Aug. 15, 2024

#99 Meditation, Extraterrestrials, and Consciousness | Dean Graves

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About the guest

Dean Graves is an experienced and authoritative spiritual teacher, author, and podcaster with over two decades of experience in meditation and mindfulness instruction. He has conducted numerous workshops and group sessions on self-healing and personal growth, guiding many individuals on their journeys toward greater self-awareness and enlightenment.

Episode Summary

In this episode, our guest Dean Graves dives into the concept of Earth as a second-chance planet and the significance of awakening in personal growth. Dean discusses his journey into self-awareness and the pivotal role of meditation. The conversation explores extraterrestrial visitations, the structure of the universe, and the impending transition from third to fourth density consciousness. Dean shares insights from his communications with metaphysical beings including Ra and the Arcturians, touching on humanity’s purpose and the choices we face in our evolution.

Timeline Highlights:

00:11 Awakening and Extraterrestrial Visitation 
00:51 Meet Dean Graves: Self-Healing and Enlightenment 
01:44 Dean's Awakening Journey 
03:12 The Role of Meditation in Self-Discovery 05:05 Understanding Enlightenment and Life's Purpose 
07:51 The Hierophant and Ego Mind 
11:48 Metaphysical Self and Meditation 
13:45 Communication with Higher Beings 
24:53 Service to Self vs. Service to Others 
30:26 Exploring Current World Events with Ra 
31:16 Understanding Third and Fourth Density 
31:53 The Transition to Fourth Density 
41:12 Future Predictions and Extraterrestrial Visitations 
45:59 The Mystery of Tartaria and Ancient Civilizations 
55:44 Dean's Projects and Closing Thoughts

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.870
Earth is a second chance planet.

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In other words, we've all failed to graduate from other third density experiences.

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so earth is like, you're getting your GED.

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That's right.

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Yeah, that's a good analogy.

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when we have this awakening, and it can happen at any age, it is a starting point, it's not by any means a finishing point.

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we are going to begin to have a physical visitation from multiple extraterrestrial sources.

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so that it will no longer be deniable, the government can say, oh no, it's swamp gas.

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every universe is designed with mixing and matching of, archetypes of the creator

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Buckle your seatbelts, everybody.

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And I'll tell you why right now.

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Today we're talking with Dean Graves.

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He provides information and instructs acolytes on self healing and self awareness.

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He has two podcasts, Chatting with Octarians and the other is Simple Enlightenment.

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And his only guests are not incarnate.

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So buckle up again is going to be a ride.

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We're going to talk about consciousness.

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Uh, are we alone in the universe?

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What happens when we die?

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If even if we have time to get there.

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So, I mean, Dean, welcome to the show.

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I'm, I'm, I'm happy to have you on.

00:01:23.486 --> 00:01:24.195
Thank you, John.

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I'm delighted to be here.

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I'm like, where do we start?

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I mean, you're, you're like, you're all for like the new age and helping with bringing in the enlightenment, which I love.

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And I know that a lot of what you're doing is, is working with meditation.

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And I think that's where everything started for you.

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And it was more recent.

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Like when you were 50, can we, let's start with like where it all began, because that's interesting.

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Well, um, most of my life was, uh, I guess you could say, uh, a conventional life, um, family, work, career, uh, ambitions, and, uh, you know, reasonably successful at that.

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Uh, around my, uh, 50th year, I had, uh, an awakening and, uh, Awakening is an often misunderstood experience.

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Very simply, what an awakening is, is an awareness that all this stuff that we do is not fulfilling.

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It's not bringing me greater happiness in spite of ambition, successes, and so forth.

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When we have this awakening, and it can happen at any age, it can happen at, you know, 20, it can happen at 30, 40, 50, whatever, uh, we begin to look around to see what alternatives are there to what we've been doing.

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And it is a starting point, it's not by any means a finishing point.

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And so, we begin to question, um, what we've been doing, and to seek alternatives.

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In my experience, I was introduced to meditation and began a meditation practice, a diligent and earnest meditation practice.

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And what becomes apparent is when we reach this point, we often begin, and all of my students, without exception, we begin this process of meditation.

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Running away from the stick.

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In other words, what we've been doing hurts, doesn't feel good, and so we're looking for meditation to be Uh, a cure all to the stick.

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And then one day, and this will happen, uh, depending on how earnest you are, but it is an immutable experience to everyone that participates in meditation, is you get a bite of the apple.

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And the apple tastes really good.

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And so we transform our motivation from running away from the stick to chasing the apple.

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And the apple becomes our guide As to what we do with our meditation, how we progress, and we will vary back and forth, and we'll try all the different flavors of apples, and so forth.

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But as, as our motivation accelerates, uh, accelerates along this path of self exploration, then we find greater success.

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And all of these experiences, which are incremental, along the way, will increase.

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Uh, are immutable, they will be the same feeling for everyone.

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Not the same experience, but the same feeling.

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And so consequently, we progress along the enlightenment path.

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And enlightenment also is often a misunderstood concept.

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We perceive because of the successes that the Buddha had that enlightenment is a destination.

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It's not a destination, it's the process itself.

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And And so everyone, even those that still remain in that chaotic state of being, are on the enlightenment path.

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They're just unaware of that.

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And so, um, you know, that is our mission in life.

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That is our purpose in life, is to explore the self.

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And we all share that same.

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That is our purpose in life.

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Our mission in life will vary from individual to individual.

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If you decide that you're going to be a.

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A physician or a lawyer or a, uh, factory worker, whatever the, the occupation and the activities that we choose in our life simply are there to provide us with the opportunity to become more self aware.

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They provide us with the nature of our experiences, but the purpose of life is exactly the same for everyone.

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It's interesting how it doesn't matter what you do, you get a chance, whatever you decide to do.

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As long as you're moving, you're going to get hit with self reflection, whether you fall and have to get up or you find a success.

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So it, I, that rings true for me as well.

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Um, but.

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You said something about biting the apple, and I can only imagine anybody in the audience thinking, is he talking about the forbidden fruit?

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That's the first thing that popped in my

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about a fruit that tastes really good.

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And most people like, you know, like apples.

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But no, there's nothing, absolutely nothing.

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It is, it, let me qualify that.

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It is forbidden by those that wish to keep us from having a bite of the apple.

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In other words, there is, we are, we are faced with, we exist within a range of consciousness.

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And there is a curriculum that we are to learn in this range of consciousness.

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And through our experiences, we learn the lessons of the, the curriculum.

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And we have a choice, and one of the strategic choices that we have to make, and we can talk about the eminence of that, um, which is another significant factor of our new age experience.

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We have to choose whether we are going to polarize service to self or service to others.

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And that is the strategic decision.

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Because it is our design in this range of consciousness that we will create, beginning with the first thought that we have as an infant, we will create a hierophant, or an identity, or an ego.

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It's all the same thing, just different words for the exact same condition.

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This hierophant is who we think we are.

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And it's It creates an ego mind.

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So because it's who we think we are, we create this to fulfill our motivation in life.

