:46.612
Uh, 18 U.

02:02:46.612 --> 02:02:46.692

02:02:46.692 --> 02:02:46.891

02:02:46.902 --> 02:02:48.271
11, foreign government defined.

02:02:48.777 --> 02:02:57.987
The term foreign government includes any government, faction, or body of insurgence within a country with which the United States is at peace.

02:02:58.686 --> 02:03:03.127
Irrespective of recognition by the United States.

02:03:04.987 --> 02:03:21.466
So by simply saying that a nation exists and then conferring the nationality of that nation upon yourself, as long as that nation is at peace, It does not need any recognition to be legally classified as a foreign government.

02:03:21.796 --> 02:03:24.527
It simply needs to be at peace.

02:03:24.537 --> 02:03:30.167
So the question, the most important question is, okay, what's the definition of the word peace?

02:03:30.167 --> 02:03:33.186
The definition of the word peace fits in perfectly.

02:03:33.572 --> 02:03:53.042
With the definition of the word nation, peace is defined as the tranquility enjoyed by a political society internally by the good order, which reigns among its members and externally by the good understanding it has with all other nations applied to the internal regulations of the world.

02:03:53.141 --> 02:04:12.851
Of a nation peace imports, which means kind of like indicates or shows in a technical sense, not merely a state of repose and security as opposed to one of violence or warfare, but likewise a state of public order and decorum.

02:04:15.372 --> 02:04:19.122
This is a long ass description of peace.

02:04:19.381 --> 02:04:22.881
Same thing as nation, internal tranquility, external tranquility.

02:04:22.881 --> 02:04:25.192
And then this one just adds a little caveat at the end.

02:04:25.667 --> 02:04:27.096
Public order and decorum.

02:04:27.386 --> 02:04:40.317
This is why when you start getting into diplomatic relations and you, you, you'll actually find from the department of state and the foreign affairs, uh, office of the foreign affairs, uh, in the department of state, they have manuals for everything.

02:04:40.317 --> 02:04:50.636
They have manuals that teach you how to set up a table, depending on if it's an ambassador or a consular or what level they're at or a service staff, they have how to introduce.

02:04:51.091 --> 02:05:01.542
Yourself or another person to another person based off of rank, based off of location, what arm, what hand you use to shake, uh, uh, how to enter a room.

02:05:01.792 --> 02:05:03.561
Uh, they have tremendous.

02:05:04.002 --> 02:05:05.631
Uh, specific technology.

02:05:05.652 --> 02:05:11.681
That technology is the technology, in my opinion, I call it the technology of decorum.

02:05:18.612 --> 02:05:21.402
It's like a rabbit hole of rabbit holes.

02:05:21.452 --> 02:05:23.942
Like, you're like, Oh, I got my foot stuck in two holes.

02:05:23.962 --> 02:05:24.981
What is going on?

02:05:25.721 --> 02:05:26.702
It can keep going.

02:05:26.721 --> 02:05:27.942
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

02:05:28.252 --> 02:05:28.502
All right.

02:05:28.511 --> 02:05:35.192
So I want to go into, um, are you good for 30 minutes of me asking you questions based off of, yeah, sure.

02:05:35.351 --> 02:05:36.572
All right, let's go.

02:05:37.712 --> 02:05:39.782
I appreciate you spending the time with me, man.

02:05:39.822 --> 02:05:40.162
Yeah, yeah.

02:05:40.162 --> 02:05:40.591
That's cool.

02:05:41.471 --> 02:05:48.292
Um, so the God part, the Bible part, what have you seen that connects this to the Bible?

02:05:49.311 --> 02:06:00.891
Well, the Bible, uh, a lot of this information goes back to trusts and, and trust law, and then before you have the incorporated United States, everything just operated off of.

02:06:01.492 --> 02:06:02.971
Uh, Common Law.

02:06:03.122 --> 02:06:08.322
Common Law is, is, is actually a, a great example, uh, uh, Common Law is in all the movies.

02:06:08.372 --> 02:06:14.202
Uh, so you have this little town, middle of nowhere, and, and, and someone comes in and they start doing stupid shit.

02:06:14.681 --> 02:06:18.271
The sheriff who's, you know, chilling, smoking a cigar, doesn't do a whole lot.

02:06:18.872 --> 02:06:22.681
Maybe he has a deputy, but often times he would just work by himself.

02:06:23.292 --> 02:06:26.641
And he just goes off and gets the guy and they put them in a, in a room.

02:06:26.641 --> 02:06:29.242
And it's just local people from the, from the town.

02:06:29.242 --> 02:06:32.091
And they, and they, and these, he's innocent until proven guilty.

02:06:32.091 --> 02:06:35.942
But typically to get this far, it's like, there's gotta be a, a dead body.

02:06:35.942 --> 02:06:38.462
I mean, it's gotta be really our busted thing or something.

02:06:38.481 --> 02:06:39.811
It's obvious, you know what I mean?

02:06:40.721 --> 02:06:43.962
So they, they go around and they talk and they do their thing.

02:06:43.962 --> 02:06:50.971
And then typically at that point, um, they just kind of make up a fucking, that's why you have these old things like the stocks.

02:06:50.971 --> 02:06:51.721
If someone was.

02:06:52.212 --> 02:07:06.492
Cheating on their husband, you know, the woman would get put in stocks and they could throw tomatoes at her for six days in the middle of town square or whatever, or they would have to do reparations, repair things or paint things in the town or, or they'd get killed or imprisoned or whatever it is.

02:07:06.492 --> 02:07:11.462
They just make up, make it, there's no codes, it's just fuck this guy, let's hang him right now.

02:07:11.811 --> 02:07:13.931
You know, right, right down the street, right, right here.

02:07:13.931 --> 02:07:17.362
Let's let's, let's build a gallows next door and hang the motherfucker right now.

02:07:17.511 --> 02:07:17.931

02:07:18.112 --> 02:07:19.801
You know, uh, that's what they did.

02:07:20.561 --> 02:07:28.332
So what happened was, is that, uh, common law operated like that for a while and it was notoriously, uh, uh, uh, uh, savage.

02:07:29.016 --> 02:07:30.436
No, very savage.

02:07:31.266 --> 02:07:37.197
So what happened was is they, they created this secondary type of, of court called equity.

02:07:38.167 --> 02:07:51.697
The whole point of an equity court was to try to pad the extreme, like let's rip this guy's skin off and, and leave him in the middle of town square.

02:07:52.032 --> 02:07:56.662
To die of starvation, shitting and pissing himself for nine days and excruciating pain.

02:07:57.122 --> 02:08:00.902
They were trying to get that into, how about we just hang him or something?

02:08:00.902 --> 02:08:05.662
Or how about like, how about we just, you know, let's be a little bit more civil, right?

02:08:05.662 --> 02:08:15.881
So, so the purpose, the purpose of the design of equity was to try to combat the savageness of a common law.

02:08:16.061 --> 02:08:16.471

02:08:17.051 --> 02:08:17.532
But then.

02:08:18.021 --> 02:08:26.067
We keep going farther and farther and farther and then boom 1871 and then boom we start getting into all these codes and then now we just have this gigantic Fuck fest.

02:08:26.176 --> 02:08:26.457

02:08:27.877 --> 02:08:32.827
So back in the common law days, uh, everything was very, very simple.

02:08:32.827 --> 02:08:37.737
Everything was very, very Bible focused and, and it was very, very simple.

02:08:37.756 --> 02:08:55.117
And, and there were trusts trusts were just contracts on how to deal with some kind of asset, whether it's my shit when I die, or whether it's a motorcycle or whether it's a business or whatever, just trust for just the definition of a trust is just a contract that, that.

02:08:55.587 --> 02:09:02.766
That basically is between trustees and beneficiaries that explain how some sort of asset will be administered.

