Meghan Markle has made a notable return to social media, launching her first post on Instagram with a candid beach video filmed near her Montecito home. The Duchess of Sussex appeared in the clip walking along the California shoreline, with Prince...
Meghan Markle has made a notable return to social media, launching her first post on Instagram with a candid beach video filmed near her Montecito home. The Duchess of Sussex appeared in the clip walking along the California shoreline, with Prince Harry reportedly behind the camera.
The simple post, captioned only "@meghan," sparked immediate interest online, with follower counts surging from 115,000 to approximately 170,000 within minutes of posting. This account has been the subject of speculation since its creation in June 2022, when it appeared but remained dormant. Meghan had previously hinted at her return to social media in 2023, telling The Cut magazine she was "getting back on Instagram."
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