
Superchat: A Conversation About Using Messaging To Engage Customers

Superchat is a messaging CRM that is focused on channels like WhatsApp providing collaboration between employees and customers. They have more than 4,000 customers around the world. While they originally come from Germany, they also have customers in Latin America, one exciting use case is that of Yaya Delivery in El Salvador

Superchat is a messaging CRM that is focused on channels like WhatsApp providing collaboration between employees and customers. They have more than 4,000 customers around the world. While they originally come from Germany, they also have customers in Latin America, one exciting use case is that of Yaya Delivery in El Salvador: https://www.superchat.com/success-stories/yayadelivery

Superchat offers solutions for sales, marketing, service and recruiting.

Superchat: www.superchat.com 

Listen to our conversation with Alexander Farr, Chief of Staff at Superchat.

Contact Alexander Farr: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-farr

More about use cases with Superchat can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKCHkdWCUtU&feature=youtu.be


🚀Superchat offers a WhatsApp CRM with solutions for sales, marketing, service, and recruiting to over 4,000 customers worldwide, focusing on a channel-first approach to leverage WhatsApp's full potential.

💼The platform supports multiple channels with features like inboxes, newsletters, review management, automations, and customer service for a comprehensive customer journey from web chat to sales and support.

💰WhatsApp's pricing models for contact vs. contact-initiated interactions enable businesses to reduce costs while maintaining profitability, especially in competitive markets where customer experience is crucial.

🚚Yaya Delivery in El Salvador uses WhatsApp for automated order tracking, customer feedback, and re-engagement campaigns, demonstrating practical applications for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

👥Superchat's unified inbox allows teams to collaborate internally on customer issues, assigning conversations to the right person and tagging each other, streamlining communication and improving customer service.

🔑The WhatsApp Business API enables multi-user access for teams, overcoming limitations of the WhatsApp Business app and making it more practical for businesses to use WhatsApp for customer service.

🤖Superchat's AI chatbots can be configured to answer simple questions in any language, providing 24/7 support, with human agents available to take over when needed for accurate and efficient customer service.

🔗The platform's integration with various tools like CRM, scheduling, forms, landing pages, and e-commerce platforms enables companies to streamline workflows and update systems seamlessly, making it a super app for WhatsApp and other messaging tools.



