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Mel’s Hole of Mysteries - 1


Today we’re going to talk about a very unique hole, known as https://melshole.org/. Who is Mel, and what is so dang special about his hole? On Feb 21st 1997, a self described Willie Nelson Doppelgänger named Mel Waters, https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/27/business/yourmoney/the-fax-machine-technology-that-refuses-to-die.html radio talk show https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mels-hole-part-1-coast-to-coast-am/id1611966186?i=1000552358199 Art was so intrigued by Mel’s deep story, that he got him on the phone to talk about it on air. 5 phone interviews over the course of 5 years detailed a bewildering tale with many peaks and pits!


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https://uppbeat.io/t/pecan-pie/creepy License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ. Cover art by Chris & Cassie.
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