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Beef it's what's for dinner.
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Since 1992, we have heard this slogan over and over again on commercials.
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You've seen it in print and magazine.
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You may have even seen it on billboards.
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I don't know when we live.
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We don't travel too far on the interstate so we don't see too many billboards anymore but I would imagine at some point in time they've been on billboards as well.
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Now, interestingly, they don't make any health claims, but they specify with absolute certainty beef it's what's for dinner?
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Not on our table.
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Not in our household or on our table, and hasn't been for quite some time now, but it gives you this sense of oh well, it must be very healthy.
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And you see lots and lots of videos on YouTube lots and lots of people promoting it that this is a fantastic source for protein and other nutrients.
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So you need meat, you need beef At least that's their message.
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But is there any truth to that?
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Let's talk about it.
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Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast.
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Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better?
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Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health?
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Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?
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Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food.
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We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route.
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So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living.
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The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard.
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You just need the way.
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That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived.
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If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place.
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So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.
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Well, hey, there, sunshine, you're back, and we're so happy to be back again with you hanging out for another episode of Power on Plants podcast and if you're new here, we are thrilled to have you joining us so that you can learn how to naturally break free from the health struggles that have been holding you back for far too long.
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In case you're just meeting us, jared is a physician assistant certified in lifestyle medicine, and I'm a nurse and certified integrative nutrition health coach, and our passion is helping you to finally feel great, but naturally because we just got tired of helping our patients manage their diseases and then we hit a wall with our own health, which got us to the point where we had to get answers.
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We had to get into the research and dig and pray and start trying to figure out what in the world is going on here, why do we not feel good and why are we not finding answers to traditional route?
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As you know if you've been around here any length of time, we're not against medicine or the medical community, because we are a part of the medical community, but we are for healing in the way that is natural and actually tastes good, so that it lasts for life.
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This is what lights up our hearts.
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It's our God-given mission to see you be able to fully live the calling that he's placed here for you to live out.
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And you can't do that when you're exhausted and you don't feel good and you're having to struggle through the day.
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It takes all your focus, all your energy and you find yourself feeling so frustrated and overwhelmed because you've tried all these different things.
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One of our clients even said to me one time.
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She said, anita, I've done so many things.
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I swear I ought to have a nutrition degree by now.
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She said, I've looked into so many different ways to eat and so many things to do and all that information is so confusing.
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And so, over time, jared and I developed our five-step framework.
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That works time and time again and that's what we lead you through inside our course accelerator.
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I'm telling you it is so life-changing.
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This January, the 12th, will be the first time we've ever opened the doors to this course as an official course, but we've been working with members for years inside our membership, helping them to get results.
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And this framework has worked time and again and we cannot wait to walk you through it step by step, but first you have to understand a lot of these things that we're teaching you on the podcast will help you to break free and start getting results even before you start working with us on the inside of the program, and one of those things is breaking free from the myths that are so prevalent in our society that our enemy is behind.
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You know, we have a common enemy and he wants to keep us stuck, unable to fulfill our calling, and so he fights us in every way possible, and one of the sneaky, clever ways he does that is through marketing, and one of the things that he markets and pushes on us is meat.
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Now, if you didn't hear the last episode, you need to go back and listen to that, because on that one we talked about dairy and it's very eye-opening.
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You're not going to want to miss that.
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But in this one we're talking about beef.
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It's what's for dinner, or is it really?
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Not in this household, it's not.
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You mentioned a moment ago about medications.
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We are not against medication and medicine in general, but what I find is that we go to medicine first and then, if that doesn't give us answers or results, then we might consider natural means, food, exercise, all the pillars of lifestyle medicine.
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What we say is let's get those things straight first.
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Let's get rid of the risky substances.
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Let's look at our diet first.
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Let's get the good foods in there.
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Let's start addressing those things.
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Yes, then use medications when needed.
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I feel like we've got the whole process backwards.
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So there's a time and a place for medication, but it's so overused and with that comes potentially side effects and expense and doctor's visits.
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And procedures and a lifestyle where you have to depend on all of those things that keep you stuck, because it's not just about the medications and the side effects.