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welcome this is J uh today in Tom Cafe Jesus we're gonna
have a cup of coffee with Alexander far he is the chief of staff at Super Chat
uh which is a WhatsApp and other messaging application uh and we're going
to discuss you know what does it mean to engage customers with all this message messing apps especially WhatsApp
Alexander welcome thanks a lot Jesus so where where are you where are
you calling from where are you you know connecting to the podcast from actually from our headquarters in Berlin Berlin
Germany yeah and and you know we you know we connected to to Lincoln in and
and we started talking about the latan market and and you know you know there's
many companies in Europe uh that want to go after the latan market and you're
already doing a few things in latan because of WhatsApp so uh today you know the
discussion is going to be you know how Super Chat you know works you know uh
you know you know as a crn tool you know to provide messaging uh uh and for those who follow
me in the Spanish you know I have some uh some pros and cons of using Whatsapp
out there uh but it is what it is you know it's what a lot of people are using
especially after the pandemic and but Alexander before you know we start you
know tell us tell us who you are what you do a super chat and then if you have
a coffee routine you drink coffee or not let me know tell me so so very
briefly on myself I rich fromin I studied in in unic and a few places all
over the world between studies and starting to work on the investor side I was actually traveling many places in
Latin America starting from New Years at Kapa Cabana making my way down to the
the southern tip of Argentina and all the way up to Colombia and then one week one year later returning to Mexico but
this was only for fun then um let's Jump Ahead a few years and now here at Super
Chat I'm the chief of staff which means working way closely together with the executive team on different strategic
initiatives and one very important point for us at the moment is expanding to Latin America and I'm kind of spare
heading different initiatives working together with the team we also have Spanish speaking colleagues um but since
I'm just a bit more closer to the founders um I I'm coordinating all of our efforts there you have you they give
you they give you the the the key thing to do you know uh uh Alexander coffee
are you a coffee drinker or I I love coffee H just at this time of the day it's 5:30 p.m. here in Germany so I'm
having a tea now but normally I would have a coffee in the morning yeah tea
coffee or mat in in Argentina uh you know this is my I don't
know my 20th Cup today uh heavy heavy coffee yeah know
this one Club Mar yeah yeah I guess it's very popular in
um but but tastes very different from the M people have in Argentina of course of course of course so Alexander let me
let me go here for some some some talking points you know and and then I
let you know we start the conversation you know uh definitely you know we have
seen uh uh a movement you know was a switch you know in in conversation with
customers from you know traditional social media channels to to messaging
tools okay uh and both you know the traditional social media channels uh and
the messaging tools you know are you know big enablers you know in the you know in direct to Consumer
b2c uh uh you know engagement especially for e-commerce retail support marketing
Outreach recruiting you know uh and and there's different ways of how to do that
you know WhatsApp you know has the regular WhatsApp their WhatsApp business WhatsApp business happy you know you
have different Integrations uh some companies are very focused of you know for example implementing WhatsApp only for customer
service uh where you know I still believe it's a mistake because they three WhatsApp as a as a as a as a
channel uh and you know wasam needs to be part of the strategy of you know for
n channel uh but things are moving along you know to towards that and everybody's doing messaging okay and there's this uh
uh and I don't have the conversation with you you know uh know you're a messaging tool but you also sort of
compete with send Des you know so uh and you know we can come up with many other
examples of different applications that because WhatsApp is embedd in the application or any other messaging tool
because I you know I have to you know help implement the WhatsApp the viers uh
the Fook messenging you know uh to do many of the things that you you guys with Super Chat uh is that uh you know
companies you know they buy whatever ven they have at that moment because they need to implement it because they have a
need to do it there thinking hey I need to do this overall strategy you know our economies ask us you know you
gotta talk to that customer right now through AAP you know it's cheaper you know for what you know depending on the
channel how you implement it but uh I see that definitely you're doing both uh
business a consumer you know as a messaging app uh you know Super Chat you
also have you know more than 4,000 customers uh uh you know you know of
course most some of them in Europe but you're you know you have already customers in Latin America uh you have different use cases
you know sales marketing uh service of course recruiting which is piing up a lot
everywhere uh and and you know you guys are you
know and I don't know you consider that you guys are a chat a chat book or a
chat flow or conversational AI you know I let you discuss that you know because that happens you
know anybody says that they're doing conversational Ai and like you know
depends you know depends of the data and everything you know so and you know and
you you have a good solution I mean it's it's it's very slick you know it's it's
is is you know the mes you know you go to approach is Super Chat you know one inbox you know so
