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Ep. 15: David Marquet Turn The Ship Around

As the Captain of a nuclear submarine, David Marquet created Intent-based Leadership. He is a nationally recognized speaker and authored the Amazon bestseller Turn the Ship Around.

Overcoming the obstacle that restricts leaders from admitting that they don’t know something can be very difficult. David attributes this to leaders often thinking that leadership is a theoretical skill and provides a comparison that simplifies the type of skill that it really is. 

People learn more from failure than they do from success. David shares some of the failures that have shaped him into who he is today and reflects on what he learned from them. We also hear about the two types of ego that are competing inside of us whenever we are put under pressure.


David Marquet (MAR-KAY) was assigned to command the nuclear powered submarine USS Santa Fe, then ranked last in retention and operational standing. He “turned his ship around” by treating the crew as leaders, not followers, and giving control, not taking control. This revolutionary approach not only took the Santa Fe from “worst to first” in the rankings, but also created more subsequent leaders than any other submarine. Stephen R. Covey called the Santa Fe “the most empowering organization [he’d] ever seen” and wrote about Captain Marquet’s leadership practices in his book, The 8th Habit. 

Captain Marquet is the author of Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders. Fortune magazine named it the #1 must-read business book of the year, and USA Today listed it as one of the top 12 business books of all time. 

David Marquet is here today to deliver the powerful message that in highly effective organizations, leadership is not for the select few at the top; he will tell you how he and the crew of Santa Fe developed a way to create leaders at every level. 

More about guest can be found here:

Website: https://www.davidmarquet.com

YouTube: Leadership Nudges-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM6PvFiH_weNCMCnFynTNdg

Even More about the gues

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