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Aug. 9, 2024

Episode 188: Nothing Doodle

Episode 188: Nothing Doodle

Episode 188: Nothing Doodle

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Podcasting 2.0

Podcasting 2.0 August 9th 2024 Episode 188: "Nothing Doodle"

Adam & Dave do some sexy SQL talk and are filled with Fweedom!


We are for freedom!

GARM - meh

Libsyn not looking good

Episodes.FM soon ALL podcasts!

We don't shadow ban

Welcome back Mitch!

We have the V4V License in place

(music) categories

Suzanne Santo

Oscar Wallets

UID2 Overview

Spotify is going to let you leave comments on podcast episodes - The Verge

We are LIT


MKUltra chat

Transcript Search

What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info

V4V Stats

Last Modified 08/09/2024 14:42:39 by Freedom Controller  

10:00 - Dreb is poundng out the chapters for y'all!

00:00:00,810 --> 00:00:06,330
Transcript is Processing