uh tell me you know how do you see based on these talking points you know where are you guys at you know how do you
position yourself you know uh what is the need out there that you try you know you're trying to solve that is unique to
others yeah so we are com from the from the Channel first because we see that
WhatsApp is such a big channel for so many fans especially in the b2c space especially in Latin America and WhatsApp
actually even though it's is so simple when you are consumer and texting there um on the business side the the type of
use cases and Technologies you can use and integrate with WhatsApp can get quite complex so we decided we want to
build Channel first as a WhatsApp CRM and we do support all of these use cases
and I'm happy to dive a bit deeper to how they work but first of all what is really like crucial for us is that our
ambition is that there will always be more um possibilities when you can really leverage one channel to the full
list um so for example we recently launched our integration to HubSpot so
we are super happy if companies want to use HubSpot in combination with super chat but um they would do so because
they see that they can use more templates they um can use wild cards
more automation features they can use follow-ups um Within super chat but they can't do that if they wanted to send
WhatsApp through HubSpot integration so there again our move was let's just
build like the very deep um integration possibilities so that we are the leader
on the one channel where we are bet best at um but we we are not yet like a fully
fledged CRM on the other channels yeah and
so how do you approach you know if I come to you and say hey I need a
solution where I already have my Omni channel uh uh strategy and it's going to
be Focus you know on going after a customers and I want to be able you know
I want to be very specific here I want to go after the customer I don't want to go and use WhatsApp to go to the
customer you know it's a different mindset you know so I want to go after the customer to be sure that that I can
engage that customer you know you know through through a landing page
and have you know click to engage whatever you know they reach out to Whatsapp you know or the you know after
they get the the aor response of the landing page you know they can click to initiate the call you know and then you
know uh sometimes you know it's it's a one way communication here the information you know and maybe there's a
link in there you know to do an appointment with the rep you do the appointment with the rep and then the
conversation or the engage continues with the salese you know and the sales people
start you know working with you through that process and then you close the deal and then you go and move into customer
service you know and it's and it's you know it's it's one WhatsApp you know
that you can use to engage the customer okay uh and eventually you know
you might have other channels you know you might have the web chat you might have Facebook Messenger email phone
that's fine but uh some of the thing here is that you know what I see a lot that people jumping quickly into trying
to do something for WhatsApp okay so how how do how do you guys approach
that yeah so we built a platform that basically is an inbox that supports all
of these channels that has WhatsApp newsletter capabilities that has uh review management posters where you can
also automatically ask customers to to give you review by sending through these channels and we have automations and we
build all of them in a quite broad way so that we can leverage so that customers can leverage them all the way
from having customers um find the channels on the web chat all the way
through one-on one conversations with an sales agent or with the AI agent to the
close to then having for example like a WhatsApp newsletter re-engagement campaign um reminding them for example
in the car dealership use case hey we have the um like you need to go and have
the car um go on for inspection so that you can have bring customers back into
the into your shop um and still also being able to provide excellent customer
service by being able to answer in a very easy way through messaging rather
than for example um needing a call center to take calls which is more expensive and even worse from the
consumer EXP experience side and then in the end you can ask for a review and help the the company get like a better
Google Maps rating and this triggers the start again you know more people discover the business and and this is
like the whole life cycle we see um but normally how it happens is um customers
come to us with one specific use case they have in mind so for example they want to send WhatsApp newsletters
WhatsApp newsletters are great because everyone looks into their WhatsApp messages but people don't read their
email anymore so um we see much much higher opening conversion rates and um
when they start doing that then they start getting replies um where people ask specific questions about like the
the offer that was sent to them so they see ah we we need to also include our sales team because then we can even like
win all of the customers that that have maybe a question and and don't buy immediately and then they see customer
service is one more area and maybe a few months later they want to hire and recruiting is even like an exciting use
case so what what we usually see is people come with one specific use case we do the onboarding we help them set
everything up and then afterwards um they might ask us hey can we also solve
this problem with WhatsApp or they they set it up themselves and this way they
they at some point get to the whole customer Journey on WhatsApp so so you
know how because you know talking to other you know uh you know vendors like
you you know in Latino America most of the time you know there's a particular use case to use WhatsApp to reduce cost
