Dad's Home Podcast Returns....TOMORROW!! Be here!!
Jan. 8, 2022

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #7: Tesla

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 1 | Episode #7: Tesla

Bower’s confidence is high while picking 4-career defining songs from a band from his home state: TESLA

On this episode of MT. ROCKMORE: Bower – dips into the rock talent pool from Northern California and and brings the carvings of Mt. Rushmore to...

Bower’s confidence is high while picking 4-career defining songs from a band from his home state: TESLA

On this episode of MT. ROCKMORE: Bower – dips into the rock talent pool from Northern California and and brings the carvings of Mt. Rushmore to the Sierra Nevada’s. From incredible opening guitar licks, to extreme vocal range, to top 10 songs to songs that should have been bigger – if those meddling grunge-kids hadn’t come along…and at least one song that highlighted a heated battle back in the early 90’s that is still being played out in movie theaters across the country. Guitarist FRANK HANNON has his own podcast – called: FAR-OUT! – that you should check out! Be sure to ask him about his MT. ROCKMORE of Tesla songs…

Tell your Mt. Rushmore of friends (4 you idiot!), follow the pod @MtRockmore on Twitter and leave us a message there letting us know which artist we should give the MT. ROCKMORE treatment next! #FeedTheRockmore