Adam went down the rabbit hole a long time ago. Debra has been blinded by the mainstream media and the Democratic Party. Join this mother in law/son duo on their uncomfortable quest for the truth.
In this episode I'm having a conversation with an unusual podcast duo from the "Debra Gets Red Pilled Podcast". Debra is Adam's mother in-law and she is from an affluent part of the San Francisco Bay Area that leans left.
Adam is an alternative media consumer and publisher that has alternative perspectives and subject matter experts on his show to expose Debra to another side of the narrative.
It's a great show! I was a guest on their show back in mid December of 2020. I really love the dynamic of the two hosts. The subject matter of the episodes is engaging as well as the authenticity of the content and hosts is refreshing. Debra's willingness to hear a different side and listen to non MSM ideas gives me hope for the left leaning Boomers out there.
You can find the "Debra Get's Red Pilled Podcast" here: