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#14 Rabbi Ilan Glazer Shares His Story Of Addiction

Rabbi Ilan is a freelance recovery and transformation coach, an accomplished storyteller and musician, and host of the Torah of Life podcast. He lives in Silver Spring Maryland with his wife Sherri and their cat Taylor.

Rabbi Ilan Glazer is passionate about ending the stigma of addiction in the Jewish world, and helping Jews in recovery, and their loved ones, find recovery and serenity, one day at a time. He believes that life is a beautiful journey of learning and growth, suffering can be transformed into joy, and everyone is a miracle.

Rabbi Ilan is the author of the #1 bestselling book And God Created Recovery: Jewish Wisdom to Help You Break Free From Your Addiction, Heal Your Wounds, and Unleash Your Inner Freedom. He is the founder of Our Jewish Recovery, and a Shatterproof Ambassador and Family Program Instructor. A member and Director-at-Large of the National Speakers Association’s DC chapter, Rabbi Ilan teaches widely about healing, recovery, grief and mourning, happiness, spirituality, and success in all areas of life.

And God Created Recovery is available here: https://www.amazon.com/God-Created-Recovery-Addiction-Unleash/dp/1091574995/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2QESSXO9RLT9G&keywords=and+god+created+recovery&qid=1566505822&s=instant-video&sprefix=and+god+created+%2Caps%2C1810&sr=8-1 All are welcome to join the facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/ourjewishrecovery (non-Jewish friends welcome - when signing up, please answer all 3 questions required for entry) People are most welcome to contact me at rabbiilan@torahoflife.com or at (732) 735-8287 - happy to be a resource for anyone torahoflife.com is my current site - new site rabbiilan.com coming soon! Do me a favor if you get anything out of what I'm putting out please follow the link below to my LinkTree, hit the iTunes button, and give me a rating.

Also if you know someone that would benefit from hearing this podcast, send them over. We are in the middle of an information movement. Get up and participate!!!


Here are the links to contact myself and my show









Podcast Page:


YouTube Channel:


No Where To Go But Up Podcast Facebook Group:


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