Feb. 24, 2020

Okie Geek Podcast

Okie Geek Podcast


We like you because you are weird like us!
On today's episode of the Only in OK Show, we are discussing Geek Culture in Oklahoma with Michael Cross of the Okie Geek Podcast.
The Okie Geek podcast is a weekly podcast promoting the Geek Culture in Oklahoma.  Michael, brings in experts every week covering news and local events that highlight Oklahoma's various fandoms.  Michael is also Morning Edition Host at KOSU.
We also discuss LT. Gov Matt Pinnell and the new state slogan and logo.  Oklahoma Tourism is on the rise and we think this is only the beginning.
Stick around to the end of the show.  We are giving away tickets to OKC POP Con and they could be yours.
Special thanks to our advertiser:
#TravelOK #onlyinokshow #Oklahoma #OKC #OklahomaHistory #OKGeek #popculture #geek