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June 7, 2024

Episode 182: Drop the Dongle

Episode 182: Drop the Dongle

Episode 182: Drop the Dongle

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Podcasting 2.0

Podcasting 2.0 June 7th 2024 Episode 182: "Drop the Dongle"

Adam & Dave are joined by OG Podcast developer Andrew Grumet


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Andrew Grumet - OG Podcaster Dev and wherever.audio

Bitcoin will be a marketing benefit

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add keysend implementation for LND backend by bernii · Pull Request #1129 · lnbits/lnbits


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Last Modified 06/07/2024 15:01:33 by Freedom Controller  

10:00 - Dreb's wife has a podcast! And he has chapters coming up!

00:00:00,930 --> 00:00:06,600
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