Aug. 15, 2022

The Funky Monkey Inn - Afton, Oklahoma

OKC, Monkey Island

Who's ready to get FUNKY?
Today we are discussing the Funky Monkey Inn in Afton, Oklahoma.
The Funky Monkey Inn is located on Monkey Island, OK, right in the heart of Grand Lake. Relax and unwind in one of our six unique and extraordinary movie themed rooms. The Shangri-La Golf Course, Marina, and multiple restaurants and entertainment are right down the street. You won't find a vacation rental like this one!
Founded in 1886, Afton, Oklahoma is a small town boasting several examples of classic Route 66 roadside architecture, water recreation and more. Take a trek on one of two stretches of the nine-foot-wide original Route 66 known as the Ribbon Road, or sample Scuppernog Jelly and blackstrap molasses at Miller Pecan Company.
Oklahoma City Community College - OCCC is a public community college in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The college was founded in 1972 as South Oklahoma City Junior College. Current enrollment of 18,549 students and is the second largest community college and the fifth largest public higher education institution in Oklahoma. A large percentage of OCCC students join or rejoin the local workforce each year.
Oklahoma City embodies the Modern Frontier and defines its own future. A young city steeped in Native American and Western culture, openness, and an enterprising nature, OKC embraces its roots and continues to pave the way as a center of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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