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You got to look at.
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How is that affecting your life when you're dependent on all those things?
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How do they make you feel so?
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You're taking medications, you've got side effects, you're dealing with those side effects.
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You need more medications.
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Then you've got all the time like what could you do if your time was freed up and you weren't having to plan the doctor's visits and sit in the office and then go to get the medications, and then the time it takes to plan how many you need to take per day, and then the procedures that you have to have done, and then the cost for that and how much you have to work to pay for that procedure.
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It is just like you could keep going on and on with this.
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We have no idea how much health really plays a part in what we're able to do in this world.
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We think about short term.
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Yeah, I just don't feel good today and I've just got to get through this day and maybe I'll be better tomorrow, and you stack that day after day after miserable day, and that ends up making up your life, and we just don't want anybody to ever have to live that way, because we live that way for far too long and you know, sometimes when you're in that cycle you don't even realize what you're dealing with.
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I was just thinking the very same thing.
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You're in survival mode, but you don't realize you're in survival mode.
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It's just you're looking one day at a time and I'm not saying that's always a bad thing as far as taking it one day at a time, but if you don't see the greater picture of what does my life look like?
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Am I happy?
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Am I healthy?
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Am I free to go and do the things I want to do, or am I held back by my body in the health situation where I am right now?
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Yeah, I think when I hit my worst with my health when I was right at 40, it was just awful how everything kind of came crashing down, and so we started looking into and praying about what do we do about this.
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There's got to be some answer here, because we weren't finding it the traditional way.
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But I think about you because I don't think you realized how badly your help was already being affected.
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And then all of a sudden we started implementing these things together and you started getting all these amazing improvements and feeling better and having more energy and going hey, you woke up one day and you're moving your arm around.
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It was so funny and I remember you going my arms don't ache.
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It's almost like you my shoulder, the ache and pain, isn't there anymore.
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When did that happen?
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Right, but I don't even think you really realized it was there, or you just kind of learned to deal with those aches and pains because you think, oh well, you're just getting older.
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Oh, that's just what happened.
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They were there.
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They weren't debilitating, they didn't bother me every time I moved my arm.
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But certain ways that I moved my arm I had impingement on both sides and if I moved it a certain way it would flare it up for a day or two and it was noticeable I was altering the way that I was using my arm to prevent from flaring that.
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And the thing that blows my mind is we thought we were eating healthy.
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I mean, when we hit rock bottom when.
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I hit rock bottom with my health.
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It was like we thought we were eating healthy because I wasn't buying the hormone added dairy.
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I was being very intentional to avoid the added hormones in dairy.
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Again, you got to get back and listen to the other episode on dairy that we just did right before this one, if you have not heard it yet, because it will blow your mind some of the things we talk about in there.
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But just doing these things and just not knowing, like okay, so it's filled with hormones, because it's a secretion that comes from a mom's mammary milk gland.
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It by nature is filled with hormones but we're not adding extra hormones to it.
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Okay, well, that's great and all, but we're still getting all these extra hormones.
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Anyway, I'm not going to go off on dairy, just go listen.
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You got to listen to the last one, but you can finish listening to this one.
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Listen to this one, then go back and listen to the other one.
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Well, it's just so amazing because we grew up with all these marketing messages that we didn't even realize were going on in the background.
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And still today it's happening, it's rampant and we think beef it's what's for dinner.
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Because they tell us it's what's for dinner.
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Who are they?
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Well, they have a vested interest in telling you that.
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But you've got to realize it's not just them that's telling you, it's what's behind it that's trying to get you to think that this is really the healthiest way to eat.
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So at that time we weren't just eating dairy when we were feeling our worst.
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We were also being very conscientious and very careful to our worst.
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We were also being very conscientious and very careful to only buy free range beef and we would buy it from farmers, local farmers, and buy sides of it and put it in the freezer and we were buying the best meat that we could get.
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I mean, we were very intentional about it and still hit that wall with our health.
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But it just breaks my heart because I look back and I think we were doing what we were told would make us healthy and yet we landed at this place where we couldn't even live our lives.