I mean that's that's what it is I mean nobody comes here you know I want to make the customer happy do CX let's use
WhatsApp you know but at the same time you know when they start doing the math you know with the the different uh uh
cost that you get with WhatsApp business happy you know uh uh you know somebody
you know contact you versus you contacting then and then you know he it's marketing it sales his Services you
know there's different pricing uh and you know and you know and
and that understanding of that pricing you know all the say wait hold on it's it's going to cost me to use
WhatsApp it's not for free but the customers are there I can still use it to reduce the cost in another area uh B
is a particular use case is that what you're seeing is that very much what you're seeing
today um honestly there's a lot of different use cases um across the different Industries we serve um and I
totally agree with you definitely customers should have um should think about if is the use case good on
WhatsApp and will they make more money u in many cases they will especially in
like competitive markets where customers care about like a good experience and this way they can stand out from the
competition um while still being able to actually manage it in team um also scale
in the team and so happy to talk about specific use cases U but I couldn't
point out a single one that is like by far the best one yeah I was talking I was talking you know during the pandemic
I was talking to one of the you know uh Center a service providers I forgot wish
right now uh but uh they they implemented WhatsApp you know during during the pandemic for a particular
customer for particular use case but it was to be sure that you still
have a phone conversation but the phone conversation will come you know will be a quality
conversation you know so all the all the asking all the the the knowledge
transfer all the you know what if all the F cues you know all the validation
you know validating that you know the actual problem will happen through the conversation with WhatsApp and then on the last mile you know you
humanize the conversation with the phone call you know and that increase you know uh customer satisfaction you know big
time you know because they wanted to talk to somebody at the very end you know especially during the pandemic you
know so they want to have ah yeah I talk to Alexander he really helped me you know and by the way thank you to all the
you know five other people that you know did the WhatsApp you know uh so that was you know one particular use case you
know can you give me you know one use case in particular that that you think of that you know uh that you guys are
you know people are asking you yeah um so for example um in the
e-commerce use case um what what we see is um usually people go through the flow
of buying something and they might have already entered their phone number but then before they click on purchase they
they stop there and and um leave the the card and and that's very painful for for
merchants because obviously they don't convert and don't get the money so but what many e-commerce companies with
Super Chat do is they they use what this called abandoned card um reminders so
through WhatsApp they can connect with their Shopify um so we have we have
these Integrations which which only works with the WhatsApp business API um and by that they can send hey we saw
that you have um decent these items in your shopping cart here's a voucher if
you finish your checkout in the next five hours and and by that they really
increase their conversion and um make more money in the end so that's like a great use case and then um by using
Whatsapp um for that channel they also have um Can can keep using that for
marketing purposes later so for example they once the the customer is purchased
and they can ask him for leing a review they can later send like WhatsApp
newsletters and um really keep the the customer um engage well you might do try
to do that by email maybe uh but then people don't click because they don't it AR from spam or people don't read it so
this is like one place where you can really see you make a lot of money by immediately using Whatsapp other
[Music] than yeah uh C can you talk about you know your your you're customing a
Salvador Jaa delivery sure because you know they they definitely do something interesting as well here no yeah um so
um they actually approached us because they were were using some some local Solutions before but it wasn't stable
and then they they found us and we got them onboarded and so they are delivery
service in elor where you can have your food delivered to home and and they
integr that with WhatsApp um again in a partly automated fashion so um when the
the delivery has has been brought to the home the customers um can text andado um
so the order has arrived um so then automatically they know that the
delivery has happened and afterwards they could also automatically send a message are you satisfied with your
order um to get some customer feedback um through this very personal Channel
um and also um could for example um a few days later ask them to to order
again um and and Trigger this conversation through WhatsApp and I think that's that's kind of the power of
of WhatsApp as a channel normally you would need to download an app for everything um for for every food
delivery for every taxi service uh for every Airline but especially now that that
WhatsApp is building more and more features um to have all of these use cases in the app that everyone like
three billion people in the world already use so I think that's um what is fascinating is if you can make it easier
for people um they don't need to download a new app but can just do it in in WhatsApp that that's where we see a
huge potential yeah reduces the friction no and I also notice that not only you're
