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Mermaids: Myth, Mayhem, and Modern Magic


Join us for a fun-filled summer episode, as we dive into the world of mermaids! With birthdays and Caitlyn's wedding keeping us busy, we're bringing back this Patreon live bonus, with lots of new content. Get ready for mermaid myths, pop culture, and some fascinating folklore from around the globe.

We’ll discuss the darker side of mermaid lore, including sirens, who lure sailors to their doom with hypnotic songs, and the mysterious mermaid attacks in Zimbabwe. Discover the earliest mermaid tales, such as the story of Atargatis, the Syrian goddess who transformed into a mermaid out of love and sorrow. We also delve into the controversial 2012 documentary "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1816585/," which reignited the debate about the existence of these mythical sea creatures.

Learn about the real-life mermaid community, from the https://www.mermaidmuseum.org/ in Washington to the vibrant mermaid pods in the Pacific Northwest. Discover how mermaids are celebrated in https://www.mermaidmuseum.org/festival/ https://www.portlandiamermaidparade.com/, and even as symbols of gender diversity and support for transgender youth through https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/.

Tune in for an episode packed with laughter, intriguing stories, and a deep dive into the enchanting world of mermaids. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this episode is sure to make a splash!


This week we introduced you to our friends from https://www.sinsandsurvivors.com/! Shaun & John examine the city's most unsettling true crime stories, focusing on cases interwoven with the complexities of domestic violence.

https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/https://linktr.ee/pnwhauntsandhomicides If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at https://gmail.com/ or use this https://forms.gle/aN5hbD8KnbfcccJNA. There are so many ways that you can support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hauntshomicides, https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/pnw-haunts-homicides--5955451/support or by leaving a rating & review on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pnw-haunts-homicides/id1566754620. https://pastebin.com/embed_js/QxDYQ6gx?theme=dark