02:09:03.546 --> 02:09:05.676
The trustee administers the asset.

02:09:06.046 --> 02:09:09.657
Let's say, for example, it could be a, um, a, a trademark.

02:09:10.197 --> 02:09:12.266
On a book and it's a very well book.

02:09:12.266 --> 02:09:13.127
That's very popular.

02:09:13.136 --> 02:09:20.487
Let's say back in 1850 before the Civil War, before the incorporated government.

02:09:20.976 --> 02:09:26.506
Let's say I had a newspaper, uh, business.

02:09:26.556 --> 02:09:28.356
Uh, it wasn't even called a business back then.

02:09:28.367 --> 02:09:30.317
Let's say a newspaper trade organization.

02:09:30.417 --> 02:09:31.657
I think that's what they were called back then.

02:09:32.766 --> 02:09:36.587
And I wanted to have this guy operate it.

02:09:36.697 --> 02:09:42.636
And then I was going to be the one to receive the, uh, The, the, the overall profit from it.

02:09:42.646 --> 02:09:42.907

02:09:43.516 --> 02:09:51.436
So I would say, you know, I'd write up a contract and it would say, you know, this local printing shop, blah, blah, blah, located at blah, blah, blah, blah.

02:09:52.027 --> 02:09:55.697
Uh, uh, Jim Jones is going to be operating the printing shop.

02:09:55.697 --> 02:09:58.546
He has the rights to hire people underneath him.

02:09:58.907 --> 02:10:01.966
He has this, he has that, uh, I'm going to train him.

02:10:02.067 --> 02:10:06.777
He has to do this and this and this, and then he's going to get this amount of money Every month.

02:10:06.806 --> 02:10:12.556
And then, you know, everything else is going to get paid to the beneficiary, which is going to be this guy or whatever, it's just contract.

02:10:13.306 --> 02:10:15.657
And then the party signed the contract.

02:10:15.657 --> 02:10:17.747
And then that trust now becomes real.

02:10:17.747 --> 02:10:25.256
And then the trustee administers this asset, the asset would be the newspaper trade organization, and then the beneficiary would be him.

02:10:25.266 --> 02:10:28.476
And then now he can step off of that and basically essentially retire.

02:10:29.127 --> 02:10:32.426
Um, that was basically it.

02:10:32.436 --> 02:10:34.197
There was no corporation.

02:10:34.197 --> 02:10:35.896
There was no anything with the government.

02:10:36.266 --> 02:10:44.256
If, if these people, this trustee and this beneficiary and these, these guys that are doing this particular activity, if they wanted.

02:10:44.627 --> 02:10:50.167
local areas and towns to know that this information was what was going on.

02:10:50.737 --> 02:11:09.117
They could, as an option, go to what, what is called the county recorder and they could pay a very, very small fee and they could have this, this trust, or they could create what's called a certificate of trust, which is just a, uh, it would be a real simple document that would say, you know, announcement.

02:11:09.601 --> 02:11:10.931
A certificate of trust.

02:11:10.942 --> 02:11:18.801
Uh, there is a trust that has now been opened between this party and this party, uh, some, maybe some real basic information about it, and then that's it.

02:11:18.832 --> 02:11:22.551
So it would keep the, the original trust and, uh, indenture private.

02:11:23.271 --> 02:11:33.521
And then, and then on the public side, let's say there was some reason why they wanted the public to know that there was this trust and how it was going to work that would get filed into the county recorder.

02:11:33.551 --> 02:11:36.942
And then now, if anybody needed any information on that, they can go to the county recorder.

02:11:36.942 --> 02:11:39.292
The county recorder was sort of like the internet of that day.

02:11:40.561 --> 02:11:48.231
If you wanted to know, if you wanted to tap into what was going on in the world, as far as I know, that's where you'd go or you'd go to the newspapers.

02:11:49.362 --> 02:11:53.551
And so everybody for the most part knew it was very basic back then.

02:11:53.561 --> 02:11:56.372
Everybody knew about trusts and everybody.

02:11:56.832 --> 02:11:57.221
I mean,

02:11:57.231 --> 02:12:09.282
you could draw, I mean, you could take a sheet of paper and just say, you know, this car, this wagon, you know, blah, my son's going to use it, but it's just, yeah, it was just kind of whatever that you didn't file it anywhere.

02:12:09.282 --> 02:12:14.341
There wasn't any, we don't, it's just between me and the guy, there's nothing else.

02:12:14.341 --> 02:12:15.152
There's nobody else.

02:12:15.152 --> 02:12:21.822
So if he understands and I understand, I mean, you can make a trust with a handshake and technically it would still be a trust.

02:12:23.192 --> 02:12:24.731
Wouldn't be, it wouldn't be written.

02:12:25.771 --> 02:12:31.622
So, so even in today's world, you have an express trust and an implied trust.

02:12:33.101 --> 02:12:36.942
Express trust would be written very, very specific definitions.

02:12:36.981 --> 02:12:45.112
Typically, ideally, very clear, unimplied trust could be just, you shake my hand and you take my car and you use it.

02:12:45.112 --> 02:12:48.712
And then the proceeds of the Uber that you drive, I get part of it.

02:12:48.912 --> 02:12:49.742
That could be a trust.

02:12:50.492 --> 02:12:53.962
The res of the trust, which would be the asset of the trust would be the car.

02:12:54.737 --> 02:12:59.096
And he would be the trustee because he's the one who's operating the res.

02:12:59.766 --> 02:13:03.136
And then I would be a beneficiary because I wouldn't have to do anything.

02:13:03.497 --> 02:13:08.186
And I would benefit from the activities of the trustee operating the res of the trust.

02:13:08.896 --> 02:13:09.277
Got it.

02:13:10.087 --> 02:13:10.447

02:13:10.787 --> 02:13:18.766
Um, going back to, uh, well, my, I guess what I was asking was the origin of contracts.

02:13:20.087 --> 02:13:20.266

02:13:20.266 --> 02:13:20.917
If you start getting

02:13:20.917 --> 02:13:27.367
into, if you start getting into going back that far, then yeah, you, you go into a lot of Bible verses and, and that kind of thing.

02:13:27.367 --> 02:13:33.537
And, and the Bible is, is, is sort of like the backbone of, of all everything, common law and everything.

02:13:33.777 --> 02:13:38.896
I mean, you start going back far enough, but it's, it's, it's very, very simple.

02:13:39.646 --> 02:13:40.817
It's very simple.

02:13:40.817 --> 02:13:42.127
It's not like you need to.

02:13:42.902 --> 02:13:45.851
Go and read thousands and thousands of Bible verses.

02:13:45.881 --> 02:13:51.421
I mean, there's there's a handful and that pretty much Created everything.

02:13:51.702 --> 02:14:04.641
I mean it wasn't like I mean you could probably fit all the main key Bible verses that that equaled most of the things that you see in law and the legal world and contracts and probably less than a page or a half page of

02:14:05.381 --> 02:14:07.872
Quotes, could you reference one verse?

02:14:07.872 --> 02:14:08.471
I'm very curious

02:14:08.721 --> 02:14:13.902
Um, uh, no, not off the top of my head.

02:14:14.101 --> 02:14:19.761
Uh, I would need to go on my website or something and look, it's not something that I talk about a lot.

02:14:19.841 --> 02:14:26.652
It's not particularly, we live in a world now where everyone's so desperate.

02:14:26.721 --> 02:14:30.612
Most people, uh, viewing this information or trying to learn this information.

02:14:30.622 --> 02:14:32.872
They're not coming from a, Oh, this is so interesting.

02:14:32.872 --> 02:14:35.771
Kind of a, they're coming from like a, I'm going to fucking die.

02:14:36.131 --> 02:14:39.692
If I don't figure out whatever it is, I'm trying to fucking figure out.

02:14:40.301 --> 02:14:41.162
Police are coming.