using that for you know for the order uh automation process uh and engaging the customers but you know based on that you
know you have a process to work internally you know as a collaboration Channel could you could you explain that
you know so you know they see the issue and they collaborate through WhatsApp so they stay in WhatsApp they don't need to
go to another place to engage you know internally to solve the issue yeah um so
we basically have a Unified Inbox where several people can access um that's
that's one of the advantages of using the API again many customers switching from what's a business like the the
WhatsApp business app that you can only have like access with with one phone and and a few computers but not with many
people um but with us you know they have the whole um delivery team um who who
have access to the Inbox and see if if customers are complaining if they've um
checked um if the order has arrived and they can also tag each other so let's
assume um in the delivery Center they see that there's a problem with a customer they can assign this
conversation to the person who is currently taking the order to the customer and so in this way really
easily collaborate um in one in one place and also using our like internal team chat rather than having it all over
different platforms the customers complaining in in zendesk and then they need to call the delivery person and so
this is really why we we built this unified in um inbox with with access for everyone in the team very very
interesting very interesting because you know traditionally traditionally you know and I think this is a good use case
uh that you know you can you know you use the the no
interface of WhatsApp to collaborate with the customer internally because what happens here is that you know you
have to go back to this to your customer service to your C application you know and then there is
another app that you have to interface so not only you make make the conversation with the customer you make
the conversation internally you know and to be honest that's for me 10 times better than say
that I I do conversational AI you know it's 10 times better because you're
humanizing the experience you know for this particular use case because I do remember Alexander you know you know you
were mentioning that you did your you travel to Latino America you know you know all the way from you know Brazil
Argentina Colombia then Mexico I done that you know but business not for fun
everything business and I do remember in Colombia in one of my conferences uh I
don't know 10 years ago maybe 11 years ago I said in
Spanish we need to convert the conversations into
transactions and that's what it is you know and I know that we probably talking AI
and I'm I'm glad that you know we've been talking here for 20 minutes you haven't mention AI thank you so
much you're welcome but but that's that's that's a use case you know that's
for me is is engaging working together with the customer working together with
the collaborators making making sure the experience is there you know facilitating that process so you can you
know meet your your operational goals you know and I think that's a very interesting uh approach you know that
that for me is a super [Laughter] chat you know that's how I see it how
you know how you you know you know we talking wasapp but what other channels
are you seeing out there that people are asking you you know globally you know especially in Europe in other places
because you know I I I do work you know you know in other places you know outside you know Latin America
uh and you know I see signal you know I see telegram I see Vier uh you know line
uh I see a lot of WhatsApp uh messaging especially for you know uh uh uh you
know uh adults you know you know moms and dad who are on
Facebook you know uh uh you know managing groups and easy for them you
know get out from a Facebook group and continue Facebook messaging uh uh and and I see for
example in universities that they start a conversation on on email but they mve
to WhatsApp and different WhatsApp they move to to chat I don't know you guys you hear my dogs are barking and there's
Thunder there's Thunder out there so I Le you know we're
getting welcome to Florida so H
uh is the the the the interaction through all these messaging tools you know is very Dynamic you know uh you
know and you know we're still saying wasab Latin America you know I don't know what else is going to come tomorrow
you know uh video whatever that that the case is what what are you seeing out
there in terms of the other channels yeah so we do support Instagram
um Facebook Messenger telegram email and SMS as well but um overall we see that
also when looking at the statistics WhatsApp is like the main messaging platform in most countries of the world
there's a few exceptions obviously with with feat then um there's kaca talk
in on so like a few Niche um messaging Platforms in some markets um and in in
specific groups for example um these kind of influencers they work a lot with Instagram rather than WhatsApp because
it's easier to build their audience there um Tik talk is gaining traction also for for messaging um so all of the
I would say the brands that have a mainly younger audience um those brands
are more likely to be on active on Instagram or Tik Tok and then trying to use messaging there as well uh but what
what our customers really love about WhatsApp is that it's like a universal Channel like across all demographics
across all kinds of age groups and that's also by terms of our how we
present ourselves we we mainly talk about WhatsApp um but I totally agree
with you there's a lot of other messenger channels and um I think that's also
like way how you can um work together
customers by just they can use the messaging Channel they prefer but you as a business have one interface to answer
your messages coming through Instagram through Facebook through WhatsApp and so on um so that's why we also in include