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Our motivation in life is to get more of what we like.

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What we like will vary from person to person, depending where we are in this enlightenment scale.

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And it literally is a scale.

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We create this hierophant in order to trick the world into giving us more of what we like.

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So as we get older, you know, we say, I'm going to be a physician and I'm going to be really important.

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That is a belief that we incorporate in our identity.

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We do that for the sole purpose of tricking the world to giving us more of what we like.

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We may initially perceive that what we like to be money, we may evolve to realize that what we really and truly like is love.

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But the problem is, we don't know what love is because we begin without any information or any knowledge.

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And so, that point of awakening is that point of awakening that we realize that the hierophant, our perception of self, Our autonomous perception of the self isn't working.

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And so, while we are in the chaotic stage up to that point of awakening, we have awareness, but that awareness is pointed outside of us in order to try to measure how effective our hierophant is being and giving us more of what we like.

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And we try to trick the world By modifying our hierophant, how I dress, how I think, what clubs I belong to, what churches, people we associate, all of that stuff is a result of our hierophant and how we perceive ourselves and what we believe will bring us greater happiness.

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But it is also our source of stress and suffering.

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And so we get to this point of awakening and we, one of the essential points that we find when we reach this point of awakening is the necessity of turning that awareness around.

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So instead of that awareness being pointed outside of us to measure how our hierophant is doing, we begin to turn that awareness inside and begin to look inside and investigate it.

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What I have incorporated into this false identity, into this hierophant, that needs to be amended.

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Because we're the only thing that we can change.

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If we can change ourselves, then that's it.

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I want to interject real quick.

00:11:05.780 --> 00:11:09.260
Um, you're, you're dropping some gold nuggets right now.

00:11:09.311 --> 00:11:12.211
A lot of, um, important.

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Self awareness steps of going from, right, sourcing from outside of you to sourcing from within.

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Did that awareness happen when you started to meditate?

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And I'm just curious, where did that awareness come to be?

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How did you come to embody that?

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Well, that's what meditation does.

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When I, and I explained to my, particularly my new students, but it's something that you have to reiterate because it's an ongoing process.

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We exist both in the metaphysical world and the physical world simultaneously.

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You and I talking right now are an analog projection of our metaphysical self.

00:12:00.466 --> 00:12:05.735
And if you think of our experience in the physical world is we're on a sports team.

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And almost every sports team is the same.

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You practice all week.

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You look at game films, you study plays, yada yada yada, all those things that a sports team does.

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And then you have a game on Friday night.

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We're in the game.

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This is the game that we're in right now.

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We're incarnate.

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When we are not incarnate, we're back in the locker room.

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Studying game films, we review, well, you know, I was going to do this in the last game and I didn't do it, and so on and so forth, you know, all of those coach directed things.

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Um, and we resolve we're going to do better at this next incarnation as far as learning the curriculum of this range of consciousness, and then we go into the game again.

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And we play another game, uh, the difficulty with the game is we are required to forget everything that we knew while we were in the locker room when we were practicing on the practice field and we try again.

00:13:06.831 --> 00:13:13.681
And so the metaphysical self is who we visit when we are in meditation.

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When we get that bite of the apple, what we're really doing is feeling our authentic self, which is underneath for everybody.

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It's underneath this hierophant that we create while we are incarnate.

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And so.

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The meditation allows us to have a reprieve from the village.

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When we are in the game, we are in the village.

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Mm hmm.

00:13:38.535 --> 00:13:45.796
When we are in meditation, we are with and or are our metaphysical self.

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So when you meditate and you began meditating, are you, are you telling me that a lot of what you've learned and what you're sharing with people came as a download or is it mostly from those conversations with maybe, uh, I'm guessing Octarians.

00:14:06.456 --> 00:14:10.235
Cause I'm like, who, what, what, what is that?

00:14:10.750 --> 00:14:13.630
I want, I want to know where did you get this information from?

00:14:13.841 --> 00:14:21.591
Because when you meditate, yes, you go deep and you disconnect from the body, uh, depending on the different levels.

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00:14:21.941 --> 00:14:23.740
And you're off the playing field.

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I want to know who are you talking to in the locker room when you leave?

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And how is it that you, what makes you special that you remember when you come back into the field?

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Cause it sounds like you're remembering when most people don't.

00:14:37.130 --> 00:14:38.030
What's going on there.

00:14:38.296 --> 00:14:43.275
Okay, well, your metaphysical, the universe is a very busy place.

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Uh, we perceive that we are, uh, possibly alone in the universe.

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Uh, we're not, uh, we are, uh, part of a vast system, more vast than we can comprehend.

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Um, our guides, uh, are cheering for us and offering us what we are prepared to ask about.

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Uh, you have to ask the questions that you want to know the answer to because that is an indication to them that you're ready to receive the information.

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If you just show up and say, okay, tell me what I need to know, you're not going to get anything.

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It doesn't work like that.

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You have to assume the responsibility for your advancement in this consciousness design.

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And so, whatever that you want to ask and are prepared to receive, you can learn.

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They will provide you with.

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Now, my personal communication.

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is with, um, the creators.

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One, an aspect of the creators of our earthly experience and our earthly experience is, uh, and this is going to require some unpacking.

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Um, there, there are, let's see how I can explain this quickly and simply.

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The, the creation has expanded by universes and every universe is designed with a mixing and matching of, um, archetypes of the creator.

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Our universe is a nine star system, which means every star is home to an aspect of the creator.

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Um, We, there are five inherent characteristics of the Creator, awareness, love, wisdom, unity, and stillness.

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Our particular universe is designed with those five inherent characteristics as well as four distortions of those inherent characteristics.

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And so we are a nine star universe.

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Every expansion of the universe has, uh, occurred with a duplication or a birthing of a new nine star system.

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00:17:28.695 --> 00:17:36.205
Okay, the Arcturians, to explain who they are, are just another nine star system.

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They have been in the system longer than we have.

00:17:39.945 --> 00:17:41.326
We are relatively new.

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To the evolutionary process and expansion process, the Arcturians are just another nine star system that has long been involved with the guidance of Earth.

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Uh, one of the inherent characteristics of the Creator is, uh, love, and it has a name.

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The name is called Ra, R A.

00:18:06.151 --> 00:18:11.580
Uh, our sun is home to law, which is wisdom.

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And it's just an inherent characteristic of the Creator.

00:18:16.665 --> 00:18:28.211
Earth is, for the most part, it is primarily a raw or love experiment, experience, but with a large contribution by the Creator.

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Law or wisdom and the remainder of it is the other seven contributors to our experience, but on a minor level relative to raw in law

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00:18:44.211 --> 00:19:14.766
so my communication Um, personally is primarily with an aspect of love of Ra, that is the same Ra that visited with the Ra from Egypt, but that was as a result of an aspect of Ra called Osiris, which is, again, part of the Egyptian mythology.

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That actually, many years ago, walked among the people in order to share information and guide them along in their path.

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RAW determined that it was a naive venture on their part, and so they left.

