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From a Field Trip to a Lifetime Together
January 16, 2024

From a Field Trip to a Lifetime Together

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They say life has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it, and that's exactly how our whirlwind romance kicked off - with an umbrella as unique as our story. Join us as we recount the tale of an ordinary field trip that sparked an extraordinary connection, weaving through the laughter and candid moments that laid the foundation for a life shared.

Step into our world as we traverse the path of modern love, navigating the complexities that come with dating as single parents and the nuances of blending families. We're opening up about the early struggles, the breakthroughs, and those make-or-break moments that ultimately cemented our decision to come together as one. This isn't just a love story; it's a testament to the raw honesty and personal growth that fortify a relationship against the odds.

Cap off this heartfelt journey with us as we reminisce about the milestones that marked our path to the altar - from the night that deepened our commitment to the simple yet profound engagement that put a stamp on our future. Our narrative is one of embracing serendipity, cherishing the little quirks in our partnership, and making the conscious choice every day to grow and thrive together. Tune in, and you just might find a piece of your love story reflected in ours.


00:00 - Chance Encounter During a Field Trip

13:39 - Unexpected Meeting Turns Into a Blessing

22:08 - A Fast-Paced Walk and Connection

28:56 - Relationship and Family Dynamics

36:14 - Learning and Growing in Love

47:24 - The Beginning of Our Relationship

50:29 - Making a Decision for Marriage

Speaker 1:

We just start talking about how we met.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, how we met, yeah. So I mean, if you want to get specific, I mean you're the one with the dates of me- it was June 6th 2017, right. Okay, I remember yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you remember, we were chaperoning a field trip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, what was crazy was that? Just getting to that field trip, I'll never. There's things that I'll never forget about that. But I remember just getting there early, dropping off, you know, my daughter, and just sitting in the car and just there swiping on Instagram and all of a sudden I see this red Honda Civic just coming like bombing in, Just goes bombing in parking in the reverse direction.

Speaker 1:

I still park the reverse direction too.

Speaker 2:

Parking in the reverse direction and. I'm like what is going on this way is going to smash it to me. And she gets out and it was just kind of like how it is in the movies, right. You kind of just see all the butterflies and stuff, like that little angels talking and stuff. And I remember just saying to myself I'm like just have a backpack, just have a backpack, because then I knew you were going to be on the field trip. And then you open up your back door and just grab the backpack and you're like we're late, and I thought that that was the best thing. I remember just saying to myself I'm like yeah, it's going to be a good day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't see you until you got on the bus with Chiara and I was sitting in the back with Carly, my daughter, our daughter now, and I said do you know who that is. Is that a teacher? She's like. No, I'm like. Who's dad, is it? And then I was texting my friends there's a hot dad on the bus. I'll never forget texting my friends from work because PT had covered for me that day, because at the time my schedule was Monday, tuesday, friday, saturday, and that was a Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no, no. And I remember that after I saw you leaving, you just kind of took off. And it's funny because I was used to walking in the reverse direction of that school. So I'm like, all right, let me go walk in this way. And then so I remember when we I went walking in, I was looking for you, I'll never forget. And we're inside the lobby and I'm looking around I'm like, oh damn, maybe I don't know you went out through a back door, maybe you weren't going to go, maybe you just walked your daughter to school, things like that. And I'm like, oh, that's it. Then I'm sure as hell, besides getting on the bus it's funny that you said that that's how you get on first and I was like we're on the same bus. And I remember just like getting up there, walking up those stairs, and you know, seeing you, I was trying to play cool. Look you come back. I was walking in. I was like I almost kind of had my little strut going down like the bus walkway, yeah, and we sat down. I was playing a cool whole entire time. And I remember like the same thing, like Cara hadn't seen who you were yet. We didn't know if you didn't know anything yet. I remember just enjoying the moment and getting into a bundle and kind of like brainstorming in my head. I'm like how am I going to talk to her? How am I going to kind of get it, which is weird for me because I was very used to it always being the other way.

Speaker 1:

It was very Well, I did end up speaking to you first, yeah yeah, yeah, you did. Well, we got off the bus because that was the coldest day in Massachusetts June history. It was 45 degrees or something, and pouring rain. It was just pouring rain. It was like that raw.

Speaker 2:

It was just that raw cold day. I'll never forget that too. And. I remember, just like seeing you, just just I think that you got up, like I actually got up there and you got off, and then it was just trying to navigate, like because obviously now we're in groups yeah, we have the kids. I'm kind of trying to crawl in my group. I'm like okay, it was kind of the same over here. But then I remember just us walking and everything else like that, and it was about in Charlestown or what about the Naval yard, and it was kind of make our way towards it then, yeah, towards the monument, yeah, and we stopped in at that. Was it like a souvenir store? What was it? Sometime like museum.

Speaker 1:

No, it was a museum right.

Speaker 2:

And then you came in and I think I commented on your umbrella originally because it looked like brass knuckles. And I'm like damn you ready for a fight.