all of them yeah uh uh you know I'm a a person that you know when I travel you
know I definitely use WhatsApp uh you know uh put a group with my family
friends you know business you know colleagues and everything uh it's easier but you know the day-to-day operation
I'm not the WhatsApp person uh uh you know and one if I'm using you know a
collaboration tool in the business teams a slack whatever uh I stay in there I
don't get out and do stuff in WhatsApp I don't like that you know businesses you
know you know B2B I prodact stay where where we at uh uh for many reasons but
you know I still you know I will see you know and I see probably in the future I see how that goes but you know Facebook
tried to do that with Facebook group for for companies you know and that didn't work out really well I think they're
shutting down that that as as well uh you know you have the LinkedIn groups
you know uh uh you know know Instagram and T is probably might make sense you
know for live streaming you know uh e-commerce events you know engaging in
there uh but you know for me WhatsApp you know I'm I'm a I'm not there yet you
know as a as a consumer okay uh and I I you know and I do not like you know tell
me let's talk I click and they take me to Whatsapp directly I know I have I don't know how many people you know
looking for me on Whatsapp that you know the same for my voicemail and everything I'm more an
email person but again you know it has to be based on the use case uh but let
me ask you this you know you know even the WhatsApp is already out there how do you see Amazon you know do you be do you
think you know with all the Ecommerce is happening in Amazon uh you know because you guys are
doing a lot of stuff with you know choy 5 and and and you other e-commerce and you have you know your mini CRM to do
that conversation behind the scenes have you seen any traction with people that you know they already have
influencers and they have a you know a a brand already in place in Amazon or any
other e-commerce sites besides chopy 5 you know do you see anything in
particular that is spiking you guys you know that you know that people are asking you we need to do something here with
messaging yeah so Amazon is tough because they they are not such an open
ecosystem um and it's not really possible to integrate your own messaging use cases into Amazon and we we
obviously see competitors to Shopify so for example W Commerce big Commerce
Magento um which are like similar for for setting up your own shop and managing your inventory where you can
also include then like a web chat in order to to get custom
um and then obviously there's a few customers who have built everything themselves and um then basically what
they would do is they would have a lead form where customers fill the information they get the phone number
and then they can through the integration with Z make send the the phone number um and see if people have
WhatsApp um so so that's something that definitely bus um but I haven't seen too
many use cases on Amazon uh yet because I feel like Amazon wants to control the whole customer action like apple like
apple you know you know all this battle between you know uh Apple messaging and
Android you know the whatever the green and the blue messages you know uh
because that's that's another you know blue ocean you know you know uh that you
know people need to go after you know because you know in WhatsApp you know you are in messaging you know that you
know apple or or any you know Google Android you you know uh uh hopefully
something will come up out of that in the future uh but
uh what what's next for you with WhatsApp because you know I still believe WhatsApp is like a big uh uh you
know in the last couple years they were like in Alpha mode you know now they're in beta and they you know they're they I
think they know what they want to do you know you know I think you know they are a
Telco that has messaging you know it's a digital Telco you know Skype used to be
used to be that a long time ago you know and no longer is that the case unfortunately actually Skype tried to do
that with eBay you know when eBay you know acquired them you know and then
Microsoft and they you know they couldn't you know make sense out of Skype you know but uh you know WhatsApp
is a you know a digital Telco at the very end uh uh how do you foresee the
future was whatsapping messaging and you know and and Super Chat you know how you know what's next
for you guys yeah yeah um so first of all we we continue working more and more
closely together with MAA which is very exciting um because through the direct collaboration obviously we get access to
companies that want to work with each other um are looking to to potentially do marketing together um so that's
powerful also last week we just launch our AI chatbots um now after 33 minutes
you have to say AI chatbot um yeah so that will be very
very exciting for us to see especially for the small businesses if they really are ready to use that in in their
day-to-day operations and we see many companies already starting to use it but I think that will be a challenge of
explaining it also to The Not So digital Savvy companies how and if they should
use these these Technologies um but in the end you can imagine it as chat gbt
and WhatsApp which is super cool because it's so much easier on the phone um so that's something we're currently um
giving more and more users access to and then in terms of like things that that
are happening in in WhatsApp generally um in the last conference from meta the
conversations event which actually happened in in Brazil because meta just sees that Brazil and Latin America are
like the the big um growth markets for WhatsApp globally they announced that
more and more features are coming to the whatsa business API such as um calls and
groups which were missing so far for um the the professional business context so
