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Sept. 22, 2021

Norm Macdonald

Norm Macdonald

Tribute to comedian Norm Macdonald who passed away on September 14th, 2021.


McDonald. And now the fake news. Well, it is finally official. Murder is legal in the state of California.

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You're listening to un-muted with Papa mutes.


All right. Welcome to Papa mutes. I appreciate anybody who is listening in. I don't have a guest on this particular podcast today. Uh, just want to talk about someone who passed away recently , um, a comedian by the name of norm MacDonald. Um, if you're familiar with him, then, you know, his work, if not back in the mid nineties , uh, he was a stand-up comic comedian in general, trying to make it into business. And he , uh, he landed a job on Saturday night live , um, and he would anchor the weekend update, which is basically a fictitious , um, newscast where they would take, you know , contemporary news and , spin it in a comical way. The one thing that norm McDonald did that was absolute genius. Now keep in mind, he was being told by his bosses at the time, and you know, the people higher up , uh , not to do this, but every week he continued to pound away at OJ Simpson. Now , if you're not familiar with the OJ trial took place in the mid nineties, the murder, the trial, the verdict , and norm MacDonald every week, we'd go on there and just balls free tear OJ up, and it was truthful and it was genius. S o when he passed away recently, I was like, man, boy, he had some boss. U h, so we're going to take a little listen to, u h, norm McDonald. And this is just a fraction keep in mind. He was told not to do this and eventually was fired, u h, supposedly, f or this reason. but here he is norm McDonald r ipping OJ, absolute genius.


According to retailers, the most popular Halloween mask this year is OJ Simpson. And the most popular Halloween greeting is I'll kill you, and that guy who's bringing over your glasses or treat And his book O J Simpson says that he would have taken a bullet or stood in front of a train for Nicole. Man. I'm going to tell you that is some bad luck. When the one guy who would have died for you kills you that's [inaudible] get worse luck than that. OJ Simpson's lawyers have decided to skip hearings on DNA evidence and go right to trial. Ask why they did this. The lawyers replied. We want to get OJ acquitted as speedily as possible so he can get back to doing what he does best killing people. Well, let's get to OJ, OJ Simpson's lawyers say they don't want the families of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in the courtroom during the trial, they're afraid the presence of the family members will just remind OJ of how much more killing he still has to do.

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Well, OJ Simpson's lawyers stop feuding this week. Finally, the dream team F Lee Bailey and Robert Shapiro were able to put aside their differences and express their admiration for each other. After OJ threatened to cut their heads off.

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Phil this week, the defense lawyer, Johnny Cochran , once abused his first wife in his defense Cochran said, Hey, at least I didn't kill her. Like some people I know

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Tomorrow. Judge Lance ITO will take OJ and the jury on a tour of the now famous crime scene for the jury. It will be their first look at the actual location. Of course, row J will be just a case of been there, done that. Oh, Jay's pal Al cowlings now has a one 900 number for 2 99. A minute. Callings will tell callers that OJ is innocent. And for 3 99 a minute, he'll try to do it without laughing.

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Was OJ Simpson high on speed? The night of the murders? Absolutely not said defense attorney, Johnny crocker today. And a simple test of any of O'Jays blood found at the crime scene will prove it

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This week or the OJ Simpson trial. The infamous bloody glove was finally introduced into evidence and OJ didn't help his case any by blurting out there it is. I've been looking all over for that thing.

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Dismiss Simpson, jury revealed and interviews this week that the jury is torn by dissension and has already divided into two camps. Those who think he is guilty, and those who are really, really stupid

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Testimony during the final week provided some spell binding moments in a brilliant move. During closing arguments, Simpson attorney, Johnny Cochran put on the knit cap , prosecutors say OJ wore the night he committed the murders. Although Jay may have heard his case when he suddenly blurted out, Hey, easy with that. That's my lucky stabbing in hat.

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Norm MacDonald, cutting OJ, a new one, absolute great stuff from the mid nineties. And that's just a fraction. You can, you know, YouTube is, u h, assault on OJ. U m, you know, i t w as like 45 minutes back t o back, from him just pounding away, you know, way, and just t ell h im the truth. Like it is in a comical way. So, anyway, that's a little tribute to Norm MacDonald rest in peace, t ake c are. This has been an Unmuted podcast with Papa Mutes


Murder is legal in the state of California.

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[inaudible] .