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Uh, they, the information that the RAW entity provided was hoarded by those that called themselves priests.

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And so consequently, they used the information to assume dominance over the bulk of the population.

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And so it was a failed effort.

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But the effort that we see resulted in the construction of the pyramids that was created overnight by Ra.

00:20:06.435 --> 00:20:11.046
In other words, the people went to sleep, they woke up, and there were, wow, these pyramids.

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And they, it was much more common at that time to interact with extra what the, we, we would call extraterrestrial beings.

00:20:21.010 --> 00:20:37.931
But that was a learning point for RAW, that they couldn't do that because the population was such a, a low level of consciousness that they would, um, um, abuse the information to assume dominance over the bulk of the population.

00:20:38.221 --> 00:20:43.131
Hence the priesthood and, and, and, uh, making that a club exclusive.

00:20:43.250 --> 00:20:43.340

00:20:43.830 --> 00:21:00.441
Um, so I've heard of that description of rock being the builder of maybe those specific pyramids, and then there's a mixture of humanity trying to copy and there's pyramids everywhere.

00:21:00.490 --> 00:21:00.871

00:21:00.891 --> 00:21:01.250

00:21:01.441 --> 00:21:03.421
Well, Ra was not the only one that did this.

00:21:03.421 --> 00:21:09.911
There were other aspects of, um, you know, these inherent characteristics that built pyramids all around the Earth.

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Uh, there was a, a colleague of Ra that had much more success in, um, South America with the Mayans.

00:21:21.090 --> 00:21:30.740
And the Mayans, um, Had pyramids that were, and they did not hoard the information, the population, the mines disappeared.

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The reasons the mines disappeared is they graduated.

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They learned the material, they absorbed it, they transformed themselves, and they disappeared because they no longer needed the third density experience, which is what we're

00:21:44.635 --> 00:21:46.915
Yes, I've, I've heard that too.

00:21:47.336 --> 00:21:49.766
Um, which is fascinating, right?

00:21:50.096 --> 00:21:56.365
The, the, the ability to ascend on pass the material plane.

00:21:56.776 --> 00:22:01.996
Um, when it comes back, let's say dialing back your communication with the arterians.

00:22:02.355 --> 00:22:03.346
How do you communicate?

00:22:03.355 --> 00:22:05.415
Is it via meditation?

00:22:05.665 --> 00:22:06.905
Is it via channeling?

00:22:06.905 --> 00:22:08.066
Is it via downloading?

00:22:08.066 --> 00:22:12.625
And then you write it down because you're, you're, you're describing very specific things.

00:22:13.175 --> 00:22:15.566
And I'm curious how they communicate with you.

00:22:15.586 --> 00:22:20.165
If they were the main ones that helped you kind of put this information together?

00:22:20.490 --> 00:22:25.230
Well, actually, my, uh, teacher is the aspect of raw.

00:22:25.846 --> 00:22:34.135
Uh, My Significant Other is a vocal channel that communicates with the Arcturians through her.

00:22:34.445 --> 00:22:45.486
And so she literally surrenders her instrument, the body, to the Arcturians and we chat, uh, just like you and I are sitting here chatting.

00:22:46.381 --> 00:22:47.090

00:22:47.280 --> 00:22:53.711
That reminds me of, um, the series, um, of the book, uh, the law of rule, the law of one,

00:22:53.855 --> 00:22:54.155
Mm hmm.

00:22:54.355 --> 00:22:54.645

00:22:54.705 --> 00:23:03.226
The same, same aspect that I communicate with was the aspect of Ra that communicated with Carla and, uh, Jim and, uh, Don.

00:23:03.226 --> 00:23:03.290
Mm hmm.

00:23:03.421 --> 00:23:03.641

00:23:03.661 --> 00:23:08.211
And your significant other, do they have to recalibrate the same way?

00:23:08.211 --> 00:23:09.631
Like you have to deal with the same thing.

00:23:11.090 --> 00:23:18.121
Carla had a lot of physical difficulties, and so it made it difficult for her to maintain that, that status of being.

00:23:18.621 --> 00:23:30.830
But, uh, and they've actually put the recordings that they made of Carla when she was channeling, uh, RAW, and it's very slow and very deliberate.

00:23:31.270 --> 00:23:36.661
Uh, no, my communication with the Arcturians is literally just like you and I are chatting.

00:23:38.631 --> 00:23:39.230
That's awesome.

00:23:39.730 --> 00:23:45.530
And so it's like, what question to ask now?

00:23:48.256 --> 00:23:49.096

00:23:49.530 --> 00:23:53.070
Um, so I mean, yes, we addressed, are we alone in the universe?

00:23:53.260 --> 00:23:57.711
You mentioned one, um, aspect of it, which is the Arcturians.

00:23:57.911 --> 00:23:59.361
Would you say they're fit?

00:23:59.361 --> 00:24:00.181
Like, how about this?

00:24:00.901 --> 00:24:04.550
There's a, um, conversation going on right now that I'm interested in.

00:24:04.951 --> 00:24:14.861
seeing a lot where you have the idea that extraterrestrials are demons, that there are demons and extraterrestrials.

00:24:15.090 --> 00:24:26.520
And then you have this interesting thing where if you are in the experience of another being, one of the things you would do is you would call out Jesus's name, right?

00:24:26.881 --> 00:24:42.721
And they, The demons are just, they just leave you alone because that's a whole different domain that they are not, um, in that power to be, you know, like they just, it's just a whole different domain for them and they can't handle it.

00:24:43.151 --> 00:24:44.820
And there's different reasons for that.

00:24:44.820 --> 00:24:49.161
But I'm curious, like, where, where are you with your experience with what you just shared?

00:24:49.540 --> 00:24:52.020
Where are you with that whole scenario?

00:24:52.141 --> 00:24:53.250
If, if that makes sense?

00:24:53.425 --> 00:24:53.726

00:24:53.726 --> 00:25:11.175
Well, going back to the, the choice that we make in this range of consciousness to choose polarized to service to self, or service to others in order to graduate from this range of consciousness, if you're graduating along the service to others path, you've chosen to be ofer.

00:25:11.566 --> 00:25:14.915
Did you want to reunite with the creator?

00:25:16.121 --> 00:25:22.111
Okay, then this hierophant that we talked about earlier, we will begin to surrender.

00:25:23.171 --> 00:25:27.121
We give that up, and that is our perception of autonomy.

00:25:27.951 --> 00:25:35.631
And so the more that we surrender that perception of autonomy, the more our authentic self emerges.

00:25:36.270 --> 00:25:40.181
And so consequently, we align more closely with the Creator.

00:25:41.135 --> 00:25:50.986
The other path is the service to self path, which means that you don't surrender that false identity, that hierophant, you enhance that.

00:25:51.756 --> 00:26:06.836
In order to graduate from this range of consciousness, someone polarizing service to others has to achieve a 51 percent experience interpretation of being of service to others.

00:26:07.346 --> 00:26:14.560
In order to graduate along this service to self path, path, you have to polarize 95%.