that's something we will then also Implement in our product as soon as that's available on the API and the
second thing is whats the flows um so these are very much
um like workflows that can be configured in a very detailed way allowing you for
example to book your flight on WhatsApp and in some countries you would also be able to pay for these flights without
leaving WhatsApp um so far that's available in in Brazil Singapore and a
few other select countries and I think if WhatsApp decides to roll these out to more and more countries those will be
very very interesting to see if they can replace even more apps and you can do everything within WhatsApp yeah and I I
believe you know eventually you know WhatsApp is going to become a a super app you know where you do everything you
know so you know in Latin America you know you have rappy you have Mercato Li that you know they're going after that
you know X wants to be be that you know some someday you know uh and there's a
couple other examples out there uh but I want I want to drill down to something
specific you know a for a small business okay because uh in Latino
America in a small business could be any business okay because of pricing because
of the use case okay you know a Pim you know in Latin America a small business
uh it could be a subdivision of a of a a large company you know a multinational
company in Brazil or in Mexico you know so they might have a unique perspective
budgets constraint use cases constraints you know uh uh and and be very specific
you know you know you know they might need Super Chat something very specific you know to go after a market even
though we're talking here about you know customer experience and you know all that cool stuff you know
but H what do you mean by you know allowing you know the small business to
use AI with Super Chat you know with you with the new stuff that you're coming up you know what that means yeah um so
again as the whole platform is is built to support more or less any use case it's the same so it it depends on the
user of how they use it and how they do it is they they configure chatbot and
they give it some some prompt how you would do it to chat GPT they upload a file or they just give their website
their company website as a context so that the I can learn all the information
that the company can pass to them and then um they can include this to
WhatsApp to Instagram to any communication Channel um also for example only if there's a specific
keyboard so for example they could set up like an automation where you first have a button um I want to talk to
someone now or I want to talk to human nature because obviously thei doesn't sleep you know you can you can maybe
have your simple questions answered in the middle of the night um in any language um while thei is answering to
you um for example when I was traveling Latin America I would have loved this feature because obviously most people
don't speak English so I was really um struggling to communicate with like the
hotel with the tour operator through WhatsApp and either me or them were just
copy pasting to to Google translate um so that was was wasn't really annoying
for both sides and if I could have used AI to either translate my message or to
have their knowledge in terms of when is the bus leaving automatically answering
me in English that would have been amazing yeah yeah definitely you know
uh I was in Portugal as well you know we were between Spanish English and and
Portuguese you know uh uh and and what I call it Portu Spanglish you know the
three languages you know throwing words out there and definitely having that interface within WhatsApp is interesting
because you know that would be your use case for example you know for tourism you know hotels
travel uh but I see you know on your website that you already have you know some verticals you have Automotive you
have Beauty and wellness doctors driving schools e-commerce Finance you know local
business you know uh pharmacies you know startups uh tourist and wholesale uh is
that are this particular use case where not only you have to deploy you
know flows and Logic for that but you also have to integrate to other uh uh
third party apps you know within that ecosystem uh because when you want to do
a chatbot you know I I usually say you know a chat is you know I'm talking to you you know and maybe there's
Automation in there okay a chat but you know question and answers I go to FAQ I
bring back I go to the knowledge base I bring you something fill out the form you know somebody's going to call you
you know so you know then child flow is very specific process for a particular
use case you know so you tag in the chat B that you have something in particular I'm going to take you to that flow and
that flow is going to you know give your billing statement you know uh you know do your your your
reservation okay but now when you put you know conversational AI you go
anywhere you know and now that conversational AI is turning into agents you know the
agents are listening and they're going to talk to you they're G come to your door you know uh and how how do you see
Super Chat in that you know industry growth that still we're evolving you know we you know all this AI messaging
is you know we're still in beta and in some companies and and
industri you know we're still you know in Alpha you know uh how how how do you
see Super Chat evolving in all this yeah um maybe like one specific
example is we also use Super Chat ourselves within all of our processes um
because we just you know know how to use it and and see how powerful it is so for
example in our sales process to Latin America we have a chat flow um with
buttons where you can for example select I want to view a demo and then we would automatically send a video where we
explain how WhatsApp how Super Chat works but we also allow any questions as