Speaker 1:

That umbrella that I bought at 7-Eleven that morning. That's why we were late, because I didn't have an umbrella and we had to stop, but you still have that umbrella like it has sentimental value.

Speaker 2:

That's an umbrella that's still in the house.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I dropped it remember. It dropped and I said oh, shit. And then I looked at you and I'm like I'm sorry, and I was like you sorry about hitting me with it, you sorry about swearing in front of all these children yeah, that's right. And then I remember that it was just like so funny, and then that was kind of just at the beginning of it. It was kind of like that spark that I remember that and it was just weird because I knew at that point too that obviously that you had those same feelings that I kind of did. I'm kind of like I kind of need to know who this person is, and we kind of stayed gravitating to one another. And so the funniest part was that, as you already know, I'm getting to add is that so we get to the monument, which, if anybody is not from Boston, the monument, if you've ever been there, it's the Bunker Hill Monument. How many steps was it?

Speaker 1:

We'll have to look it up, but it's like 217 or 236 or something.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot, it's a lot of steps. You're thinking like it's steps and you're thinking like, oh, I can do that, like no problem. No, it's awful, it's awful. So here I am, thinking I want to be cool and things like that. I have a backpack with like all of our lunch or snacks or water bottles, everything I'm in Tim Boots and the whole entire time and like, oh, who has a volunteer to set the pace? And here I am, I'm like me, me, because I'm like trying to like it's like, it's like it's like being at the gym and like throwing an extra plate on. I'm like I'll do it, I'll do it and I'm setting the pace. And I'm thinking like, because I was working hours in good shape, I thought it was. And then I'll never forget that we get up there with now we're doing these steps and these steps are probably like I don't know, like that. Then they make a little feat. Yeah, we're not doing it. I probably get to read around like, and it's just a spiral staircase like this. I probably get to about like 70, 80 steps and like I thought my kneecaps are going to fly off. It was brutal. It was brutal, it was good pace. But then I remember like just huffing and puffing at that top and I'm like, oh my God, like I need to get my shit together.

Speaker 1:

Well, you did, because I was like the third group to go up, and I was, I mean hands on my knees at the top sucking in air because I was so out of breath and I was in good shape because I had been like kickboxing. I was training for a half marathon. So I was running like six, seven miles a day at the time, yeah, and I was sucking air and there you are with your backpack on sitting there and I'm like, wow, you look really relaxed for having just climbed these stairs. Now in my head I'm like, all right, you had told me that you had to take the day off to chaperone. So I'm like he has a job. He's obviously a dedicated dad because he's shaperoni with his daughter right now and he's in good shape because he's all cool, calm and collected at the top.

Speaker 2:

Not even a sweat.

Speaker 1:

I was sore for like days after.

Speaker 2:

I know I Seriously thought I was like going down stairs. I'm like, oh my god, my knees and I'm gonna just go around. This is to be like a family guy episode, kind of go into this. But whatever, like we made it down, it was lunchtime and I Remember I saw you Depart gets a beer, cuz it was so many kids and, yeah, the humidity was in there and stuff like that. I remember like you saw you walk out and I remember like just grabbing Kiara I'm like always go size to stuffy in here and things like that and I saw you eating strawberries. It was, it was nice. I was just kind of like I like where this is going, but um, yeah, and it was just kind of, but was honest, I, we kind of stayed around each other. We say like a few different words to one another, and then obviously more groups came Out and then we kind of had to like go with all the kids had to take photos and things like that. We had to kind of go back to our group. So they know it's kind of just it. Then you know we get, we get back on the bus. You know we kind of have more words about it, like you know kind of like, oh, like the quote, like the regular you know like, oh, sure beats being a work.

Speaker 1:

Well, we have the kids.

Speaker 2:

But I was like it's not like we could get so like deep into like right, and I was also trying to figure out too, like because like I could never get like a good side of like a hand, so I'm like is she married?

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to figure this out like oh, that's right, because you thought that I was texting One of my uncles actually I was smiling at my phone and you thought I might get.

Speaker 2:

That was like probably like my big thing, cuz. Like I was just kind of like gosh, she's really smiling at her phone. I'm like that's probably as a boyfriend or she's married or something like that. I was just like, oh, we'll see what happens, and then, um, but then it was just kind of like as a day kind of progress. I'm just kind of like I like I don't think she has either one of those. She's not then, but they're like I remember like we finally get back to school and obviously they were letting us dismiss our kids, because I remember I went in there and you know I started signing my name down there and and you were kind of right behind me. So I kind of have you know it's talking to to some of my friends that I grew up with, that actually worked at the school and you know I'll never forget that. You know I like the peripheral at the side of my eye, like I kind of see you do like one of these, like you look down.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was really looking because I want to know what your name was, because at no point had we exchanged names. That was when I first learned how terrible your signature, which I can now forge to perfection. But you had at least printed Kiara's name, so I knew that your last name was Figueroa. So I had that much information to go on. I start getting real stalker-ish at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, this is the part that kind of scared me a little bit. Then a papalic next, but so, like in my mind, what I saw you kind of do, like that you know a little squint and and and going for a closer look, I was like my mind I'm like, and at that point, so that so then I, at this point, now I'm crafting my plan, I'm like you know what, and let me go out that and say and wham, a little bit slower, kind of see, we parked next to each other's. I kind of want to be Around you. When you got back, so I kind of remember that you came around the corner and you know kind of it was. This is like where the awkward partner became it cuz like here like you are and here I am and I'm like yelling at you, like From like a mile away. Like it's like. It's like when you hold the door open for somebody.

