Enlighten yourself to forbidden knowledge
Oct. 11, 2024

Chapter 2: The Werehorse Vigilante

Chapter 2: The Werehorse Vigilante

Follow Riz, a vigilante from Cebu as he balances his life as a vigilante and someone looking out for his family. Fei continues her journey in the city as she prepares for what's to come.

Produced by MQ Media.

Second episode of Project Gnosis, this will be an introduction to a fusion or blending of a lot of diverse myths and legends struggling to coexist with each other in the face of a insidious forces that seeks to transform the world into their image. It is an urban fantasy infused with cyberpunk elements like Shadowrun but less emphasis on technology and more about tackling the themes that embody numerous cultures, folklore, and creatures. Follow an unlikely group as they investigate crimes and conspiracies of the supernatural in a new dark reality.

Many thanks for the people on the team involved.

Cover art by Kyuho Shim and Rebecca Bates

Audio and music by Peter Havran

Voice acting by:

Cassandra Boh - Fei

Nikko Abanilla - Riz

Enzo - Tito Ricar, Alfonso Ramos, Tiktik Thug

Jerron Bacat - Boyfriend, Aswang Thug

Reign C. - News Reporter, Girlfriend, Little Girl, Reyna

Kevin Urban / KurbzVO - Finn MacCool

Khadijah Al-Harthi - Yazmin Al-Hazra

Matthew Curran - Jim