June 8, 2020

EveryDay Earth

Turner Falls

On today's episode of the Only in OK Show, we had a great talk with Dr. Devin Dennie about EveryDay Earth, an interactive video based education program.  We also discussed the formation of Turner Falls, and Geology Kitchen.
Dr. Devin Dennie is the writer, producer and host of the Geology Kitchen.  He received his PhD from the University of Oklahoma in Geology & Geophysics and has worked on a variety on educational television, video and documentary projects.
EveryDay Earth is an online, interactive STEM program aimed at the 4-6th grade levels that teaches Earth Science Education and Technology concepts by interactively exploring Oklahoma’s landscapes.  EveryDay Earth is produced by the Oklahoma Geological Foundation and Esteem Interactive Learning.
Turner Falls is a waterfall on Honey Creek in the Arbuckle Mountains of south-central Oklahoma, United States, 6 miles south of Davis, OK. With a height of 77 feet, Turner Falls is locally considered Oklahoma's tallest waterfall, although its height matches one in Natural Falls State Park.
Geology Kitchen is a twelve episode online video series that uses food metaphors to explain earth science concepts in a fun and entertaining way.  The videos are free and can be either watched online or downloaded from iTunes.
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