00:26:15.050 --> 00:26:24.590
So almost every thought that you process has to be how can I, um, feed my service to self orientation.

00:26:25.151 --> 00:26:35.490
Now the reason for that is we have a flow of energy, all of us have exactly the same potential amount available, uh, called intelligent energy.

00:26:36.060 --> 00:26:39.901
This intelligent energy fuels our mind, our body, everything.

00:26:40.121 --> 00:26:44.211
Everything that we are is fueled by this source.

00:26:44.221 --> 00:26:48.990
This source of energy is provided by our higher self.

00:26:50.621 --> 00:27:02.135
When we choose to separate from unity with the creator, to graduate from this range of consciousness, we have to surrender that flow of energy, but we still need it.

00:27:02.566 --> 00:27:05.286
And so we have to get it from somewhere.

00:27:06.215 --> 00:27:10.155
Where we get it from are humans.

00:27:10.635 --> 00:27:18.066
We get it from other beings that are in the same range of consciousness we are because this is like the Goldilocks.

00:27:18.486 --> 00:27:35.240
Okay, we have enough energy that it's worth their while to to try to manipulate us, dominate and subjugate, but is, we're not smart enough to figure out we're not supposed to give it away, okay, we're still children, relatively speaking.

00:27:35.810 --> 00:27:48.711
And so, what we perceive to be demons are nothing more than those that have graduated from this range of consciousness, that need to trick us into giving us, giving them our energy.

00:27:49.415 --> 00:28:10.046
And if you think the path, uh, along the, and it will determine your, uh, evolution through the consciousness scales for a long, I mean billions of years, um, you've got to become more of a trickster in order to sustain yourself.

00:28:10.615 --> 00:28:16.955
Now what that means is along the service to self path, everybody is a competitor.

00:28:17.546 --> 00:28:20.381
There are no friends along the path.

00:28:20.641 --> 00:28:34.611
The service to self path, because if I'm friends with you and I surrender even an ounce of my stolen intelligent energy, then I reduce my power.

00:28:35.901 --> 00:28:44.701
It's not that along the service to others, there's nothing, there's unity, there's magnification of that energy and it's a much more harmonious path.

00:28:44.711 --> 00:28:47.191
The path along the service to others path.

00:28:47.740 --> 00:28:50.230
is the direct path to the Creator.

00:28:50.881 --> 00:28:59.971
The service to other, I mean, service to self path will go so far until they hit a, literally hit a brick wall and can't go any farther.

00:29:00.730 --> 00:29:10.560
And it's at that point that they have to go back where they dropped out of school because they have to learn the lessons along the service to others, uh, others path.

00:29:11.006 --> 00:29:18.915
And they go through all that again, but they're very resistant because this hierophant is who we think we are.

00:29:19.695 --> 00:29:29.006
And so, if I'm not who I think I am, that's scary, and it becomes very treacherous the farther that you go up the service to self scale.

00:29:29.306 --> 00:29:31.665
And they become much more virulent.

00:29:32.050 --> 00:29:57.721
In their efforts to sustain themselves and if you think of the, uh, the service to self path is, is, is like a, um, um, uh, I just went blank and, uh, like Tupperware or, um, you know, you go up the hierarchy, you get a smaller percentage of each action, but you get more action because you have all of these minions running around selling Tupperware for you.

00:29:58.980 --> 00:30:12.080
You know, it's, it, it, um, I'm very, I'm very familiar with what you're saying because I read that book or that series, The Law of One, and it, it is very similar, right?

00:30:12.101 --> 00:30:14.361
And, and it makes sense from the same source.

00:30:14.480 --> 00:30:15.611
it's a great primer.

00:30:15.921 --> 00:30:16.300

00:30:16.425 --> 00:30:23.105
is a great basis, uh, and springboard to, uh, to learning and surrendering our, our false perceptions of self.

00:30:23.381 --> 00:30:24.891
Yeah, absolutely.

00:30:26.125 --> 00:30:42.086
Going back into that conversate, uh, you conversating with Ra, right, in that channeling, what are some things, let's say, going on, like, I'm, I'm, I'm actually curious.

00:30:42.596 --> 00:30:47.675
Have you had any, have you had, have you asked questions?

00:30:47.726 --> 00:31:01.296
This is me trying to like bring together the question that's going to help go in a good direction because I'm totally fighting myself from asking all these other things.

00:31:01.316 --> 00:31:13.326
But I think what would be beneficial is have you, have you asked questions that are more current as in what's going on in today's world now and where we're going?

00:31:13.336 --> 00:31:15.965
Because I think that is what's on most people's mind.

00:31:16.685 --> 00:31:22.786
Yeah, well, where we are is a very strategic point, and we all wanted to be here to experience this.

00:31:23.476 --> 00:31:29.905
The third density experience, um, Earth is a second chance planet.

00:31:30.006 --> 00:31:35.165
In other words, we've all failed to graduate from other third density experiences.

00:31:35.246 --> 00:31:39.895
Okay, and you can stay in third density as long as you need to in order to learn the curriculum.

00:31:39.895 --> 00:31:46.711
Um, there's no Uh, judgment or, or criticism, you know, for staying in the third density experience.

00:31:46.746 --> 00:31:48.816
so earth is like, you're getting your GED.

00:31:49.520 --> 00:31:49.951
That's right.

00:31:49.990 --> 00:31:50.631

00:31:50.701 --> 00:31:52.040
Yeah, that's a good analogy.

00:31:52.040 --> 00:31:52.800
I like that.

00:31:53.631 --> 00:32:10.240
So um, where we are right now is the planet Gaia has been determined to be a fourth density, which is the next range of consciousness, positive planet.

00:32:11.211 --> 00:32:12.810
Which means that.

00:32:13.336 --> 00:32:22.086
The third density experience will not be able to continue for very long, and it is very short.

00:32:22.195 --> 00:32:31.625
Actually, the third density experience ended in February of 2016, and so we're in a holdover period right now.

00:32:32.286 --> 00:32:42.215
And the energy of the fourth density Gaia is providing the energy for both the residual third density population and the new fourth density population.

00:32:42.316 --> 00:32:42.945
So hold on.

00:32:43.125 --> 00:32:45.165
Why February of 2016?

00:32:45.615 --> 00:32:56.125
Because, well, third density is as regular as a clock, and it lasts for approximately 76, 000 years, and when the time's up, then that's the end of that third density experience.

00:32:57.826 --> 00:33:21.296
And you start a new one, okay, and what we are experiencing right now is the start of a new one, which will take place on a, another Earth, and so what we are imminently going to face is a splitting of The planet, not the physical planet itself, because that's all conceptual anyway.

00:33:21.756 --> 00:33:39.105
And the third density Earth will continue in its new third density experience, but the fourth density Earth, from our perspective, is the same geographic location, but by vibrational frequency will be completely separated.

00:33:39.105 --> 00:33:40.605
They won't interact at all.

00:33:41.816 --> 00:33:45.736
Um, we'll continue on as a 4th density planet.

