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Sept. 13, 2024

Episode 193: Helpful Little Wizards

Episode 193: Helpful Little Wizards

Episode 193: Helpful Little Wizards

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Podcasting 2.0

Podcasting 2.0 September 13th 2024 Episode 193: "Helpful Little Wizards"

Adam & Dave take a stab at reinventing how apps work and speak German Unicode!


We are LIT

We are for freedom!

Specialized Players as Platforms

A podcast app that changes its entire recommendation based on my feeds URL or podroll


Podpage idea?

Hypercatcher is doing stuff

Activity Pub subs

ZBD Call

Funding Tag


Oscar Wallets

V4V License is good now


MKUltra chat

Transcript Search

What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info

V4V Stats

Last Modified 09/13/2024 14:24:44 by Freedom Controller  

10:00 - Dreb is in the chapter mines slaving away!

00:00:00,900 --> 00:00:06,120
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