Having an internship is an opportunity to learn about a company, network and gain new skills. This podcast is a light hearted interview with Asiah Wotring who was the Legislative Intern for the Department of Children and Families in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Hear how Asiah obtained this amazing internship, what duties she had and what work she produced as a result.
The inspiration for this podcast came from our Coffee Break: Internship Tips. A recording is available on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/5auWZ0mUS1M
To reiterate, the top 10 tips for Internship Success: (1) Learn about the Company; (2) Manage your Time; (3) Ask Questions; (4) Accept all Assignments; (5) Have a positive attitude; (6) Know the Expectations of the Internship; (7) Seek Feedback; (8) Take Notes; (9) Develop your Skills, and (10) Dress Appropriately.
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