72: Getting Paid to Travel the World through Real Estate

When you think of financial freedom through real estate does "Huntsville, Alabama" come to mind? In today's episode Alan Corey interviews James and Emily of "Rethink the Rat Race," two real estate investors with 10 properties all under $100k....
When you think of financial freedom through real estate does "Huntsville, Alabama" come to mind?
In today's episode Alan Corey interviews James and Emily of "Rethink the Rat Race," two real estate investors with 10 properties all under $100k. These world travelers were able to retire after just 5-6 years of "GEO Hacking".
With 5 short term rentals and 5 long term rentals, James and Emily share the good, the bad and the ugly to help you learn from their experiences.
Follow James and Emily on Social Media! @RethinkTheRatRace
Ready to start your Airbnb Journey and reach financial freedom? Go to rethinktheratrace.com/maxi
Follow Alan on Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealEstateMaxi
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Learn more about leaving your 9-5 through real estate at www.realestatemaxi.com