Speaker 3:

Now they're like bringing it to a trot like that's how it was.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like hey, we're closer to you. Yeah, I'm like. I get back in the car but then like that was like the funniest thing. But then I was like Megan, I'm like, but then obviously this is like where it got super, or because obviously you know, I looked you up to like it and like, so that bite, but the funniest thing is like now I'm like grilling Kiara in the car. Yeah, I'm going at her, I'm just like. I'm like, hey, what's your friend's name? Did you know that girl? She's like oh, that's Carly, what's her name? I don't know how don't you know your friend's last name? And I was that she was like what's another way, like my friend, like like we're in class, she's in the other class, like like we know what we tell her and stuff like that I'm like, but you don't know her name, keep in mind the kids were like eight and nine yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know, but like you're thinking like it's like you should know this stuff like Unrealistic expectations of your kids, right yeah but then at that point I had your first and last name from looking at the book, and then you finally, Introducing yourself to me right. So I knew you were Kyle Figueroa. So at my first red light I was googling you. I was like, all right, went to Malden High, graduated in 04 with the same age. He's an electrician, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But then I tried to find you on Facebook and you did not have a Facebook like who the hell doesn't have a Facebook? Yeah, I'm like who doesn't have a Facebook? And then, but then, I found you on Instagram. Yes you were private, and so I was texting my friends saying like, oh, I found the hot dad on Instagram, but I don't know like, is it weird if I?

Speaker 2:

add him and everyone was like no, just do it like you said, you never saw him before.

Speaker 1:

What's the worst thing that can happen? Like he thinks you're crazy and he doesn't accept it. You never see him again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so I did, I added you yeah, and I remember, like I think that's what in a path of that?

Speaker 1:

I remember that.

Speaker 2:

I ended up going to an escape room with the kids. Afterwards we picked up, we got Mia, yeah, and we went to an escape room afterwards and they're having fun. But remember, I was trying to look you up but I had no idea what your name was. I hadn't. So I'm like googling, like Megan, more Malden, like Megan, like I'm just like area, like I'm just trying to see, like what I can find and like and it's like nothing's Popping up but, obviously, but also I didn't know either like I'm spelling it, megan, there's 15 different ways you can spell the name and, of course, the one way that I don't know how to spell it. So wait, I use about yours. Yeah, you have two ends, yeah, and I'm just like who does that? That was like I like would never found it. But then I remember that you know we went in and stuff at down the car. Like you know, I was already devising like the next plan, like I was like like plan B. I was gonna write like I was in a pretty good old school, like write, write you a note and like fold it into like the square and be like hand this to Carly and tell it to her mom. I'm thinking of myself like buddy, like you're out of, like you're out of your mind right now. But that's how interesting I was. And then and then. But then I remember I came out and I looked at my phone see, like a friend, notifications like Megan, oh, oh, my god nice except, I just wanted on the record that you did message me first, at least. I mean listen, listen if you want to compare you know, who did more. I did the most, you did the most. Like your background text me, I mean, like, and then on top of that you're looking hot. But no, no, no, but no, honestly I did. And you look, all I thought it was gonna like. It's like I'm just guys like you didn't think I was weird. I'm like no, I didn't say that, but that's kind of what it was. But I think, like what's the craziest part about that story? That that I think a lot of people don't realize, and it's just like you hear like how great it was, but like what was crazy was that? How, for me, I went into that date not thinking that that was ever gonna happen. Like I was in such a point in my life where I was done like reserved to myself to the point of, like you know what I have, my kids, I have my house, like I have, like I had a good thing going with like my life. At that point I'm like I was comfortable that I was just kind of like I think I'm all done dating right, like, and then it was just when you least expect it right, and it was just seeing you and I'm just like wow, like I've never had that feeling like. I've never had that feeling of like seeing somebody and being like I don't know what it is, but this she needs to be in my life and it was just. That was probably like the biggest thing for me, where, like, I just knew, like and it's way that people say that like when people be like I knew she was, she was the one for me, I knew she was my, gonna be my wife and I knew she'd be. But it, that day taught me that it was just literally like when I saw you, I'm just like wow, like this is a big thing and obviously yeah, I mean I was pretty much in the same place, like at that point.