00:33:45.836 --> 00:33:51.526
Now, you may ask, where are these denizens going to come from for 4th density?

00:33:51.846 --> 00:33:52.855
They're being born.

00:33:53.655 --> 00:34:07.205
Um, almost all the children that have been born since 2005, 2006, mid 2000s in there, are actually fourth entity beings that have graduated from third entity.

00:34:08.306 --> 00:34:16.076
And they, as they mature, then they will assume societal responsibilities.

00:34:16.266 --> 00:34:32.655
And you're seeing that now what we're seeing at the pro in the protests around the world, uh, you know, protesting the treatment of the Gazans and on the campuses and think that these are all for the the first generation of fourth entity beings.

00:34:33.085 --> 00:34:41.030
And To them, they're not going to tolerate the BS that third density has perpetuated for decades.

00:34:41.831 --> 00:34:48.360
And so, as this split continues, then they, they will cease to interact.

00:34:48.820 --> 00:35:03.820
And what we perceive to be institutions, like, um, finances, like, um, churches, like, all of the things that are basic institutions, will transform for the fourth density planet.

00:35:04.221 --> 00:35:14.240
What will probably remain relatively the same for the third density experience until, and it will continue to split until they are completely separate.

00:35:14.865 --> 00:35:17.525
So what happens to the third density

00:35:17.951 --> 00:35:24.630
They will, they will, it will continue on with a new third density experience, roughly 76, 000 years.

00:35:25.081 --> 00:35:36.431
And they will continue to try to incarnate and to try to learn the curriculum of third density so that they can potentially graduate to fourth density as well.

00:35:36.760 --> 00:35:51.021
And then the fourth density planet, is there a conceptual experience different, like what conceptually, what would it be like?

00:35:51.246 --> 00:35:53.626
It's completely different from third density.

00:35:54.036 --> 00:35:55.835
They're higher consciousness.

00:35:56.365 --> 00:36:06.226
Um, one of the tasks of fourth density is to surrender the authenticity of the physical.

00:36:07.175 --> 00:36:14.226
So one of the, and that is accomplished by surrendering our perceptions of autonomy.

00:36:14.675 --> 00:36:16.445
Third density is all about.

00:36:17.201 --> 00:36:28.800
The individual, and we, we begin the experience as an autonomous being and we end the experience as an autonomous building being, but significantly transformed.

00:36:29.931 --> 00:36:37.300
Third density, I mean, fourth density begins as an autonomous building being, but ends as a social memory complex.

00:36:38.280 --> 00:36:42.871
As we surrender our perceptions of autonomy, then we.

00:36:43.226 --> 00:36:46.996
We surrender our perceptions of distinction between you and I.

00:36:47.746 --> 00:37:05.666
And so we surrender that perception of a single individual organism to become part of a social memory complex, which is simply, again, who we perceive that we are, but much more inclusive of these others that have achieved the same level of consciousness that we have.

00:37:06.070 --> 00:37:06.710

00:37:06.815 --> 00:37:19.460
Now fifth entity begins as a social memory complex and significantly expands that perception of unity, learning wisdom and becoming wisdom.

00:37:19.880 --> 00:37:25.471
We will then move into six density, which is the density of unity.

00:37:26.440 --> 00:37:30.021
And so that is the density that raw comes from.

00:37:30.021 --> 00:37:45.490
And all of the aspects of the creator that we talked about before the nine The nine archetypes of the creator, um, are participating in the, the, uh, the density of unity.

00:37:46.231 --> 00:37:46.940

00:37:47.510 --> 00:37:51.275
And, A lot to digest there.

00:37:51.286 --> 00:37:55.905
If someone's not familiar with this material, um, but I think, I think

00:37:55.911 --> 00:37:57.050
rude introduction if

00:37:57.615 --> 00:37:57.865

00:37:57.880 --> 00:37:58.920
not heard that before.

00:37:59.815 --> 00:38:04.695
Um, I'm trying to like, for me, I, yeah, I, this.

00:38:05.340 --> 00:38:11.990
Makes perfect sense and like totally digested right now I'm just thinking of the person who's like, what is he talking about?

00:38:12.021 --> 00:38:16.161
And are we gonna like let's say fourth density, right?

00:38:16.630 --> 00:38:21.440
Um, you said social complex

00:38:21.481 --> 00:38:22.260
Social memory

00:38:22.311 --> 00:38:36.365
social memory complex that sounds like another word which would be collective conscious and like The internet of minds, you can log in, you can connect and then you can log off type of thing.

00:38:36.385 --> 00:38:45.896
Do you see it like that where you have that transition where when you're getting into or when you start out as a, you know, social, how do you say it

00:38:46.121 --> 00:38:46.851
Social memory

00:38:47.126 --> 00:38:48.106
social memory comp.

00:38:48.606 --> 00:38:49.246

00:38:50.536 --> 00:38:54.065
Um, you're saying 4th density starts out like that.

00:38:54.351 --> 00:38:54.731
Mm hmm.

00:38:55.045 --> 00:39:09.615
And when you're born, or like I say, in the transition between 3rd and 4th density inversions of Earth, is it necessary for you to have to be born again?

00:39:09.686 --> 00:39:14.416
Or is it going to be one of those things where people are just going to start disappearing?

00:39:15.130 --> 00:39:22.550
Well, for a period of time, well, people will start disappearing, perceivably disappearing as third and fourth entities split.

00:39:23.300 --> 00:39:29.670
But within the fourth density process itself, the children are in what is called, uh, transitional bodies.

00:39:29.740 --> 00:39:39.791
In other words, they're still primarily chemical, but they will evolve more towards being electric, for lack of a better description, uh, generationally.

00:39:40.010 --> 00:39:47.911
So I don't know how many generations it'll take, probably two or three generations before they are fully in an electric body.

00:39:48.135 --> 00:40:03.275
And you're saying generations as in, like, it's, it's almost like their physical body is seeding the future generations, so they'll pass on as a physical body, and the next one is going to be much less physical,

00:40:03.460 --> 00:40:04.521
much less chemical,

00:40:04.815 --> 00:40:15.206
oh, yeah, yeah, much less chemical, and much more, okay, so it's more of like a progressive thing, like, it's gonna, not like a snap of the finger, and like, people are gone, and we can float and stuff.

00:40:15.456 --> 00:40:25.775
right, right, but as, as with, as they reach that, that stage of being in a fully electric body, then there's no point in being reborn.

00:40:26.896 --> 00:40:37.416
You just, you just retain that, that physical, still relatively physical body until you surrender that and just are your metaphysical self.

00:40:37.416 --> 00:40:40.135
And that's what forms that social memory complex.

00:40:40.490 --> 00:40:41.121

00:40:41.150 --> 00:40:41.550

00:40:41.590 --> 00:40:49.800
So more like non physical, you are in essence, an energy that can move in and out of physical form.

00:40:50.110 --> 00:40:51.550
You're a consciousness pattern.

00:40:51.550 --> 00:40:54.510
It's not until fifth density that you can move in and out.

