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Is cholesterol bad?
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Well, the quick answer is no.
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Now you may be thinking but wait, jared, my doctor says I have too much cholesterol and I need to get it lower and I need to go on this medication.
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So if it's not bad, then why are we doing this?
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The more complete answer is it depends.
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If you wanna get the full scoop, stick around.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard.
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You just need the way.
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That's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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If you're constantly dealing with high cholesterol numbers and you feel like, no matter what you do?
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You can't seem to get those numbers down.
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You're taking this medication and that medication and watching your numbers vigilantly.
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If you're having to do all that to try to reach the ideal numbers, then how in the world is it that cholesterol isn't actually bad?
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The truth is, your body needs cholesterol.
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The problem comes in the fact that it makes what it needs.
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So today Jared's going to explain more about this, because many of you have been asking us questions about the nutritional content in food and specific questions about things like protein and cholesterol.
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So today we want to talk about this thing that's been built up to be the big bad guy that it really isn't.
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But when you're struggling with something like this and you can't get the numbers down and you've been taught just look at the numbers the truth is, it's hard not to feel like cholesterol is the bad guy.
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And it's also hard not to get confused about the whole topic of cholesterol because really it's been demonized for so long.
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I've been a PA now 22 years, at the point of recording this podcast and going through school.
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It's high.
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Cholesterol is a modern day plague, along with diabetes and high blood pressure, and the term for all three is called dysmetabolic syndrome, and the reason I call it that is because these things tend to happen all together.
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Why is that?
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We know now why that is but they weren't really sharing this as much in school whenever I was going through the PA program I went through.
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It was a great program.
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I mean, it was nothing about where I went to school.
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They did a fantastic job.
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But, like most providers, they only know what they're being taught, and many times this message isn't being taught in the medical training programs, med school NP training programs, pa training programs.
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Nursing programs for registered nurses, associate degree nurses, bachelor's degree nurses.
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You're not getting this information in the standard schooling today.
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Thankfully, some of it is starting to change, but it's really slow at this point.
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We're hoping that it continues and we've got to keep getting out there and spreading this word, crushing the lies and replacing them with truth.
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This is the only way you're going to be set free from the things that are constantly keeping you stuck in your health struggles.
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So it's really no wonder that you're confused if your health care provider may not have the full story.
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So what I wanted to do is really go a little more in depth but not too much, don't worry, but just go a little more in the explanation of what exactly is cholesterol, how do we get it, what are the benefits of it, why it can cause health problems.
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I've had this discussion so many times with my patients.
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I thought, hey, let's do an episode about it.
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So with cholesterol, it is not a bad thing.
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Your body needs it.
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Our bodies actually make, for an average adult human, about one gram of it a day between the liver and the intestines, and the average adult human body has 35 grams of it throughout our entire body, in the brain, in every cell in our body.
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It's actually even the base molecule for many of our hormones, like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, vitamin D.
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It's hard to believe that, though, when you hear it talked about like it's some big boogeyman out there.
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But every single cell you're saying has cholesterol.
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Yes, and it needs it.
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It absolutely needs it, but it is talked about like it's a toxin.
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But then we hear people on things like YouTube and TikTok and some of these even have MD credentials where they're saying no cholesterol is good for you.
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You want to eat a carnivore diet?
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You know?
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This is what's going to help make you healthier, which we know based upon the research.
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That is not true.
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No, way.
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But it's confusing when you hear these different messages.
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So, with cholesterol, we've explained that, yes, every cell in your body has it, needs it.
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So, with the typical of what I'm calling the cycle of cholesterol in your body, if you're eating a traditional diet, a standard American diet, where you're eating things like meat, eggs, dairy, how are you getting that cholesterol?
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Well, you're eating it, so it then goes through your digestive tract.
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So these are some of the main sources of cholesterol eggs, meat, dairy is what you're saying.
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In our food supply.
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Right, but we want you to also keep in mind that whole plant foods do not contain any cholesterol Zero, none.
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Cholesterol is found only in animal-based foods.
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It is not found in plants at all.
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So when you eat these animal-based foods, then you consume it in your diet.
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It travels through your digestive tract.
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There are receptors in your intestines that will see that cholesterol, bind to it and pull it into your bloodstream and then it absorbs it.
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And when you're eating a diet low in fiber and I'll explain why in just a moment, why this matters, but when you're eating a diet low in fiber you get this recirculation, this recycling of the cholesterol between the body and the digestive tract.
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Now, normally, with digestion, our body makes bile.