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We were getting ready at that time to go pick up our daughter from China.
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She was two years old and I remember crying and asking our friends who were in the choir with me pray over me, because my arms are so sore and they hurt so badly and I don't have energy.
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And we're about to go to China to pick up our daughter and bring her home and I don't even know if I'm going to be able to lift her and hold her in her mom's arms.
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That just broke my heart, and the frustrating part is no one's telling you what to do.
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You're going to the people who are supposed to know and you're not getting the answers, and so that's why I'm so glad you're here to learn the truths about these foods that are sabotaging your health, and you didn't even know.
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And if somebody would have just told you, you would have been willing to do it, but they just weren't telling you.
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Sometimes they don't know.
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I mean there's a whole host of reasons why you're not hearing it, but you're here today and you get to hear about meat and we're going to expose some of these lies and things that we didn't understand about this, just by nature, what it's doing to our bodies.
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Yes, I'm going to shed some light on the subject here Now I want to give a little bit of a nerd alert here.
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Is that what you said a few episodes ago?
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Was it nerd geek?
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I don't remember.
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Probably, maybe we should say Professor.
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Jared's going to come to the mic.
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Oh, I like that Professor Jared's coming to the mic.
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Professor Jared, Because you like to nerd out that's kind of how people see it where you like to geek out on getting into the research and looking at why is this made this way?
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And that You've just always been that way.
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I love that.
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I enjoy it, but I think it's also important.
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So I'm going to do that today.
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We're going to get into a little bit of material here, but I promise it'll be understandable and you'll understand why I'm First, cholesterol it is filled with cholesterol.
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When you look at beef, when you look at muscle cells, 20 to 30 percent of the cell membrane is composed of cholesterol, and this is important because sometimes people think I'll just trim the fat off of it.
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That's where all the bad stuff is.
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It's just protein and meat.
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And while, yes, there is protein and meat, cholesterol is an inherent part of the cell.
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It's part of what helps to keep the cell membrane movable and pliable and to do all the things that it needs to do.
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We look at cholesterol and we've talked about this recently where cholesterol in your body is not a bad thing.
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Our body makes all that it needs.
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Any that we get from outside sources can either be too much or, because of cooking methods, it's oxidized.
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It's in a form that doesn't do our body good.
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And so just by eating meat, by nature you're eating muscle cells, so there's no trimming that off, correct?
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And that's the big point that I want to highlight here.
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We talked about cholesterol Meat.
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Every form of meat, whether it's beef, lamb, chicken, fish, is going to have cholesterol in it.
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Right, because we think somehow they've gotten us to believe.
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Oh well, yeah, beef's unhealthy, but chicken, chicken is so much healthier.
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It's no different when it comes to fat and cholesterol content.
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Now, the next aspect of this that I have alluded to in other episodes is arachidonic acid.
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What is that?
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You may say?
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Good question.
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It's an omega-6 fatty acid that is found in our bodies.
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We have it, we need it.
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It is also a very necessary component of cell membrane.
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It also helps to keep the membrane very fluid.
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It helps with different processes within the cell, like different channels for things to enter in or out of the cell.
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So we must have it.
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But the body's very careful at keeping arachidonic acid in low quantities within the cell, so it's primarily in the membrane of the cell.
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When cells get injured you get cut, you get hit, whatever the case may be, you get a splinter.
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Well, what's going to happen?
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There's going to be disruption of the cells.
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Arachidonic acid gets released.
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What we know is that when arachidonic acid is free and free in the blood, that it is part of the inflammatory response in our body it gets converted into prostaglandins by an enzyme called cyclooxygenase.
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Well, guess what?
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There are medications ibuprofen, aleve, aspirin you may have heard of these.
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They inhibit the enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.
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This is one of the ways it helps to prevent pain and inflammation.
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This is not a bad process.
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This is the way the Lord designed our bodies, but it was meant to be for a short time.
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There's an injury, there's an inflammatory response.
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It heals, inflammatory response, goes away.
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Now what happens if you're eating meat which 40% of the cell membrane in beef is arachidonic acid?
