The conversation between Sean Dustin and Anthony Bucci revolves around Anthony's experience in prison and his involvement in a dog training program while serving his sentence. Anthony shares how he found purpose and fulfillme...
In this podcast episode, Sean Dustin interviews Jack Allen Levine, an addiction specialist, author, and serial entrepreneur. Sean introduces Jack and highlights his success in various businesses. Jack shares his story and men...
Mark Bello was a civil justice attorney who primarily dealt with auto accidents, police brutality cases, medical malpractice cases, workers' compensation cases, and helped people fight insurance companies. However, early in h...
Myself and Thomas FreeMe will be talking about the Hunter Biden lawsuit against the laptop repair owner. We also talk about the Silicon Valley Bank and Signature bank Closures. YouTube Video:
In this episode, Sean Dustin and Wally Green discuss Wally's upbringing in Brooklyn, his escape from gang life through ping pong, and the opportunity that his friend gave him to go to Germany to learn the sport. They also del...
Myself and Thomas FreeMe will be looking back at the great California flood of 1862 and the similarities to the storms we are currently having. We will also be speaking about Central Bank Digital Currency and how it will affe...
If this is true, I'm speechless..... --- Send in a voice message:
Susan Casey is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in grief and loss. She trains therapists around the country on measurement-based care and focuses on grief and loss in her private practice. Susan is also launc...
Thomas FreeMe joins me tomorrow morning again to talk about whether or not America is under attack. Fentanyl, derailments, manufacturing fires, manufactured food shortages, inflation, ect... We will be going over stories and ...
This was just an impromptu conversation that we threw together early morning on a Saturday 2/18/23. Episode 194 will be out next Monday. You can catch the YouTube Video here:
The guest on the Nowhere to Go but Up Podcast is Joyce Gerber, host of The Canna Mom Show, attorney, and cannabis activist. Sean and Joyce met in a clubhouse room, and they discuss Joyce's journey into the cannabis space. …
Sean Dustin took a break last week due to a new shift in his work schedule, where he wakes up at 2:30 am to start work at 5:30 am. He has an upcoming episode, #193 with Joyce Gerber on cannabis, …
Nashville-based country artist Charlie Berry takes you on an inside journey from addiction to recovery, as well as discusses the importance of self-love, being a morning person and more. From inspirations of Jackson Brown, Ji...
Hey guys, welcome back to my podcast! Today, I have a special guest, Thomas FreeMe, and we're gonna be talking about some heavy stuff. We're gonna be discussing the criminal justice system and how it affects people's lives. ...
Sean Dustin and Andy Ross come together in an inspiring conversation filled with stories of resilience, purpose, and opportunity. Sean Dustin highlights his experiences in prison and later in the mechanical insulation industr...
In this episode I speak to Madeleine Black. This episode was recorded in early December of 2020 and is evergreen. I had stumbled across Madeleine's TEDx talk and reached out to have her on the podcast. Madeleine Black is a …
In this episode I am talking to Masin Knox who is a male stripper in Las Vegas, NV. Masin has been in the adult entertainment industry for the last 16 years. He also just released his new book Masin Knox …
I was going through some older recordings that I hadn't published yet and I found this gem hiding out in the folder. I had a conversation with Shannan Wilson who played a part in a 2020 movie called "Sno Babies" …
Just a quick livestream to say thank you for listening to my show. You can also check out my story as a 3 part series on the LEAP podcast hosted by Susan Casey LMHC. Link to Susan's website for direct …
In this episode I talk to Pamela about her story. We also step into a discussion about transgender stuff. We both have people in our lives that are a part of the trans community. You can find Pamela here:
In this episode I am talking to Michael "Mike" Morawski. I met Mike in a podcasting room on Clubhouse. I briefly heard some of his story and reached out immediately to have a phone conversation. It was a great conversation …
Dr. Kelli Palfy began her professional career working in adult and youth corrections. Here she noticed a disproportionate number of males in the system. After becoming an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer, she took...
In this conversation I will be talking to Matt Landman who is the creator of a documentary called Frankenskies, also an activist, as well as the creator of Spero protective clothing. * * Through grassroots activism, film, int...
In this episode I am giving some perspectives about where I think the economy is, and most certainly headed. I'm sharing a quick clip of Jeff Bezos on CNN, and some news articles about all of the layoffs around the …