Jan. 15, 2023

The Suffering. with Glen Woods

The Suffering. with Glen Woods

Another fellow NFB class of 2010 and 21st company leader. Glen walked on, found a vision to become a Navy Seal, mentored by David Goggins to train for the next level - then had to shift strategies. Huge health related journey - Staring with alopecia, di

Another fellow NFB class of 2010 and 21st company leader. Glen walked on, found a vision to become a Navy Seal, mentored by David Goggins to train for the next level - then had to shift strategies. Huge health related journey - Staring with alopecia, dislocated shoulders, to possible meningitis, Bell's Palsy, then Guillain-Barre, and finally IGG4 with symptoms of Issac's syndrome. Wait... scratch that, we still don't know what you have dude! Walking again one month later, the doctors didn't expect a recovery like this. Thankful for everyday!...and grateful for his support system to keep him motivated and winning. In the finance sector today. Reach out to Glen Woods if you need some advice with financial planning.