Dad's Home Podcast Returns....TOMORROW!! Be here!!
Aug. 7, 2020

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 2 | Episode #11: 40th Anniversary Of "Back In Black"

MT. ROCKMORE | Season 2 | Episode #11: 40th Anniversary Of

40 YEARS OF SHAKING YOU ALL NIGHT LONG!…on this MT. ROCKMORE – BOWER picks out 4-album defining songs of on what may be the pinnacle of the success for AC/DC: “BACK IN BLACK”

40 Years ago last month (sorry again about the server issues) AC/DC put out...

40 YEARS OF SHAKING YOU ALL NIGHT LONG!…on this MT. ROCKMORE – BOWER picks out 4-album defining songs of on what may be the pinnacle of the success for AC/DC: “BACK IN BLACK”

40 Years ago last month (sorry again about the server issues) AC/DC put out a brand new album, with a brand new singer – and they had absolutely no idea how that album — or singer — would be received by their fans. After enduring a devastation tragedy that almost had the band turning in their MARSHALL’S, their “comeback album” is the stuff of legends – AND – find out why one of their biggest hits, was ALMOST a folk tune in “BACK IN BLACK – Today You Learnt”….

Tell your Mt. Rushmore of friends (4 you idiot!), follow the pod @MtRockmore on Twitter and leave us a message there letting us know which artist we should give the MT. ROCKMORE treatment next! #FeedTheRockmore