00:40:54.760 --> 00:40:57.641
Fifth density can appear however they want to appear.

00:40:58.481 --> 00:41:06.371
So if they want to interact with us, they can appear in, in one of, equivalent of our physical bodies and, and interact.

00:41:06.670 --> 00:41:10.081
So can sixth density too, but they, you know, they usually don't do that.

00:41:10.981 --> 00:41:11.400

00:41:11.411 --> 00:41:11.791

00:41:12.081 --> 00:41:21.275
So, have you asked or in conversational, uh, in conversations with Ra, have you asked That entity.

00:41:22.056 --> 00:41:31.106
Have you asked them about this year specifically, 2024, and what they think could happen, what's happening, where we're at, the likelihood of things?

00:41:31.115 --> 00:41:33.085
Because there's a lot of tension right now.

00:41:33.275 --> 00:41:33.735
I'm curious

00:41:33.820 --> 00:41:46.721
There's a lot of tension, it's, yes, absolutely there is, and that is purposeful because the tension compels people to make that decision of whether I'm going to pull around service to self and service to others.

00:41:47.190 --> 00:41:54.820
The Arcturians have given us a time frame of three to five years, and they describe it as the window closing.

00:41:55.510 --> 00:41:59.710
So the opportunity to make that decision is upon us.

00:41:59.860 --> 00:42:00.460
It's imminent.

00:42:00.460 --> 00:42:00.541
It's imminent.

00:42:00.811 --> 00:42:04.320
That we have to decide, am I going this way or am I going that way?

00:42:05.030 --> 00:42:09.030
Uh, that doesn't mean that, um, everybody is going to disappear.

00:42:09.590 --> 00:42:15.471
But we are going, uh, the Arcturians don't predict the future.

00:42:15.990 --> 00:42:19.911
But they say, they give us high probability.

00:42:20.601 --> 00:42:27.860
In other words, you know, if someone puts a, a, a plate of, uh, food in front of you, you can pretty well assume it's dinner time.

00:42:28.576 --> 00:42:28.965

00:42:29.291 --> 00:42:42.521
Okay, and we are at that point where we are going to begin to have a physical visitation from multiple extraterrestrial sources.

00:42:43.561 --> 00:42:48.831
Uh, so that it will no longer be deniable, the government can say, oh no, it's swamp gas.

00:42:48.871 --> 00:42:55.150
No, well you've got a spacecraft sitting on Capitol Hill, you know, that has come to visit you.

00:42:55.170 --> 00:43:38.326
It's kind of like the day the, the The Earth stood still and Michael Rennie lands in his spacecraft on the lawns of the, uh, the Lincoln Monument and, you know, you can't deny that, I mean, multiple people see it, and that will be worldwide, all over the world, and so that is imminent, and that is a high probability that is going to be happening in the very near future, which will, the purpose of that will be to provide information like we're talking about now, you know, And to hopefully integrate the Earth experience more with the world around us, the universe around

00:43:38.701 --> 00:43:45.630
Now, as far as the arrival, right, is that more of, I heard that that has to be more of like a permission, right?

00:43:45.661 --> 00:43:48.271
That whole rule of you can't interfere.

00:43:49.411 --> 00:43:51.360
Is that part of what you're saying?

00:43:52.115 --> 00:43:55.335
yeah, well they're not going to interfere, they're not going to tell us what to do.

00:43:55.976 --> 00:44:01.835
They're going to provide us with information, much as what I have been doing is simply providing the information.

00:44:01.835 --> 00:44:04.565
But you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

00:44:05.085 --> 00:44:08.865
So they provide us with the information, and you can do with it what you want.

00:44:09.820 --> 00:44:11.811
But here's the truthful information.

00:44:12.251 --> 00:44:13.931
If it feels right, accept it.

00:44:13.931 --> 00:44:18.101
If it doesn't feel right, then just dismiss it and leave it for the next guy.

00:44:19.411 --> 00:44:23.141
So, let's say the visitations happen, right?

00:44:23.521 --> 00:44:26.851
And from what I've seen and what I've heard.

00:44:27.340 --> 00:44:37.121
It has been happening, but more so in dreams, less physically, more nowadays, just because of mistakes in the past.

00:44:37.150 --> 00:44:42.221
People think that they're amazing and then they do some, you know, they create their own religion and all that.

00:44:42.621 --> 00:44:46.331
So that now they're actually coming physically.

00:44:47.820 --> 00:44:49.610
Uh, is it all Arturian?

00:44:49.641 --> 00:44:49.860
Is it?

00:44:50.650 --> 00:44:57.931
Pleiadians, Arcturians, there are thousands of nine star systems, if not millions of nine star systems.

00:44:58.650 --> 00:45:08.170
A lot of which have been involved historically with us trying to guide us along in our evolutionary journey.

00:45:08.920 --> 00:45:15.030
And Earth has been very reluctant to participate in that, has resisted it significantly.

00:45:15.380 --> 00:45:33.260
And we've had strong influences from those of service to self, who will probably also be participating in these visitations, but that's why it's necessary to have that self discernment, whether it feels right, does this feel right, or does it not?

00:45:33.820 --> 00:45:35.690
If it doesn't feel right, then dismiss it.

00:45:36.596 --> 00:45:36.965
Got it.

00:45:37.065 --> 00:45:42.106
Are they going to offer trips to, uh, explore hop

00:45:42.126 --> 00:45:42.996
That I don't know.

00:45:42.996 --> 00:45:43.545
I don't know.

00:45:45.726 --> 00:45:48.115
That I don't know if they're going to be offering trips.

00:45:48.115 --> 00:45:49.235
I volunteer.

00:45:49.235 --> 00:45:52.626
I'll buy my ticket first if that be the case.

00:45:53.065 --> 00:45:59.565
know, um, something popped into my head and it's almost like I have to ask this, even though it may or may not be relevant.

00:45:59.835 --> 00:46:05.806
Have you asked them wrong about Tartaria?

00:46:07.036 --> 00:46:07.306

00:46:07.766 --> 00:46:08.436

00:46:09.065 --> 00:46:09.976

00:46:10.206 --> 00:46:11.085

00:46:11.536 --> 00:46:12.755
Okay, what is Tartaria?

00:46:12.876 --> 00:46:15.755
So apparently there's a growing body.

00:46:16.251 --> 00:46:59.820
That of people that believe and so based off of old maps of the world and then actually declassified CIA documents of a an advanced civilization that was erased from our history books that was largely on the maps in Uh, northern Russia area, like Mongolia area, we're talking about, you know, a possible global, uh, civilization that was able to harness energy from the, from a lot of Tesla tech, right?

00:46:59.851 --> 00:47:08.161
Just these towers, you have just these, this architecture that's just oddly global.

00:47:09.085 --> 00:47:20.945
And it seems like from the quote unquote old world, and then you also have this belief as in what happened, a mixture of war and then the conquerors erasing it.