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So it's a pretty high percentage there.
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So what's going to happen when you keep eating that day after day after day?
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Now some may say, well, hey, the arachidonic acid is good because your own body would use it, and that's true.
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But we've got another way, a better way for that.
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So hold on with me here.
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But if we're getting a lot of that on a daily basis, what's going to happen?
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Constant inflammation.
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It creates this base, ongoing, never-ending inflammatory state within the body.
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We have the cyclooxygenase that creates prostaglandins.
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That's why women during that time of the month have a lot of cramping in their uterus because prostaglandins cause the muscles to contract.
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That's beneficial and that process is used during childbirth, but that's not beneficial just for ongoing everyday life.
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So many women, when they cut out meat, they find they don't have that same issue.
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The PMS symptoms go away.
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Correct or get significantly better to where it's not an issue.
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Also, too, there are enzymes.
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There's one called lipoxygenase that converts arachidonic acid into a molecule called leukotrienes.
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This is a chemoattractant.
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Think of this molecule as a shofar calling the troops of Israel into battle.
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So leukotrienes call your white blood cells into the area and says hey, we have injury over here, we need your help.
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Come help us.
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There's a medication called Singulair that prevents formation of leukotrienes and that's used for people that have seasonal allergies and asthma Interesting.
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So guess what happens whenever you start to cut out meat and dairy and these types of products?
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For many people, their asthma gets better and their allergies improve, get better.
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Right, exactly.
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But we're talking about one thing here.
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We're talking about removing the meat, right?
00:17:02.443 --> 00:17:06.086
So if we remove the meat from our diet, that's just one thing.
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But what if we then had plants on top of that and then you get all these benefits?
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I know we're not even probably going there today, but you've got to think.
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This isn't just about what you're removing.
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I want you to start thinking about what you're going to be gaining.
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Again, I'm going into great detail in this, inside the course that's coming up.
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If you want to find out more about it, go to poweronplantscom accelerator, because the doors for this first course are closing on the 12th of January and we are offering $2,000 off.
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We're never going to be doing this again, so if you want to get in at the best rate possible, this is the time you want to do this, because we're going into not only how do you get these things out and what are the things that need to be out and why, like what Jared's talking about but what do I get back into their place and how do I make it taste just as good as the steak I used to love and the hamburger I?
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used to love, or better, or even better.
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I mean that's why we're never tempted, because we always sit there and go.
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This tastes better than what we used to eat.
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It's so much better, it really is better.
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And I tell my patients that all the time, that I never say I will never eat meat again, that I never say I will never eat meat again.
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I say on a daily basis I choose not to because there's no desire for it, and I love what I eat more than what I used to eat.
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So why would I switch Right?
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It doesn't even make sense and if you have the framework that sets you up for that kind of life like we do, and we live it day after day.
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We've been doing this for years and years.
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Our children, since they were very tiny, have been doing this.
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I mean, it's so easy.
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They can make their own meals.
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They've been doing this ever since they were young.
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I mean really young.
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That's how easy our recipes are.
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But you can't do it.
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If you're trying to figure out how to make two and three hour recipes work For you, you're going to think this is never going to work.
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It's too hard and you're setting yourself up for failure.
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You've got to learn the way.
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That's super simple, super quick and the food just lights you up.
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And then you're not dreaming about the steak or dreaming of cheat days or doing all those things that will set you up for failure and thinking that you gotta have meat because you just miss it so badly.
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No, we still eat fish tacos.
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We love fish tacos.
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We still eat burgers.
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We just eat them in a way that loves our body back and we still love the way they taste just as much or even more.
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I know it is hard to understand and actually believe that this is true because it sounds too good to be true, but it really is true.
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And then we see client after client coming off medications for diabetes and high blood pressure and cholesterol and all these crazy things they've been told they'll have for life, just by learning how to not do things like eat meat, that we're setting them up and they didn't even realize it.
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Or the dairy getting rid of dairy.
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We just don't know.
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We can't wrap our mind around how to do it when you've got somebody who's been there and who has done that and can show you.
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Now you know.