If you think you think then you are somewhat mistaken. Your thoughts mostly come from other sources, such as things you have read or were told. Your thoughts and opinions are assigned to you and then we passed along to others. These are the thoughts that are not from your OWN source and therefore, are not yours. This is unfortunate since your organic thoughts are clear. They are more of a knowing. They are your roadmap, your internal compass that provides you the peace you are longing for.
In today’s climate it is all but impossible to have an original idea or an original thought that has not been tainted by outside influences. Meditation gives you the experience of hearing your soul speak. Don’t waste any more time and energy living the lives of other peoples imaginations. Instead, practice being free to choose to live the life that is specifically and uniquely meant for you. This freedom to live life on your own terms is not only necessary for you, but it is your responsibility to the world.
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Dana Parker is a passionate transformational speaker and trainer -- facilitating in the personal development world for over a decade. Dana understands that real success comes from a multi-faceted approach towards the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual areas of life. Dana’s also striving to change the speed in which we address Mental Wellness on a global scale, bringing a knowledge of mindfulness, mental and emotional strength training and other critical components to those struggling. She brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique approach that is "Distinctly Dana,” making her an incredible coach and leader supporting others in their next steps towards experiencing joy!