02:14:41.171 --> 02:14:42.561
The windows are getting bashed in.

02:14:42.862 --> 02:14:50.502
That's typically where a lot of people are at, uh, or they're just, or they're just financially struggling period.

02:14:50.511 --> 02:14:54.341
And they're just, they've been for 20 years and they're just fucking sick and tired of it.

02:14:55.042 --> 02:14:59.011
But, but there's always some kind of.

02:15:01.046 --> 02:15:10.567
You know, the, the amount of people that are just kind of sipping coffee and enjoying kind of like an evening read with this kind of stuff, it doesn't really, not a lot of that.

02:15:10.896 --> 02:15:12.006
Very few, very few.

02:15:12.127 --> 02:15:17.077
So getting into stuff like Bible verses and this kind of stuff is not typically something I talk about a whole lot.

02:15:17.106 --> 02:15:26.846
Um, I talked about it a little bit in the course, but I don't get into that kind of stuff too much because it's not really what the viewers are looking for.

02:15:26.886 --> 02:15:28.806
What the viewers are looking for is.

02:15:29.202 --> 02:15:41.511
In fact, what the viewers are looking for is how do I, uh, a fly into action at 400 miles an hour, more than 48 hours, which is, which is stupid and isn't going to work and you're dumb, but that's where most people are at.

02:15:41.921 --> 02:15:42.152

02:15:42.181 --> 02:15:44.351
And that's what your contract killer course is for.

02:15:44.641 --> 02:15:44.931

02:15:44.942 --> 02:15:47.292
Just digesting you step at a time.

02:15:47.881 --> 02:15:49.511
Um, have you, if I had to say

02:15:49.612 --> 02:15:51.082
like, like how long.

02:15:51.987 --> 02:15:55.386
Can it take for people to really start to, to take really serious changes?

02:15:55.386 --> 02:16:00.386
Uh, I mean, compared to even a few years ago, you're looking at years.

02:16:00.436 --> 02:16:02.417
Now you're looking at weeks.

02:16:03.596 --> 02:16:05.516
There's so much information everywhere.

02:16:05.516 --> 02:16:09.497
There's so many people that produce so much good content on the subject.

02:16:09.497 --> 02:16:10.256
It's unbelievable.

02:16:10.256 --> 02:16:15.407
Like if I were to share a few of them, um, we have, uh, some of my favorites.

02:16:15.407 --> 02:16:17.037
We have state nationals rock.

02:16:17.891 --> 02:16:20.212
State Nationals Rock.

02:16:20.212 --> 02:16:21.372
This guy's name is Kenny.

02:16:22.141 --> 02:16:24.561
Um, I think it's Instagram.

02:16:25.631 --> 02:16:27.122
State Nationals Rock.

02:16:28.742 --> 02:16:32.391
This guy's got great content, uh, really good stuff.

02:16:32.422 --> 02:16:35.561
Lots of, uh, really good, uh, educational information.

02:16:35.992 --> 02:16:48.742
Uh, fun, not, you know, I don't like, uh, teachers that teach in, in really nasty, harsh, dogmatic, unfriendly, unpeaceful ways, because it, it violates the definition of nation.

02:16:49.072 --> 02:16:55.031
It violates the definition of peace and it puts the idea that we are a foreign government as per H in USC 11 at risk.

02:16:55.471 --> 02:16:58.231
So I stay away from, there are a lot of that out there.

02:16:58.242 --> 02:17:04.922
Uh, you will find a lot of people very upset, very angry, very hostile about everything that's going on.

02:17:04.922 --> 02:17:06.182
I stay away from those people.

02:17:06.191 --> 02:17:07.471
I'm not associated with those people.

02:17:08.111 --> 02:17:13.451
Uh, so the people that I share with you are, are not going to be of that category, right?

02:17:13.891 --> 02:17:16.541
So we have a state nationals rock.

02:17:16.541 --> 02:17:17.451
This is a great one.

02:17:17.731 --> 02:17:24.121
We have, um, Um, MoorishLighthouse underscore official.

02:17:24.701 --> 02:17:27.041
Uh, this dude is absolutely fantastic.

02:17:27.092 --> 02:17:34.221
Uh, he is a specialist in what is called adverse possession and he has multiple books.

02:17:34.871 --> 02:17:37.412
So adverse possession, basically the way that works is.

02:17:38.592 --> 02:17:54.842
In common law, before all of the crazy statutory bullshit, uh, the way that you would claim a house or a property, especially as we were moving West and as the country was colonized, and actually even to this day in common law, it's still options the same way you simply claim something.

02:17:54.861 --> 02:17:59.061
And if no one else claims it after a certain period of time, it's yours.

02:17:59.322 --> 02:18:00.131
End of story.

02:18:00.381 --> 02:18:01.402
Technically squatting.

02:18:02.412 --> 02:18:18.742
So the media, the media, so squatting the, the, if you want to get into the legal definitions of things, squatting would be, you're claiming something of which someone else is also claiming, and they actually have a superior legal right to the property.

02:18:19.691 --> 02:18:25.762
Adverse possession is, is claiming a property and nobody else ever comes and claims it.

02:18:27.561 --> 02:18:30.281
So you have this property like this, and there's nothing going on with it.

02:18:31.461 --> 02:18:33.082
This dude got this house for free.

02:18:33.082 --> 02:18:34.672
Two bath house on 1.

02:18:34.672 --> 02:18:34.941
5 acres.

02:18:34.941 --> 02:18:35.652
It's all fucked up.

02:18:36.356 --> 02:18:43.637
And he just moves in and there's even ways you can say, Hey, I'm announcing the fact that I'm taking this over.

02:18:43.647 --> 02:18:47.066
I don't know if anyone wants this and you can put things in the newspaper and you can do stuff.

02:18:47.066 --> 02:18:51.697
And if they don't actively come and claim the property, it's called adverse possession.

02:18:51.707 --> 02:18:57.816
You can take legal ownership of a piece of property, and that includes property that doesn't have a house on it.

02:18:58.797 --> 02:19:05.936
If it's just some plot of land and there's no house on it and you want it, and there's nothing fucking going on with it, you could run an adverse possession on it.

02:19:05.967 --> 02:19:06.197

02:19:08.367 --> 02:19:10.596
Some people, uh, don't like that idea.

02:19:10.637 --> 02:19:14.057
Some people think that that's a bad thing and blah, blah, blah.

02:19:14.057 --> 02:19:29.586
But when you realize how the banks finance all the mortgages and how the banks have stolen every single piece of property from all of us over the years through the insane banking and finance system of which I specialize in, trust me, you won't have any issues with Everest possession anymore.

02:19:30.326 --> 02:19:32.557
I remember you saying people have gotten.

02:19:32.762 --> 02:19:35.231
Cars for free and people have gotten

02:19:35.701 --> 02:19:36.711
Oh, I've gotten tons.

02:19:36.711 --> 02:19:38.352
I've gotten like 90 cars for free.

02:19:38.561 --> 02:19:39.262

02:19:40.561 --> 02:19:43.291
Another one that I really enjoy Yep, yep, go ahead.

02:19:43.391 --> 02:19:51.352
Is, uh, Monza Mah tha Eight, eight, eight.

02:19:52.082 --> 02:19:52.422

02:19:53.041 --> 02:19:57.041
Monza Mah ha tha This guy.

02:19:57.481 --> 02:20:00.301
This guy is fucking hilarious, dude.

02:20:01.121 --> 02:20:09.967
So this guy, if you like my teaching style and the really crazy kind of silliness He's like the, he's the, he's the, what he, what he calls the melanated.

02:20:10.266 --> 02:20:11.236
I don't say the word black.

02:20:11.246 --> 02:20:13.137
Cause I asked him, I'm like, what do you prefer me to call you?

02:20:13.137 --> 02:20:13.807
He's like melanated.