00:47:20.996 --> 00:47:39.610
And at the same time, a huge mud flood could have wiped out a lot of that history because now you're, you know, Opening up a whole can of worms when you start digging into the ground and you see the bottom half of a building underground already built out with windows and entryways.

00:47:39.610 --> 00:47:42.550
And it's like, what happened?

00:47:43.001 --> 00:47:48.251
So when you get a chance, if you could ask them about that, cause I'm totally curious.

00:47:48.476 --> 00:47:51.175
Okay, I'm not, uh, I'm not familiar with Tartaria.

00:47:51.206 --> 00:47:53.206
Uh, Atlantis was a real continent.

00:47:53.920 --> 00:47:54.090

00:47:54.166 --> 00:48:10.335
it existed between, uh, Europe and what we call North America, uh, and about, um, I think it was 84, about 8400 years ago, uh, was the last of, um, Atlantis.

00:48:10.826 --> 00:48:17.646
And the population was extremely polarized between what we've described as service to self and service to others.

00:48:18.155 --> 00:48:27.326
The service itself, World Headquarters, was, uh, uh, Egypt, where Egypt is, and that's one reason why the pyramids were constructed there.

00:48:28.016 --> 00:48:32.226
And the service to others was on Atlantis.

00:48:32.615 --> 00:48:36.025
And they, uh, had a war.

00:48:36.425 --> 00:48:43.726
And they used nuclear and, as they describe it, other crystal weapons, which we haven't figured out yet, thank God.

00:48:44.550 --> 00:48:49.510
And it destroyed the entire planet and, and, I mean, the entire, entire continent.

00:48:49.530 --> 00:48:59.161
And what we, um, uh, experienced was, uh, essentially a controlled alt delete.

00:49:00.951 --> 00:49:11.590
started over, um, that, that's part of why the pyramids were built, is to try to raise the consciousness of that population that was in, uh, Egypt.

00:49:12.141 --> 00:49:20.721
And there were three, um, groups that survived the Atlantis destruction, and I don't recall all three.

00:49:20.721 --> 00:49:31.030
One, one group, um, migrated to what, um, we call the Indus and Aries Valley, uh, in the, uh, India, uh, India area.

00:49:31.521 --> 00:49:41.670
One went to Peru, and I forgot where the, offhand, where the third one went, but that's where the, um, the Upanishads came from, that was a surviving group.

00:49:42.690 --> 00:49:46.920
writings of the service to others at that, that time.

00:49:47.681 --> 00:49:58.581
Um, so we've had, we've had a very, we, we were on four other planets, uh, before we were on earth and we destroyed all those planets.

00:49:59.501 --> 00:49:59.780

00:49:59.780 --> 00:50:03.751
The asteroid belt that, uh, is part of our solar system.

00:50:03.835 --> 00:50:05.135
It used to be a planet.

00:50:05.226 --> 00:50:06.306
We used to be on that.

00:50:06.505 --> 00:50:07.835
Yeah, that was Maldak.

00:50:07.925 --> 00:50:41.465
Yeah, that was Maldak and we destroyed the Environment on it was Zenoa and now we call it Venus We destroyed it's the way it is because we blew up the atmosphere destroyed the atmosphere We did the same thing on Mars And so we have a very destructive history But the interesting thing about it is there is still Well, a planet MALDAC that is fully functional that we can't detect because of our low vibrational level.

00:50:43.195 --> 00:50:49.175
That is very interesting, as in Maldek, as in it, the fourth density version,

00:50:50.255 --> 00:50:52.576
Well, uh, or ladder third density version.

00:50:53.295 --> 00:51:05.615
Yeah, there's still a third and fourth density planet, just as Earth will be, or is in process of becoming, it's, it's still fully functional as a, as a planet.

00:51:05.806 --> 00:51:07.626
So is that like a different dimension?

00:51:07.695 --> 00:51:08.396
Like, because

00:51:08.646 --> 00:51:10.286
Well, it's a vibrational level.

00:51:10.971 --> 00:51:21.451
I mean, if you think about how science has classified, uh, the different layers of light, I mean, we just can't see certain layers of light.

00:51:21.451 --> 00:51:23.811
We know it's there, but we can't see it.

00:51:24.201 --> 00:51:33.360
We can vaguely detect it with, you know, some equipment, but it's a different vibrational level and that's what we are changing.

00:51:33.360 --> 00:51:37.670
We're raising our vibration as we evolve, as we raise our consciousness.

00:51:37.726 --> 00:51:46.070
so it's at a higher third density frequency or vibrational level outside of our, Ability

00:51:46.300 --> 00:51:47.541
Perceptual range, yeah.

00:51:47.831 --> 00:51:48.331

00:51:48.451 --> 00:51:48.731

00:51:48.731 --> 00:51:51.900
So it's still it's it's so interesting how it's still up there.

00:51:51.900 --> 00:51:55.911
So Would it be correct in guessing that?

00:51:57.030 --> 00:52:08.940
that Frequency that range that maldek is in and still the third density That's the direction that we're going where the different generations are going to help

00:52:09.791 --> 00:52:10.320

00:52:10.755 --> 00:52:12.925
And build that like, that's essentially like, they're like

00:52:13.010 --> 00:52:13.990
That's the objective.

00:52:14.036 --> 00:52:14.936
notch above

00:52:15.090 --> 00:52:16.251
Yeah, that's the objective.

00:52:16.996 --> 00:52:18.195

00:52:18.235 --> 00:52:22.166
And then I guess that aligns with having multiple sons, right?

00:52:22.186 --> 00:52:27.876
The black sun, I think, um, where you have the binary system of

00:52:28.110 --> 00:52:29.760
Well, we're in a binary system.

00:52:29.760 --> 00:52:37.641
Of our nine star system, all the, um, all the stars are in a binary system except for our sun.

00:52:37.650 --> 00:52:40.530
Because we have nine stars, somebody's gotta be the outlier.

00:52:40.530 --> 00:53:17.226
And our sun, law, is the outlier, but the, uh, Current law is headquartered home base on Cirrus B, and Cirrus B is in the process of transforming to a seventh density entity, which means that that aspect of Ra will no longer participate in our nine star system, but there is a new star that is being formed that will be in a binary orbit with our sun that will be the home for the new law, uh, new Ra.

00:53:19.295 --> 00:53:20.326
That's that.

00:53:20.425 --> 00:53:20.896

00:53:23.295 --> 00:53:27.536
That is another heavy statement right there because.

00:53:28.005 --> 00:53:28.686

00:53:29.170 --> 00:53:34.760
are aware of the, the sun that is in, or the star that is in process of forming.

00:53:35.536 --> 00:53:36.166

00:53:36.186 --> 00:53:41.346
And it's within visual sight, possibly.

00:53:41.365 --> 00:53:41.596

00:53:41.760 --> 00:53:42.721
we can detect it.

00:53:43.721 --> 00:53:44.911
Yeah, we can detect it.

00:53:45.940 --> 00:53:48.641
They don't know what it is, but they can detect it.

00:53:49.585 --> 00:53:55.076
Now, you've heard about this as far as our scientists being able to detect it.

