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#juvenilejusticesystem #trauma #mentalhealth #addiction #copingskills #punitive #Shorts #clips

The conversation is about the juvenile justice system and how it fails children who have experienced trauma. Susan Casey, who is a volunteer, believes that the entire system is set up punitively, and the mental health system and juvenile justice system are both broken. Children who enter the juvenile system have already experienced severe trauma and often have addiction issues, and their parents may be in the adult system. Inside the system, the children get retraumatized and have more offenses, which adds to their length of stay in the system. When they transition out, they often go back to the same situation or group homes without proper therapeutic support. Sean Dustin and Susan Casey agree that lack of coping skills is one of the biggest issues, and children need tools, vocabulary, and expressions to handle difficult situations that are not damaging to themselves and others.

You can watch the YouTube video here:

Joe Rogan and Dr. Phil episode:

You Can find Susan here:

You Can find Sean Dustin here:

#juvenilejusticesystem #trauma #mentalhealth #addiction #retraumatization #copingskills #therapeuticsupport #parentalinvolvement #punitive #grouphomes
#Shorts #clips