Speaker 1:

I mean I had been divorced for years, even by then, I think like six years or something at that point. So it's a long time and I had dated a little bit. But could you date? someone but literally two days before we met, I was out one of my cousin's graduation parties talking to my other cousins and my aunts, and you guys will hear throughout this podcast a lot about my family, because they're a big part of our story too but, yeah but, and they were asking me like if I was dating anyone or whatever, and I was saying the same thing that you just said, I was like no, like I don't know, I'm in a good place in my life, like I just don't want to complicate it with anyone. And finally, I would say to oh, I don't want to date anyone that has kids, and my mom would be like Megan, you have a kid and I was saying I just I'm happy with Carly. Like I was running the apartment down the stairs from my parents, like I was going out with my work friends and just like having a good time in my life. And I said I was gonna wait until Carly went to college to start dating again. Said me and Carly were gonna be like the Gilmore girls, like it's gonna be, me and her okay and that was it. I had just bought a Honda Civic, which became obsolete to us so quickly. Yeah, but it was the first car I ever bought like without a co-signer, you know, like my parents weren't on it, like nobody was on, it was just me. I was so proud of myself and I was not gonna date and then I said that, I said those words out loud and then two days later I saw you and I was like I want you and that never happens to me. I would always hear those stories and be like yeah, okay, who just meets someone standing in line at Dunkin Donuts, like that's not, like a real.

Speaker 2:

I think that those part of even the craziest part, cuz like like what was rocket, like you had bumble, yet tinder you had like these, these yeah all of that hinge like whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if it was. That was a handjob.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I just know what's in that. Yeah, yeah I don't.

Speaker 2:

I think it was like tinder, mumble and stuff like that I could think of. Like Jesus Christ, people still meet like this and it was um, but I think that's what made it so great. It's like we met on a field trip, like of all places, like it was just kind of the most craziest of things, right, but it was definitely something that was so unexpected and just turned out to be like the biggest blessing in my life, like it's again, I think it was. You know, at that point then we set up like our first date and good old monument, good old monument back to Charles down back to Charles town. Charles sounds a very important place to us for that reason and, yeah, I just wrapped up wiring monument, yeah, and so I'm just kind of like thing.

Speaker 1:

That's how you want to make me.

Speaker 2:

Show me it was a big swing like. I was like oh yeah, hey, well, only enough way here. Like you just look up around like hey, like you know, I made. I did this like a trade dad like yeah, that house I did that house, yeah, but, um, you know exactly, I just remember going into it and I remember we sat down and Jesus, like the conversation like it was just never had conversation like that. It was just probably one of the greatest things about it. It was just us just talking and just not stop to the point that like waitresses and waiters and all that's up like coming up to us and they were just like oh sorry, I need a little of the menu, yeah and kind of coming back at it. But then it was just weird, cuz like we had like that's such a great time here. You know, we walk out of thinking we're gonna have a nice walk back. I'll walk back to her car. She's just like booking it, like she's just moving and I'm like, okay, I guess this is not a little chewing screw type thing. I was like what's going on like? And she's like like to the point where I'm like almost like kind of like in a trot, like I'm kind of like alright, like I actually got to pick up my feet, like this is like.

Speaker 1:

I was just a fast walker also at the time I was like super independent. I was, like you know, I really liked you, but I was just like alright, like you know, used to being by myself, used to doing things at my own pace, you know.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't running away from you clearly yeah, not used to be on dates like yeah, I'm just like, okay, I'll meet you at the cat yeah, but um, but you walked me to my car. We hugged yeah, but even that was like it was like weird, like I felt like I was kind of like uh, like do. I go for the kids like, do I not? It was just kind of like that weird thing. And then um, but then exactly like it. Then obviously we went for the second day. But I remember leading up to the second day we had a conversation and it was busy. I'm like, listen, before we go any further. I'm like I have to ask you a question like do you like seafood? You know like I love seafood. And I'm like, alright, we can continue. Yeah, that was like cause, that was like a big thing.

Speaker 1:

I was like I ain't dealing with no picky person but um, our second date, though, we went to riverbar and assembly. Remember yes, and that's it. We didn't even order food.

Speaker 2:

I don't think we did.

Speaker 1:

We didn't at all like cause we were so like caught up in talking to each other and the conversation was like.

Speaker 2:

That was probably like. My biggest thing is that, like the conversations that we had, it was just never a breaking conversation, it was just rolling. Rolling. It was just topics, it didn't matter, it was just we found something to talk about in everything and that was probably like one of the most beautiful parts about it. And exactly it was like another time of like people just showing up and just basically saying like you know, hey guys, are you gonna get food? yeah, you're gonna get food or like yeah, I think another drink, though. Yeah, we ordered plenty of drinks.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was gonna say. I know, we had over a hundred dollar bill and we didn't order food. So yeah, I was like fucking out I was somewhat pickled, but it was um.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I know exactly, it was just kind of one of those things and um, but I remember that like there was like an ice break moment there, in the sense of I'll never forget that, like I reached out and I grabbed your hands and just to hold them.

