Sept. 19, 2022

Fur Fest - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Fur Fest - Tulsa, Oklahoma


Turn it up!
Today we are discussing Fur Fest in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Fur Fest is a locally-grown event curated for the Oklahoma music scene. It is located at The Fur Shop in downtown Tulsa, which has 3 stages prepared for use. The Fur Shop seeks to be a vessel through which Oklahoma musical artists can find exposure. The purpose of The Fur Fest is to bring a platform for Oklahoma artists and vendors to congregate and have fun in the Tulsan spirit. Attendees will learn more about local businesses and they will meet up-and-coming musical artists from our state.
Tulsa is a city on the Arkansas River. It’s known for its art deco architecture, mostly in the central Deco District. Landmarks like the Philcade and Philtower buildings reflect a 20th-century construction boom fueled by the prosperous local oil industry.
Oklahoma City embodies the Modern Frontier and defines its own future. A young city steeped in Native American and Western culture, openness, and an enterprising nature, OKC embraces its roots and continues to pave the way as a center of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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