02:20:13.807 --> 02:20:14.416
I'm like, all right, fine.

02:20:15.037 --> 02:20:16.557
So he's the melanated version of me.

02:20:16.557 --> 02:20:19.807
I guess you could say, um, really a lot of humor.

02:20:19.807 --> 02:20:20.766
Very, very fun.

02:20:21.096 --> 02:20:24.307
His is very, uh, financial based.

02:20:24.867 --> 02:20:32.166
So a lot of the stuff that I specialize in and a lot of stuff that I do and all the financial shit and all that kind of shit that I do and all the litigation.

02:20:32.516 --> 02:20:34.186
It actually started with him.

02:20:34.701 --> 02:20:37.881
If it wasn't for this guy, I wouldn't even have my law firm.

02:20:37.932 --> 02:20:39.742
My litigation wouldn't even exist.

02:20:39.781 --> 02:20:43.221
This guy is the reason why I do what I do.

02:20:43.231 --> 02:20:46.072
And he is absolutely fucking hilarious.

02:20:46.191 --> 02:20:46.641
I mean.

02:20:47.082 --> 02:20:48.441
He calls it laugh and learn.

02:20:48.441 --> 02:20:53.381
And I'm telling you, he's very good at both extremely talented man.

02:20:53.582 --> 02:20:53.861

02:20:54.582 --> 02:20:57.361
And he has huge events that he does all over the country.

02:20:57.361 --> 02:20:58.541
And he's very, very successful.

02:20:58.541 --> 02:21:03.231
And he has these massive zoom calls that are like total fucking madness where there's like 700 people on there.

02:21:03.231 --> 02:21:04.561
And it's a lot of fun.

02:21:04.592 --> 02:21:05.332
He's a good guy.

02:21:05.371 --> 02:21:06.221
Really, really good guy.

02:21:06.252 --> 02:21:07.131
He cares a lot.

02:21:07.691 --> 02:21:09.522
Uh, really one of my favorites.

02:21:09.561 --> 02:21:12.201
Um, trying to think of.

02:21:12.951 --> 02:21:17.252
Some other people I could name, but, uh, uh, truthfully just those three alone.

02:21:17.252 --> 02:21:25.451
And then my stuff, you're, you're going to, you're going to get, you start following me and these guys are going to get so many other accounts that are going to pop up on your feed.

02:21:25.451 --> 02:21:35.996
It's going to make your head spin, uh, literally with instantly, like right away, you follow me and follow one of the other guys, boom, you're going to start getting, you know, All this stuff is going to start coming on your feet and you're going to see all the other people.

02:21:35.996 --> 02:21:38.707
But, um, a lot of them I don't like so much.

02:21:38.787 --> 02:21:44.486
Uh, the ones that are, the ones that are, are very convoluted, very confusing, are the ones that are very angry and hostile.

02:21:44.486 --> 02:21:45.807
I stay away from those people.

02:21:45.816 --> 02:21:47.377
I don't recommend those people at all.

02:21:47.457 --> 02:21:49.467
So, um, yeah.

02:21:49.617 --> 02:21:52.697
Uh, three, four years ago, there was almost none of this.

02:21:53.277 --> 02:21:56.727
And now it seems like every month there's somebody new exploding onto the scene.

02:21:56.727 --> 02:21:58.147
So, um, This is good.

02:21:58.756 --> 02:22:03.127
There's so much of this, uh, getting, getting put out there.

02:22:03.166 --> 02:22:05.996
Uh, you know, a lot of it does come from me.

02:22:06.027 --> 02:22:18.086
I will admit I'm, I'm probably at this point from all the work I've done, one of the more prolific individuals here, but there's several of us that all have different teaching styles and, and we all teach in different areas.

02:22:18.096 --> 02:22:22.647
Like for example, Jalil, uh, Morrish Lighthouse official, he used to teach, teach about everything.

02:22:23.217 --> 02:22:26.586
And now he specializes in adverse possession,

02:22:28.367 --> 02:22:32.822
adverse possession, As in what?

02:22:33.332 --> 02:22:34.072
Adverse possession.

02:22:34.072 --> 02:22:40.701
Like what I was talking about earlier, where you have a piece of property and you claim it and nobody else claims it.

02:22:40.801 --> 02:22:42.381
It's unclaimed property.

02:22:42.551 --> 02:22:42.672

02:22:44.451 --> 02:22:52.551
man, you, you, do you, because you're, you're specializing in The money and the infinite money area.

02:22:54.022 --> 02:23:00.441
What are your thoughts on everybody, CBDC, crypto versus decentralized?

02:23:00.471 --> 02:23:09.701
Because it's almost like, if you understand what you're understanding and what you're helping people technically don't really need decentralized currency, but it's there.

02:23:09.941 --> 02:23:10.541
The future

02:23:10.551 --> 02:23:18.881
is either going to be where the government and the Federal Reserve pays for everything and there is no money anymore, which is, which is a definite option with the way things are headed.

02:23:19.332 --> 02:23:35.891
Or the secondary option, which is, I think more likely what's going to happen is the 14th amendment was never legally ratified once the 14th amendment, uh, and Congress has already said this, by the way, I have evidence on, uh, the nation of the amnesty coalition page, as well as my Williams and Williams law for page.

02:23:36.262 --> 02:23:44.162
You're going to see, I have the actual congressional record from 1967, uh, literally photocopied and placed on my website for evidence purposes.

02:23:44.971 --> 02:23:49.221
And they tell you that the, um, the, the 14th amendment was never legally.

02:23:49.266 --> 02:23:53.047
Ratifying right now once once that gets confirmed and acted upon.

02:23:54.082 --> 02:24:04.822
Uh, federal reserve notes won't exist anymore because the district of Columbia, the United States and federal reserve and federal reserve notes will all cease to exist because they're all based off of the 14th amendment.

02:24:05.092 --> 02:24:23.891
So when that happens, what's going to happen is, uh, the, the, the, the, the currency system is going to convert back to gold and silver coins that are produced individually by each individual state.

02:24:25.467 --> 02:24:52.842
Each, the gold and the silver coins will pretty much have all of the same intrinsic value, but technically speaking, California will mint its own, New Mexico will mint its own, Texas will mint its own, but it's pretty much just an artistic design in terms of the actual value, it'll Pretty much the same ounce, you know, versus this or a larger ounce versus this or this versus this sizes of coins.

02:24:52.842 --> 02:24:55.231
And then if it's silver, it's a much lower denomination.

02:24:55.582 --> 02:24:57.912
And if it's gold, it's a much, much higher denomination.

02:24:58.022 --> 02:25:02.811
And, and we're going to go back to gold and silver coins.

02:25:03.231 --> 02:25:08.121
And each individual state will produce its own artistic version of said.

02:25:09.422 --> 02:25:10.231

02:25:10.291 --> 02:25:16.471
So let's say for example, California wants to have a 10th ounce and eighth ounce, a half ounce and a full ounce.

02:25:16.471 --> 02:25:27.272
And you know what, one state may have a bunch of types of gold and silver coins, whereas another state may have less or more, but that's about it.

02:25:27.361 --> 02:25:34.611
Besides that, you're going to have, um, uh, it's all the same, all the same.

02:25:35.061 --> 02:25:38.061
You don't think there's going to be digital currency backed by.

02:25:39.412 --> 02:25:42.272
Gold and silver because no, because the definition

02:25:42.272 --> 02:25:51.092
of money, if you look at the definition of money, it says gold and silver coins and does not embrace notes, evidences of debt or real estate or other things.

02:25:51.662 --> 02:25:56.082
So if we can't walk around or if I'm wondering how would that work?

02:25:56.082 --> 02:25:58.551
Because you'll have, you'll, you'll go back to.

02:25:59.041 --> 02:26:01.211
So in the 1800s, we had two things.

