Continuing from Chapter 3, the story intensifies as Fei and her allies confront a relentless bounty huntress in a gripping battle brought to life through the audio drama medium. Discover the twists and turns in this thrilling...
Continuing from Chapter 2, Fei recalls better days in her past. Riz is preparing for future encounters through training right before they infiltrate the British embassy for clues on a greater conspiracy. Find out more in Halc...
Continuing from Season 2: Chapter 1, we follow Fei, Riz, and Finn in a new area on a different side of the world, as they arrive at a stop in one of their outposts in Lagos, Nigeria to officiate Riz …
Returning to the World of Project Gnosis, we arrive in the city of Seoul. South Korea, where we are introduced to a new character who is on a business trip. Or is it a pleasure trip? Find out more in …