Dad's Home Podcast Returns....TOMORROW!! Be here!!
Jan. 8, 2022

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #1: Sammy Hagar

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #1: Sammy Hagar

A brand-new podcast from the mind — and text messages with friends — of BOWER! Sports radio uses this hacky-premise all the time: “Who would you put on the Mt. Rushmore of World Series starting pitchers…”

Bower brings music into THAT mix as he busts...

A brand-new podcast from the mind — and text messages with friends — of BOWER! Sports radio uses this hacky-premise all the time: “Who would you put on the Mt. Rushmore of World Series starting pitchers…”

Bower brings music into THAT mix as he busts out the chisel and JACK-HAMMER to create the MT. ROCKMORE Sammy Hagar songs in the kickoff episode.

Tell your Mt. Rushmore of friends (4 you idiot!), follow the pod @MtRockmore on Twitter and leave us a message there letting us know which artist we should give the MT. ROCKMORE treatment next! #FeedTheRockmore