Dad's Home Podcast Returns....TOMORROW!! Be here!!
Jan. 8, 2022

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #3: Led Zeppelin IV

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #3: Led Zeppelin IV

Making the “impossible” OF the impossible, entertaining.

On a very special episode of MT. ROCKMORE Bower celebrates the 48th Anniversary of — of one of the GREATEST LED ZEPPELIN albums — of all time in Episode #3.

In this episode: Bower faces...

Making the “impossible” OF the impossible, entertaining.

On a very special episode of MT. ROCKMORE Bower celebrates the 48th Anniversary of — of one of the GREATEST LED ZEPPELIN albums — of all time in Episode #3.

In this episode: Bower faces the daunting task of picking 4-album defining songs from one of the most iconic rock albums of all time, and talks about how Led Zeppelin was a part of one of the most sought after bits of advice in ROCK cinematic movie history.

Tell your Mt. Rushmore of friends (4 you idiot!), follow the pod @MtRockmore on Twitter and leave us a message there letting us know which artist we should give the MT. ROCKMORE treatment next! #FeedTheRockmore