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This is created in the liver, is stored in the gallbladder and it helps to break down fat molecules into smaller particles that we can absorb from the inside of our digestive tract.
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Well, it turns out, bile is made from cholesterol.
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Yet another important function of cholesterol when you eat a diet high in fiber, fiber will bind to some of that cholesterol and then guess what?
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It holds on to it and then it just moves right through your system.
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So animal-based diets, low in fiber, high in cholesterol.
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Because animal feeds have no fiber in them but a lot of cholesterol, and it's the exact opposite of plant feeds, which have no cholesterol and high fiber.
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Exactly so.
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You're eating those four eggs for breakfast every morning and you're eating that hamburger for lunch, and then you're eating that chicken breast with cheese and whatever else sour cream For dinner.
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You're getting high levels of cholesterol.
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You have very low levels of fiber, so then your body's absorbing it.
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From your little side veggie, right, your little token side veggie.
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You might get a little fiber from that.
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You might get a skosh shall we say, just a skosh of it, but you're eating high levels of cholesterol.
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You're absorbing them.
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Then, because of the bile, it gets dumped back into the digestive tract but there's nothing there to really hold on to it to help eliminate it.
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With a plant-based diet, no cholesterol, high in fiber, so when you eat this you get no cholesterol from it.
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So there's nothing there to absorb from those cholesterol receptors in the lining of your small intestines.
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Whenever you have bile that you release, many plants are lower in fats, so you're probably not going to need as much of that bile.
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So when it gets bound to the fiber it then gets eliminated.
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So you have almost, I would say, this natural ongoing flushing action where, instead of stacking the balance, of increasing the amount that's in your body, you actually have it where you're decreasing the amount in your body.
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Right, flushing it out.
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I love the idea of flushing it out.
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That's great.
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I can really see that happening with the whole plant foods.
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And science shows that time and time again, that a whole food, plant-based diet lowers cholesterol, and this is part of the reason why.
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But, Jared, I thought cholesterol was important.
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Well, it is.
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It turns out your body makes all that it needs and it has regulatory mechanisms so that it controls that.
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So as the cholesterol levels go up, body says, OK, we don't need to make quite as much now, so we'll decrease it.
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If the levels start dropping, then it ramps it up.
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Now if you're getting a high dietary source in the form of the animal products, then you're bypassing that regulatory mechanism.
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Now you might think, okay, my body's going to make less to compensate for what I'm getting and that may be true to a degree getting a high amount, just again, meal after meal, the four eggs, the steak then it's not going to be able to decrease enough to compensate that.
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Now I've gone over the source of the cholesterol matters.
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You can either get it from your food, which only animal products have it plants do not or your body can make it.
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I would submit that the body making it is far superior than getting it from your food source and your body makes plenty of it right To be healthy.
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Your body makes all that it needs.
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Exactly All that it needs, so we don't really ever have to be worried about not having enough.
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I don't think any of us are really worried about having enough.
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I think most people today are not worried about that, but it may be a concern.
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When we start thinking about things like that, we get these irrational fears.
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Well, that's what I was thinking.
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That's what I was thinking and just trying to assure you that our body will have all that it needs.
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Probably nobody has ever thought I won't have enough cholesterol, but if we're now focusing on things that can actually help lower my cholesterol, will it make it go too low?
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I personally have never seen that happen.
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And the body's wonderfully made, so I don't think that that is going to be an issue.
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Now the next consideration is what is the form of that cholesterol?
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So when you get it from food, it's not just oh hey, I'm getting some extra cholesterol.
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No, you're getting oxidized cholesterol, because most people, when they eat animal products, are cooking it at a high temperature, with flame or in an oven or fried in oil.
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So some form of high heat processing is going to oxidize that cholesterol.
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Plus, they come with oxidized saturated fats which then cause damage in the blood vessels and we've talked about this some on the podcast.
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But the oil and the cholesterol create inflammation in the blood vessels, which creates damage, which then allows for that oxidized cholesterol to stick and then creates the clogged arteries.
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The cholesterol that our bodies make aren't oxidized.
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They don't just automatically come with a lot of refined oils.
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So when you eat a plant rich diet, what happens?
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Inflammation goes away, the lining of our vessels heal, so then they don't get clogged.
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So now you actually have a healthy cholesterol level and a healthy state within the body with the cholesterol that your body needs.
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So it's completely different, even though it's still cholesterol, and hopefully that makes sense.
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It makes perfect sense, because the problem is in our society, we hear one word for one thing and it's not the same thing.
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We're here to tell you a cholesterol isn't just a cholesterol.
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In other words, what I mean by that is all cholesterols are not created equal and therefore they do not equally affect your body.
