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OOH Insider - Episode 009 - The Secrets to Getting Found on Google

Does your business invest in advertising?

If so, you'll want to tune in to this episode!

It happens all of the time...

A business jumps into a big campaign, the creative is great and we're all over the radio. We are so close to the advertising that we remember everything about it, but what about your customers?

What will THEY remember?

Just a tagline?

Maybe only one word?

Is it a #hashtag?

If your advertising works, people will look for you online but would you customers even find you if they looked?

Your business may be wasting THOU$AND$ of dollars a month on advertising if you've overlooked any of these fundamentals.

Sam Clark has a great way to make complex ideas simple and easy to execute.

Whether you're a law firm or a pest control company, Sam shares the secrets he sees that cost businesses money in bad vendor selection and he shares those secrets with you...the secrets of connecting with your customers when they look.

Connect with Sam on Linked in here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samuelpeterclark802atl/

Connect with me on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troweactual/

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