I chat to partner and graphic designer, Colin Parks from Human Construct Design + Branding about the importance of brand, logo and collateral to the long term success of your business along with geeking out about fonts, favourite eras of design and how we combine 20 years of graphic designing with hospitality experience.
Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and imbibed hospitality for decades. Now, he delves into the advice, opinions, and provocative stories that are helping to define the creative, culturally-necessary space of ‘modern hospitality’—covering topics from front-of-house service, to back-end business operations, and every inch between.
“Tales of the Cocktail” - Top 10 Best Broadcast or Podcast (2020).
New episodes posted every Tuesday and Friday.
Brought to you by www.soolehospitality.com
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