02:26:01.211 --> 02:26:09.092
We had gold certificates and silver certificates, and you can look them up very easily online and you can even buy them.

02:26:09.092 --> 02:26:09.961
I follow some.

02:26:10.807 --> 02:26:21.016
Uh, really interesting accounts, like for example, um, I think there's one HCA Auctions.

02:26:22.897 --> 02:26:24.816
Uh, let me see here.

02:26:27.916 --> 02:26:29.936
Hmm, is it this one?

02:26:31.777 --> 02:26:32.217

02:26:33.277 --> 02:26:33.846
I would need to look.

02:26:33.867 --> 02:26:40.666
There's a bunch of different auctions that have all sorts of old currency, and all they do, and I love that shit.

02:26:40.717 --> 02:26:44.066
I have, I have all this stuff all over my desk, I can show you in a second.

02:26:44.066 --> 02:26:49.881
I have all these different, uh, Uh, all this different types of currency and all this different types of stuff.

02:26:49.881 --> 02:26:58.611
So, um, but, um, let's see, what was I going to, I'm totally spaced out all of a sudden, what was it, what was the question?

02:26:58.652 --> 02:27:02.652
Um, so you were talking about silver certificates.

02:27:02.731 --> 02:27:03.332
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

02:27:03.332 --> 02:27:03.551

02:27:03.551 --> 02:27:03.951

02:27:03.951 --> 02:27:04.992
So silver.

02:27:05.301 --> 02:27:15.012
So if you have gold and silver in a vault somewheres, you can be issued a silver certificate because that represents an actual.

02:27:15.506 --> 02:27:17.547
Piece of silver versus a promise.

02:27:18.106 --> 02:27:18.766
Well, this is what,

02:27:18.787 --> 02:27:31.096
this is what, when people say that we used to have, um, real money and now we don't, that's actually true to some degree, actually.

02:27:31.096 --> 02:27:31.436

02:27:32.086 --> 02:27:35.797
Because if you look here, so, so, so.

02:27:35.877 --> 02:27:38.467
So this is an old silver certificate, right?

02:27:39.086 --> 02:27:42.566
So now we have Federal Reserve notes, which just says 1.

02:27:42.596 --> 02:27:44.647
And then you say to yourself, okay, 1 of what?

02:27:44.967 --> 02:27:46.467
Nobody can answer it, right?

02:27:46.877 --> 02:27:48.207
There is no answer, right?

02:27:48.777 --> 02:27:53.217
Whereas back in the day, when you had silver certificates, you have 1 of what?

02:27:53.227 --> 02:27:56.426
1 of silver, one silver dollar.

02:27:56.611 --> 02:27:56.891

02:27:57.541 --> 02:27:59.371
And a silver certificate.

02:27:59.381 --> 02:28:05.522
The word certificate in the legal dictionary means a representation of something else.

02:28:05.522 --> 02:28:09.481
There's also another definition, which is evidence that an event took place.

02:28:09.492 --> 02:28:12.221
So a marriage certificate.

02:28:13.256 --> 02:28:21.656
Would be a piece of paper that, that is all the information that is the evidence that an event took place called a marriage.

02:28:22.547 --> 02:28:30.027
This definition of the word certificate is a different definition, which means a representation of like, for example.

02:28:30.496 --> 02:28:36.766
When you get your pink slip from the state of California, let's say, for example, it's called a certificate of title.

02:28:37.606 --> 02:28:49.717
It's pretty shocking to find out that what a certificate of title means is literally, if you translate that into English, it means proof that a title exists someplace else.

02:28:51.316 --> 02:28:53.397
Your pink slip for your car is not a title.

02:28:53.731 --> 02:28:55.162
It's actually a security.

02:28:55.781 --> 02:28:59.111
It's actually a stock or a bond, like what you would see on the stock market.

02:28:59.121 --> 02:28:59.412

02:28:59.971 --> 02:29:02.041
I'm not going to get into all that cause I'm trying to stay away from that.

02:29:02.502 --> 02:29:15.951
But anyways, so, um, this is, this is as close to real money as, as you're going to get, um, uh, payable to bear on demand.

02:29:16.447 --> 02:29:30.856
What that means is if I hand this silver certificate, which means representation of silver certificate means representation, if I were to go to the treasury or wherever else, now we're to present this as the bearer.

02:29:30.856 --> 02:29:31.707
So bear it.

02:29:31.717 --> 02:29:34.207
So, so, so extended out and offer it.

02:29:34.947 --> 02:29:38.647
Then I would be given in return one silver dollar.

02:29:38.746 --> 02:29:39.227

02:29:39.717 --> 02:29:42.371
And that's what a silver certificate means.

02:29:42.641 --> 02:29:45.941
Is, and the dollar amount actually had a real meaning.

02:29:47.022 --> 02:29:51.641
$1$5 of silver would be, you know, whatever.

02:29:51.641 --> 02:29:54.912
I don't know what the, maybe one ounce was considered a dollar back then or whatever.

02:29:54.912 --> 02:29:59.742
So it'd be like the same thing as saying one ounce or five ounce or 10 ounces.

02:30:00.291 --> 02:30:01.012
Of silver.

02:30:01.272 --> 02:30:01.682

02:30:02.381 --> 02:30:08.031
And a gold certificate is the exact same thing, but obviously for gold, right?

02:30:08.191 --> 02:30:08.551

02:30:08.721 --> 02:30:17.752
well, these certificates, that's, I mean, that's, that's great and all, but unless we start printing those certificates, we're not going to be swapping that out.

02:30:17.811 --> 02:30:25.986
It sounds like it's going to be re reintroduced later on when, um, More and more people are aware of what's going on.

02:30:26.256 --> 02:30:27.006
Am I correct?

02:30:27.066 --> 02:30:50.926
Like you're pretty much saying like, this is pretty much the direction it's going to go back to just because it sounds like as people get more familiar of with how everything's all set up right now, which is not in their favor and our favor as people, um, you're going to be able to mess with a system like crazy and it can just get bananas until we actually revert back to normal.

02:30:51.217 --> 02:30:52.336
The original system.

02:30:53.127 --> 02:30:54.166
Yeah, I don't know what's gonna happen.

02:30:54.166 --> 02:30:55.887
We got a lot of people getting a lot of free shit.

02:30:55.967 --> 02:30:58.117
Uh, yeah Right now I'll ask

02:30:58.117 --> 02:30:59.027
for so long though.

02:30:59.486 --> 02:30:59.947
We'll see.

02:30:59.947 --> 02:31:00.736
I don't know about that.

02:31:01.297 --> 02:31:23.877
I'm not so sure about that Because the thing is is that Technically speaking that is not true Technically speaking the Federal Reserve Can print infinite money and everyone can have infinite money and it does never end because what happens is at a certain point It'll continue to inflate the currency.

02:31:23.877 --> 02:31:41.047
Yes You But the thing is, is that if, if there, if, if the inflationary value of the currency is, is, is irrelevant, meaning if, if, uh, if, uh, if a tomato costs 480 trillion federal reserve notes, but everyone had infinite money.

02:31:41.307 --> 02:31:46.256
And then the next day it went from 400 trillion to 800 trillion.

02:31:46.496 --> 02:31:49.156
And then the next day it was 400 quadrillion.

02:31:49.287 --> 02:31:50.596
Who gives a shit?

02:31:50.656 --> 02:31:51.736
It doesn't mean anything.

02:31:54.897 --> 02:31:55.666
It's all free.

02:31:56.672 --> 02:32:05.662
It's all free, but so then how do you choose what you are trading value wise?

02:32:06.262 --> 02:32:08.301
Because at that point, at that point

02:32:08.301 --> 02:32:18.502
value, see the, the, the whole thing was, is they wanted to attach 100 percent of the idea of value and consideration to these things called Federal Reserve.

