527 | Crush Comfort and Create Courage! - Interview - Zach White (with Co-Host Mitch Parfitt)
527 | Crush Comfort and Create Courage! - Interview - Zach …
Zach White is known for changing the game in career coaching for engineering and technology leaders. He will show you how to crush comfort …
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527 | Crush Comfort and Create Courage! - Interview - Zach White (with Co-Host Mitch Parfitt)
June 16, 2023

527 | Crush Comfort and Create Courage! - Interview - Zach White (with Co-Host Mitch Parfitt)

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Zach White is known for changing the game in career coaching for engineering and technology leaders. He will show you how to crush comfort and create courage.

He's worked with hundreds of leaders at top companies worldwide to achieve breakthrough results and escape burnout.

Zach is the Founder and CEO of Oasis of Courage, a fast-growing company with unique and proven coaching programs exclusively for engineers.

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Positive Talk Radio
Kevin McDonald Profile Photo

Kevin McDonald


Creator and Host of Positive Talk Radio and its Parent Company

Mitch Parfitt Profile Photo

Mitch Parfitt

One of my first long term Jobs was working at the movie theater. Always had a love for movies and music growing up and aspired to be an actor. I spent a year doing auditions all around seattle I was fortunate to be a Featured Extra in the movie “21 and Over”. Pursuit of acting slowed down with having my son but still have a passion around it among other aspects of theater. Currently working on a podcast project around movie reviews mixed with Whiskey tasting etc…Movie Buzzed coming soon.

Zach White Profile Photo

Zach White

Founder & CEO

Zach White is known as the premier career coach for engineering leadership. He has worked with hundreds of leaders at top companies worldwide to achieve breakthrough results and escape burnout through Lifestyle Engineering.

Zach is the founder and CEO of Oasis of Courage, a fast-growing company with unique and proven coaching programs exclusively for engineering and technology professionals. He also hosts a top-rated show, “The Happy Engineer Podcast.”

As a coach for engineering leaders, Zach understands the journey firsthand, holding both a bachelor's and master’s degree in mechanical engineering, and spending over a decade building his career in the Fortune 200.

Zach is now affectionately known as the World’s Best Lifestyle Engineer, and your coach.