Speaker 1:

I was like what are you doing?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was like I grabbed your hand you were like. I was such an ice queen back then you were so icy?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it was. It was so bad to the sense that, like, I'm just like, but it was something that I kind of felt like inside. So it's like when I reached out and I like just grabbed your hands, like I felt you kind of go like this like it was like that jolt of like what are you doing? And but then you kind of like like it was like melting. It was just like you just kind of like settled into it yeah, I relaxed into it right and it was just kind of like that was like the cool things, but I remember it kind of um, you know, and me, and like my hyper, like overstimulated, like vigilant mind of like trauma responses and everything else like that that I'm thinking that it's, you know, yeah, my god like she's probably been through something like and those are things that I would always tune into and that was like. Another crazy thing is that like and how that was probably the craziest thing about it was that I just remember you know you just well, not so much as that, I just remember just being so in tune to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even then.

Speaker 2:

Even then, like that was just like. The craziest part about it was that, like it was just kind of like, feeling like and which is odd, because, like, I would never consider myself an empath and like, and it was like what are those things of like in understanding what those persons feelings are, but then also feeling like myself, like it was. I was always quite the opposite, you know, and so much I didn't know what those words meant until I met you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. But I remember like even when we were walking like through assembly after and you were holding my hand and you were like just slow down, like just slow down. I was just so independent at that time and I was really like closed off, thinking like I don't need anybody, like that type of thing. But I really liked you so it was very like nerve-racking for me.

Speaker 2:

It's funny cause, like now that you do, cause it's I remember certain things about that walk and I don't. But you're right, cause, now that you mentioned it, I remember saying, like, grabbing your hand, I'm like slow it down, like what's going on, like it's up, like that, and you're like I'm just a fast walking. We used to side joking about it. I think I pulled the move on. You know, get a little spin. That's when I, when I laid the first kiss on you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, outside the Nike store at the assembly. Oh lay.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, made your knees buckle. That was a. Thing.

Speaker 1:

That was it for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no, what you said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I don't know if my parents are going to listen to this podcast, though.

Speaker 2:

That's the mean of the subscribe episode. Yeah, I got it and they're like. You're like, subscribe to our next page. But yeah, I think that that's a funny moment. It, it, it, it all of itself. But you know it's um.

Speaker 1:

I think at that point we knew like we really, really liked each other. Oh my God, that was why you texted me before our third date and you were like I'm just going to tell you everything and be completely honest with you and like I just need you to like Don't run. Yeah, exactly, Don't run, Don't run. Try not to be scared.

Speaker 2:

Cause, like I'll never forget that I remember like I was telling my brother about you and and and stuff like that and you know he was just so he's like and basically this leads up to what what our third day was, and me kind of telling him tell you that Cause, you know, when I was telling him about how excited I was about you and he was just kind of like my right dude, like who you shitting? Like he was just like you just going to cheat on her Like you've done everyone else, and I was like no, like, and it was, and I remember I kind of like made me feel sideways about it. I'm like, but then I ended, but then I ended up where it was coming from. Right, I ended up where it was coming from and and you know, at that point I'm like you know, that's how he saw me and then that's why it kind of compelled me. I'm like you know what, like, I think, like, and it was just something like no one ever freaking leads like that way, right.

Speaker 1:

Like it's like I was like what the hell is he going to tell me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like are you trying to keep me? He's got to push me away. And I like, I remember, like exactly who went on our third day and I'm like Four wins, baby. Four wins, that's right, yep, like Linda Pesocchi, yep, but but I'll never forget that we were just sitting there and absolutely erring myself out, oh my. God, you dumped out everything I dumped out everything I was like listen, I'm like I'm a mess in the sense of that. You know I've never been faithful to anybody. I you know just what it was Like. You know I like to have fun. I just you know. But I basically told you everything I hated about myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you told me a lot just about, like what was going on with like the kids mother and stuff like that. Right, right, and Because that was when you told me that you guys had like that. She had moved out of the house 10 days before you and I met.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like fast it was. It was like that was all more reasons and like all the more reasons you said Memorial Day and. I said oh.

Speaker 1:

Memorial. Day. Last year 2016? Yeah, and you were like no, like this Memorial Day. And I was like, oh, okay, yeah, I'm like. So 10 days before we met, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was just like, and by the number. I wanted to tell you that because, like, I didn't want you to make it feel like it was a rebound or anything else like that. Like because like I was over the moon with you I mean about you and it was just kind of like, like, oh crap, and I'm like, but you're the first person I ever want to be truthful with. Like it was. That was probably like the hardest thing for me. It was just kind of like man I'm like, but a lot of that came from, you know I. You know, like you said, it was like that moment of like. It's like my ex moved out of the house and I'll never forget that. You know something that I talk about a lot that one day I wake up like I just don't, don't sleep, I'm, and it's one o'clock in the morning and there's just moonlight coming in through, like from my front window and I'm like, I'm like, my hands and my knees like crying, like sobbing, like praying to God, like, like is this life? Like? Is this? Why? Like? Is this all that this is about? Is this everything? Like I can you didn't give me life just for me to go through this? Like this cannot be. What life is? Like this? This. Wake up, put on your shoes, go to work, have an okay job like, have like, have this mediocre relationship or just deal with the same broads and the same bullshit and the same things. Just like this cycle of just like the same headaches and problems all the time, like this cannot be it. If this is it, if this is all that's here, then just take it now, cause I don't want it. And I remember just being so upset about it and my alarm clock goes off to go to work and you know, the tears stop and I see my boots and strap on my boots, like by my face, like put on a smile, and I just go to work. And it was. But that was the day that the switch flipped for me, like it was just kind of like all right, man, like you've been doing, left your whole life, let's try some right. And yeah, I never realized that. It's just kind of like You've been doing it one way this whole entire life. It hasn't been working To something different yeah dummy, like it was just like that and that's who you were, like that was, and that was like that moment. I was like that moment where I was just kind of like you know what, like I'm just gonna just tell her like what my life was. And still wasn't that point, because I didn't know, I didn't. I knew I wanted different. I said no how, but different was. How to get there. You know, I remember just telling you and then, exactly like I was going through it with like my ex, like and and and things like that, like I said, we had two kids and that kept me there for you know a long time and it is because you know it meeting you, and then this is kind of like leading up to like the next point of like meeting like your family and and you know, after that date. Right, it was like it was a yeah and he's Mandy's out wedding engagement party engagement party yeah and then my grandparents yard yeah yeah, I remember like when you brought me in there, I remember like everyone was like, it was like, it was like a record scratch.