a button and then they would um talk with the AI but at the same time our
colleagues they they look over the conversations and see if the AI is answering in the right way um because
I'm I'm with you it happens that the I might misunderstand someone or um is
answering in a long way while you could already go towards the close in terms of um
booking a demo and so on so in these cases they would then stop the AI and take over manually and but still it's
faster for them if the AI is responding to a few people at the same time and they are just keeping an overview while
doing something else in the meantime um so I think this is very very powerful at the at the moment in terms of leveraging
the best of structur workflows with work um with chat flows using a I to to
answer like open questions kind of FAQs but still um being able to stop thei
when they think they they they should take over manually yeah and and I see something
really interesting you know uh looking at your uh your Integrations because I listen to you about the collaboration
internally and those collaborations turns that I you know probably have to update my CRM you know you mentioned
that you have WhatsApp already integr with with Hotpot you know I probably you know need to set up uh a scheduling you
know so it shows up in my calendar uh I see you know that you have forms in here
you know what kind of forms so people are going to capture information uh you have integration to
you know most of the crn out there you know from Soho crn to pipe drive you have landing pages uh of course you have
uh chopy 5 uh and all the other ones out there uh and
so it looks like you know you you start of putting together a super app around
WhatsApp and the other messaging tools to make this fictionalist and and and I listening to
you that you know probably you added value here not only I give you the capability to interact you know through
messaging to the customers you know I give you the capability to interact
internally so you can collaborate and through Integrations you know you do
whatever you need to do to update you know probably simplifying this probably there's a lot more behind the scenes you
know but look like that that's probably you know how I see Super Chat you know if I said you know why is see Super Chat
because you know they engage that collaboration and they engage you know internally you know that you make that
conversation human for sure that's the goal and I think human conversations just lead to
better C experience customers buying more everyone being more happy and in the end hopefully also even the
employees are saving time because people are not calling them anymore while they're busy and but they can just
respond through messaging whenever it works best for for both sides excellent Alexander so I'll let
you you know we have probably another three or four minutes here to go so I'll let you you know how I let you do your
your outro you know how do def find you you know I we're going to put a link down on the on the comments and the
description you know the podcast and the video uh uh but you know Super Chat
uh.com you know I'll let you talk thanks so much Jesus and thanks again for the
for the great conversation was was a good talk and um yeah I hope it made clear what our vision is and and what we
what how we help companies because we really doing one-on-one on boardings even though we we are having a quite
significant scale and especially now um as we are looking to win more and more Latin American customers we are
going the extra mile um which I think is just necessary because we want to
understand the market as a as a European Company by origin um to to serve it in
the best way with our with our technology and you can find us on our
website you can text me personally um find me on LinkedIn or by my email Alexander Super Chat and um I am happy
to arrange a discount for you if you text me um and not only for for in terms of customers we also work with Partners
um so if that's something that sounds interesting to you also let me know yeah so again so you're a partner or you are
you know somebody looking you know to sell something like that you know reach out to Alexander again you're a consumer
uh or you know a A b2c or B2B you know uh Prospect you know reach out to
Alexander I like what I see so uh Alexander thank you so much I really
appreciate it uh your time hopefully we do this again in a few months uh Jesus that will do it actually
Alexander you know you know the is funny because you know you're calling me Jesus you
know and my mother calls me when she's upset Jesus so I understand think is she
upset with me but uh yeah I get called
jesuses he you know all the other stuff so call me any name I'm I'm fine with it
don't worry about it okay anyway thank you everybody uh you know that you can follow me you know search for me Jesus Hoyos and 
crm anywhere see you next time
Alexander Farr Profile Photo

Alexander Farr

Chief of Staff

I am Chief of Staff at Superchat, working closely with the founders of the Series A SaaS start-up on everything GTM & org. Focus areas: International expansion, growth hacking, outbound sales, OKRs and investor reporting.

Superchat is a Series A B2B SaaS start-up with over $19M in funding. Our messaging suite supports small & medium-sized businesses to redefine their customer and team communication, with features that level up WhatsApp Business - adding team functionalities, WhatsApp newsletters, automations and AI. Backed by Blossom Capital and 468 Capital and the founders of Trivago, Lieferando and Lovoo, we are growing aggressively & hiring.

🎓 TU Munich, CDTM, University of Cambridge and UC Berkeley.
💻 Multiple sectors (consulting, Venture Capital, automotive & high tech industry) in different environments (start-ups, small and medium enterprises, professional service firms).
✨ Passionate about having an impact, start-ups, and travel (71 countries and counting). Hit me up :)