02:32:19.561 --> 02:32:25.162
Prior to Federal Reserve notes, people did barter, people did all sorts of shit.

02:32:25.291 --> 02:32:27.342
Everything was just totally wide open.

02:32:27.352 --> 02:32:27.832
You could just.

02:32:28.461 --> 02:32:31.121
Sex and fucking prostitution.

02:32:31.121 --> 02:32:37.721
And I mean, literally anything, it was just like, everything is, it goes and there is no rules and nobody gives a fuck and you can do whatever you want.

02:32:38.451 --> 02:32:43.311
That is the reality of what the world really is.

02:32:43.311 --> 02:32:47.992
And that's the reality of what the world in its most native state actually is.

02:32:48.467 --> 02:33:01.627
And then golden silver coins became a supplementary activity and a supplementary tool that was supposed to clarify and improve commercial transactions.

02:33:02.436 --> 02:33:02.867
Got it.

02:33:02.977 --> 02:33:19.537
That's like the, um, everything falls under, down to the gold and silver instead of it's, we're still working with this unlimited funds right now, but when it comes down to, I do remember you saying the only thing that's actually money Is gold and silver.

02:33:19.576 --> 02:33:20.826
So you coin the game,

02:33:20.887 --> 02:33:22.787
gold and silver coins.

02:33:22.826 --> 02:33:25.496
Ah, so I can't give somebody a silver

02:33:25.496 --> 02:33:28.527
bar is not technically.

02:33:30.547 --> 02:33:31.977
So what makes something a coin?

02:33:32.566 --> 02:33:34.406
Does it depend on where it's issued?

02:33:34.406 --> 02:33:34.916
I know we're going to look

02:33:34.916 --> 02:33:35.697
it up, look it up.

02:33:35.727 --> 02:33:42.236
I mean, article one, section 10 of the constitution says that the states are supposed to be the ones to coin those silver and, uh, and gold coins.

02:33:42.246 --> 02:33:50.697
So, so I guess if you want to think about it from, from more of a, uh, uh, of a constitutional aspect.

02:33:51.246 --> 02:34:16.887
It would be, it would be, uh, these small, round, uh, uh, easily exchangeable silver or gold, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, discs that, uh, uh, maybe have some kind of like a little bit of, of art on them or whatever that are issued through some sort of state.

02:34:17.756 --> 02:34:20.586
Regulated treasury.

02:34:20.717 --> 02:34:22.486
It'd be like the California treasury.

02:34:22.496 --> 02:34:24.756
It wouldn't be the United States treasury.

02:34:24.756 --> 02:34:26.586
That's all part of the incorporated world.

02:34:26.957 --> 02:34:34.647
It would be the California treasury, the New Mexico treasury, the Texas treasury, the Louisiana treasury.

02:34:34.856 --> 02:34:35.797
And that's how it would work.

02:34:36.586 --> 02:34:36.996
Got it.

02:34:37.797 --> 02:34:38.236

02:34:38.877 --> 02:34:39.467

02:34:39.527 --> 02:34:41.006
This is a gold coin right here.

02:34:41.227 --> 02:34:43.127
Um, issued actually by the treasury.

02:34:45.516 --> 02:34:46.006
I can show it to you.

02:34:46.006 --> 02:34:46.076

02:34:46.076 --> 02:34:48.846
have, I have, I guess you can call it, what is it?

02:34:48.856 --> 02:34:50.236
Dirty silver or whatever.

02:34:51.272 --> 02:34:52.242
Junk silver.

02:34:53.631 --> 02:34:53.981
There you go.

02:34:53.981 --> 02:34:58.311
There's a Buffalo sexy.

02:35:00.731 --> 02:35:01.322
Oh my God.

02:35:01.981 --> 02:35:03.262
So how much is that worth?

02:35:04.211 --> 02:35:08.072
Well, shit, three or four days ago, it was like 2, 700.

02:35:08.072 --> 02:35:09.512
And now it's like 3, 500.

02:35:09.512 --> 02:35:10.602
I don't know what the fuck is going on.

02:35:11.162 --> 02:35:11.481

02:35:11.941 --> 02:35:15.002
Well, if you're, if you're an expert in infinite money, it doesn't matter, right?

02:35:15.002 --> 02:35:16.572
That that's actually a play thing, right?

02:35:16.602 --> 02:35:17.262
At this point.

02:35:17.811 --> 02:35:19.602
Well, I play both worlds.

02:35:19.602 --> 02:35:22.131
I play the money world and I play the negotiable instruments world.

02:35:22.211 --> 02:35:24.152
So I play both sides of the equation.

02:35:24.242 --> 02:35:25.772
I'm like a banker on both sides.

02:35:27.762 --> 02:35:30.002
For both of your names, for both of your identities.

02:35:30.072 --> 02:35:30.531
You got it.

02:35:30.531 --> 02:35:30.701

02:35:30.701 --> 02:35:33.941
I have one for, for inside the system and I have one for outside the system.

02:35:33.941 --> 02:35:35.561
So I enjoy money.

02:35:35.832 --> 02:35:37.502
And then I also enjoy currency.

02:35:37.672 --> 02:35:46.131
Um, they're both a lot of fun and, and, and currency is exciting because currency is at this point in time, because no one knows any of this information, it's accepted everywhere.

02:35:46.131 --> 02:35:46.291

02:35:46.877 --> 02:35:50.576
When more and more people start to learn about this information, uh, there's going to be a lot of people.

02:35:50.576 --> 02:35:54.086
I think Texas is going to be the first place where they're not going to accept Federal Reserve notes anymore.

02:35:54.666 --> 02:35:54.936

02:35:56.006 --> 02:35:57.137
Yeah, that's going to be fun.

02:35:57.676 --> 02:35:58.176

02:35:58.537 --> 02:35:59.557
Are you preparing people for that?

02:35:59.557 --> 02:36:02.397
point, now at that point, you're going to get pushed out of the currency game.

02:36:03.537 --> 02:36:04.846
And then now you're going to be on the money game.

02:36:05.166 --> 02:36:10.611
Because, uh, if they stop taking Federal Reserve notes, then the infinite money thing won't work anymore.

02:36:10.611 --> 02:36:10.926

02:36:10.926 --> 02:36:11.016

02:36:11.717 --> 02:36:17.127
So it, it, it all, it all just comes down to, you know, what, what's going to happen and where things are going pretty crazy.

02:36:17.127 --> 02:36:27.527
So we'll see, but I like working both sides because if, if, if, if I'm ever somewhere where they do decide to kind of go in that direction, then all this infinite money stuff and currency and federal reserve notes, it's irrelevant.

02:36:27.637 --> 02:36:28.566
You can't do anything with it.

02:36:28.617 --> 02:36:37.746
So, um, I think, I think the direction this country is going, I truly, strongly believe that it is going towards gold and silver coins.

02:36:37.746 --> 02:36:52.346
And I think, uh, Uh, one of the main reasons why I believe that is because once more people catch on to the 14th amendment, there's going to be, I think very soon here in the next two or three years, that, that 14th amendment is going to go bye bye.

02:36:53.266 --> 02:37:01.816
And when that 14th amendment goes bye bye, all this infinite money stuff and all this financial stuff and all the federal reserve notes and all that shit is all goes bye bye.

02:37:01.877 --> 02:37:02.316

02:37:02.316 --> 02:37:03.467
Once enough people know about it.

02:37:03.586 --> 02:37:03.846

02:37:04.676 --> 02:37:05.137

02:37:05.447 --> 02:37:08.547
So I'm just kind of riding the wave until, until that happens.

02:37:08.586 --> 02:37:10.086
I'm thrilled about that happening.

02:37:10.137 --> 02:37:16.027
Um, I have absolutely, I'm 100 percent supportive of that occurring and I'm 100 percent supportive of that not occurring.

02:37:16.076 --> 02:37:17.086
I could care less either way.