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A great example would be water.
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Water, really, I would say, is neither good nor bad.
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It's water.
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Now, when you're extremely thirsty, a glass of water, that is what you need.
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Whenever let's say, god forbid, something's on fire that you don't want on fire.
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Okay, let's say campfire, that's something good that's on fire.
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You want to put it out.
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You put water on it, but could somebody potentially drown in water?
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Yes, they could.
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So there's two sides of it, depending on the situation.
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But here you've got water that's different type of water.
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So what I want you to see here is not all cholesterol is created equal.
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The kind that you eat is different.
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That you're getting from the animal products is different than the kind that your body is making.
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Yes, it's cholesterol, but it's not created equal.
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It's the same thing that not all types of fats are equal.
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So a plant fat eating a plant fat versus the fats that you get in animal products have different effects on your body.
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Another example are carbohydrates.
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We talk about this all the time.
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The refined carbohydrates aren't good for you, but when you get the carbohydrates found in plants in their whole form with the fiber, those are fantastic for you.
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But what happens in our society is something gets demonized.
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So if you're like I was years ago and I'm walking down the aisles of a local health food store and I hear the guy that works there telling someone who's trying to get healthy, whatever you do, don't eat a banana.
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Carbs are bad, man.
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They're bad.
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Not this type of carbs.
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This is a whole food carb.
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But the guy had believed.
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One of the common lies and myths that keep people stuck is that carbs are bad for you.
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Oh, carbs are the devil.
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Carbs are bad for you.
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Your body needs carbs.
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It absolutely requires carbs, in the same way that your body absolutely requires cholesterol, but it does not do well with all the cholesterol it's getting from the animal products and it also does not do well with all the carbs that you're getting that are refined.
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So I want you to understand that the way things are defined sometimes in our society can be very detrimental to you, because you've taken something by the name that they've given it and there are different forms of that thing.
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Some are good for you, some are not good for you, and they're all lumped into one category and now you have a very wrong view about what it takes to become healthy.
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That's why, inside the course, inside Power Implants Accelerator, we're going to be breaking down so many of these myths for you, because otherwise you are going to stay stuck in the lies that the enemy has planted to keep you stuck.
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And it's hard to thrive if you're, essentially, with regard to this topic, walking in darkness.
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Exactly, absolutely the lies have blinded us, and when you know the truth and you can walk in that truth, it opens up so much for you.
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It's freedom, it's food freedom, absolutely.
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You just get free when you know the truth.
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The truth really does set you free.
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But it really is no wonder that people are confused about this topic, because you will hear things like there are studies done that eggs didn't raise your cholesterol, which is one of the topics that Ian and I were discussing.
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That made me really think about today's topic.
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Yes, there are studies out there that will say, hey, when people added three eggs to their morning regimen, that it didn't really affect their cholesterol level.
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That can be true, but context means everything, because what happens is they have people that are already on the standard American diet, where they're eating a ton of animal products getting a high level of cholesterol already.
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So then, if you're adding a little extra, does it make a big difference?
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No, well, not typically.
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Either there's a little bit of a difference or sometimes there can be no difference.
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But, jared, why is that?
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Well, I'm glad you asked, because our body only has a certain capacity to absorb things.
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So in the case of cholesterol, yes, there is a certain limit, a cutoff, because you have receptors in your gut lining and they can only take in so much.
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Well, once you exceed that, then your body's not going to absorb anymore.
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So if you're already eating a lot of animal products and you already have high cholesterol that one meal of three eggs, even though it's a lot of animal products, and you already have high cholesterol that one meal of three eggs, even though it's a lot of cholesterol the damage is already done and your body's already filled with cholesterol from all the previous meals you've just eaten.
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So therefore it's not going to have that much of an effect.
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When they're looking at the numbers in the one research study where people who already eat this way are now getting the eggs, and so then they take that study and they tell you oh see, you can eat three or four eggs and it's really not going to affect your cholesterol that much.
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But what if you take a vegan and you do that same study?
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Now you've got real results because you can see what actually happens.
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Because you're taking a vegan, you're taking somebody who's not eating animal products, and now they're eating animal products.
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You see what actually is happening to the body of the non-vegan as well.
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And I would even see whole food plant-based, because within veganism, you can have overly processed foods, which can include pressed out oils like palm oil and coconut oil, which are high in saturated fats, which are also shown to increase cholesterol levels within the body.
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But if you take someone that is following the power on plants way the whole food plant-based then, yes, there is a very visible effect in what those foods will do to your cholesterol level.