Speaker 1:

It's like everyone's just really excited to see who Megan was bringing.

Speaker 2:

For a second I thought you were Mexican, cuz you. Just. You see all these people in the back. Yeah, I'm just like there's a lot of people here, like it was like the funniest thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just for background, my mom's one of nine and I'm the oldest of like 35 cousins and yeah, just so many friends, and so it just, it's just such a big group.

Speaker 2:

But that was the thing I remember. Like you, like you said you, like I have a big family, like I don't. Like no, like this Fucking community, this is more than that. Like I'll never forget that. And they're like just walking in a rubber, like Tass, I don't ever get a test, test test code. And she's like oh, so cute.

Speaker 1:

But then everyone, like as they were leaving work, were coming up to me and being like I love him. I love him, yeah, he's so, he's perfect for you.

Speaker 2:

But that was the craziest thing was that, like it was the first time I was ever there, but it was like a moment where I felt like this is where I deserve to be, like yeah, like I need to be here, and then you know, meeting everybody and and stuff like that, I'm like, listen, I'm horrible with names. And then they're like no, listen, there's a lot of us that we do not blame you. It was so nice because they were like that. I'm like, does nothing to like. Everyone was so nice. I'm so used to like Hard, hard people, like people that dad did like these way. Oh yeah, I do it. Yeah, you know, and it was just Like. It's up like that, I'm like wow, this is so awesome. And then?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's you always say. That's when you decided that we were gonna get married. Yeah for me that was like the moment.

Speaker 2:

I was just like I Made that decision in my head. I'm like this is everything I want for me, this is everything I want for my kids, and that was like one thing that I remember saying before that you know, no one ever met my daughters, no one ever met my daughters like I. That was one thing I promised them like cuz Me, my ex, like we broke up so many times and got back together and this, that the other thing. And we dated people in between and you know, I one thing I always promised my kids I'm like you're never gonna meet somebody that's in my life. The only person you're gonna meet is somebody who's gonna I'm gonna marry Like. I'm like I'm not gonna do that to you and stuff like that and and those you know, one of the big things and that was like I'm home, where I'm like this is that person, like this is the person that I'm gonna they're gonna make their life better like. And that was probably like the biggest Thing and it was like in meeting like your family. That was like the biggest blessing, but like most most importantly is was grandpa. Like grandpa was like my saving grace, like to see him and just to see this, this man, right, like you just see, like this is a stranger. But you see, this man just kind of just stand up and to see a, a party just erupt. Yeah and then just to see, you know, these people get around him, right and the disguise, like you would think that like this is how it is in my head, like I'm giving you like my play-by-play, like I'm literally watching this guy stands up, you know, all-time rock-and-roll comes on and he's doing a shimmy, he's doing his thing and he lets out a big old yell and, like everyone get behind him and like it was like as if like the time, with the hands of time, were just getting turned back, like just to life that he was being given. Yeah, in that moment that's how I honestly felt, like I'm like, like this, how this guy has the strength that he does and he has a power that he does. It's like his family just fuels them, like it was like the most beautiful thing in the world and I Was just never forget it and I'm like I'm really I. I like ran home to like my brother and Like I was like Willy Wonka with a chocolate, with a chocolate ticket. I'm like, here I am, I got a ticket of life. I'm like you know, go back to him and I'm like Charlie, I was like this is probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my entire life. Yeah and then to him he's like well, what like, what's a big deal like, and but then you know we got together stuff like that, and then it was, you invited us to the Christmas show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that was after we were married, though, was that? Yeah, that was the year we got married, but that was after mm-hmm. Wow, yeah, because that first, that's what yeah.

Speaker 2:

Was it so because that Christmas?

Speaker 1:

of like that first year that we were together, we were broken up. That's part of our story that everyone will hear too our multiple breakups.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, in which you know inyeah.