02:37:17.137 --> 02:37:24.647
So whatever happens happens and I'm going to work both sides until that does happen and then by the time it does happen, you know, it's fine with me.

02:37:25.227 --> 02:37:25.867
Sounds great.

02:37:26.217 --> 02:37:33.787
I carry around a small little baggie all the time because, uh, I never want to be broke.

02:37:34.647 --> 02:37:36.127
And it's a little baggie like this.

02:37:36.637 --> 02:37:47.477
And it has, I've probably lost a couple over the years, um, but it has, uh, originally it had ten little one gram silver coins.

02:37:47.506 --> 02:37:50.527
And you can actually buy this little pouch.

02:37:51.547 --> 02:37:59.867
And it has all these little one gram silver coins, just tiny, itty bitty little silver coins with these little, little symbols on them.

02:37:59.867 --> 02:38:01.932
And They're smaller than die.

02:38:01.992 --> 02:38:03.762
This one has a Freemason symbol on it.

02:38:03.762 --> 02:38:05.502
This one has a skull and bones.

02:38:06.502 --> 02:38:08.791
There's all these random ass symbols on there.

02:38:09.291 --> 02:38:15.871
Uh, this entire pouch, with the pouch, with the little coins, was like 26 bucks on Amazon.

02:38:17.061 --> 02:38:18.072
I was told I overpaid.

02:38:18.211 --> 02:38:19.272
I'm like, I don't give a fuck, bro.

02:38:19.272 --> 02:38:21.512
Uh, 26, right?

02:38:21.531 --> 02:38:26.606
26, you get the little pouch, and you get the little Silver coins.

02:38:26.686 --> 02:38:29.307
And this is, uh, where I think we're headed.

02:38:29.307 --> 02:38:32.387
So, uh, I like to carry around currency

02:38:32.707 --> 02:38:34.846
just in case everything switches when you're out and about.

02:38:35.227 --> 02:38:36.006
No, It's just, it's

02:38:36.006 --> 02:38:38.676
just, it's just a immersion, immersion, immersion, immersion.

02:38:38.676 --> 02:38:40.457
I got I got all this stuff.

02:38:40.457 --> 02:38:42.986
I got a buddy of mine who produces these custom coins.

02:38:42.986 --> 02:38:43.807
I bought all his shit.

02:38:43.807 --> 02:38:46.227
I've got, uh, 1, 800 worth of his shit on here.

02:38:46.227 --> 02:38:50.576
I've got, uh, uh, so Jamestown, the Republic of so Jamestown of which I'm a parliament member.

02:38:50.897 --> 02:38:53.197
Uh, they have their own currency called doobles.

02:38:53.416 --> 02:38:55.436
They have coins and paper currency.

02:38:55.547 --> 02:38:55.717

02:38:55.717 --> 02:38:55.957

02:38:56.656 --> 02:38:57.957
So I have doobles here.

02:38:58.236 --> 02:39:00.647
I have, uh, I have, what else do I have?

02:39:00.647 --> 02:39:01.906
I have the gold coin.

02:39:02.252 --> 02:39:05.641
I have these things, which some people have probably seen called goldbacks.

02:39:05.641 --> 02:39:06.711
I found these pretty interesting.

02:39:06.801 --> 02:39:07.111
That's what I was

02:39:07.111 --> 02:39:07.502
talking about.

02:39:07.502 --> 02:39:09.182
I've heard more about goldbacks.

02:39:09.541 --> 02:39:13.012
So here you open up this and you go like this.

02:39:13.352 --> 02:39:14.762
Oh, that's freaky.

02:39:15.512 --> 02:39:15.781

02:39:16.012 --> 02:39:18.932
And these are, um, listening,

02:39:18.932 --> 02:39:20.352
it looks like just shiny money.

02:39:21.211 --> 02:39:24.422
It looks like a foil, like Pokemon cards.

02:39:24.471 --> 02:39:31.332
It looks like, uh, but like really intense, like even more intense than a foil Pokemon card, like really fucking intense.

02:39:31.332 --> 02:39:31.531

02:39:31.541 --> 02:39:33.141
So that's really thin gold.

02:39:34.002 --> 02:39:38.441
So it's like a fraction of an ounce or something for each one of these there.

02:39:38.451 --> 02:39:50.541
It's not all gold It's just it's gold gold is infused to each one and they have these different denominations One it's it's one of what you know what I mean?

02:39:51.031 --> 02:40:02.381
And it even says right on it negotiable instrument and the reason why is because these technically are not Money either because it has to be a coin to be money.

02:40:02.412 --> 02:40:02.922
Do you see?

02:40:03.461 --> 02:40:10.162
So it literally says right on it, uh, uh, a negotiable instrument, which is the same thing as a federal reserve note.

02:40:10.162 --> 02:40:13.061
So we're still not all the way to money with these.

02:40:13.061 --> 02:40:15.711
This is actually just another type of currency, like a federal reserve note.

02:40:16.051 --> 02:40:18.932
Whereas this is money.

02:40:19.512 --> 02:40:25.902
This is a negotiable instrument, but this is closer to this than a federal reserve note.

02:40:26.402 --> 02:40:27.211
You see, got it.

02:40:27.221 --> 02:40:27.611

02:40:28.941 --> 02:40:32.211
I would love to do a different episode just on money.

02:40:32.281 --> 02:40:35.361
Cause I know now that I know that that's what you're specialized in.

02:40:35.361 --> 02:40:37.061
I can ask you about that stuff.

02:40:37.742 --> 02:40:40.322
And I'm sure everybody would be interested in that.

02:40:40.861 --> 02:40:42.002
Are you down for that?

02:40:42.111 --> 02:40:42.641
Yeah, sure.

02:40:43.102 --> 02:40:43.461

02:40:43.912 --> 02:40:52.441
I would say maybe to close this out because we went that direction of where things could go, could you walk me through a day?

02:40:52.822 --> 02:41:10.281
Where you would have like coins in your pocket or something and you're going to buy something and how that would Have you processed that in your head like what that would look like because I think people are having a hard time understanding What a world will look like with coins in your pocket and even if that's positive

02:41:11.451 --> 02:41:13.762
Well, yeah, because the deflation would cease to exist.

02:41:13.781 --> 02:41:23.227
So so the value of the money in your pocket now is like shit The value in your, in your, of the money in your pocket, like that, what I just showed you right there.

02:41:23.717 --> 02:41:24.566
I mean, Jesus, fuck.

02:41:24.606 --> 02:41:27.166
Just, just this little pouch with these ten coins.

02:41:27.186 --> 02:41:40.707
I mean, you're looking at probably what would be considered I don't know, if, if, if we went all the way back to the gold and silver standard, these are like Probably one of these could buy you like a whole meal, maybe?

02:41:42.066 --> 02:41:45.156
Something like this could buy you like a whole meal, or fill up your whole gas tank.

02:41:46.467 --> 02:41:48.916
You're not carrying around this gigantic fucking thing.

02:41:49.367 --> 02:41:50.346
Yeah, because they're tiny.

02:41:50.346 --> 02:41:54.566
Well, one ounce, you could have, you could have just one little pouch like this.

02:41:54.816 --> 02:41:55.797
This would be your wallet.

02:41:56.006 --> 02:41:56.377

02:41:57.076 --> 02:42:05.356
And, and you would have a few of these and you'd have a few larger and medium sized ones, and they would just fit in there and you would just stick this in your pocket.

02:42:05.746 --> 02:42:09.457
And actually, in fact, this would take up less space than federal reserve notes.

02:42:09.477 --> 02:42:27.117
Because if you look at my wallet and you have even a small wallet like this, you You know, it can take up more space actually than a little baggie full of silver and then gold is a whole nother ball game.

02:42:27.117 --> 02:42:29.287
I mean, if you have like little tiny gold coins, Oh shit.