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So, again, context matters.
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So we want you to be aware of how these things are done, so that way you aren't potentially deceived.
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Right, because things can be spun in a lot of different ways to seem true.
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That's why you get so confused and overwhelmed when you try to get healthy.
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You're looking at the research and you've got one study that says oh, eating three or four eggs really doesn't affect your cholesterol that much.
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Well, now you can understand why some of these studies can reveal things like that, and they're quote telling the truth.
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But it's not a truth.
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They've actually been spun in a way to make you think that it's okay to eat eggs because they're not going to raise your cholesterol, when they actually can be damaging to the lining of your blood vessels and your health.
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That's what we see in the reliable research.
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And they're not lying, but it is still deceptive because they're trying to spin a story to make it seem like this isn't that bad for you, but they're leaving out some details of the context that would make you see that the results are actually different than what they're trying to portray.
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And if you have a lot of these questions about what is true in the research and where you've been lied to and what is actually real when it comes to nutrients like this, you are going to absolutely love the course, because we're going to be walking you through a lot of these lies that have kept you stuck, and then we'll be there for you inside the Accelerator community answering your questions.
00:18:57.327 --> 00:19:08.005
We're going to have a live Q&As every single week, some in the morning, some in the evening, so you'll be able to get your questions answered weekly and then on a daily basis as well.
00:19:08.005 --> 00:19:14.913
We'll be showing up to answer these things, and what you may not know is that Jared is a research geek.
00:19:14.913 --> 00:19:17.941
Should I say geek or nerd, which is nicer, maybe?
00:19:18.020 --> 00:19:22.271
one of them bothers you, I know you that don't bother me, but just researcher I guess.
00:19:22.460 --> 00:19:22.721
00:19:22.721 --> 00:19:26.630
So my sidekick researcher loves this stuff.
00:19:26.630 --> 00:19:33.672
So if you want to bring those questions, you're bringing them to the right place inside Accelerator because he is going to be there to answer these things.
00:19:33.672 --> 00:19:40.483
He loves it and he loves looking at it and digging into it and he can look at a research study and tell is it reliable?
00:19:40.483 --> 00:19:41.246
How can he do that?
00:19:41.246 --> 00:19:50.941
Because he's not only a physician assistant, he also has a degree in cellular and molecular biology and has worked in research at the Medical University of South Carolina.
00:19:50.941 --> 00:19:54.008
So he loves digging into this stuff.
00:19:54.147 --> 00:19:55.592
I've dabbled for a few years.
00:19:55.612 --> 00:19:58.367
I've dabbled for a few years, you've dabbled for life.
00:19:58.730 --> 00:20:00.678
Well, I, mean as far as in the research field.
00:20:00.678 --> 00:20:03.224
Before then I went in to get in my PA degree.
00:20:03.585 --> 00:20:10.830
Yeah, but he actually worked in research and now still just loves geeking out on the research journals and things like that.
00:20:10.830 --> 00:20:11.862
It lights them up.
00:20:12.103 --> 00:20:12.805
It lights me up.
00:20:12.805 --> 00:20:14.550
I just love learning that information.
00:20:14.550 --> 00:20:19.311
So in the spirit of all of that, I did want to make one more little plug for plant-based.
00:20:19.311 --> 00:20:29.221
So we know, and we've talked about, certain foods that help to lower cholesterol, but with just a plant-based diet, there are a number of foods that have something in them called phytosterols.
00:20:29.221 --> 00:20:38.887
These are molecules that mimic the shape of cholesterol enough so that they will bind to those receptors in the lining of your intestines.
00:20:38.887 --> 00:20:48.492
But they basically plug up the lock so they bind to it and prevent regular cholesterol from binding and prevents them from being absorbed.
00:20:48.492 --> 00:21:02.740
So not only do you have cholesterol being bound to fiber permanently and carried out, you also have other molecules within plants that are blocking that channel, that gateway for anything that might make its way there to be absorbed.
00:21:02.740 --> 00:21:09.020
So you're kind of blocking the door and then you've got the arm guard grabbing it and escorting it out.
00:21:09.300 --> 00:21:11.864
Exactly, great minds think alike.
00:21:11.864 --> 00:21:17.127
I think we've used this term before, but I think we have unagi, where we both are on the same page.
00:21:17.127 --> 00:21:18.630
We know what each other's thinking.
00:21:19.170 --> 00:21:21.813
I would say that happens after how many years of marriage?
00:21:21.813 --> 00:21:22.792
I'm testing them.
00:21:23.134 --> 00:21:24.535
Ooh, you're testing me.