OSP and the BSC

The Secret Space Program" explained by UFOlogist Lynn Wallington

The Secret Space Program
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Our guest this week on the Original Sports Podcast with Mark Maradei is Lynn Wallington. Wallington is the host of Rebellious Ufology podcast.  She has studied the UFO phenomena and worked with experiencers for the past 10 years.  As a lifelong contactee and experiencer of the paranormal, she has come to understand how these experiences have helped to shape her into the person she has become.  Her first paranormal experience happened at a young age, when she saw her great grandmother sitting at the edge of her bed one night, only to find out the next morning that she had passed away.  And since that defining moment, she’s had a fascination with all things paranormal.  Her interest in the paranormal and how it affects people led her to get a degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts.  After Lynn graduated, she worked for Harvard Medical School as a research assistant working with clients who had Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis.


In her 30’s Lynn had her first conscious experience with a ufo, and shortly after had an experience with a mantis being. Her interest in the field of ufology and contact was sparked.  As time went on, Lynn began to put the pieces together and realize that some of the strange and unusual happenings throughout her life were tied to contact.  In addition she’s also had involvement in the darker side of contact, such as mind control programming, the creation of alters, and the Secret Space Program.  Using her own experiences and her background in Psychology, Lynn worked with FREE (The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) where she helped to develop and run the Support Program for experiencers.  In doing so Lynn has had the privilege of talking with hundreds of experiencers where she helped them come to terms with their encounters. 

Twitter: rebelliousufo

Instagram: Rebelliousufology





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