Speaker 1:

Because we broke up, I think, well, probably twice. So we met in June of 2017. Okay, we got married in November of 2018, so like not even a year and a half later, but we had broken up like probably two or three times I would say like three.

Speaker 2:

I think it was like two or three times and between then.

Speaker 1:

So it wasn't until like May of 2018. That and that was when we had that dinner at the Blue Hawks and we were like alright, like let's just stop. Like this is what we both want, we love each other, like let's stop fucking around. And then at that point we were fully together, from that point on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was just weird because like not that you bring that up, because I just remember that you know us it was kind of like those bad habits, right, it was just like the reasons why our relationships failed before and it was just kind of like you know, for me it was because, like I was living my life the way how I always lived it and stuff like that. I remember like you would have your reactions, yeah, and your reaction to the way how you always handled everything. And then, like I hear what you're thinking, I'm like I mean, you have no idea who you're messing with. I was just like I'm like I'm used to crazy, crazy.

Speaker 1:

You're just a little crazy. I'm like you're just a little crazy.

Speaker 2:

I'm just like that, this is manageable. Crazy. I'm used to like I'm going to kill somebody crazy and it was like this and I remember, but it was just it was a lot, though.

Speaker 1:

It was like your life was so different than what my life was right and even like and obviously this is something else we'll talk about a lot but even just how we both grew up. So what was normal to you was not at all normal to me. Right.

Speaker 3:

And so it was like you would be like this isn't even a big deal.

Speaker 1:

Like, if you think, if you think this is a big deal, like you should have seen what used to happen, like, but it's a big deal to me because this isn't something that has ever happened in my life before.

Speaker 2:

That would probably like the biggest like learning that I had with with you and just in general, as a fact of that. You know, just because it didn't, I felt it wasn't, didn't mean that it's not crazy to you and I think it was like understanding that and that's the reasons why we broke up. It was happy like all those times. Is that because we would have those discrepancies, but basically it's like we'd have those disconnections of like well, my reality is right. You're know my reality is right, and then not, not understanding, like there's problems in both realities or sometimes, but, yeah, buddy, like your reality screwed up, this is the way I would should probably really be like, and I think that that was probably like what I learned and like we gain that perspective. Right, that was that perspective, that that I learned with you and like, especially like your family, like that was Exactly that was perspective. Like it was like seeing your family, seeing the way how everyone was with one another. You know, it was in those moments where I learned, like this is love, this is what love is, this is what family is, this is this is who, what being a real father is like. Yeah, this is like. This is what legacy is like. That's what I learned by meeting you and being with your family and you know, being around grandpa and stuff like that. It was all those things that you know and it's the crazy part is that part of it no one even knows that like and how much it changed my life, like how deep it actually is, how deep it was it was just because it's just like.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's normal to us, right, it's normal, right, it's every day and versus somebody that never had that.

Speaker 2:

And then so it's just like you know, and obviously I remember like same thing, like when my kids were around you and you would cook us like home cooked meals and and I'll never forget that the first time you made us like mac and cheese and from scratch, and I'm like, I'm like, oh man, it's just like well, you get that package and then you put two packages and then you're like, no, like, I like made my own cheese sauce.

Speaker 1:

The best was when I said, oh, I'm going to make you guys pancakes, and Mia was like, oh, I don't think we have any pancake mix. And I'm like, no, that's okay, like I'll just make it from scratch, and she's like you can do that.

Speaker 2:

It was like. It was like so new to us.

Speaker 1:

Like those breakups that we had were just like trying to come to terms with those differences.

Speaker 2:

I think you know it was there necessary. It was things of you know in all honesty, I mean you, you, the one that broke up with me. Yeah, I do. I do never want to go away from you, but you always, you always broke up with me.

Speaker 1:

We never lost each other.

Speaker 2:

No, but, but it was. But you know what it was. It was that it was like those moments where, like I needed to learn that it wasn't okay. Yeah, I think that was a year.

Speaker 1:

Those like that June to May. So, almost a year, like that first year of us meeting and being together and breaking up and stuff.

Speaker 2:

I think that was such a year of like learning and like stretching, for both of us, right, you know, right, I think, I think a lot of it had to do like it with, like I know, like for me, you know, in the beginning, like, like when we started, like like our relationship and things like that, and like when, when you kind of would assert yourself as far as, like you know, this is not okay, like I'm not okay with this, like you know, and I remember I used to like bulldoze over these things. I said, like you know, laugh at you. I used to be like, like, like lady, like like pump your brakes, like I don't know, and it was just kind of like, and you know you should be like it's like. I remember I say, you know, like you were off the rails, I used to tell you you were off the rails all the time I was off the rails, because I knew that I was what I was saying had validity to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you would laugh. You would laugh it would make me crazy. Right, and then I can fully admit the text and the things.

Speaker 2:

I was saying were it was off the rails Sometimes.

