People of the Valley

People of the Valley

People of the Valley is a podcast featuring stories from the Willamette Valley...and occasionally beyond.

Recent Episodes

Dec. 22, 2020

People of the Valley Episode 3: A Strange Tragedy - -Some Memories Of Pre

In this episode, several people share their memories of the late runner Steve Prefontaine and the ways he impacted and influenced their lives. People of the Valley is a podcast featuring stories from the Willamette Valley...and occasionally...
Dec. 22, 2020

People of the Valley Episode 2: Invisible Strings

In this episode, Finn Smith shares their plans to open the first queer children's bookstore in Eugene. People of the Valley is a podcast featuring stories from the Willamette Valley...and occasionally beyond. Production, Script, Editing, Recording:...
Dec. 22, 2020

People of the Valley Episode 1: The Eggsnatchur

In this episode, hear the story of Lee Boutell as he turns on, tunes in, drops out, and starts a vegetarian restaurant in Eugene in the 1970s. People of the Valley is a podcast featuring stories from the Willamette Valley...and occasionally...