I have been harping about the state of the industry these last few weeks, labor shortage, wages, tangible and intangible benefits, everything. I still keep reading articles, seeing memes and so forth about staff not wanting to show up. This is a special flashback to a live event I did 3 days before the pandemic, we had no idea it was going to happen but the stories, advice and knowledge from Peter Zambri (Zambris), Solomon Siegel (Pagliacci's) and Brant Porter (Bartholomew's) is still relevant and shows that we were already dealing with a broken industry and many of us did not do the necessary work to fix it during the pandemic.
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Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and imbibed hospitality for decades. Now, he delves into the advice, opinions, and provocative stories that are helping to define the creative, culturally-necessary space of ‘modern hospitality’—covering topics from front-of-house service, to back-end business operations, and every inch between.
“Tales of the Cocktail” - Top 10 Best Broadcast or Podcast (2020).
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