Speaker 1:

It was something I needed to learn to like that, because in any previous relationship I've had or anything, anything relationship with anyone like that was just how I responded to someone. I was just quick to anger, quick to you know, like how Selena is like just that, that switch just flips and it's like well, now, fuck you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you hurt me, I'm gonna get the last word. Exactly, I'm gonna get the last word. I think that that's what it was. I remember we had the conversations about that and the way I offered you my perspective, right, yeah, of. Like, listen, I'm not gonna argue with you. Right, I'm not gonna argue with you. You matter more to me than having the last word, right, right, and that was something that when I said that to you, but then when we kind of figured it out like and I wouldn't engage you, like when you were upset in that sense that I was kind of like you know, when you're ready to talk, like we'll talk. Yeah, do you know what I'm saying? Like, I respect you and I love you more than I'm. Like, this doesn't matter to me. Being right, this does not matter to me. Like, this does not matter to me. What matters to me is you and us being happy. Yeah, and I think that that was always kind of like that moment of like where we could like we diffuse the situation and it got us to the point where we are now, of like the sense of that people. People think we're full of shit whenever we say this, but we're like we don't argue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we disagree.

Speaker 2:

Like not saying we always.

Speaker 1:

We always agree on things, but when we do like, it's actually a conversation which is just hilarious If you think about, like, how it started. Oh yeah, I mean it was.

Speaker 2:

It was to the point of like we would say to each other I'm like laughing in your face and I'm like like you're off the rails, lady. Like we can like go left over there, Like it was just, it was just the worst thing. But you know it was, it was just weird, because like it was like people always call it the honeymoon face.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I don't know if it was that much of a honeymoon at the beginning. It was just kind of like let's get all of our shit out of the way in the beginning and it was just-. I think it took us to like year two of marriage to be in the honeymoon phase. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly that, like it and it was, and it was one of those things. And then, like I but I remember, like, like, like you had mentioned, like we kind of had that conversation on there. I forget that we went to the blocks, that that was a night, it was a Thursday.

Speaker 1:

It was a Thursday.

Speaker 2:

We only saw each other once a week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Because at the time Carly would go to her dad and step moms on Thursday nights and then you would get the girls for the weekend.

Speaker 2:

Right, that was the custody schedule On Friday. How they get it yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we only saw each other on Thursdays, because at that point our kids hadn't met.

Speaker 2:

We were trying to figure out our own shit before we kind of Introduce the kids.

Speaker 1:

Introduce their lives. Well, they knew each other. They knew each other Merging Right.

Speaker 2:

Merging everything and I'll never forget that and I remember like going there, I remember it was like cause, like we were so broken up it was not officially back, but we were still kind of like doing our thing and I remember that we went back and we had that conversation where I was just kind of like hey, like I just want you to know like this is not like that, we're just like hooking up. Yeah, we're just hooking up and like that's it. Like I just want. I remember like you got my hand and it's like oh, thank you Like it was like and. I'm like right.

Speaker 1:

Cause we needed that conversation. We needed to have that conversation.

Speaker 2:

It was just one of those things in which we ended up having, like it was a great conversation and it had like a figure like a $400. It would be like a $400 night between cocktail.

Speaker 1:

That was ridiculous. It was a good time, yeah, so much fun. We always have a good time with that but then we've been together ever since then.

Speaker 2:

Right, and then that was it. And like it became, it was literally like a decision, like we were, like this is what we're going to do and this is like we're together.

Speaker 1:

That's it. That was it. Yeah, we were locked in at that point.

Speaker 2:

We were locked in, we will, which which is what led us to like.

Speaker 1:

The engagement.

Speaker 2:

Our engagement, our, our gay like, consistent of we will lay, lay in bed you were getting ready for.

Speaker 1:

You were getting ready for it. I was still laying in bed, cause that was before. I liked to wake up early. Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I forget that. Your alarm would go off and I'd be like, oh, you kidding me and I'm like that's some, like You're not going to wake up, you're going to wake up and you stay in bed. I don't need your reaction right now. I was like, and then now you're an early bird, but but you know, I remember like that our engagement consisted of like you want to get married it was.

Speaker 1:

And I was like yeah, like you, you want to.

Speaker 2:

And you were like yeah, why, why, why are we? Why are we going to wait? Like you know, it was just like why like why do we need all this crazy stuff? I'm like why?

Speaker 1:

don't you just get married? Yeah, I was like when you were like November and I was like yeah, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was like, literally, it was just like no rain, like no big gesture, like no this. It was just like us making a decision of like why? Why do we need to waste any more time?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we really want to be married, we really want to be together. Like, let's just do it.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's funny because, like it's funny how it's making me feel right now, because how we're always destined to be where we are right now. Right, it's kind of like here we are, we had, we had those moments and like those, those and like and kind of talking about it out loud and never hit me until now that you know, I think that's why we've accomplished so much.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

In our time together. You know, I think it's just kind of like because with each other, like, why waste time? Like we've already been through shit, like we've already wasted enough time, yeah, like doing the wrong things at the wrong jobs with the wrong people, entertaining the wrong shit, yeah, and it's just like we both were just like yeah, let's fuck it, let's just do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's make these decisions.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that is the engagement, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you can probably wrap that up this episode there, right, yeah?

Speaker 2:

I think that's probably it right there to that one.