00:53:55.085 --> 00:53:56.496
Do they know what it is?

00:53:57.365 --> 00:54:00.255
In essence, do they know it's a growing star?

00:54:00.431 --> 00:54:01.900
Yeah, they know it's a growing star.

00:54:02.061 --> 00:54:08.650
But it, they, but they don't know, they don't have any concept of it being in binary with our star.

00:54:08.650 --> 00:54:11.021
Or, you know, why it's forming or any of that

00:54:11.235 --> 00:54:14.266
Is there document, documentation of that or is that based

00:54:14.356 --> 00:54:15.865
My understanding that it is.

00:54:15.896 --> 00:54:17.876
I mean, they, I haven't looked it up.

00:54:18.025 --> 00:54:21.675
You know, I'm not an astrologer, just, you know, what, what Roth tells me.

00:54:21.675 --> 00:54:23.275
Yeah, you know, they're aware of it.

00:54:24.085 --> 00:54:27.835
They're aware of a lot of stuff that we don't know they're aware of.

00:54:27.916 --> 00:54:28.255

00:54:28.405 --> 00:54:29.286
it, huh?

00:54:29.856 --> 00:54:30.335
All right.

00:54:30.476 --> 00:54:55.440
Well, yeah, we've been chatting for for a bit and we've jumped around I hope it was very entertaining I'm sure we've probably raised more questions than answers And I'm like holding back questions myself, but I wanted to keep it just digestible I would say introductory and I'll let the audience tell me if you want to hear more.

00:54:55.440 --> 00:54:56.690
If you have more questions.

00:54:57.190 --> 00:55:00.170
Um, let's say the audience has more questions.

00:55:00.570 --> 00:55:03.411
Dean, are you down for a part two?

00:55:03.865 --> 00:55:04.425
Oh, sure.

00:55:04.545 --> 00:55:04.795

00:55:05.115 --> 00:55:21.925
You know, this, this is what I deem to be my purpose in life now is to provide information to assist people in expanding their horizons And motivate them to get a bite of that apple to do the work on healing themselves and moving forward.

00:55:22.440 --> 00:55:22.851
Got it.

00:55:23.501 --> 00:55:29.536
When you mentioned, does it, has anybody given you push back on like, The bite of the apple, like, why do you say apple?

00:55:29.905 --> 00:55:31.096
I feel like a lot of people will get

00:55:31.135 --> 00:55:33.675
can eat cherry cobbler if you like cherry cobbler.

00:55:35.746 --> 00:55:40.365
Whatever, you know, whatever starts your tractor is fine with me.

00:55:40.425 --> 00:55:42.016
Whatever starts your track, dude.

00:55:42.016 --> 00:55:42.826
I love it.

00:55:43.496 --> 00:55:44.755
Um, okay, cool.

00:55:44.755 --> 00:55:56.585
So what, uh, so Dean, what, what are you doing now as far as like, uh, projects, anything that you would like to call to attention to anybody who's listening that wants to connect with you?

00:55:57.516 --> 00:56:02.056
Well, I have a website, uh, ddeangraves.

00:56:02.056 --> 00:56:09.911
org And, uh, it has more information on me and, um, you know, how you can get in contact with me.

00:56:10.300 --> 00:56:17.141
Uh, I've written, in addition to the two podcasts, uh, that I have, that you've already mentioned.

00:56:17.141 --> 00:56:21.570
I have four books, uh, depending on where you are in your journey.

00:56:21.710 --> 00:56:30.971
Uh, the introductory book is, uh, Enlightenment Plain and Simple, and it's available on Amazon, uh, for self healing.

00:56:31.416 --> 00:56:59.315
Um, uh, I have a book called The Identity Model, which goes into detail in explaining the hierophant, this ego that we create, um, what it does, how it affects our lives, how we behave as a result of where we are with that, and also has some very significant healing tools that have been dramatically effective for me that have propelled my, uh, surrender of false perceptions and distortions.

00:56:59.880 --> 00:57:02.161
Um, and it's the identity model.

00:57:02.260 --> 00:57:06.090
Um, and it deals directly with stress and suffering.

00:57:06.960 --> 00:57:24.170
Uh, I have a third book edifying children of a lesser God, which is still basic, but it's much more explanatory, uh, uh, exploratory of the topics that we've discussed today as far as structure of the universe and so forth.

00:57:24.800 --> 00:57:29.621
And I have a compendium book that will be on bookshelves August 30th of this year.

00:57:30.201 --> 00:57:37.521
Uh, it's called The Enigma of Consciousness, A Spiritual Exploration of Humanity's Relationship to Creation.

00:57:37.981 --> 00:57:43.121
And it goes into great detail of all of the things that we've talked about today and much more.

00:57:43.181 --> 00:57:51.521
Um, I've got about seven chapters on the archetypical mind, which explains why we form this hierophant, how we process thoughts.

00:57:52.251 --> 00:57:57.431
Um, and, uh, that, uh, as I say, will be available.

00:57:57.431 --> 00:58:00.661
You can just call your local bookstore and pre order that if you would.

00:58:00.661 --> 00:58:06.800
I would be most grateful if you would because it would expand my press coverage of the eminence of the book.

00:58:07.175 --> 00:58:07.675

00:58:08.166 --> 00:58:09.065
Well, you heard the man.

00:58:09.416 --> 00:58:34.706
Check out his podcasts too, and he's got some books if you want to dive deeper in the subject and yeah, feel free to reach out to me if you want a part two and you want to dig into anything specific, but with that said, yeah, like and subscribe, share with a friend if you feel that they would enjoy this episode and Dean, thank you for coming on.

00:58:34.706 --> 00:58:35.476
I appreciate you, man.

00:58:35.731 --> 00:58:36.621
Oh, thank you, John.

00:58:36.630 --> 00:58:37.900
I've enjoyed it tremendously.
Dean Graves Profile Photo

Dean Graves

Dean Graves is an experienced and authoritative spiritual teacher, author, and podcaster with over two decades of experience in meditation and mindfulness instruction. He has conducted numerous workshops and group sessions on self-healing and personal growth, guiding many individuals on their journeys toward greater self-awareness and enlightenment.

Dean's interest in spirituality and self-improvement led him to produce an internationally successful spirituality podcast and a series of YouTube videos of some of his live presentations. His podcast has helped many individuals to connect with their inner selves, find inner peace, and learn practical techniques to overcome mental health and emotional problems.

In addition to his podcast, Dean has written four books on self-healing and personal development. His books are a treasure trove of insights and practical techniques that help individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success in all areas of their lives. Dean’s body of work also includes two podcasts dedicated to didactic information on the human experience with a focus on providing people with a blueprint for healing from stress and suffering and advancing their evolutionary journey.

Dean's deep commitment to personal growth and enlightenment has led him to spend the last twelve years as a devoted student of a 6th Density creator-being entity. This teacher has provided most of the content for Dean's latest manuscript, which promises to be a groundbreaking exploration of the nature of the universe and the hum… Read More