On September 11, 2001, a blind man escaped the World Trade Center by walking down 78 flights of stairs with his guide dog. Days later, America fell in love with Mike and Roselle and the special bond that helped them both survive one of the country’s darkest days.
Immediately after the 9-11 tragedy, Michael was featured on the Larry King show five times. To quote Larry King…
“Michael Hingson is an international hero honored and awarded by top organizations worldwide.” This media exposure changed the course of Michael’s life and launched him into a speaking career that has spanned over nineteen years. He now travels the world as a keynote and inspirational speaker that can motivate audiences to action."
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President, The Michael Hingson Group, Inc.
Michael Hingson Bio, June 29, 2024.pdf
Michael Hingson, blind since birth, was born in Chicago to sighted parents who believed in raising their
son with a can-do attitude. Treated like all other children in his family, Michael rode a bike did advanced
math in his head and learn to read and write – Braille that is! Michael’s family relocated to the warm
Palmdale area of California when he was five years old. It is here that Hingson had his first adventure
with Guide Dogs for the Blind and received his first guide dog. He later went to college receiving a
bachelor’s and master’s degree in Physics along with a secondary teaching credential from the
University of California at Irvine.
Michael then enjoyed a nearly-30-year career working for high tech companies spending most of his
time in management roles.
Michael Hingson’s life changed dramatically on September 11, 2001 when he and his guide dog, Roselle,
escaped from the 78th floor of Tower One in the World Trade Center moments before it collapsed. Soon
after, Michael and Roselle were thrust into the international limelight where Michael began to share his
unique survival story and 9-11 lessons of trust, courage, heroism, and teamwork.
Mike has served as The National Public Affairs Director for one of the largest Nonprofit organizations in
the nation: Guide Dogs for the Blind; He serves as the vice president of the National Association of Guide
Dog Users; Michael holds seats on other agency boards including the Fort Worth Lighthouse for the
Blind, the Earl…
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