02:42:29.297 --> 02:42:30.486
You can buy like a whole car with that.

02:42:31.006 --> 02:42:31.527

02:42:31.666 --> 02:42:32.436
just don't get robbed.

02:42:32.887 --> 02:42:33.627
Yeah, that's that.

02:42:33.637 --> 02:42:35.367
That's where things get complicated.

02:42:35.367 --> 02:42:35.586

02:42:35.586 --> 02:42:38.686
Cause now you're looking at, you know, getting robbed and all this kind of stuff.

02:42:38.877 --> 02:42:40.166
And that's how banking started.

02:42:40.176 --> 02:42:43.936
Banking started where it's like, why would you want to carry around this stuff when you can get robbed?

02:42:44.527 --> 02:42:45.336
Why don't you.

02:42:46.012 --> 02:42:54.932
But you got to think what probably happened is they probably paid and trained people to go out and run people to justify the banking system in the first place.

02:42:55.002 --> 02:42:55.471
Do you see?

02:42:55.512 --> 02:42:58.871
So it goes back to all sorts of goofiness.

02:42:58.871 --> 02:43:02.861
But the thing is, is it's like, you know, now we're carrying around.

02:43:03.686 --> 02:43:07.887
Little certificates or gold certificates because people don't want to carry around the gold coins and stuff like that.

02:43:07.887 --> 02:43:08.147

02:43:08.777 --> 02:43:14.297
And that's how the whole negotiable instrument system was born because negotiable instruments are abstracts of money.

02:43:14.486 --> 02:43:18.557
They represent money, which is why they use the word certificate.

02:43:18.826 --> 02:43:21.137
Certificate is something that represents something else.

02:43:21.207 --> 02:43:24.477
Gold certificate, silver certificate.

02:43:24.807 --> 02:43:25.137
You see

02:43:25.947 --> 02:43:27.186
the us debt clock.

02:43:27.727 --> 02:43:28.367

02:43:28.557 --> 02:43:30.447
Is that laughable to you or.

02:43:30.527 --> 02:43:30.797

02:43:30.797 --> 02:43:31.137
I don't,

02:43:31.197 --> 02:43:31.877
I don't know.

02:43:32.277 --> 02:43:33.557
I don't know if it's real or not.

02:43:33.557 --> 02:43:34.287
I don't know who runs it.

02:43:34.287 --> 02:43:35.856
I don't know much about it to be honest.

02:43:35.867 --> 02:43:38.416
That's why I keep saying everybody's like, Oh, reference reference.

02:43:38.416 --> 02:43:40.217
I'm like, well, who is behind that?

02:43:40.217 --> 02:43:41.387
It's just a site.

02:43:41.387 --> 02:43:42.576
I have no idea.

02:43:42.846 --> 02:43:43.457
No idea.

02:43:44.627 --> 02:43:45.027

02:43:45.676 --> 02:43:47.617
Well, we covered a lot.

02:43:48.307 --> 02:43:57.256
We got like a whole lesson in the beginning and then we dabbled around a little bit and I'm pretty sure I perked up a bunch of people's ears on the money side.

02:43:57.787 --> 02:44:02.672
Um, Yeah, man, this has been a wild ride for you.

02:44:02.672 --> 02:44:04.102
It's just another day.

02:44:04.721 --> 02:44:07.172
How many, how many podcasts have you been on?

02:44:07.492 --> 02:44:07.721
Are you

02:44:07.742 --> 02:44:08.191

02:44:08.682 --> 02:44:09.012

02:44:09.012 --> 02:44:14.325
150, 200, 150, 200, something like that.

02:44:14.325 --> 02:44:14.865

02:44:14.865 --> 02:44:17.567
And they're all two, two

02:44:17.567 --> 02:44:21.352
hours to three hours every single time.

02:44:21.352 --> 02:44:21.592

02:44:21.592 --> 02:44:23.471
I was like, Oh, we'll do like an hour and a half.

02:44:23.471 --> 02:44:26.152
Now I'm looking at two hours and 42 minutes.

02:44:26.191 --> 02:44:26.492

02:44:27.022 --> 02:44:27.822
Oh my God.

02:44:28.346 --> 02:44:30.006
But, uh, yeah, I mean, thanks for coming on.

02:44:30.006 --> 02:44:33.816
I appreciate you spreading the word, making sure we all know this.

02:44:33.816 --> 02:44:36.936
And, uh, I'm actually pretty my bro.

02:44:36.977 --> 02:44:41.957
I'm probably going to have a headache tomorrow because I thought I had a hand on this

02:44:42.447 --> 02:44:43.777
That's, that's a couple of years ago.

02:44:43.777 --> 02:44:49.057
So, so this presentation is, is including all the information that's been divulged since that point.

02:44:49.846 --> 02:44:56.416
Yeah, and I was hoping that you would go with that direction you did because your your course is like how many hours like

02:44:56.416 --> 02:44:58.197
25 hours of material.

02:44:58.197 --> 02:44:58.447

02:44:58.777 --> 02:44:59.086

02:44:59.086 --> 02:45:03.236
Yeah, and you crunched that And I'm still catch

02:45:03.236 --> 02:45:10.256
so you're not gonna see a lot of this stuff in this show in the course because because that was When I was first starting and I was first putting it all together.

02:45:10.557 --> 02:45:11.117
Yeah, so

02:45:12.016 --> 02:45:12.246

02:45:12.277 --> 02:45:17.356
and if we do another show or if you see me in another show in a year or two, it'll probably be Who knows?

02:45:17.397 --> 02:45:23.996
I don't know how I can get much better than this, but, uh, naturalization, I feel like really is the bottom of the fucking barrel, but who knows?

02:45:24.527 --> 02:45:24.947
Who knows?

02:45:24.947 --> 02:45:27.037
I thought I had it all, you know, bottom of the barrel.

02:45:27.037 --> 02:45:27.647

02:45:27.697 --> 02:45:29.826
I don't know if I thought that, but who knows?

02:45:29.826 --> 02:45:30.447
Who knows?

02:45:30.746 --> 02:45:31.217
Who knows?

02:45:31.256 --> 02:45:31.766
You know what I mean?

02:45:32.996 --> 02:45:33.106

02:45:33.127 --> 02:45:33.656

02:45:33.746 --> 02:45:34.367
I gotcha.

02:45:34.367 --> 02:45:35.527
All right.

02:45:35.527 --> 02:45:40.137
Well, Brendan, Joe Williams, thanks for coming on the show.

02:45:40.547 --> 02:45:43.266
And, uh, I think next time we got to go into that money.

02:45:44.176 --> 02:45:44.576
Let's do it.

02:45:44.746 --> 02:45:45.367
Till next time.

02:45:45.867 --> 02:45:46.346
Brandon Joe Williams Profile Photo

Brandon Joe Williams

author, securities attorney, and foreign national of The Amnesty Coalition

Brandon Joe Williams is a multifaceted individual with a diverse background in law, finance, and personal development. As a securities attorney and foreign national at The Amnesty Coalition, he brings a wealth of experience to his role at Williams and WILLIAMS Law Group. Brandon is known for his unique approach to legal and financial matters, often challenging conventional wisdom.
Based in Glendale, California, Brandon is the author of books such as "Don't Be a Slave to Your Clients" and "Love is a Battery." He's also the founder of The Amnesty Coalition, where he works to educate people about legal definitions and their implications.
Brandon describes himself as a fast learner and methodical worker, focusing on achieving maximum results efficiently. He's a frequent podcast guest, sharing his perspectives on topics ranging from personal growth to legal loopholes. His unconventional views and teachings have garnered attention, particularly in areas of tax law and personal autonomy.
Through his website, dontbeaslave.com, Brandon offers free resources and courses, inviting followers to explore his ideas on prosperity, legal principles, and personal freedom